blob: cbc42c411c89bde1fc064f636c727693874e4aad [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""This module defines the 'raw' interface for Streaming AEAD."""
import abc
import io
from typing import BinaryIO
class RawStreamingAead(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
"""Raw interface for streaming authenticated encryption with associated data.
Streaming encryption is typically used for encrypting large plaintexts such
as large files. This interface supports a streaming interface for symmetric
encryption with authentication. The underlying encryption modes are selected
so that partial plaintext can be obtained fast by decrypting and
authenticating just a part of the ciphertext.
This is the 'raw' interface implemented by key managers, based on
io.RawIOBase. Users usually don't use this directly. Instead, they should use
streaming_aead.StreamingAead, generated from a keyset_handle.
def new_raw_encrypting_stream(self, ciphertext_destination: BinaryIO,
associated_data: bytes) -> io.RawIOBase:
"""Returns a raw encrypting stream that writes to ciphertext_destination.
The returned stream implements a writable io.RawIOBase interface. Users
usually don't use this directly, they should use
streaming_aead.StreamingAead instead.
The ciphertext_destination's write() method is expected to present one of
the following three behaviours in the case of a partial or failed write():
- return a non-negative integer number of bytes written
- return None (equivalent to returning 0)
- raise BlockingIOError with characters_written set correctly to a
non-negative integer (equivalent to returning that integer)
In the case of a full write, the number of bytes written should be returned.
The standard io.BufferedIOBase and io.RawIOBase base classes exhibit these
behaviours and are hence supported.
ciphertext_destination: A writable binary file object to which ciphertext
will be written. It must support write(), close(), closed, and
associated_data: Associated data to be used by the AEAD encryption. It is
not included in the ciphertext and must be passed in as a parameter for
A writable implementation of the io.RawIOBase interface that wraps around
'ciphertext_destination', such that any bytes written to the wrapper are
AEAD-encrypted using 'associated_data' as associated authenticated data.
Closing this wrapper also closes the ciphertext_source.
tink.TinkError if the creation fails.
raise NotImplementedError()
def new_raw_decrypting_stream(
ciphertext_source: BinaryIO,
associated_data: bytes,
close_ciphertext_source: bool) -> io.RawIOBase:
"""Returns a raw decrypting stream that reads from ciphertext_source.
The returned stream implements a readable io.RawIOBase interface. Users
usually don't use this directly, they should use
streaming_aead.StreamingAead instead.
The cipertext_source's read() method is expected to return an empty bytes
object if the stream is already at EOF. In the case where the stream is not
at EOF yet but no data is available at the moment, it is expected to either
block until data is available, return None or raise a BlockingIOError.
The standard io.BufferedIOBase and io.RawIOBase base classes exhibit these
behaviours and are hence supported.
ciphertext_source: A readable binary file object from which ciphertext
will be read.
associated_data: Associated data to be used by the AEAD decryption. It
must match the associated_data supplied for the encryption.
close_ciphertext_source: Whether ciphertext_source should be closed when
close() is called.
A readable implementation of the io.RawIOBase interface that wraps around
'ciphertext_source', such that any bytes read from the wrapper are
AEAD-decrypted using 'associated_data' as associated authenticated data.
tink.TinkError if the creation fails.
raise NotImplementedError()