blob: f90df1eebd17d67badec9231b3f8d2e84f412850 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import {SecurityException} from '../exception/security_exception';
import * as Bytes from '../subtle/bytes';
import * as EllipticCurves from '../subtle/elliptic_curves';
import {PbEllipticCurveType, PbHashType, PbKeyset, PbKeyStatusType, PbOutputPrefixType, PbPointFormat} from './proto';
* A type representing the constructor function for a given class. Unlike
* TypeScript's built-in `new` types, this works with abstract classes. It is
* used to describe the relationship between a primitive type object and its
* instances.
export type Constructor<T> = Function&{prototype: T};
* Validates the given key and throws SecurityException if it is invalid.
export function validateKey(key: PbKeyset.Key) {
if (!key) {
throw new SecurityException('Key should be non null.');
if (!key.getKeyData()) {
throw new SecurityException(
'Key data are missing for key ' + key.getKeyId() + '.');
if (key.getOutputPrefixType() === PbOutputPrefixType.UNKNOWN_PREFIX) {
throw new SecurityException(
'Key ' + key.getKeyId() + ' has unknown output prefix type.');
if (key.getStatus() === PbKeyStatusType.UNKNOWN_STATUS) {
throw new SecurityException(
'Key ' + key.getKeyId() + ' has unknown status.');
* Validates the given keyset and throws SecurityException if it is invalid.
export function validateKeyset(keyset: PbKeyset) {
if (!keyset || !keyset.getKeyList() || keyset.getKeyList().length < 1) {
throw new SecurityException(
'Keyset should be non null and must contain at least one key.');
let hasPrimary = false;
const numberOfKeys = keyset.getKeyList().length;
for (let i = 0; i < numberOfKeys; i++) {
const key = keyset.getKeyList()[i];
if (keyset.getPrimaryKeyId() === key.getKeyId() &&
key.getStatus() === PbKeyStatusType.ENABLED) {
if (hasPrimary) {
throw new SecurityException('Primary key has to be unique.');
hasPrimary = true;
if (!hasPrimary) {
throw new SecurityException(
'Primary key has to be in the keyset and ' +
'has to be enabled.');
// Functions which are useful for implementation of
// private and public EC keys.
* Either prolong or shrinks the array representing number in BigEndian encoding
* to have the specified size. As webcrypto API assumes that x, y and d values
* has exactly the supposed number of bytes, whereas corresponding x, y and
* keyValue values in proto might either have some leading zeros or the leading
* zeros might be missing.
export function bigEndianNumberToCorrectLength(
bigEndianNumber: Uint8Array, sizeInBytes: number): Uint8Array {
const numberLen = bigEndianNumber.length;
if (numberLen < sizeInBytes) {
const zeros = new Uint8Array(sizeInBytes - numberLen);
return Bytes.concat(zeros, bigEndianNumber);
if (numberLen > sizeInBytes) {
for (let i = 0; i < numberLen - sizeInBytes; i++) {
if (bigEndianNumber[i] != 0) {
throw new SecurityException(
'Number needs more bytes to be represented.');
return bigEndianNumber.slice(numberLen - sizeInBytes, numberLen);
return bigEndianNumber;
export function curveTypeProtoToSubtle(curveTypeProto: PbEllipticCurveType):
EllipticCurves.CurveType {
switch (curveTypeProto) {
case PbEllipticCurveType.NIST_P256:
return EllipticCurves.CurveType.P256;
case PbEllipticCurveType.NIST_P384:
return EllipticCurves.CurveType.P384;
case PbEllipticCurveType.NIST_P521:
return EllipticCurves.CurveType.P521;
throw new SecurityException('Unknown curve type.');
export function hashTypeProtoToString(hashTypeProto: PbHashType): string {
switch (hashTypeProto) {
case PbHashType.SHA1:
return 'SHA-1';
case PbHashType.SHA256:
return 'SHA-256';
case PbHashType.SHA512:
return 'SHA-512';
throw new SecurityException('Unknown hash type.');
export function pointFormatProtoToSubtle(pointFormatProto: PbPointFormat):
EllipticCurves.PointFormatType {
switch (pointFormatProto) {
case PbPointFormat.UNCOMPRESSED:
return EllipticCurves.PointFormatType.UNCOMPRESSED;
case PbPointFormat.COMPRESSED:
return EllipticCurves.PointFormatType.COMPRESSED;
return EllipticCurves.PointFormatType.DO_NOT_USE_CRUNCHY_UNCOMPRESSED;
throw new SecurityException('Unknown point format.');