blob: c0bd552340e51b5bfb5271782dd940c9a0332e80 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Compiles protobuf.
def _capitalize(s):
return s[0:1].upper() + s[1:]
def _pascal_case(s):
return "".join([_capitalize(part) for part in s.split("_")])
def _emit_params_file_action(ctx, path, mnemonic, cmds):
"""Helper function that writes a potentially long command list to a file.
ctx (struct): The ctx object.
path (string): the file path where the params file should be written.
mnemonic (string): the action mnemomic.
cmds (list<string>): the command list.
(File): an executable file that runs the command set.
filename = "%s.%sFile.params" % (path, mnemonic)
f = ctx.new_file(ctx.configuration.bin_dir, filename)
output = f,
content = "\n".join(["set -e"] + cmds),
is_executable = True,
return f
def _get_relative_dirname(base, file):
"""Return a dirname in the form of path segments relative to base.
If the file.short_path is not within base, return empty list.
Example: if base="foo/bar/baz.txt"
and file.short_path="bar/baz.txt",
return ["bar"].
base (string): the base dirname (ctx.label.package)
file (File): the file to calculate relative dirname.
(list<string>): path
path = file.dirname
if not path.startswith(base):
return []
parts = path.split("/")
if parts[0] == "external":
# ignore off the first two items since we'll be cd'ing into
# this dir.
return parts[2:]
base_parts = base.split("/")
return parts[len(base_parts):]
def _get_offset_path(root, path):
"""Adjust path relative to offset"""
if path.startswith("/"):
fail("path argument must not be absolute: %s" % path)
if not root:
return path
if root == ".":
return path
# "external/foobar/file.proto" --> "file.proto"
if path.startswith(root):
start = len(root)
if not root.endswith("/"):
start += 1
return path[start:]
depth = root.count("/") + 1
return "../" * depth + path
def _get_import_mappings_for(files, prefix, label):
"""For a set of files that belong to the given context label, create a mapping to the given prefix."""
mappings = {}
for file in files:
src = file.short_path
# File in an external repo looks like:
# '../WORKSPACE/SHORT_PATH'. We want just the SHORT_PATH.
if src.startswith("../"):
parts = src.split("/")
src = "/".join(parts[2:])
dst = [prefix, label.package]
name_parts =".")
# special case to elide last part if the name is
# 'go_default_library.pb'
if name_parts[0] != "go_default_library":
mappings[src] = "/".join(dst)
return mappings
def _build_output_jar(run, builder):
"""Build a jar file for protoc to dump java classes into."""
ctx = run.ctx
execdir =
name =
protojar = ctx.actions.declare_file("%s_%s.jar" % (, name))
builder["outputs"] += [protojar]
builder[name + "_jar"] = protojar
builder[name + "_outdir"] = _get_offset_path(execdir, protojar.path)
def _build_output_library(run, builder):
"""Build a library.js file for protoc to dump java classes into."""
ctx = run.ctx
execdir =
name =
jslib = ctx.actions.declare_file( + run.lang.pb_file_extensions[0])
builder["jslib"] = [jslib]
builder["outputs"] += [jslib]
parts = jslib.short_path.rpartition("/")
filename = "/".join([parts[0],])
library_path = _get_offset_path(, filename)
builder[name + "_pb_options"] += ["library=" + library_path]
def _build_output_srcjar(run, builder):
ctx = run.ctx
name =
protojar = builder[name + "_jar"]
srcjar_name = "%s_%s.srcjar" % (, name)
srcjar = ctx.actions.declare_file("%s_%s.srcjar" % (, name))
mnemonic = "CpJarToSrcJar",
inputs = [protojar],
outputs = [srcjar],
arguments = [protojar.path, srcjar.path],
command = "cp $1 $2",
# Remove protojar from the list of provided outputs
builder["outputs"] = [e for e in builder["outputs"] if e != protojar]
builder["outputs"] += [srcjar]
if > 2:
print("Copied jar %s srcjar to %s" % (protojar.path, srcjar.path))
def _build_output_files(run, builder):
"""Build a list of files we expect to be generated."""
ctx = run.ctx
protos =
if not protos:
fail("Empty proto input list.", "protos")
exts = run.exts
for file in protos:
base = file.basename[:-len(".proto")]
if run.lang.output_file_style == "pascal":
base = _pascal_case(base)
if run.lang.output_file_style == "capitalize":
base = _capitalize(base)
for ext in exts:
path = _get_relative_dirname(ctx.label.package, file)
path.append(base + ext)
pbfile = ctx.actions.declare_file("/".join(path))
builder["outputs"] += [pbfile]
def _build_output_libdir(run, builder):
# This is currently csharp-specific, which needs to have the
# output_dir positively adjusted to the package directory.
ctx = run.ctx
execdir =
name =
builder[name + "_outdir"] = _get_offset_path(execdir,
_build_output_files(run, builder)
def _build_descriptor_set(data, builder):
"""Build a list of files we expect to be generated."""
builder["args"] += ["--descriptor_set_out=" + _get_offset_path(data.execdir, data.descriptor_set.path)]
def _build_plugin_invocation(name, plugin, execdir, builder):
"""Add a '--plugin=NAME=PATH' argument if the language descriptor
requires one.
tool = _get_offset_path(execdir, plugin.path)
builder["inputs"] += [plugin]
builder["args"] += ["--plugin=protoc-gen-%s=%s" % (name, tool)]
def _build_protobuf_invocation(run, builder):
"""Build a --plugin option if required for basic protobuf generation.
run (struct): the compilation run object.
builder (dict): the compilation builder data.
Built-in language don't need this.
lang = run.lang
if not lang.pb_plugin:
name = lang.pb_plugin_name or
def _get_mappings(files, label, prefix):
"""For a set of files that belong the the given context label, create a mapping to the given prefix."""
mappings = {}
for file in files:
src = file.short_path
#print("mapping file short path: %s" % src)
# File in an external repo looks like:
# '../WORKSPACE/SHORT_PATH'. We want just the SHORT_PATH.
if src.startswith("../"):
parts = src.split("/")
src = "/".join(parts[2:])
dst = [prefix]
if label.package:
name_parts =".")
# special case to elide last part if the name is
# 'go_default_library.pb'
if name_parts[0] != "go_default_library":
mappings[src] = "/".join(dst)
return mappings
def _build_base_namespace(run, builder):
def _build_importmappings(run, builder):
"""Override behavior to add plugin options before building the --go_out option"""
ctx = run.ctx
go_prefix = or run.lang.prefix
opts = []
# Build the list of import mappings. Start with any configured on
# the rule by attributes.
mappings = run.lang.importmap +
mappings += _get_mappings(,, go_prefix)
# Then add in the transitive set from dependent rules.
for unit in
mappings += unit.transitive_mappings
if > 1:
print("go_importmap: %s" % mappings)
for k, v in mappings.items():
opts += ["M%s=%s" % (k, v)]
builder["transitive_mappings"] = mappings
def _build_plugin_out(name, outdir, options, builder):
"""Build the --{lang}_out argument for a given plugin."""
arg = outdir
if options:
arg = ",".join(options) + ":" + arg
builder["args"] += ["--%s_out=%s" % (name, arg)]
def _build_protobuf_out(run, builder):
"""Build the --{lang}_out option"""
lang = run.lang
name = lang.pb_plugin_name or
outdir = builder.get( + "_outdir", run.outdir)
options = builder.get( + "_pb_options", [])
_build_plugin_out(name, outdir, options, builder)
def _get_outdir(ctx, lang, execdir):
if ctx.attr.output_to_workspace:
outdir = "."
outdir = ctx.var["GENDIR"]
path = _get_offset_path(execdir, outdir)
if execdir != ".":
path += "/" + execdir
return path
def _get_external_root(ctx):
# Compte set of "external workspace roots" that the proto
# sourcefiles belong to.
external_roots = []
for file in ctx.files.protos:
path = file.path.split("/")
if path[0] == "external":
external_roots += ["/".join(path[0:2])]
# This set size must be 0 or 1. (all source files must exist in this
# workspace or the same external workspace).
roots = depset(external_roots)
n = len(roots.to_list())
if n:
if n > 1:
You are attempting simultaneous compilation of protobuf source files that span multiple workspaces (%s).
Decompose your library rules into smaller units having filesets that belong to only a single workspace at a time.
Note that it is OK to *import* across multiple workspaces, but not compile them as file inputs to protoc.
""" % roots,
return external_roots[0]
return "."
def _compile(ctx, unit):
execdir =
protoc = _get_offset_path(execdir, unit.compiler.path)
imports = ["--proto_path=" + i for i in unit.imports.to_list()]
srcs = [_get_offset_path(execdir, p.path) for p in]
protoc_cmd = [protoc] + unit.args.to_list() + imports + srcs
manifest = [f.short_path for f in unit.outputs.to_list()]
transitive_units = depset(transitive = [u.inputs for u in])
inputs = depset(transitive = [unit.inputs, transitive_units]).to_list()
outputs = unit.outputs.to_list()
cmds = [" ".join(protoc_cmd)]
if execdir != ".":
cmds.insert(0, "cd %s" % execdir)
* - Generating files into the workspace... This is potentially *
* dangerous (may overwrite existing files) and violates bazel's *
* sandbox policy. *
* - Disregard "ERROR: output 'foo.pb.*' was not created." messages. *
* - Build will halt following the "not all outputs were created" message. *
* - Output manifest is printed below. *
""" % "\n".join(manifest),
cd $(bazel info execution_root)%s && \
""" % (
"" if execdir == "." else "/" + execdir,
" \\ \n".join(protoc_cmd),
if > 2:
for i in range(len(protoc_cmd)):
print(" > cmd%s: %s" % (i, protoc_cmd[i]))
for i in range(len(inputs)):
print(" > input%s: %s" % (i, inputs[i]))
for i in range(len(outputs)):
print(" > output%s: %s" % (i, outputs[i]))
mnemonic = "ProtoCompile",
command = " && ".join(cmds),
inputs = inputs,
outputs = outputs,
tools = [unit.compiler],
def _proto_compile_impl(ctx):
if ctx.attr.verbose > 1:
print("proto_compile %s:%s" % (ctx.build_file_path,
# Calculate list of external roots and return the base directory
# we'll use for the protoc invocation. Usually this is '.', but if
# not, its 'external/WORKSPACE'
execdir = _get_external_root(ctx)
# Propogate proto deps compilation units.
transitive_units = []
for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
for unit in dep.proto_compile_result.transitive_units:
if ctx.attr.prefix:
prefix = ctx.attr.prefix.go_prefix
prefix = ""
# Immutable global state for this compiler run.
data = struct(
label = ctx.label,
workspace_name = ctx.workspace_name,
prefix = prefix,
execdir = execdir,
protos = ctx.files.protos,
descriptor_set = ctx.outputs.descriptor_set,
importmap = ctx.attr.importmap,
pb_options = ctx.attr.pb_options,
verbose = ctx.attr.verbose,
transitive_units = transitive_units,
output_to_workspace = ctx.attr.output_to_workspace,
#print("transitive_units: %s" % transitive_units)
# Mutable global state to be populated by the classes.
builder = {
"args": [], # list of string
"imports": ctx.attr.imports + ["."],
"inputs": ctx.files.protos + ctx.files.inputs,
"outputs": [],
# Build a list of structs that will be processed in this compiler
# run.
runs = []
for l in ctx.attr.langs:
lang = l.proto_language
exts = []
if lang.supports_pb:
exts += lang.pb_file_extensions
ctx = ctx,
outdir = _get_outdir(ctx, lang, execdir),
lang = lang,
data = data,
exts = exts,
output_to_jar = lang.output_to_jar,
builder["inputs"] += lang.pb_inputs
builder["imports"] += lang.pb_imports
builder[ + "_pb_options"] = lang.pb_options + data.pb_options
_build_descriptor_set(data, builder)
for run in runs:
if run.lang.output_to_jar:
_build_output_jar(run, builder)
elif run.lang.output_to_library:
_build_output_library(run, builder)
elif run.lang.output_to_libdir:
_build_output_libdir(run, builder)
_build_output_files(run, builder)
if run.lang.prefix: # golang-specific
_build_importmappings(run, builder)
if run.lang.supports_pb:
_build_protobuf_invocation(run, builder)
_build_protobuf_out(run, builder)
# Build final immutable compilation unit for rule and transitive beyond
unit = struct(
compiler = ctx.executable.protoc,
data = data,
transitive_mappings = builder.get("transitive_mappings", {}),
args = depset(builder["args"] + ctx.attr.args),
imports = depset(builder["imports"]),
inputs = depset(builder["inputs"]),
outputs = depset(builder["outputs"] + [ctx.outputs.descriptor_set]),
# Run protoc
_compile(ctx, unit)
for run in runs:
if run.lang.output_to_jar:
_build_output_srcjar(run, builder)
files = depset(builder["outputs"])
return struct(
files = files,
proto_compile_result = struct(
unit = unit,
transitive_units = transitive_units + [unit],
proto_compile = rule(
implementation = _proto_compile_impl,
attrs = {
"args": attr.string_list(),
"langs": attr.label_list(
providers = ["proto_language"],
allow_files = False,
mandatory = False,
"protos": attr.label_list(
allow_files = [".proto"],
"deps": attr.label_list(
providers = ["proto_compile_result"],
"protoc": attr.label(
default = Label("@com_google_protobuf//:protoc"),
cfg = "host",
executable = True,
"prefix": attr.label(
providers = ["go_prefix"],
"root": attr.string(),
"imports": attr.string_list(),
"importmap": attr.string_dict(),
"inputs": attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
"pb_options": attr.string_list(),
"output_to_workspace": attr.bool(),
outputs = {
"descriptor_set": "%{name}.descriptor_set",
output_to_genfiles = True, # this needs to be set for cc-rules.