blob: 79b706de835f888431a236a32ac382ec4432388a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "absl/base/macros.h"
#include "proto/tink.pb.h"
namespace crypto {
namespace tink {
// Pre-generated KeyTemplate for signature key types. One can use these
// templates to generate new KeysetHandle object with fresh keys.
// To generate a new keyset that contains a single EcdsaPrivateKey, one can do:
// auto status = SignatureConfig::Register();
// if (!status.ok()) { /* fail with error */ }
// auto handle_result =
// KeysetHandle::GenerateNew(SignatureKeyTemplates::EcdsaP256());
// if (!handle_result.ok()) { /* fail with error */ }
// auto keyset_handle = std::move(handle_result.value());
class SignatureKeyTemplates {
// Returns a KeyTemplate that generates new instances of EcdsaPrivateKey
// with the following parameters:
// - EC curve: NIST P-256
// - hash function: SHA256
// - signature encoding: DER
// - OutputPrefixType: TINK
static const google::crypto::tink::KeyTemplate& EcdsaP256();
// Returns a KeyTemplate that generates new instances of EcdsaPrivateKey
// with the following parameters:
// - EC curve: NIST P-384
// - hash function: SHA512
// - signature encoding: DER
// - OutputPrefixType: TINK
ABSL_DEPRECATED("Use EcdsaP384Sha384() or EcdsaP384Sha512() instead")
static const google::crypto::tink::KeyTemplate& EcdsaP384();
// Returns a KeyTemplate that generates new instances of EcdsaPrivateKey
// with the following parameters:
// - EC curve: NIST P-384
// - hash function: SHA384
// - signature encoding: DER
// - OutputPrefixType: TINK
static const google::crypto::tink::KeyTemplate& EcdsaP384Sha384();
// Returns a KeyTemplate that generates new instances of EcdsaPrivateKey
// with the following parameters:
// - EC curve: NIST P-384
// - hash function: SHA512
// - signature encoding: DER
// - OutputPrefixType: TINK
static const google::crypto::tink::KeyTemplate& EcdsaP384Sha512();
// Returns a KeyTemplate that generates new instances of EcdsaPrivateKey
// with the following parameters:
// - EC curve: NIST P-521
// - hash function: SHA512
// - signature encoding: DER
// - OutputPrefixType: TINK
static const google::crypto::tink::KeyTemplate& EcdsaP521();
// Returns a KeyTemplate that generates new instances of EcdsaPrivateKey
// with the following parameters:
// - EC curve: NIST P-256
// - hash function: SHA256
// - signature encoding: IEEE_P1363
// - OutputPrefixType: RAW
// This template will give you compatibility with most other libraries.
static const google::crypto::tink::KeyTemplate& EcdsaP256Raw();
// Returns a KeyTemplate that generates new instances of EcdsaPrivateKey
// with the following parameters:
// - EC curve: NIST P-256
// - hash function: SHA256
// - signature encoding: IEEE_P1363
// - OutputPrefixType: TINK
// This key template does not make sense because IEEE P1363 mandates a raw
// signature.
ABSL_DEPRECATED("Use EcdsaP256() or EcdsaP256Raw() instead")
static const google::crypto::tink::KeyTemplate& EcdsaP256Ieee();
// Returns a KeyTemplate that generates new instances of EcdsaPrivateKey
// with the following parameters:
// - EC curve: NIST P-384
// - hash function: SHA512
// - signature encoding: IEEE_P1363
// - OutputPrefixType: TINK
// This key template does not make sense because IEEE P1363 mandates a raw
// signature.
"Use EcdsaP384Sha384(), EcdsaP384Sha512() or EcdsaP256Raw() instead")
static const google::crypto::tink::KeyTemplate& EcdsaP384Ieee();
// Returns a KeyTemplate that generates new instances of EcdsaPrivateKey
// with the following parameters:
// - EC curve: NIST P-521
// - hash function: SHA512
// - signature encoding: IEEE_P1363
// - OutputPrefixType: TINK
// This key template does not make sense because IEEE P1363 mandates a raw
// signature.
ABSL_DEPRECATED("Use EcdsaP521() or EcdsaP256Raw() instead")
static const google::crypto::tink::KeyTemplate& EcdsaP521Ieee();
// Returns a KeyTemplate that generates new instances of RsaSsaPkcs1PrivateKey
// with the following parameters:
// - Modulus size in bits: 3072.
// - Hash function: SHA256.
// - Public Exponent: 65537 (aka F4).
// - OutputPrefixType: TINK
static const google::crypto::tink::KeyTemplate& RsaSsaPkcs13072Sha256F4();
// Returns a KeyTemplate that generates new instances of RsaSsaPkcs1PrivateKey
// with the following parameters:
// - Modulus size in bits: 4096.
// - Hash function: SHA512.
// - Public Exponent: 65537 (aka F4).
// - OutputPrefixType: TINK
static const google::crypto::tink::KeyTemplate& RsaSsaPkcs14096Sha512F4();
// Returns a KeyTemplate that generates new instances of RsaSsaPssPrivateKey
// with the following parameters:
// - Modulus size in bits: 3072.
// - Signature hash: SHA256.
// - MGF1 hash: SHA256.
// - Salt length: 32 (i.e., SHA256's output length).
// - Public Exponent: 65537 (aka F4).
// - OutputPrefixType: TINK
static const google::crypto::tink::KeyTemplate& RsaSsaPss3072Sha256Sha256F4();
// Returns a KeyTemplate that generates new instances of RsaSsaPssPrivateKey
// with the following parameters:
// - Modulus size in bits: 4096.
// - Signature hash: SHA512.
// - MGF1 hash: SHA512.
// - Salt length: 64 (i.e., SHA512's output length).
// - Public Exponent: 65537 (aka F4).
// - OutputPrefixType: TINK
static const google::crypto::tink::KeyTemplate& RsaSsaPss4096Sha512Sha512F4();
// Returns a KeyTemplate that generates new instances of RsaSsaPssPrivateKey
// with the following parameters:
// - Modulus size in bits: 4096.
// - Signature hash: SHA384.
// - MGF1 hash: SHA384.
// - Salt length: 48 (i.e., SHA384's output length).
// - Public Exponent: 65537 (aka F4).
// - OutputPrefixType: TINK
static const google::crypto::tink::KeyTemplate& RsaSsaPss4096Sha384Sha384F4();
// Returns a KeyTemplate that generates new instances of Ed25519PrivateKey.
static const google::crypto::tink::KeyTemplate& Ed25519();
// Returns a KeyTemplate that generates new instances of Ed25519PrivateKey.
// The difference between Ed25519WithRawOutput and Ed25519 is the format of
// signatures generated. Ed25519WithRawOutput generates signatures of
// OutputPrefixType::RAW format, which is 64 bytes long.
static const google::crypto::tink::KeyTemplate& Ed25519WithRawOutput();
} // namespace tink
} // namespace crypto