blob: 1cfa64d6c9736487a815da6ab25e412479a2c143 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
* An unencoded and unsigned <a href="">JSON Web Token</a> (JWT).
* <p>It contains all payload claims and a subset of the headers. It does not contain any headers
* that depend on the key, such as "alg" or "kid", because these headers are chosen when the token
* is signed and encoded, and should not be chosen by the user. This ensures that the key can be
* changed without any changes to the user code.
public final class RawJwt {
private static final long MAX_TIMESTAMP_VALUE = 253402300799L; // 31 Dec 9999, 23:59:59 GMT
@SuppressWarnings("Immutable") // We do not mutate the payload.
private final JsonObject payload;
private final Optional<String> typeHeader;
private RawJwt(Builder builder) {
if (!builder.payload.has(JwtNames.CLAIM_EXPIRATION) && !builder.withoutExpiration) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"neither setExpiration() nor withoutExpiration() was called");
if (builder.payload.has(JwtNames.CLAIM_EXPIRATION) && builder.withoutExpiration) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"setExpiration() and withoutExpiration() must not be called together");
this.typeHeader = builder.typeHeader;
this.payload = builder.payload.deepCopy();
private RawJwt(Optional<String> typeHeader, String jsonPayload) throws JwtInvalidException {
this.typeHeader = typeHeader;
this.payload = JsonUtil.parseJson(jsonPayload);
private void validateStringClaim(String name) throws JwtInvalidException {
if (!this.payload.has(name)) {
if (!this.payload.get(name).isJsonPrimitive()
|| !this.payload.get(name).getAsJsonPrimitive().isString()) {
throw new JwtInvalidException("invalid JWT payload: claim " + name + " is not a string.");
private void validateTimestampClaim(String name) throws JwtInvalidException {
if (!this.payload.has(name)) {
if (!this.payload.get(name).isJsonPrimitive()
|| !this.payload.get(name).getAsJsonPrimitive().isNumber()) {
throw new JwtInvalidException("invalid JWT payload: claim " + name + " is not a number.");
double timestamp = this.payload.get(name).getAsJsonPrimitive().getAsDouble();
if ((timestamp > MAX_TIMESTAMP_VALUE) || (timestamp < 0)) {
throw new JwtInvalidException(
"invalid JWT payload: claim " + name + " has an invalid timestamp");
private void validateAudienceClaim() throws JwtInvalidException {
if (!this.payload.has(JwtNames.CLAIM_AUDIENCE)) {
if (this.payload.get(JwtNames.CLAIM_AUDIENCE).isJsonPrimitive()
&& this.payload.get(JwtNames.CLAIM_AUDIENCE).getAsJsonPrimitive().isString()) {
// aud is not a string, it must be an JsonArray of strings.
// getAudiences makes sure that all entries are strings.
List<String> audiences = this.getAudiences();
if (audiences.size() < 1) {
throw new JwtInvalidException(
"invalid JWT payload: claim " + JwtNames.CLAIM_AUDIENCE + " is present but empty.");
static RawJwt fromJsonPayload(Optional<String> typeHeader, String jsonPayload)
throws JwtInvalidException {
return new RawJwt(typeHeader, jsonPayload);
* Returns a new RawJwt.Builder.
public static Builder newBuilder() {
return new Builder();
/** Builder for RawJwt */
public static final class Builder {
private Optional<String> typeHeader;
private boolean withoutExpiration;
private final JsonObject payload;
private Builder() {
typeHeader = Optional.empty();
withoutExpiration = false;
payload = new JsonObject();
* Sets the Type Header Parameter.
* <p>When set, this value should be set to a shortended IANA MediaType, see
* and
public Builder setTypeHeader(String value) {
typeHeader = Optional.of(value);
return this;
* Sets the issuer claim that identifies the principal that issued the JWT.
* <p>
public Builder setIssuer(String value) {
if (!JsonUtil.isValidString(value)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
payload.add(JwtNames.CLAIM_ISSUER, new JsonPrimitive(value));
return this;
* Sets the subject claim identifying the principal that is the subject of the JWT.
* <p>
public Builder setSubject(String value) {
if (!JsonUtil.isValidString(value)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
payload.add(JwtNames.CLAIM_SUBJECT, new JsonPrimitive(value));
return this;
* Sets the audience that the JWT is intended for.
* Sets the {@code aud} claim as a string. This method can't be used
* together with {@code setAudiences} or {@code addAudience}.
* <p>
public Builder setAudience(String value) {
if (payload.has(JwtNames.CLAIM_AUDIENCE)
&& payload.get(JwtNames.CLAIM_AUDIENCE).isJsonArray()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"setAudience can't be used together with setAudiences or addAudience");
if (!JsonUtil.isValidString(value)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid string");
payload.add(JwtNames.CLAIM_AUDIENCE, new JsonPrimitive(value));
return this;
* Sets the audiences that the JWT is intended for.
* Sets the {@code aud} claim as an array of strings. This method can't be used
* together with {@code setAudience}.
* <p>
public Builder setAudiences(List<String> values) {
if (payload.has(JwtNames.CLAIM_AUDIENCE)
&& !payload.get(JwtNames.CLAIM_AUDIENCE).isJsonArray()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("setAudiences can't be used together with setAudience");
if (values.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("audiences must not be empty");
JsonArray audiences = new JsonArray();
for (String value : values) {
if (!JsonUtil.isValidString(value)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid string");
payload.add(JwtNames.CLAIM_AUDIENCE, audiences);
return this;
* Adds an audience that the JWT is intended for.
* The {@code aud} claim will always be encoded as an array of strings. This method
* can't be used together with {@code setAudience}.
* <p>
public Builder addAudience(String value) {
if (!JsonUtil.isValidString(value)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid string");
JsonArray audiences;
if (payload.has(JwtNames.CLAIM_AUDIENCE)) {
JsonElement aud = payload.get(JwtNames.CLAIM_AUDIENCE);
if (!aud.isJsonArray()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"addAudience can't be used together with setAudience");
audiences = aud.getAsJsonArray();
} else {
audiences = new JsonArray();
payload.add(JwtNames.CLAIM_AUDIENCE, audiences);
return this;
* Sets the JWT ID claim that provides a unique identifier for the JWT.
* <p>
public Builder setJwtId(String value) {
if (!JsonUtil.isValidString(value)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
payload.add(JwtNames.CLAIM_JWT_ID, new JsonPrimitive(value));
return this;
private void setTimestampClaim(String name, Instant value) {
// We round the timestamp to a whole number. We always round down.
long timestamp = value.getEpochSecond();
if ((timestamp > MAX_TIMESTAMP_VALUE) || (timestamp < 0)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"timestamp of claim " + name + " is out of range");
payload.add(name, new JsonPrimitive(timestamp));
* Sets the {@code exp} claim that identifies the instant on or after which the token MUST NOT
* be accepted for processing.
* <p>This API requires {@link java.time.Instant} which is unavailable on Android until API
* level 26. To use it on older Android devices, enable API desugaring as shown in
* <p>
public Builder setExpiration(Instant value) {
setTimestampClaim(JwtNames.CLAIM_EXPIRATION, value);
return this;
* Allow generating tokens without an expiration.
* <p>For most applications of JWT, an expiration date should be set. This function makes sure
* that this is not forgotten, by requiring to user to explicitly state that no expiration
* should be set.
public Builder withoutExpiration() {
this.withoutExpiration = true;
return this;
* Sets the {@code nbf} claim that identifies the instant before which the token MUST NOT be
* accepted for processing.
* <p>This API requires {@link java.time.Instant} which is unavailable on Android until API
* level 26. To use it on older Android devices, enable API desugaring as shown in
* <p>
public Builder setNotBefore(Instant value) {
setTimestampClaim(JwtNames.CLAIM_NOT_BEFORE, value);
return this;
* Sets the {@code iat} claim that identifies the instant at which the JWT was issued.
* <p>This API requires {@link java.time.Instant} which is unavailable on Android until API
* level 26. To use it on older Android devices, enable API desugaring as shown in
* <p>
public Builder setIssuedAt(Instant value) {
setTimestampClaim(JwtNames.CLAIM_ISSUED_AT, value);
return this;
/** Adds a custom claim of type {@code boolean} to the JWT. */
public Builder addBooleanClaim(String name, boolean value) {
payload.add(name, new JsonPrimitive(value));
return this;
/** Adds a custom claim of type {@code double} to the JWT. */
public Builder addNumberClaim(String name, double value) {
payload.add(name, new JsonPrimitive(value));
return this;
/** Adds a custom claim of type {@code String} to the JWT. */
public Builder addStringClaim(String name, String value) {
if (!JsonUtil.isValidString(value)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
payload.add(name, new JsonPrimitive(value));
return this;
/** Adds a custom claim with value null. */
public Builder addNullClaim(String name) {
payload.add(name, JsonNull.INSTANCE);
return this;
/** Adds a custom claim encoded in a JSON {@code String} to the JWT. */
public Builder addJsonObjectClaim(String name, String encodedJsonObject)
throws JwtInvalidException {
payload.add(name, JsonUtil.parseJson(encodedJsonObject));
return this;
/** Adds a custom claim encoded in a JSON {@code String} to the JWT. */
public Builder addJsonArrayClaim(String name, String encodedJsonArray)
throws JwtInvalidException {
payload.add(name, JsonUtil.parseJsonArray(encodedJsonArray));
return this;
public RawJwt build() {
return new RawJwt(this);
String getJsonPayload() {
return payload.toString();
boolean hasBooleanClaim(String name) {
return (payload.has(name)
&& payload.get(name).isJsonPrimitive()
&& payload.get(name).getAsJsonPrimitive().isBoolean());
Boolean getBooleanClaim(String name) throws JwtInvalidException {
if (!payload.has(name)) {
throw new JwtInvalidException("claim " + name + " does not exist");
if (!payload.get(name).isJsonPrimitive()
|| !payload.get(name).getAsJsonPrimitive().isBoolean()) {
throw new JwtInvalidException("claim " + name + " is not a boolean");
return payload.get(name).getAsBoolean();
boolean hasNumberClaim(String name) {
return (payload.has(name)
&& payload.get(name).isJsonPrimitive()
&& payload.get(name).getAsJsonPrimitive().isNumber());
Double getNumberClaim(String name) throws JwtInvalidException {
if (!payload.has(name)) {
throw new JwtInvalidException("claim " + name + " does not exist");
if (!payload.get(name).isJsonPrimitive()
|| !payload.get(name).getAsJsonPrimitive().isNumber()) {
throw new JwtInvalidException("claim " + name + " is not a number");
return payload.get(name).getAsDouble();
boolean hasStringClaim(String name) {
return (payload.has(name)
&& payload.get(name).isJsonPrimitive()
&& payload.get(name).getAsJsonPrimitive().isString());
String getStringClaim(String name) throws JwtInvalidException {
return getStringClaimInternal(name);
private String getStringClaimInternal(String name) throws JwtInvalidException {
if (!payload.has(name)) {
throw new JwtInvalidException("claim " + name + " does not exist");
if (!payload.get(name).isJsonPrimitive()
|| !payload.get(name).getAsJsonPrimitive().isString()) {
throw new JwtInvalidException("claim " + name + " is not a string");
return payload.get(name).getAsString();
boolean isNullClaim(String name) {
try {
return JsonNull.INSTANCE.equals(payload.get(name));
} catch (JsonParseException ex) {
return false;
boolean hasJsonObjectClaim(String name) {
return (payload.has(name) && payload.get(name).isJsonObject());
String getJsonObjectClaim(String name) throws JwtInvalidException {
if (!payload.has(name)) {
throw new JwtInvalidException("claim " + name + " does not exist");
if (!payload.get(name).isJsonObject()) {
throw new JwtInvalidException("claim " + name + " is not a JSON object");
return payload.get(name).getAsJsonObject().toString();
boolean hasJsonArrayClaim(String name) {
return (payload.has(name) && payload.get(name).isJsonArray());
String getJsonArrayClaim(String name) throws JwtInvalidException {
if (!payload.has(name)) {
throw new JwtInvalidException("claim " + name + " does not exist");
if (!payload.get(name).isJsonArray()) {
throw new JwtInvalidException("claim " + name + " is not a JSON array");
return payload.get(name).getAsJsonArray().toString();
boolean hasTypeHeader() {
return typeHeader.isPresent();
String getTypeHeader() throws JwtInvalidException {
if (!typeHeader.isPresent()) {
throw new JwtInvalidException("type header is not set");
return typeHeader.get();
boolean hasIssuer() {
return payload.has(JwtNames.CLAIM_ISSUER);
String getIssuer() throws JwtInvalidException {
return getStringClaimInternal(JwtNames.CLAIM_ISSUER);
boolean hasSubject() {
return payload.has(JwtNames.CLAIM_SUBJECT);
String getSubject() throws JwtInvalidException {
return getStringClaimInternal(JwtNames.CLAIM_SUBJECT);
boolean hasJwtId() {
return payload.has(JwtNames.CLAIM_JWT_ID);
String getJwtId() throws JwtInvalidException {
return getStringClaimInternal(JwtNames.CLAIM_JWT_ID);
boolean hasAudiences() {
// If an audience claim is present, it is always a JsonArray with length > 0.
return payload.has(JwtNames.CLAIM_AUDIENCE);
List<String> getAudiences() throws JwtInvalidException {
if (!hasAudiences()) {
throw new JwtInvalidException("claim aud does not exist");
JsonElement aud = payload.get(JwtNames.CLAIM_AUDIENCE);
if (aud.isJsonPrimitive()) {
if (!aud.getAsJsonPrimitive().isString()) {
throw new JwtInvalidException(
String.format("invalid audience: got %s; want a string", aud));
return Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(aud.getAsString()));
if (!aud.isJsonArray()) {
throw new JwtInvalidException("claim aud is not a string or a JSON array");
JsonArray audiences = aud.getAsJsonArray();
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(audiences.size());
for (int i = 0; i < audiences.size(); i++) {
if (!audiences.get(i).isJsonPrimitive()
|| !audiences.get(i).getAsJsonPrimitive().isString()) {
throw new JwtInvalidException(
String.format("invalid audience: got %s; want a string", audiences.get(i)));
String audience = audiences.get(i).getAsString();
return Collections.unmodifiableList(result);
private Instant getInstant(String name) throws JwtInvalidException {
if (!payload.has(name)) {
throw new JwtInvalidException("claim " + name + " does not exist");
if (!payload.get(name).isJsonPrimitive()
|| !payload.get(name).getAsJsonPrimitive().isNumber()) {
throw new JwtInvalidException("claim " + name + " is not a timestamp");
try {
double millis = payload.get(name).getAsJsonPrimitive().getAsDouble() * 1000;
return Instant.ofEpochMilli((long) millis);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
throw new JwtInvalidException("claim " + name + " is not a timestamp: " + ex);
boolean hasExpiration() {
return payload.has(JwtNames.CLAIM_EXPIRATION);
Instant getExpiration() throws JwtInvalidException {
return getInstant(JwtNames.CLAIM_EXPIRATION);
boolean hasNotBefore() {
return payload.has(JwtNames.CLAIM_NOT_BEFORE);
Instant getNotBefore() throws JwtInvalidException {
return getInstant(JwtNames.CLAIM_NOT_BEFORE);
boolean hasIssuedAt() {
return payload.has(JwtNames.CLAIM_ISSUED_AT);
Instant getIssuedAt() throws JwtInvalidException {
return getInstant(JwtNames.CLAIM_ISSUED_AT);
/** Returns all custom claim names. */
Set<String> customClaimNames() {
HashSet<String> names = new HashSet<>();
for (String name : this.payload.keySet()) {
if (!JwtNames.isRegisteredName(name)) {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(names);
* Returns a brief description of a RawJwt object. The exact details of the representation are
* unspecified and subject to change.
public String toString() {
JsonObject header = new JsonObject();
if (typeHeader.isPresent()) {
header.add("typ", new JsonPrimitive(typeHeader.get()));
return header + "." + payload;