blob: 0a737c3a226cb91e77f9d91dffe4c8734efb11cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import javax.crypto.AEADBadTagException;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
* Unit tests for AesGcm.
* <p>TODO(bleichen): Add more tests. Maybe add NIST style verification.
public class AesGcmJceTest {
private Integer[] keySizeInBytes;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
if (Cipher.getMaxAllowedKeyLength("AES") < 256) {
"Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files are required"
+ " but not installed. Skip tests with keys larger than 128 bits.");
keySizeInBytes = new Integer[] {16};
} else {
keySizeInBytes = new Integer[] {16, 24, 32};
/** Test vectors */
public static class GcmTestVector {
final byte[] key;
final byte[] pt;
final byte[] aad;
final byte[] ct;
public GcmTestVector(String message, String keyMaterial, String aad, String ciphertext) {
this.key = TestUtil.hexDecode(keyMaterial); = TestUtil.hexDecode(message);
this.aad = TestUtil.hexDecode(aad);
this.ct = TestUtil.hexDecode(ciphertext);
private static final GcmTestVector[] GCM_TEST_VECTORS = {
new GcmTestVector(
+ "26073cc1d851beff176384dc9896d5ff"
+ "0a3ea7a5487cb5f7d70fb6c58d038554"),
new GcmTestVector(
+ "eea945f3d0f98cc0fbab472a0cf24e87"
+ "4bb9b4812519dadf9e1232016d068133"),
// key size:256
new GcmTestVector(
"00112233445566778899aabb" + "e27abdd2d2a53d2f136b" + "9a4a2579529301bcfb71c78d4060f52c"),
new GcmTestVector(
"00112233445566778899aabb" + "2a7d77fa526b8250cb296078926b5020"),
// special cases
new GcmTestVector(
+ "d8eba6a5a03403851abc27f6e15d84c0"
+ "00000000000000000000000000000000"),
new GcmTestVector(
+ "f62d84d649e56bc8cfedc5d74a51e2f7"
+ "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"),
new GcmTestVector(
+ "431f31e6840931fd95f94bf88296ff69"
+ "00000000000000000000000000000000"),
* A regression test with some test vectors. AesGcmJce randomizes the ciphertext. Therefore this
* test only checks that decryption still works.
public void testRegression() throws Exception {
for (GcmTestVector test : GCM_TEST_VECTORS) {
if (Cipher.getMaxAllowedKeyLength("AES") < 256 && test.key.length > 16) {
"Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files are required"
+ " but not installed. Skip tests with keys larger than 128 bits.");
AesGcmJce gcm = new AesGcmJce(test.key);
byte[] pt = gcm.decrypt(test.ct, test.aad);
assertArrayEquals(, pt);
public void testEncryptDecrypt() throws Exception {
byte[] aad = new byte[] {1, 2, 3};
for (int keySize : keySizeInBytes) {
byte[] key = Random.randBytes(keySize);
AesGcmJce gcm = new AesGcmJce(key);
for (int messageSize = 0; messageSize < 75; messageSize++) {
byte[] message = Random.randBytes(messageSize);
byte[] ciphertext = gcm.encrypt(message, aad);
byte[] decrypted = gcm.decrypt(ciphertext, aad);
assertArrayEquals(message, decrypted);
/** BC had a bug, where GCM failed for messages of size > 8192 */
public void testLongMessages() throws Exception {
int dataSize = 16;
while (dataSize <= (1 << 24)) {
byte[] plaintext = Random.randBytes(dataSize);
byte[] aad = Random.randBytes(dataSize / 3);
for (int keySize : keySizeInBytes) {
byte[] key = Random.randBytes(keySize);
AesGcmJce gcm = new AesGcmJce(key);
byte[] ciphertext = gcm.encrypt(plaintext, aad);
byte[] decrypted = gcm.decrypt(ciphertext, aad);
assertArrayEquals(plaintext, decrypted);
dataSize += 5 * dataSize / 11;
public void testModifyCiphertext() throws Exception {
byte[] aad = Random.randBytes(33);
byte[] key = Random.randBytes(16);
byte[] message = Random.randBytes(32);
AesGcmJce gcm = new AesGcmJce(key);
byte[] ciphertext = gcm.encrypt(message, aad);
// Flipping bits
for (int b = 0; b < ciphertext.length; b++) {
for (int bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++) {
byte[] modified = Arrays.copyOf(ciphertext, ciphertext.length);
modified[b] ^= (byte) (1 << bit);
try {
byte[] unused = gcm.decrypt(modified, aad);
fail("Decrypting modified ciphertext should fail");
} catch (AEADBadTagException ex) {
// This is expected.
// Truncate the message.
for (int length = 0; length < ciphertext.length; length++) {
byte[] modified = Arrays.copyOf(ciphertext, length);
try {
byte[] unused = gcm.decrypt(modified, aad);
fail("Decrypting modified ciphertext should fail");
} catch (GeneralSecurityException ex) {
// This is expected.
// This could be a AeadBadTagException when the tag verification
// fails or some not yet specified Exception when the ciphertext is too short.
// In all cases a GeneralSecurityException or a subclass of it must be thrown.
// Modify AAD
for (int b = 0; b < aad.length; b++) {
for (int bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++) {
byte[] modified = Arrays.copyOf(aad, aad.length);
modified[b] ^= (byte) (1 << bit);
try {
byte[] unused = gcm.decrypt(ciphertext, modified);
fail("Decrypting with modified aad should fail");
} catch (AEADBadTagException ex) {
// This is expected.
public void testWycheproofVectors() throws Exception {
JSONObject jsonObj = TestUtil.getJsonObject("../wycheproof/testvectors/aes_gcm_test.json");
final String expectedAlgorithm = "AES-GCM";
String algorithm = jsonObj.getString("algorithm");
if (!expectedAlgorithm.equals(algorithm)) {
System.out.println("expect algorithm " + expectedAlgorithm + ", got" + algorithm);
final String expectedVersion = "0.0a8";
String generatorVersion = jsonObj.getString("generatorVersion");
if (!generatorVersion.equals(expectedVersion)) {
"expect test vectors with version "
+ expectedVersion
+ " ,got vectors with version "
+ generatorVersion);
int numTests = jsonObj.getInt("numberOfTests");
int cntTests = 0;
int cntSkippedTests = 0;
int errors = 0;
JSONArray testGroups = jsonObj.getJSONArray("testGroups");
for (int i = 0; i < testGroups.length(); i++) {
JSONObject group = testGroups.getJSONObject(i);
int keySize = group.getInt("keySize");
JSONArray tests = group.getJSONArray("tests");
if (!Arrays.asList(keySizeInBytes).contains(keySize / 8)) {
cntSkippedTests += tests.length();
for (int j = 0; j < tests.length(); j++) {
JSONObject testcase = tests.getJSONObject(j);
int tcid = testcase.getInt("tcId");
String tc = "tcId: " + tcid + " " + testcase.getString("comment");
byte[] iv = TestUtil.getBytes(testcase, "iv");
byte[] key = TestUtil.getBytes(testcase, "key");
byte[] msg = TestUtil.getBytes(testcase, "msg");
byte[] aad = TestUtil.getBytes(testcase, "aad");
byte[] ct = TestUtil.getBytes(testcase, "ct");
byte[] tag = TestUtil.getBytes(testcase, "tag");
byte[] ciphertext = Bytes.concat(iv, ct, tag);
// Result is one of "valid", "invalid", "acceptable".
// "valid" are test vectors with matching plaintext, ciphertext and tag.
// "invalid" are test vectors with invalid parameters or invalid ciphertext and tag.
// "acceptable" are test vectors with weak parameters or legacy formats.
String result = testcase.getString("result");
// Tink only supports 12-byte iv.
if (iv.length != 12) {
result = "invalid";
try {
AesGcmJce gcm = new AesGcmJce(key);
byte[] decrypted = gcm.decrypt(ciphertext, aad);
boolean eq = TestUtil.arrayEquals(decrypted, msg);
if (result.equals("invalid")) {
System.out.println("Decrypted invalid ciphertext " + tc + " eq:" + eq);
} else {
if (!eq) {
"Incorrect decryption " + tc + " decrypted:" + TestUtil.hexEncode(decrypted));
} catch (GeneralSecurityException ex) {
if (result.equals("valid")) {
System.out.println("Failed to decrypt " + tc);
assertEquals(0, errors);
assertEquals(numTests, cntTests + cntSkippedTests);
* This is a very simple test for the randomness of the nonce. The test simply checks that the
* multiple ciphertexts of the same message are distinct.
public void testRandomNonce() throws Exception {
final int samples = 1 << 17;
byte[] key = Random.randBytes(16);
byte[] message = new byte[0];
byte[] aad = new byte[0];
AesGcmJce gcm = new AesGcmJce(key);
HashSet<String> ciphertexts = new HashSet<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++) {
byte[] ct = gcm.encrypt(message, aad);
String ctHex = TestUtil.hexEncode(ct);