blob: ab067f3c30d779fbb48fc810decaac850dda58c7 [file] [log] [blame]
* @license
* Copyright 2020 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import {AeadConfig} from '../aead/aead_config';
import {AeadKeyTemplates} from '../aead/aead_key_templates';
import {PbAesCtrKey, PbEciesAeadDemParams, PbEciesAeadHkdfParams, PbEciesAeadHkdfPublicKey, PbEciesHkdfKemParams, PbEllipticCurveType, PbHashType, PbKeyData, PbKeyTemplate, PbPointFormat} from '../internal/proto';
import * as Registry from '../internal/registry';
import * as Util from '../internal/util';
import * as Bytes from '../subtle/bytes';
import * as EllipticCurves from '../subtle/elliptic_curves';
import * as Random from '../subtle/random';
import {assertExists} from '../testing/internal/test_utils';
import {EciesAeadHkdfPublicKeyManager} from './ecies_aead_hkdf_public_key_manager';
import {HybridEncrypt} from './internal/hybrid_encrypt';
const KEY_TYPE =
const VERSION = 0;
const PRIMITIVE = HybridEncrypt;
describe('ecies aead hkdf public key manager test', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
// Use a generous promise timeout for running continuously.
jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 1000 * 1000; // 1000s
afterEach(function() {
// Reset the promise timeout to default value.
jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 1000; // 1s
it('new key', function() {
const manager = new EciesAeadHkdfPublicKeyManager();
try {
manager.getKeyFactory().newKey(new Uint8Array(0));
fail('An exception should be thrown.');
} catch (e: any) {
it('new key data', function() {
const manager = new EciesAeadHkdfPublicKeyManager();
try {
manager.getKeyFactory().newKeyData(new Uint8Array(0));
fail('An exception should be thrown.');
} catch (e: any) {
it('get primitive, unsupported key data type', async function() {
const manager = new EciesAeadHkdfPublicKeyManager();
const keyData =
(await createKeyData()).setTypeUrl('unsupported_key_type_url');
try {
await manager.getPrimitive(PRIMITIVE, keyData);
fail('An exception should be thrown.');
} catch (e: any) {
it('get primitive, unsupported key type', async function() {
const manager = new EciesAeadHkdfPublicKeyManager();
const key = new PbAesCtrKey();
try {
await manager.getPrimitive(PRIMITIVE, key);
fail('An exception should be thrown.');
} catch (e: any) {
it('get primitive, high version', async function() {
const version = 1;
const manager = new EciesAeadHkdfPublicKeyManager();
const key = (await createKey()).setVersion(version);
try {
await manager.getPrimitive(PRIMITIVE, key);
fail('An exception should be thrown.');
} catch (e: any) {
it('get primitive, missing params', async function() {
const manager = new EciesAeadHkdfPublicKeyManager();
const key = (await createKey()).setParams(null);
try {
await manager.getPrimitive(PRIMITIVE, key);
fail('An exception should be thrown.');
} catch (e: any) {
it('get primitive, invalid params', async function() {
const manager = new EciesAeadHkdfPublicKeyManager();
const key = await createKey();
// unknown point format
try {
await manager.getPrimitive(PRIMITIVE, key);
fail('An exception should be thrown.');
} catch (e: any) {
// missing KEM params
try {
await manager.getPrimitive(PRIMITIVE, key);
fail('An exception should be thrown.');
} catch (e: any) {
// unsupported AEAD key template
try {
await manager.getPrimitive(PRIMITIVE, key);
fail('An exception should be thrown.');
} catch (e: any) {
it('get primitive, invalid key', async function() {
const manager = new EciesAeadHkdfPublicKeyManager();
const key = (await createKey()).setX('');
try {
await manager.getPrimitive(PRIMITIVE, key);
fail('An exception should be thrown.');
} catch (e: any) {
// missing KEM params
try {
await manager.getPrimitive(PRIMITIVE, key);
fail('An exception should be thrown.');
} catch (e: any) {
// unsupported AEAD key template
try {
await manager.getPrimitive(PRIMITIVE, key);
fail('An exception should be thrown.');
} catch (e: any) {
it('get primitive, invalid serialized key', async function() {
const manager = new EciesAeadHkdfPublicKeyManager();
const keyData = await createKeyData();
for (let i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
// Set the value of keyData to something which is not a serialization of a
// proper key.
keyData.setValue(new Uint8Array(i));
try {
await manager.getPrimitive(PRIMITIVE, keyData);
fail('An exception should be thrown ' + i.toString());
} catch (e: any) {
// tests for getting primitive from valid key/keyData
it('get primitive, from key', async function() {
const manager = new EciesAeadHkdfPublicKeyManager();
const keys = await createTestSetOfKeys();
for (const key of keys) {
const primitive: HybridEncrypt =
assertExists(await manager.getPrimitive(PRIMITIVE, key));
const plaintext = Random.randBytes(10);
const ciphertext = await primitive.encrypt(plaintext);
it('get primitive, from key data', async function() {
const manager = new EciesAeadHkdfPublicKeyManager();
const keyDatas = await createTestSetOfKeyDatas();
for (const key of keyDatas) {
const primitive: HybridEncrypt =
assertExists(await manager.getPrimitive(PRIMITIVE, key));
const plaintext = Random.randBytes(10);
const ciphertext = await primitive.encrypt(plaintext);
it('does support', function() {
const manager = new EciesAeadHkdfPublicKeyManager();
it('get key type', function() {
const manager = new EciesAeadHkdfPublicKeyManager();
it('get primitive type', function() {
const manager = new EciesAeadHkdfPublicKeyManager();
it('get version', function() {
const manager = new EciesAeadHkdfPublicKeyManager();
// Helper classes and functions
class ExceptionText {
static notSupported(): string {
return 'SecurityException: This operation is not supported for public keys. ' +
'Use EciesAeadHkdfPrivateKeyManager to generate new keys.';
static unsupportedPrimitive(): string {
return 'SecurityException: Requested primitive type which is not supported by ' +
'this key manager.';
static unsupportedKeyType(opt_requestedKeyType?: string): string {
const prefix = 'SecurityException: Key type';
const suffix =
'is not supported. This key manager supports ' + KEY_TYPE + '.';
if (opt_requestedKeyType) {
return prefix + ' ' + opt_requestedKeyType + ' ' + suffix;
} else {
return prefix + ' ' + suffix;
static versionOutOfBounds(): string {
return 'SecurityException: Version is out of bound, must be between 0 and ' +
VERSION + '.';
static missingParams(): string {
return 'SecurityException: Invalid public key - missing key params.';
static unknownPointFormat(): string {
return 'SecurityException: Invalid key params - unknown EC point format.';
static missingKemParams(): string {
return 'SecurityException: Invalid params - missing KEM params.';
static unsupportedKeyTemplate(templateTypeUrl: string): string {
return 'SecurityException: Invalid DEM params - ' + templateTypeUrl +
' template is not supported by ECIES AEAD HKDF.';
static missingXY(): string {
return 'SecurityException: Invalid public key - missing value of X or Y.';
static invalidSerializedKey(): string {
return 'SecurityException: Input cannot be parsed as ' + KEY_TYPE +
' key-proto.';
function createKemParams(
opt_curveType: PbEllipticCurveType = PbEllipticCurveType.NIST_P256,
opt_hashType: PbHashType = PbHashType.SHA256): PbEciesHkdfKemParams {
const kemParams = new PbEciesHkdfKemParams()
return kemParams;
function createDemParams(opt_keyTemplate?: PbKeyTemplate):
PbEciesAeadDemParams {
if (!opt_keyTemplate) {
opt_keyTemplate = AeadKeyTemplates.aes128CtrHmacSha256();
const demParams = new PbEciesAeadDemParams().setAeadDem(opt_keyTemplate);
return demParams;
function createKeyParams(
opt_curveType?: PbEllipticCurveType, opt_hashType?: PbHashType,
opt_keyTemplate?: PbKeyTemplate,
opt_pointFormat: PbPointFormat =
PbPointFormat.UNCOMPRESSED): PbEciesAeadHkdfParams {
const params = new PbEciesAeadHkdfParams()
.setKemParams(createKemParams(opt_curveType, opt_hashType))
return params;
async function createKey(
opt_curveType: PbEllipticCurveType = PbEllipticCurveType.NIST_P256,
opt_hashType?: PbHashType, opt_keyTemplate?: PbKeyTemplate,
opt_pointFormat?: PbPointFormat): Promise<PbEciesAeadHkdfPublicKey> {
const curveSubtleType = Util.curveTypeProtoToSubtle(opt_curveType);
const curveName = EllipticCurves.curveToString(curveSubtleType);
const key =
new PbEciesAeadHkdfPublicKey().setVersion(0).setParams(createKeyParams(
opt_curveType, opt_hashType, opt_keyTemplate, opt_pointFormat));
const keyPair = await EllipticCurves.generateKeyPair('ECDH', curveName);
const publicKey = await EllipticCurves.exportCryptoKey(keyPair.publicKey!);
Bytes.fromBase64(assertExists(publicKey['x']), /* opt_webSafe = */ true));
Bytes.fromBase64(assertExists(publicKey['y']), /* opt_webSafe = */ true));
return key;
function createKeyDataFromKey(key: PbEciesAeadHkdfPublicKey): PbKeyData {
const keyData =
new PbKeyData()
return keyData;
async function createKeyData(
opt_curveType?: PbEllipticCurveType, opt_hashType?: PbHashType,
opt_keyTemplate?: PbKeyTemplate,
opt_pointFormat?: PbPointFormat): Promise<PbKeyData> {
const key = await createKey(
opt_curveType, opt_hashType, opt_keyTemplate, opt_pointFormat);
return createKeyDataFromKey(key);
/** Create set of keys with all possible predefined/supported parameters. */
async function createTestSetOfKeys(): Promise<PbEciesAeadHkdfPublicKey[]> {
const curveTypes = [
PbEllipticCurveType.NIST_P256, PbEllipticCurveType.NIST_P384,
const hashTypes = [PbHashType.SHA1, PbHashType.SHA256, PbHashType.SHA512];
const keyTemplates =
[AeadKeyTemplates.aes128CtrHmacSha256(), AeadKeyTemplates.aes256Gcm()];
const pointFormats = [PbPointFormat.UNCOMPRESSED];
const keys: PbEciesAeadHkdfPublicKey[] = [];
for (const curve of curveTypes) {
for (const hkdfHash of hashTypes) {
for (const keyTemplate of keyTemplates) {
for (const pointFormat of pointFormats) {
const key =
await createKey(curve, hkdfHash, keyTemplate, pointFormat);
return keys;
* Create set of keyData protos with keys of all possible predefined/supported
* parameters.
async function createTestSetOfKeyDatas(): Promise<PbKeyData[]> {
const keys = await createTestSetOfKeys();
const keyDatas: PbKeyData[] = [];
for (const key of keys) {
const keyData = await createKeyDataFromKey(key);
return keyDatas;