blob: fd7ec3835225a3fe274a851f047160bdd03132b4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* An object which collects all the operations which one can do on for a single key type, identified
* by a single KeyProto.
* <p>A KeyTypeManager manages all the operations one can do on a given KeyProto. This includes
* generating primitives, generating keys (if applicable), parsing and validating keys and key
* formats. This object is meant to be implemented, i.e., one should use it via the {@link
* Registry}, and not directly.
* <p>In order to implement a new key manager, one should subclass this class, setting the type
* parameter to the proto of the corresponding key (e.g., subclass {@code
* KeyTypeManager<AesGcmKey>}).
* <p>For each primitive the key manager should implement, one needs to add an argument to the
* constructor. The type of it should be a {@code PrimitiveFactory<PrimitiveT, KeyT>}, an object
* which knows how to produce primitives.
* <p>If the key manager can create new keys, one also needs to implement the method {@code
* #keyFactory}. In this case it needs to return an object of type {@code KeyFactory<KeyFormatProto,
* KeyProtoT>}, where one has to specify a proto for the key format as well.
public abstract class KeyTypeManager<KeyProtoT extends MessageLite> {
/** A PrimitiveFactory knows how to create primitives from a given key. */
protected abstract static class PrimitiveFactory<PrimitiveT, KeyT> {
private final Class<PrimitiveT> clazz;
public PrimitiveFactory(Class<PrimitiveT> clazz) {
this.clazz = clazz;
* Returns the class object corresponding to the generic parameter {@code PrimitiveT}.
final Class<PrimitiveT> getPrimitiveClass() {
return clazz;
/** Creates a new instance of {@code PrimitiveT}. */
public abstract PrimitiveT getPrimitive(KeyT key) throws GeneralSecurityException;
private final Class<KeyProtoT> clazz;
private final Map<Class<?>, PrimitiveFactory<?, KeyProtoT>> factories;
private final Class<?> firstPrimitiveClass;
* Constructs a new KeyTypeManager.
* <p>Takes an arbitrary number of {@link PrimitiveFactory} objects as input. These will be used
* and provided via {@link #createPrimitive} to the user.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if two of the passed in factories produce primitives of the
* same class.
@SafeVarargs // Safe because we do not reference the array (see Effective Java ed. 3, Item 32).
protected KeyTypeManager(Class<KeyProtoT> clazz, PrimitiveFactory<?, KeyProtoT>... factories) {
this.clazz = clazz;
Map<Class<?>, PrimitiveFactory<?, KeyProtoT>> factoriesMap = new HashMap<>();
for (PrimitiveFactory<?, KeyProtoT> factory : factories) {
if (factoriesMap.containsKey(factory.getPrimitiveClass())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"KeyTypeManager constructed with duplicate factories for primitive "
+ factory.getPrimitiveClass().getCanonicalName());
factoriesMap.put(factory.getPrimitiveClass(), factory);
if (factories.length > 0) {
this.firstPrimitiveClass = factories[0].getPrimitiveClass();
} else {
this.firstPrimitiveClass = Void.class;
this.factories = Collections.unmodifiableMap(factoriesMap);
/** Returns the class corresponding to the key protobuffer. */
public final Class<KeyProtoT> getKeyClass() {
return clazz;
/** Returns the type URL that identifies the key type of keys managed by this KeyManager. */
public abstract String getKeyType();
/** Returns the version number of this KeyManager. */
public abstract int getVersion();
/** Returns the {@link KeyMaterialType} for this proto. */
public abstract KeyMaterialType keyMaterialType();
* Parses a serialized key proto.
* <p>Implement as {@code return KeyProtoT.parseFrom(byteString);}.
public abstract KeyProtoT parseKey(ByteString byteString) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException;
* Checks if the given {@code keyProto} is a valid key.
* @throws GeneralSecurityException if the passed {@code keyProto} is not valid in any way.
public abstract void validateKey(KeyProtoT keyProto) throws GeneralSecurityException;
* Creates the requested primitive.
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the given {@code primitiveClass} is not supported
* (i.e., not returned by {@link #supportedPrimitives}.
* @throws GeneralSecurityException if the underlying factory throws a GeneralSecurityException
* creating the primitive.
public final <P> P getPrimitive(KeyProtoT key, Class<P> primitiveClass)
throws GeneralSecurityException {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // factories maps Class<P> to PrimitiveFactory<P, KeyProtoT>.
PrimitiveFactory<P, KeyProtoT> factory =
(PrimitiveFactory<P, KeyProtoT>) factories.get(primitiveClass);
if (factory == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Requested primitive class " + primitiveClass.getCanonicalName() + " not supported.");
return factory.getPrimitive(key);
* Returns a set containing the supported primitives.
public final Set<Class<?>> supportedPrimitives() {
return factories.keySet();
* Returns the first class object of the first supported primitive, or {@code Class<Void>} if the
* key manager supports no primitive at all.
final Class<?> firstSupportedPrimitiveClass() {
return firstPrimitiveClass;
* A {@code KeyFactory} creates new keys from a given KeyFormat.
* <p>A KeyFactory implements all the methods which are required if a KeyTypeManager should also
* be able to generate keys. In particular, in this case it needs to have some KeyFormat protocol
* buffer which can be validated, parsed, and from which a key can be generated.
public abstract static class KeyFactory<KeyFormatProtoT extends MessageLite, KeyT> {
private final Class<KeyFormatProtoT> clazz;
public KeyFactory(Class<KeyFormatProtoT> clazz) {
this.clazz = clazz;
* Returns the class corresponding to the key format protobuffer.
public final Class<KeyFormatProtoT> getKeyFormatClass() {
return clazz;
* Checks if the given {@code keyFormatProto} is a valid key.
* @throws GeneralSecurityException if the passed {@code keyFormatProto} is not valid in any
* way.
public abstract void validateKeyFormat(KeyFormatProtoT keyFormatProto)
throws GeneralSecurityException;
* Parses a serialized key proto.
* <p>Implement as {@code return KeyFormatProtoT.parseFrom(byteString);}.
public abstract KeyFormatProtoT parseKeyFormat(ByteString byteString)
throws InvalidProtocolBufferException;
/** Creates a new key from a given format. */
public abstract KeyT createKey(KeyFormatProtoT keyFormat) throws GeneralSecurityException;
* Derives a new key from a given format, using the given {@param pseudoRandomness}.
* <p>Implementations need to note that the given paramter {@param pseudoRandomness} may only
* produce a finite amount of randomness. Hence, proper implementations will first obtain all
* the pseudorandom bytes needed; and only after produce the key.
* <p>While {@link validateKeyFormat} is called before this method will be called,
* implementations must check the version of the given {@param keyFormat}, as {@link
* validateKeyFormat} is also called from {@link createKey}.
* <p>Not every KeyTypeManager needs to implement this; if not implemented a {@link
* GeneralSecurityException} will be thrown.
public KeyT deriveKey(KeyFormatProtoT keyFormat, InputStream pseudoRandomness)
throws GeneralSecurityException {
throw new GeneralSecurityException(
"deriveKey not implemented for key of type " + clazz.toString());
* Returns the {@link KeyFactory} for this key type.
* <p>By default, this throws an UnsupportedOperationException. Hence, if an implementation does
* not support creating primitives, no implementation is required.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the manager does not support creating primitives.
public KeyFactory<?, KeyProtoT> keyFactory() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Creating keys is not supported.");