blob: 3e7b0531ef5551d82b9f1438c6fb4b449ef3518d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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// limitations under the License.
package subtle
import (
// ECPublicKey represents a elliptic curve public key.
type ECPublicKey struct {
Point ECPoint
// ECPrivateKey represents a elliptic curve private key.
type ECPrivateKey struct {
PublicKey ECPublicKey
D *big.Int
// GetECPrivateKey converts a stored private key to ECPrivateKey.
func GetECPrivateKey(c elliptic.Curve, b []byte) *ECPrivateKey {
d := new(big.Int)
x, y := c.Params().ScalarBaseMult(b)
pub := ECPublicKey{
Curve: c,
Point: ECPoint{
X: x,
Y: y,
return &ECPrivateKey{
PublicKey: pub,
D: d,
// ECPoint represents a point on the elliptic curve.
type ECPoint struct {
X, Y *big.Int
func (p *ECPrivateKey) getParams() *elliptic.CurveParams {
return p.PublicKey.Curve.Params()
func getModulus(c elliptic.Curve) *big.Int {
return c.Params().P
func fieldSizeInBits(c elliptic.Curve) int {
t := big.NewInt(1)
r := t.Sub(getModulus(c), t)
return r.BitLen()
func fieldSizeInBytes(c elliptic.Curve) int {
return (fieldSizeInBits(c) + 7) / 8
func encodingSizeInBytes(c elliptic.Curve, p string) (int, error) {
cSize := fieldSizeInBytes(c)
switch p {
return 2*cSize + 1, nil
return 2 * cSize, nil
return cSize + 1, nil
return 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid point format :%s", p)
// PointEncode encodes a point into the format specified.
func PointEncode(c elliptic.Curve, pFormat string, pt ECPoint) ([]byte, error) {
if !c.IsOnCurve(pt.X, pt.Y) {
return nil, errors.New("curve check failed")
cSize := fieldSizeInBytes(c)
y := pt.Y.Bytes()
x := pt.X.Bytes()
switch pFormat {
encoded := make([]byte, 2*cSize+1)
copy(encoded[1+2*cSize-len(y):], y)
copy(encoded[1+cSize-len(x):], x)
encoded[0] = 4
return encoded, nil
encoded := make([]byte, 2*cSize)
if len(x) > cSize {
x = bytes.Replace(x, []byte("\x00"), []byte{}, -1)
if len(y) > cSize {
y = bytes.Replace(y, []byte("\x00"), []byte{}, -1)
copy(encoded[2*cSize-len(y):], y)
copy(encoded[cSize-len(x):], x)
return encoded, nil
encoded := make([]byte, cSize+1)
copy(encoded[1+cSize-len(x):], x)
encoded[0] = 2
if pt.Y.Bit(0) > 0 {
encoded[0] = 3
return encoded, nil
return nil, errors.New("invalid point format")
// PointDecode decodes a encoded point to return an ECPoint
func PointDecode(c elliptic.Curve, pFormat string, e []byte) (*ECPoint, error) {
cSize := fieldSizeInBytes(c)
x, y := new(big.Int), new(big.Int)
switch pFormat {
if len(e) != (2*cSize + 1) {
return nil, errors.New("invalid point size")
if e[0] != 4 {
return nil, errors.New("invalid point format")
x.SetBytes(e[1 : cSize+1])
if !c.IsOnCurve(x, y) {
return nil, errors.New("invalid point")
return &ECPoint{
X: x,
Y: y,
}, nil
if len(e) != 2*cSize {
return nil, errors.New("invalid point size")
if !c.IsOnCurve(x, y) {
return nil, errors.New("invalid point")
return &ECPoint{
X: x,
Y: y,
}, nil
if len(e) != cSize+1 {
return nil, errors.New("compressed point has wrong length")
lsb := false
if e[0] == 2 {
lsb = false
} else if e[0] == 3 {
lsb = true
} else {
return nil, errors.New("invalid format")
x := new(big.Int)
if (x.Sign() == -1) || (x.Cmp(c.Params().P) != -1) {
return nil, errors.New("x is out of range")
y := getY(x, lsb, c)
return &ECPoint{
X: x,
Y: y,
}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid format: %s", pFormat)
func getY(x *big.Int, lsb bool, c elliptic.Curve) *big.Int {
// y² = x³ - 3x + b
x3 := new(big.Int).Mul(x, x)
x3.Mul(x3, x)
threeX := new(big.Int).Lsh(x, 1)
threeX.Add(threeX, x)
b := c.Params().B
p := c.Params().P
x3.Sub(x3, threeX)
x3.Add(x3, b)
x3.ModSqrt(x3, p)
e := uint(1)
if lsb {
e = 0
if e == x3.Bit(0) {
x3 := x3.Sub(p, x3)
x3.Mod(x3, p)
return x3
func validatePublicPoint(pub *ECPoint, priv *ECPrivateKey) error {
if priv.PublicKey.Curve.IsOnCurve(pub.X, pub.Y) {
return nil
return errors.New("invalid public key")
// ComputeSharedSecret is used to compute a shared secret using given private key and peer public key.
func ComputeSharedSecret(pub *ECPoint, priv *ECPrivateKey) ([]byte, error) {
if err := validatePublicPoint(pub, priv); err != nil {
return nil, err
x, y := priv.PublicKey.Curve.ScalarMult(pub.X, pub.Y, priv.D.Bytes())
if x == nil {
return nil, errors.New("shared key compute error")
// check if x,y are on the curve
if err := validatePublicPoint(&ECPoint{X: x, Y: y}, priv); err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("invalid shared key")
sharedSecret := make([]byte, maxSharedKeyLength(priv.PublicKey))
return x.FillBytes(sharedSecret), nil
func maxSharedKeyLength(pub ECPublicKey) int {
return (pub.Curve.Params().BitSize + 7) / 8
// GenerateECDHKeyPair will create a new private key for a given curve.
func GenerateECDHKeyPair(c elliptic.Curve) (*ECPrivateKey, error) {
p, x, y, err := elliptic.GenerateKey(c, rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &ECPrivateKey{
PublicKey: ECPublicKey{
Curve: c,
Point: ECPoint{
X: x,
Y: y,
D: new(big.Int).SetBytes(p),
}, nil
// GetCurve returns the elliptic.Curve for a given standard curve name.
func GetCurve(c string) (elliptic.Curve, error) {
switch c {
case "secp224r1", "NIST_P224", "P-224":
return elliptic.P224(), nil
case "secp256r1", "NIST_P256", "P-256", "EllipticCurveType_NIST_P256":
return elliptic.P256(), nil
case "secp384r1", "NIST_P384", "P-384", "EllipticCurveType_NIST_P384":
return elliptic.P384(), nil
case "secp521r1", "NIST_P521", "P-521", "EllipticCurveType_NIST_P521":
return elliptic.P521(), nil
return nil, errors.New("unsupported curve")