blob: 496fbbf80c56bc39396a8b7269dbced74de2897a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "tink/streamingaead/decrypting_random_access_stream.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "absl/memory/memory.h"
#include "absl/status/status.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "tink/output_stream.h"
#include "tink/primitive_set.h"
#include "tink/random_access_stream.h"
#include "tink/streaming_aead.h"
#include "tink/subtle/random.h"
#include "tink/subtle/test_util.h"
#include "tink/util/file_random_access_stream.h"
#include "tink/util/ostream_output_stream.h"
#include "tink/util/status.h"
#include "tink/util/test_matchers.h"
#include "tink/util/test_util.h"
#include "proto/tink.pb.h"
namespace crypto {
namespace tink {
namespace streamingaead {
namespace {
using crypto::tink::test::DummyStreamingAead;
using crypto::tink::test::IsOk;
using crypto::tink::test::StatusIs;
using google::crypto::tink::KeysetInfo;
using google::crypto::tink::KeyStatusType;
using google::crypto::tink::OutputPrefixType;
using subtle::test::WriteToStream;
using testing::HasSubstr;
// Creates a RandomAccessStream with the specified contents.
std::unique_ptr<RandomAccessStream> GetRandomAccessStream(
absl::string_view contents) {
static int index = 1;
std::string filename = absl::StrCat("stream_data_file_", index, ".txt");
int input_fd = test::GetTestFileDescriptor(filename, contents);
return {absl::make_unique<util::FileRandomAccessStream>(input_fd)};
// Creates an RandomAccessStream that contains ciphertext resulting
// from encryption of 'pt' with 'aad' as associated data, using 'saead'.
std::unique_ptr<RandomAccessStream> GetCiphertextSource(
StreamingAead* saead, absl::string_view pt, absl::string_view aad) {
// Prepare ciphertext destination stream.
auto ct_stream = absl::make_unique<std::stringstream>();
// A reference to the ciphertext buffer.
auto ct_buf = ct_stream->rdbuf();
std::unique_ptr<OutputStream> ct_destination(
// Compute the ciphertext.
auto enc_stream_result =
saead->NewEncryptingStream(std::move(ct_destination), aad);
EXPECT_THAT(enc_stream_result, IsOk());
EXPECT_THAT(WriteToStream(enc_stream_result.value().get(), pt), IsOk());
// Return the ciphertext as RandomAccessStream.
return GetRandomAccessStream(ct_buf->str());
// Reads the entire 'ra_stream', until no more bytes can be read,
// and puts the read bytes into 'contents'.
// Returns the status of the last ra_stream->PRead()-operation.
util::Status ReadAll(RandomAccessStream* ra_stream, std::string* contents) {
int chunk_size = 42;
auto buffer = std::move(util::Buffer::New(chunk_size).value());
int64_t position = 0;
auto status = ra_stream->PRead(position, chunk_size, buffer.get());
while (status.ok()) {
contents->append(buffer->get_mem_block(), buffer->size());
position = contents->size();
status = ra_stream->PRead(position, chunk_size, buffer.get());
if (status.code() == absl::StatusCode::kOutOfRange) { // EOF
EXPECT_EQ(0, buffer->size());
return status;
// A container for specification of instances of DummyStreamingAead
// to be created for testing.
struct StreamingAeadSpec {
uint32_t key_id;
std::string saead_name;
// Generates a PrimitiveSet<StreamingAead> with DummyStreamingAead
// instances according to the specification in 'spec'.
// The last entry in 'spec' will be the primary primitive in the returned set.
std::shared_ptr<PrimitiveSet<StreamingAead>> GetTestStreamingAeadSet(
const std::vector<StreamingAeadSpec>& spec) {
std::shared_ptr<PrimitiveSet<StreamingAead>> saead_set =
int i = 0;
for (auto& s : spec) {
KeysetInfo::KeyInfo key_info;
std::unique_ptr<StreamingAead> saead =
auto entry_result = saead_set->AddPrimitive(std::move(saead), key_info);
if (i + 1 == spec.size()) {
EXPECT_THAT(saead_set->set_primary(entry_result.value()), IsOk());
return saead_set;
TEST(DecryptingRandomAccessStreamTest, BasicDecryption) {
uint32_t key_id_0 = 1234543;
uint32_t key_id_1 = 726329;
uint32_t key_id_2 = 7213743;
std::string saead_name_0 = "streaming_aead0";
std::string saead_name_1 = "streaming_aead1";
std::string saead_name_2 = "streaming_aead2";
auto saead_set = GetTestStreamingAeadSet(
{{key_id_0, saead_name_0}, {key_id_1, saead_name_1},
{key_id_2, saead_name_2}});
for (int pt_size : {0, 1, 10, 100, 10000}) {
std::string plaintext = subtle::Random::GetRandomBytes(pt_size);
for (std::string aad : {"some_aad", "", "some other aad"}) {
SCOPED_TRACE(absl::StrCat("pt_size = ", pt_size,
", aad = '", aad, "'"));
// Pre-compute ciphertexts. We create one ciphertext for each primitive
// in the primitive set, so that we can test decryption with both
// the primary primitive, and the non-primary ones.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RandomAccessStream>> ciphertexts;
for (const auto& p : *(saead_set->get_raw_primitives().value())) {
GetCiphertextSource(&(p->get_primitive()), plaintext, aad));
EXPECT_EQ(3, ciphertexts.size());
// Check the decryption of each of the pre-computed ciphertexts.
for (auto& ct : ciphertexts) {
// Wrap the primitive set and test the resulting
// DecryptingRandomAccessStream.
auto dec_stream_result =
DecryptingRandomAccessStream::New(saead_set, std::move(ct), aad);
EXPECT_THAT(dec_stream_result, IsOk());
auto dec_stream = std::move(dec_stream_result.value());
std::string decrypted;
auto status = ReadAll(dec_stream.get(), &decrypted);
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIs(absl::StatusCode::kOutOfRange,
EXPECT_EQ(pt_size, dec_stream->size().value());
EXPECT_EQ(plaintext, decrypted);
TEST(DecryptingRandomAccessStreamTest, SelectiveDecryption) {
uint32_t key_id_0 = 1234543;
uint32_t key_id_1 = 726329;
uint32_t key_id_2 = 7213743;
std::string saead_name_0 = "streaming_aead0";
std::string saead_name_1 = "streaming_aead1";
std::string saead_name_2 = "streaming_aead2";
auto saead_set = GetTestStreamingAeadSet(
{{key_id_0, saead_name_0}, {key_id_1, saead_name_1},
{key_id_2, saead_name_2}});
for (int pt_size : {5, 10, 100, 10000}) {
std::string plaintext = subtle::Random::GetRandomBytes(pt_size);
for (std::string aad : {"some_aad", "", "some other aad"}) {
SCOPED_TRACE(absl::StrCat("pt_size = ", pt_size,
", aad = '", aad, "'"));
// Pre-compute ciphertexts. We create one ciphertext for each primitive
// in the primitive set, so that we can test decryption with both
// the primary primitive, and the non-primary ones.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RandomAccessStream>> ciphertexts;
for (const auto& p : *(saead_set->get_raw_primitives().value())) {
GetCiphertextSource(&(p->get_primitive()), plaintext, aad));
EXPECT_EQ(3, ciphertexts.size());
// Check the decryption of each of the pre-computed ciphertexts.
int ct_number = 0;
for (auto& ct : ciphertexts) {
// Wrap the primitive set and test the resulting
// DecryptingRandomAccessStream.
auto dec_stream_result =
DecryptingRandomAccessStream::New(saead_set, std::move(ct), aad);
EXPECT_THAT(dec_stream_result, IsOk());
auto dec_stream = std::move(dec_stream_result.value());
for (int position : {0, 1, 2, pt_size/2, pt_size-1}) {
for (int chunk_size : {1, pt_size/2, pt_size}) {
SCOPED_TRACE(absl::StrCat("ct_number = ", ct_number,
", position = ", position,
", chunk_size = ", chunk_size));
auto buffer = std::move(util::Buffer::New(chunk_size).value());
auto status = dec_stream->PRead(position, chunk_size, buffer.get());
EXPECT_THAT(status, IsOk());
EXPECT_EQ(std::min(chunk_size, pt_size - position), buffer->size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, std::memcmp( + position,
buffer->get_mem_block(), buffer->size()));
TEST(DecryptingRandomAccessStreamTest, OutOfRangeDecryption) {
uint32_t key_id_0 = 1234543;
uint32_t key_id_1 = 726329;
uint32_t key_id_2 = 7213743;
std::string saead_name_0 = "streaming_aead0";
std::string saead_name_1 = "streaming_aead1";
std::string saead_name_2 = "streaming_aead2";
auto saead_set = GetTestStreamingAeadSet(
{{key_id_0, saead_name_0}, {key_id_1, saead_name_1},
{key_id_2, saead_name_2}});
for (int pt_size : {1, 5, 10, 100, 10000}) {
std::string plaintext = subtle::Random::GetRandomBytes(pt_size);
for (std::string aad : {"some_aad", "", "some other aad"}) {
SCOPED_TRACE(absl::StrCat("pt_size = ", pt_size,
", aad = '", aad, "'"));
// Pre-compute ciphertexts. We create one ciphertext for each primitive
// in the primitive set, so that we can test decryption with both
// the primary primitive, and the non-primary ones.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RandomAccessStream>> ciphertexts;
for (const auto& p : *(saead_set->get_raw_primitives().value())) {
GetCiphertextSource(&(p->get_primitive()), plaintext, aad));
EXPECT_EQ(3, ciphertexts.size());
// Check the decryption of each of the pre-computed ciphertexts.
int ct_number = 0;
for (auto& ct : ciphertexts) {
// Wrap the primitive set and test the resulting
// DecryptingRandomAccessStream.
auto dec_stream_result =
DecryptingRandomAccessStream::New(saead_set, std::move(ct), aad);
EXPECT_THAT(dec_stream_result, IsOk());
auto dec_stream = std::move(dec_stream_result.value());
int chunk_size = 1;
auto buffer = std::move(util::Buffer::New(chunk_size).value());
for (int position : {pt_size, pt_size + 1}) {
SCOPED_TRACE(absl::StrCat("ct_number = ", ct_number,
", position = ", position));
// Negative chunk size.
auto status = dec_stream->PRead(position, -1, buffer.get());
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIs(absl::StatusCode::kInvalidArgument));
// Negative position.
status = dec_stream->PRead(-1, chunk_size, buffer.get());
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIs(absl::StatusCode::kInvalidArgument));
// Reading past EOF.
status = dec_stream->PRead(position, chunk_size, buffer.get());
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIs(absl::StatusCode::kOutOfRange));
TEST(DecryptingRandomAccessStreamTest, WrongAssociatedData) {
uint32_t key_id_0 = 1234543;
uint32_t key_id_1 = 726329;
uint32_t key_id_2 = 7213743;
std::string saead_name_0 = "streaming_aead0";
std::string saead_name_1 = "streaming_aead1";
std::string saead_name_2 = "streaming_aead2";
auto saead_set = GetTestStreamingAeadSet(
{{key_id_0, saead_name_0}, {key_id_1, saead_name_1},
{key_id_2, saead_name_2}});
for (int pt_size : {0, 1, 10, 100, 10000}) {
std::string plaintext = subtle::Random::GetRandomBytes(pt_size);
for (std::string aad : {"some_aad", "", "some other aad"}) {
SCOPED_TRACE(absl::StrCat("pt_size = ", pt_size,
", aad = '", aad, "'"));
// Compute a ciphertext with the primary primitive.
auto ct = GetCiphertextSource(
&(saead_set->get_primary()->get_primitive()), plaintext, aad);
auto dec_stream_result = DecryptingRandomAccessStream::New(
saead_set, std::move(ct), "wrong aad");
EXPECT_THAT(dec_stream_result, IsOk());
std::string decrypted;
auto status = ReadAll(dec_stream_result.value().get(), &decrypted);
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIs(absl::StatusCode::kInvalidArgument));
TEST(DecryptingRandomAccessStreamTest, WrongCiphertext) {
uint32_t key_id_0 = 1234543;
uint32_t key_id_1 = 726329;
uint32_t key_id_2 = 7213743;
std::string saead_name_0 = "streaming_aead0";
std::string saead_name_1 = "streaming_aead1";
std::string saead_name_2 = "streaming_aead2";
auto saead_set = GetTestStreamingAeadSet(
{{key_id_0, saead_name_0}, {key_id_1, saead_name_1},
{key_id_2, saead_name_2}});
for (int pt_size : {0, 1, 10, 100, 10000}) {
std::string plaintext = subtle::Random::GetRandomBytes(pt_size);
for (std::string aad : {"some_aad", "", "some other aad"}) {
SCOPED_TRACE(absl::StrCat("pt_size = ", pt_size,
", aad = '", aad, "'"));
// Try decrypting a wrong ciphertext.
auto wrong_ct =
auto dec_stream_result = DecryptingRandomAccessStream::New(
saead_set, std::move(wrong_ct), aad);
EXPECT_THAT(dec_stream_result, IsOk());
std::string decrypted;
auto status = ReadAll(dec_stream_result.value().get(), &decrypted);
EXPECT_THAT(status, StatusIs(absl::StatusCode::kInvalidArgument));
TEST(DecryptingRandomAccessStreamTest, NullPrimitiveSet) {
auto ct_stream = GetRandomAccessStream("some ciphertext contents");
auto dec_stream_result = DecryptingRandomAccessStream::New(
nullptr, std::move(ct_stream), "some aad");
HasSubstr("primitives must be non-null")));
TEST(DecryptingRandomAccessStreamTest, NullCiphertextSource) {
uint32_t key_id = 1234543;
std::string saead_name = "streaming_aead";
auto saead_set = GetTestStreamingAeadSet({{key_id, saead_name}});
auto dec_stream_result = DecryptingRandomAccessStream::New(
saead_set, nullptr, "some aad");
HasSubstr("ciphertext_source must be non-null")));
} // namespace
} // namespace streamingaead
} // namespace tink
} // namespace crypto