blob: 60fe8597d53b7cf4784551ac4db63f2878037db9 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2020 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import {AeadConfig} from '../aead/aead_config';
import {AeadKeyTemplates} from '../aead/aead_key_templates';
import * as Registry from '../internal/registry';
import * as Random from '../subtle/random';
import {RegistryEciesAeadHkdfDemHelper} from './registry_ecies_aead_hkdf_dem_helper';
describe('registry ecies aead hkdf dem helper test', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
afterEach(function() {
// Tests for constructor
it('constructor, unsupported key type', function() {
const template = AeadKeyTemplates.aes128CtrHmacSha256().setTypeUrl(
try {
new RegistryEciesAeadHkdfDemHelper(template);
fail('An exception should be thrown.');
} catch (e: any) {
it('constructor, invalid key formats', function() {
// Some valid AES-GCM and AES-CTR-HMAC key templates.
const templates =
[AeadKeyTemplates.aes128CtrHmacSha256(), AeadKeyTemplates.aes128Gcm()];
const invalidKeyFormats = [new Uint8Array(0), new Uint8Array([0, 1, 2])];
// Test that if the value is changed to invalid key format than the DEM
// helper throws an exception.
for (const template of templates) {
for (const invalidKeyFormat of invalidKeyFormats) {
try {
new RegistryEciesAeadHkdfDemHelper(template);
fail('An exception should be thrown.');
} catch (e: any) {
it('constructor, aes128 ctr hmac sha256 key template', function() {
const template = AeadKeyTemplates.aes128CtrHmacSha256();
const helper = new RegistryEciesAeadHkdfDemHelper(template);
// Expected size is a sum of AES CTR key length and HMAC key length.
const expectedSize = 16 + 32;
it('constructor, aes256 ctr hmac sha256 key template', function() {
const template = AeadKeyTemplates.aes256CtrHmacSha256();
const helper = new RegistryEciesAeadHkdfDemHelper(template);
// Expected size is a sum of AES CTR key length and HMAC key length.
const expectedSize = 32 + 32;
it('constructor, aes128 gcm', function() {
const template = AeadKeyTemplates.aes128Gcm();
const helper = new RegistryEciesAeadHkdfDemHelper(template);
// Expected size is equal to the size of key.
const expectedSize = 16;
it('constructor, aes256 gcm', function() {
const template = AeadKeyTemplates.aes256Gcm();
const helper = new RegistryEciesAeadHkdfDemHelper(template);
// Expected size is equal to the size of key.
const expectedSize = 32;
// Tests for getAead method
it('get aead, invalid key length', async function() {
const template = AeadKeyTemplates.aes128CtrHmacSha256();
// Expected size is a sum of AES CTR key length and HMAC key length.
const expectedKeyLength = 16 + 32;
const helper = new RegistryEciesAeadHkdfDemHelper(template);
const keyLength = 2;
try {
await helper.getAead(new Uint8Array(keyLength));
fail('An exception should be thrown.');
} catch (e: any) {
.toBe(ExceptionText.invalidKeyLength(expectedKeyLength, keyLength));
it('get aead, different templates', async function() {
const templates = [
AeadKeyTemplates.aes128CtrHmacSha256(), AeadKeyTemplates.aes128Gcm(),
AeadKeyTemplates.aes256CtrHmacSha256(), AeadKeyTemplates.aes256Gcm()
for (const template of templates) {
const helper = new RegistryEciesAeadHkdfDemHelper(template);
// Compute some demKey of size corresponding to the template.
// The result of getDemKeySizeInBytes is the expected one for the given
// templates as it was tested for these templates in previous tests.
const demKey = Random.randBytes(helper.getDemKeySizeInBytes());
// Get Aead from helper.
const aead = await helper.getAead(demKey);
expect(aead != null).toBe(true);
// Test the Aead instance.
const plaintext = Random.randBytes(10);
const aad = Random.randBytes(10);
const ciphertext = await aead.encrypt(plaintext, aad);
const decryptedCiphertext = await aead.decrypt(ciphertext, aad);
// Helper classes and functions
class ExceptionText {
static unsupportedTypeUrl(typeUrl: string): string {
return 'SecurityException: Key type URL ' + typeUrl + ' is not supported.';
static invalidKeyFormat(keyType: string): string {
return 'SecurityException: Could not parse the given Uint8Array as ' +
'a serialized proto of ' + keyType + '.';
static invalidKeyLength(expectedKeyLength: number, actualKeyLength: number):
string {
return 'SecurityException: Key is not of the correct length, expected length: ' +
expectedKeyLength + ', but got key of length: ' + actualKeyLength + '.';