blob: 688801bb867f7f63119d7aac9660f065f1cff225 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Tink rules for java."""
load("//tools/build_defs/android:rules.bzl", "android_binary", "android_instrumentation_test")
def collect_android_libraries_and_make_test_suite(name, shard_count = 1):
"""Creates an android test suite for android_library in the current package.
Creates, for a bunch of devices, an android_instrumentation_test which
runs all tests previously defined in android_library, but only for
the versions specified there.
If the android_library target has a tag "android_min_version:xx", the
corresponding test is only added to android versions xx and above.
name: The prefix of the generated android test rules.
shard_count: the number of shards under which the resulting binary runs.
19: "//tools/mobile/devices/android/nexus_5:google_19_x86_gms_stable",
21: "//tools/mobile/devices/android/nexus_6:google_21_x86",
22: "//tools/mobile/devices/android/nexus_6:google_22_x86",
23: "//tools/mobile/devices/android/nexus_6:google_23_x86",
24: "//tools/mobile/devices/android/nexus_6:google_24_x86",
25: "//tools/mobile/devices/android/nexus_6p:google_25_x86",
26: "//tools/mobile/devices/android/pixel_c:google_26_x86",
27: "//tools/mobile/devices/android/pixel_xl:google_27_x86",
for version_num, device in TARGET_DEVICES.items():
dependencies = {}
data = {}
for target_name, library_target in native.existing_rules().items():
android_min_version = 0
if "tags" in library_target:
for tag in library_target["tags"]:
if tag.startswith("android_min_version"):
_, x = tag.split(":")
android_min_version = int(x)
if library_target["kind"] == "android_library" and android_min_version <= version_num:
dependencies[target_name] = True
if "data" in library_target:
for entry in library_target["data"]:
data[entry] = True
if len(dependencies) == 0:
# Do not create a test target if there is nothing to test.
dependencies["//java/com/google/android/apps/common/testing/testrunner"] = True
binary_name = name + "_" + str(version_num) + "_collected_binary"
# Some tests require --config=android_java8_libs which in turn requires enabling multidex.
# See go/java8-libs-for-android-faq for details.
multidex = "native"
if version_num < 21:
multidex = "legacy"
dependencies["//third_party/java/android/android_sdk_linux/extras/android/compatibility/multidex"] = True
name = binary_name,
deps = list(dependencies),
manifest = "//third_party/tink/java_src/src/androidtest:AndroidManifest.xml",
testonly = 1,
multidex = multidex,
name = name + "_" + str(version_num) + "_test",
shard_count = shard_count,
target_device = device,
test_app = binary_name,
data = list(data),
tags = ["manual"],