blob: d621c67f1765f3bd94413097bc80bd9e11d0d90a [file] [log] [blame]
"""Hacky way of allowing rules_nodejs targets to depend on rules_closure targets.
We don't have a way of producing TypeScript code directly from .proto schemas.
Nor do we have a way of managing their dependencies using ts_library. So what
we do is use closure_rules to generate code for the protos and to package up
all that code and its dependencies into a single .js file, add the required
ES exports and suppressions to that file, and feed it into the TypeScript
load("@bazel_skylib//rules:write_file.bzl", "write_file")
load("@io_bazel_rules_closure//closure:defs.bzl", "closure_js_binary", "closure_js_library")
load("@npm//@bazel/typescript:index.bzl", "ts_library")
def ts_library_from_closure(name, namespace_aliases, deps):
"""Returns a ts_library that wraps the given Closure libraries.
name: The name to give to the ts_library and its ES module.
namespace_aliases: A dictionary whose keys are the names that this
TypeScript ES module should export, and the values are the Closure
namespaces whose values should be exported under those names.
deps: The Closure libraries providing the above namespaces.
name = name + "_entry_point_js",
out = name + "_entry_point.js",
content = ["goog.module('epm${name}');".format(name = name)] + [
"const epr${alias} = goog.require('{namespace}');".format(
alias = alias,
namespace = namespace,
for alias, namespace in namespace_aliases.items()
] + [
"{alias} = epr${alias};".format(alias = alias)
for alias in namespace_aliases
name = name + "_externs_js",
out = name + "_externs.js",
content = ["/** @externs */"] + [
"let {alias};".format(alias = alias)
for alias in namespace_aliases
name = name + "_lib",
srcs = [
name + "_entry_point.js",
name + "_externs.js",
deps = deps,
name = name + "_bin",
deps = [name + "_lib"],
# ECMASCRIPT_NEXT is required since the subtle elliptic curve point
# compression functions depend on BigInt, which was introduced in ES2020.
language = "ECMASCRIPT_NEXT",
entry_points = ["epm${name}".format(name = name)],
# Advanced optimizations remove dead code, which is a problem here
# because we have no way to straightforwardly tell Closure Compiler
# that the publicly-exposed properties of classes that are part of our
# public API aren't dead code.
compilation_level = "SIMPLE",
# For easier debugging. Terser will remove this whitespace from
# production builds.
formatting = "PRETTY_PRINT",
name = name + "_preamble_js",
out = name + "_preamble.js",
content = ["// @ts-nocheck"] + [
"export let {alias};".format(alias = alias)
for alias in namespace_aliases
] + [
"export type {alias} = any;".format(alias = alias)
for alias in namespace_aliases
name = name + "_ts",
srcs = [
name + "_preamble.js",
name + "_bin.js",
outs = [name + ".ts"],
cmd = "cat $(SRCS) >$@",
name = name,
srcs = [name + ".ts"],