blob: 2c2abbded3f3b11f2793ad6b1ef6631665f35e26 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2020 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import {AeadConfig} from '../aead/aead_config';
import {SecurityException} from '../exception/security_exception';
import {PbEciesAeadDemParams, PbEciesAeadHkdfKeyFormat, PbEciesAeadHkdfParams, PbEciesAeadHkdfPrivateKey, PbEciesAeadHkdfPublicKey, PbEciesHkdfKemParams, PbEllipticCurveType, PbHashType, PbPointFormat} from '../internal/proto';
import * as Validators from '../subtle/validators';
function validateKemParams(kemParams: PbEciesHkdfKemParams) {
const curve = kemParams.getCurveType();
if (curve !== PbEllipticCurveType.NIST_P256 &&
curve !== PbEllipticCurveType.NIST_P384 &&
curve !== PbEllipticCurveType.NIST_P521) {
throw new SecurityException('Invalid KEM params - unknown curve type.');
const hashType = kemParams.getHkdfHashType();
if (hashType !== PbHashType.SHA1 && hashType !== PbHashType.SHA256 &&
hashType !== PbHashType.SHA384 && hashType !== PbHashType.SHA512) {
throw new SecurityException('Invalid KEM params - unknown hash type.');
function validateDemParams(demParams: PbEciesAeadDemParams) {
if (!demParams.getAeadDem()) {
throw new SecurityException(
'Invalid DEM params - missing AEAD key template.');
// It is checked also here due to methods for creating new keys. We do not
// allow creating new keys from formats which contains key templates of
// not supported key types.
const aeadKeyType = demParams.getAeadDem()!.getTypeUrl();
if (aeadKeyType != AeadConfig.AES_CTR_HMAC_AEAD_TYPE_URL &&
aeadKeyType != AeadConfig.AES_GCM_TYPE_URL) {
throw new SecurityException(
'Invalid DEM params - ' + aeadKeyType +
' template is not supported by ECIES AEAD HKDF.');
export function validateParams(params: PbEciesAeadHkdfParams) {
const kemParams = params.getKemParams();
if (!kemParams) {
throw new SecurityException('Invalid params - missing KEM params.');
const demParams = params.getDemParams();
if (!demParams) {
throw new SecurityException('Invalid params - missing DEM params.');
const pointFormat = params.getEcPointFormat();
if (pointFormat !== PbPointFormat.UNCOMPRESSED &&
pointFormat !== PbPointFormat.COMPRESSED &&
pointFormat !== PbPointFormat.DO_NOT_USE_CRUNCHY_UNCOMPRESSED) {
throw new SecurityException(
'Invalid key params - unknown EC point format.');
export function validateKeyFormat(keyFormat: PbEciesAeadHkdfKeyFormat) {
const params = keyFormat.getParams();
if (!params) {
throw new SecurityException('Invalid key format - missing key params.');
export function validatePublicKey(
key: PbEciesAeadHkdfPublicKey, publicKeyManagerVersion: number) {
Validators.validateVersion(key.getVersion(), publicKeyManagerVersion);
const params = key.getParams();
if (!params) {
throw new SecurityException('Invalid public key - missing key params.');
if (!key.getX_asU8().length || !key.getY_asU8().length) {
throw new SecurityException(
'Invalid public key - missing value of X or Y.');
// TODO Should we add more checks here?
export function validatePrivateKey(
key: PbEciesAeadHkdfPrivateKey, privateKeyManagerVersion: number,
publicKeyManagerVersion: number) {
Validators.validateVersion(key.getVersion(), privateKeyManagerVersion);
if (!key.getKeyValue_asU8()) {
throw new SecurityException(
'Invalid private key - missing private key value.');
const publicKey = key.getPublicKey();
if (!publicKey) {
throw new SecurityException(
'Invalid private key - missing public key information.');
validatePublicKey(publicKey, publicKeyManagerVersion);
// TODO Should we add more checks here?