blob: 2fb0e9e59a0f731c5d8fb972a0c77a55773f8d63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package tink_testing_api;
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
option java_package = "";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option go_package = "";
// Placeholder for java_stubby_library
// Service providing metadata about the server.
service Metadata {
// Returns some server information. A test may use this information to verify
// that it is talking to the right server.
rpc GetServerInfo(ServerInfoRequest) returns (ServerInfoResponse) {}
message ServerInfoRequest {}
message ServerInfoResponse {
string tink_version = 1; // For example '1.4'
string language = 2; // For example 'cc', 'java', 'go' or 'python'.
// Service for Keyset operations.
service Keyset {
// Generates a key template from a key template name.
rpc GetTemplate(KeysetTemplateRequest) returns (KeysetTemplateResponse) {}
// Generates a new keyset from a template.
rpc Generate(KeysetGenerateRequest) returns (KeysetGenerateResponse) {}
// Generates a public-key keyset from a private-key keyset.
rpc Public(KeysetPublicRequest) returns (KeysetPublicResponse) {}
// Converts a Keyset from Binary to Json Format
rpc ToJson(KeysetToJsonRequest) returns (KeysetToJsonResponse) {}
// Converts a Keyset from Json to Binary Format
rpc FromJson(KeysetFromJsonRequest) returns (KeysetFromJsonResponse) {}
// Reads an encrypted keyset using or
// KeysetHandle.readWithAssociatedData() and the BinaryKeysetReader.
rpc ReadEncrypted(KeysetReadEncryptedRequest)
returns (KeysetReadEncryptedResponse) {}
// Writes an encrypted keyset using KeysetHandle.write() or
// KeysetHandle.writeWithAssociatedData() and the BinaryKeysetWriter.
rpc WriteEncrypted(KeysetWriteEncryptedRequest)
returns (KeysetWriteEncryptedResponse) {}
message KeysetTemplateRequest {
string template_name = 1; // template name used by Tinkey
message KeysetTemplateResponse {
oneof result {
bytes key_template = 1; // serialized google.crypto.tink.KeyTemplate.
string err = 2;
message KeysetGenerateRequest {
bytes template = 1; // serialized google.crypto.tink.KeyTemplate.
message KeysetGenerateResponse {
oneof result {
bytes keyset = 1; // serialized google.crypto.tink.Keyset.
string err = 2;
message KeysetPublicRequest {
bytes private_keyset = 1; // serialized google.crypto.tink.Keyset.
message KeysetPublicResponse {
oneof result {
bytes public_keyset = 1; // serialized google.crypto.tink.Keyset.
string err = 2;
message KeysetToJsonRequest {
bytes keyset = 1; // serialized google.crypto.tink.Keyset.
message KeysetToJsonResponse {
oneof result {
string json_keyset = 1;
string err = 2;
message KeysetFromJsonRequest {
string json_keyset = 1;
message KeysetFromJsonResponse {
oneof result {
bytes keyset = 1; // serialized google.crypto.tink.Keyset.
string err = 2;
// Copy of google.protobuf.BytesValue
message BytesValue {
// The bytes value.
bytes value = 1;
enum KeysetReaderType {
message KeysetReadEncryptedRequest {
bytes encrypted_keyset = 1;
bytes master_keyset = 2; // serialized google.crypto.tink.Keyset.
BytesValue associated_data = 3;
KeysetReaderType keyset_reader_type = 4;
message KeysetReadEncryptedResponse {
oneof result {
bytes keyset = 1; // serialized google.crypto.tink.Keyset.
string err = 2;
enum KeysetWriterType {
message KeysetWriteEncryptedRequest {
bytes keyset = 1; // serialized google.crypto.tink.Keyset.
bytes master_keyset = 2; // serialized google.crypto.tink.Keyset.
BytesValue associated_data = 3;
KeysetWriterType keyset_writer_type = 4;
message KeysetWriteEncryptedResponse {
oneof result {
bytes encrypted_keyset = 1;
string err = 2;
// Service for AEAD encryption and decryption
service Aead {
// Encrypts a plaintext with the provided keyset
rpc Encrypt(AeadEncryptRequest) returns (AeadEncryptResponse) {}
// Decrypts a ciphertext with the provided keyset
rpc Decrypt(AeadDecryptRequest) returns (AeadDecryptResponse) {}
message AeadEncryptRequest {
bytes keyset = 1; // serialized google.crypto.tink.Keyset.
bytes plaintext = 2;
bytes associated_data = 3;
message AeadEncryptResponse {
oneof result {
bytes ciphertext = 1;
string err = 2;
message AeadDecryptRequest {
bytes keyset = 1; // serialized google.crypto.tink.Keyset.
bytes ciphertext = 2;
bytes associated_data = 3;
message AeadDecryptResponse {
oneof result {
bytes plaintext = 1;
string err = 2;
// Service for Deterministic AEAD encryption and decryption
service DeterministicAead {
// Encrypts a plaintext with the provided keyset
rpc EncryptDeterministically(DeterministicAeadEncryptRequest)
returns (DeterministicAeadEncryptResponse) {}
// Decrypts a ciphertext with the provided keyset
rpc DecryptDeterministically(DeterministicAeadDecryptRequest)
returns (DeterministicAeadDecryptResponse) {}
message DeterministicAeadEncryptRequest {
bytes keyset = 1; // serialized google.crypto.tink.Keyset.
bytes plaintext = 2;
bytes associated_data = 3;
message DeterministicAeadEncryptResponse {
oneof result {
bytes ciphertext = 1;
string err = 2;
message DeterministicAeadDecryptRequest {
bytes keyset = 1; // serialized google.crypto.tink.Keyset.
bytes ciphertext = 2;
bytes associated_data = 3;
message DeterministicAeadDecryptResponse {
oneof result {
bytes plaintext = 1;
string err = 2;
// Service for Streaming AEAD encryption and decryption
service StreamingAead {
// Encrypts a plaintext with the provided keyset
rpc Encrypt(StreamingAeadEncryptRequest)
returns (StreamingAeadEncryptResponse) {}
// Decrypts a ciphertext with the provided keyset
rpc Decrypt(StreamingAeadDecryptRequest)
returns (StreamingAeadDecryptResponse) {}
message StreamingAeadEncryptRequest {
bytes keyset = 1; // serialized google.crypto.tink.Keyset.
bytes plaintext = 2;
bytes associated_data = 3;
message StreamingAeadEncryptResponse {
oneof result {
bytes ciphertext = 1;
string err = 2;
message StreamingAeadDecryptRequest {
bytes keyset = 1; // serialized google.crypto.tink.Keyset.
bytes ciphertext = 2;
bytes associated_data = 3;
message StreamingAeadDecryptResponse {
oneof result {
bytes plaintext = 1;
string err = 2;
// Service to compute and verify MACs
service Mac {
// Computes a MAC for given data
rpc ComputeMac(ComputeMacRequest) returns (ComputeMacResponse) {}
// Verifies the validity of the MAC value, no error means success
rpc VerifyMac(VerifyMacRequest) returns (VerifyMacResponse) {}
message ComputeMacRequest {
bytes keyset = 1; // serialized google.crypto.tink.Keyset.
bytes data = 2;
message ComputeMacResponse {
oneof result {
bytes mac_value = 1;
string err = 2;
message VerifyMacRequest {
bytes keyset = 1; // serialized google.crypto.tink.Keyset.
bytes mac_value = 2;
bytes data = 3;
message VerifyMacResponse {
string err = 1;
// Service to hybrid encrypt and decrypt
service Hybrid {
// Encrypts plaintext binding context_info to the resulting ciphertext
rpc Encrypt(HybridEncryptRequest) returns (HybridEncryptResponse) {}
// Decrypts ciphertext verifying the integrity of context_info
rpc Decrypt(HybridDecryptRequest) returns (HybridDecryptResponse) {}
message HybridEncryptRequest {
bytes public_keyset = 1; // serialized google.crypto.tink.Keyset.
bytes plaintext = 2;
bytes context_info = 3;
message HybridEncryptResponse {
oneof result {
bytes ciphertext = 1;
string err = 2;
message HybridDecryptRequest {
bytes private_keyset = 1; // serialized google.crypto.tink.Keyset.
bytes ciphertext = 2;
bytes context_info = 3;
message HybridDecryptResponse {
oneof result {
bytes plaintext = 1;
string err = 2;
// Service to sign and verify signatures.
service Signature {
// Computes the signature for data
rpc Sign(SignatureSignRequest) returns (SignatureSignResponse) {}
// Verifies that signature is a digital signature for data
rpc Verify(SignatureVerifyRequest) returns (SignatureVerifyResponse) {}
message SignatureSignRequest {
bytes private_keyset = 1; // serialized google.crypto.tink.Keyset.
bytes data = 2;
message SignatureSignResponse {
oneof result {
bytes signature = 1;
string err = 2;
message SignatureVerifyRequest {
bytes public_keyset = 1; // serialized google.crypto.tink.Keyset.
bytes signature = 2;
bytes data = 3;
message SignatureVerifyResponse {
string err = 1;
// Service for PrfSet computation
service PrfSet {
// Returns the key ids and the primary key id in the keyset.
rpc KeyIds(PrfSetKeyIdsRequest) returns (PrfSetKeyIdsResponse) {}
// Computes the output of the PRF with the given key_id in the PrfSet.
rpc Compute(PrfSetComputeRequest) returns (PrfSetComputeResponse) {}
message PrfSetKeyIdsRequest {
bytes keyset = 1; // serialized google.crypto.tink.Keyset.
message PrfSetKeyIdsResponse {
message Output {
uint32 primary_key_id = 1;
repeated uint32 key_id = 2;
oneof result {
Output output = 1;
string err = 2;
message PrfSetComputeRequest {
bytes keyset = 1; // serialized google.crypto.tink.Keyset.
uint32 key_id = 2;
bytes input_data = 3;
int32 output_length = 4;
message PrfSetComputeResponse {
oneof result {
bytes output = 1;
string err = 2;
// Service for JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
service Jwt {
// Computes a signed compact JWT token.
rpc ComputeMacAndEncode(JwtSignRequest) returns (JwtSignResponse) {}
// Verifies the validity of the signed compact JWT token
rpc VerifyMacAndDecode(JwtVerifyRequest) returns (JwtVerifyResponse) {}
// Computes a signed compact JWT token.
rpc PublicKeySignAndEncode(JwtSignRequest) returns (JwtSignResponse) {}
// Verifies the validity of the signed compact JWT token
rpc PublicKeyVerifyAndDecode(JwtVerifyRequest) returns (JwtVerifyResponse) {}
// Converts a Keyset from Tink Binary to JWK Set Format
rpc ToJwkSet(JwtToJwkSetRequest) returns (JwtToJwkSetResponse) {}
// Converts a Keyset from JWK Set to Tink Binary Format
rpc FromJwkSet(JwtFromJwkSetRequest) returns (JwtFromJwkSetResponse) {}
// Used to represent the JSON null value.
enum NullValue {
message JwtClaimValue {
oneof kind {
NullValue null_value = 2;
double number_value = 3;
string string_value = 4;
bool bool_value = 5;
string json_object_value = 6;
string json_array_value = 7;
message JwtToken {
google.protobuf.StringValue issuer = 1;
google.protobuf.StringValue subject = 2;
repeated string audiences = 3;
google.protobuf.StringValue jwt_id = 4;
google.protobuf.Timestamp expiration = 5;
google.protobuf.Timestamp not_before = 6;
google.protobuf.Timestamp issued_at = 7;
map<string, JwtClaimValue> custom_claims = 8;
google.protobuf.StringValue type_header = 9;
message JwtValidator {
google.protobuf.StringValue expected_type_header = 7;
google.protobuf.StringValue expected_issuer = 1;
google.protobuf.StringValue expected_audience = 3;
bool ignore_type_header = 8;
bool ignore_issuer = 9;
bool ignore_audience = 11;
bool allow_missing_expiration = 12;
bool expect_issued_in_the_past = 13;
google.protobuf.Timestamp now = 5;
google.protobuf.Duration clock_skew = 6;
message JwtSignRequest {
bytes keyset = 1; // serialized google.crypto.tink.Keyset
JwtToken raw_jwt = 2;
message JwtSignResponse {
oneof result {
string signed_compact_jwt = 1;
string err = 2;
message JwtVerifyRequest {
bytes keyset = 1; // serialized google.crypto.tink.Keyset
string signed_compact_jwt = 2;
JwtValidator validator = 3;
message JwtVerifyResponse {
oneof result {
JwtToken verified_jwt = 1;
string err = 2;
message JwtToJwkSetRequest {
bytes keyset = 1; // serialized google.crypto.tink.Keyset.
message JwtToJwkSetResponse {
oneof result {
string jwk_set = 1;
string err = 2;
message JwtFromJwkSetRequest {
string jwk_set = 1;
message JwtFromJwkSetResponse {
oneof result {
bytes keyset = 1; // serialized google.crypto.tink.Keyset.
string err = 2;