blob: 9f422e76bfc98dfc7c4b9351f8ac608c16ff63ba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package testutil provides common methods needed in test code.
package testutil
import (
subtledaead ""
subtlehybrid ""
cmacpb ""
aescmacprfpb ""
ctrhmacpb ""
gcmpb ""
gcmhkdfpb ""
gcmsivpb ""
aspb ""
commonpb ""
ecdsapb ""
eciespb ""
ed25519pb ""
hkdfprfpb ""
hmacpb ""
hmacprfpb ""
tinkpb ""
// DummyAEADKeyManager is a dummy implementation of the KeyManager interface.
// It returns DummyAEAD when GetPrimitive() functions are called.
type DummyAEADKeyManager struct{}
var _ registry.KeyManager = (*DummyAEADKeyManager)(nil)
// Primitive constructs a primitive instance for the key given in
// serializedKey, which must be a serialized key protocol buffer handled by this manager.
func (km *DummyAEADKeyManager) Primitive(serializedKey []byte) (interface{}, error) {
return new(DummyAEAD), nil
// NewKey generates a new key according to specification in serializedKeyFormat.
func (km *DummyAEADKeyManager) NewKey(serializedKeyFormat []byte) (proto.Message, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not implemented")
// NewKeyData generates a new KeyData according to specification in serializedkeyFormat.
func (km *DummyAEADKeyManager) NewKeyData(serializedKeyFormat []byte) (*tinkpb.KeyData, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not implemented")
// DoesSupport returns true iff this KeyManager supports key type identified by typeURL.
func (km *DummyAEADKeyManager) DoesSupport(typeURL string) bool {
return typeURL == AESGCMTypeURL
// TypeURL returns the type URL.
func (km *DummyAEADKeyManager) TypeURL() string {
return AESGCMTypeURL
// DummyAEAD is a dummy implementation of AEAD interface. It "encrypts" data
// with a simple serialization capturing the dummy name, plaintext, and
// associated data, and "decrypts" it by reversing this and checking that the
// name and associated data match.
type DummyAEAD struct {
Name string
type dummyAEADData struct {
Name string
Plaintext []byte
AssociatedData []byte
// Encrypt encrypts the plaintext.
func (a *DummyAEAD) Encrypt(plaintext []byte, associatedData []byte) ([]byte, error) {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
encoder := gob.NewEncoder(buf)
err := encoder.Encode(dummyAEADData{
Name: a.Name,
Plaintext: plaintext,
AssociatedData: associatedData,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("dummy aead encrypt: %v", err)
return buf.Bytes(), nil
// Decrypt decrypts the ciphertext.
func (a *DummyAEAD) Decrypt(ciphertext []byte, associatedData []byte) ([]byte, error) {
data := dummyAEADData{}
decoder := gob.NewDecoder(bytes.NewBuffer(ciphertext))
if err := decoder.Decode(&data); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("dummy aead decrypt: invalid data: %v", err)
if data.Name != a.Name || !bytes.Equal(data.AssociatedData, associatedData) {
return nil, errors.New("dummy aead encrypt: name/associated data mismatch")
return data.Plaintext, nil
// AlwaysFailingAead fails encryption and decryption operations.
type AlwaysFailingAead struct {
Error error
var _ (tink.AEAD) = (*AlwaysFailingAead)(nil)
// NewAlwaysFailingAead creates a new always failing AEAD.
func NewAlwaysFailingAead(err error) tink.AEAD {
return &AlwaysFailingAead{Error: err}
// Encrypt returns an error on encryption.
func (a *AlwaysFailingAead) Encrypt(plaintext []byte, associatedData []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("AlwaysFailingAead will always fail on encryption: %v", a.Error)
// Decrypt returns an error on decryption.
func (a *AlwaysFailingAead) Decrypt(ciphertext []byte, associatedData []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("AlwaysFailingAead will always fail on decryption: %v", a.Error)
// TestKeyManager is key manager which can be setup to return an arbitrary primitive for a type URL
// useful for testing.
type TestKeyManager struct {
primitive interface{}
typeURL string
var _ registry.KeyManager = (*TestKeyManager)(nil)
// NewTestKeyManager creates a new key manager that returns a specific primitive for a typeURL.
func NewTestKeyManager(primitive interface{}, typeURL string) registry.KeyManager {
return &TestKeyManager{
primitive: primitive,
typeURL: typeURL,
// Primitive constructs a primitive instance for the key given input key.
func (km *TestKeyManager) Primitive(serializedKey []byte) (interface{}, error) {
return km.primitive, nil
// NewKey generates a new key according to specification in serializedKeyFormat.
func (km *TestKeyManager) NewKey(serializedKeyFormat []byte) (proto.Message, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("TestKeyManager: not implemented")
// NewKeyData generates a new KeyData according to specification in serializedkeyFormat.
func (km *TestKeyManager) NewKeyData(serializedKeyFormat []byte) (*tinkpb.KeyData, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("TestKeyManager: not implemented")
// DoesSupport returns true if this KeyManager supports key type identified by typeURL.
func (km *TestKeyManager) DoesSupport(typeURL string) bool {
return typeURL == km.typeURL
// TypeURL returns the type URL.
func (km *TestKeyManager) TypeURL() string {
return km.typeURL
// DummySigner is a dummy implementation of the Signer interface.
type DummySigner struct {
aead DummyAEAD
// NewDummySigner creates a new dummy signer with the specified name. The name
// is used to pair with the DummyVerifier.
func NewDummySigner(name string) *DummySigner {
return &DummySigner{DummyAEAD{Name: "dummy public key:" + name}}
// Sign signs data.
func (s *DummySigner) Sign(data []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return s.aead.Encrypt(nil, data)
// DummyVerifier is a dummy implementation of the Signer interface.
type DummyVerifier struct {
aead DummyAEAD
// Verify verifies data.
func (v *DummyVerifier) Verify(sig, data []byte) error {
_, err := v.aead.Decrypt(sig, data)
return err
// NewDummyVerifier creates a new dummy verifier with the specified name. The
// name is used to pair with the DummySigner.
func NewDummyVerifier(name string) *DummyVerifier {
return &DummyVerifier{DummyAEAD{Name: "dummy public key:" + name}}
// DummyMAC is a dummy implementation of Mac interface.
type DummyMAC struct {
Name string
// ComputeMAC computes a message authentication code (MAC) for data.
func (h *DummyMAC) ComputeMAC(data []byte) ([]byte, error) {
var m []byte
m = append(m, data...)
m = append(m, h.Name...)
return m, nil
// VerifyMAC verifies whether mac is a correct message authentication code
// (MAC) for data.
func (h *DummyMAC) VerifyMAC(mac []byte, data []byte) error {
return nil
// DummyKMSClient is a dummy implementation of a KMS Client.
type DummyKMSClient struct{}
var _ registry.KMSClient = (*DummyKMSClient)(nil)
// Supported true if this client does support keyURI
func (d *DummyKMSClient) Supported(keyURI string) bool {
return keyURI == "dummy"
// GetAEAD gets an Aead backend by keyURI.
func (d *DummyKMSClient) GetAEAD(keyURI string) (tink.AEAD, error) {
return &DummyAEAD{}, nil
// NewTestAESGCMKeyset creates a new Keyset containing an AESGCMKey.
func NewTestAESGCMKeyset(primaryOutputPrefixType tinkpb.OutputPrefixType) *tinkpb.Keyset {
keyData := NewAESGCMKeyData(16)
return NewTestKeyset(keyData, primaryOutputPrefixType)
// NewTestAESGCMSIVKeyset creates a new Keyset containing an AESGCMSIVKey.
func NewTestAESGCMSIVKeyset(primaryOutputPrefixType tinkpb.OutputPrefixType) *tinkpb.Keyset {
keyData := NewAESGCMSIVKeyData(16)
return NewTestKeyset(keyData, primaryOutputPrefixType)
// NewTestAESSIVKeyset creates a new Keyset containing an AesSivKey.
func NewTestAESSIVKeyset(primaryOutputPrefixType tinkpb.OutputPrefixType) *tinkpb.Keyset {
keyValue := random.GetRandomBytes(subtledaead.AESSIVKeySize)
key := &aspb.AesSivKey{
Version: AESSIVKeyVersion,
KeyValue: keyValue,
serializedKey, err := proto.Marshal(key)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed serializing proto: %v", err)
keyData := NewKeyData(AESSIVTypeURL, serializedKey, tinkpb.KeyData_SYMMETRIC)
return NewTestKeyset(keyData, primaryOutputPrefixType)
// NewTestHMACKeyset creates a new Keyset containing a HMACKey.
func NewTestHMACKeyset(tagSize uint32,
primaryOutputPrefixType tinkpb.OutputPrefixType) *tinkpb.Keyset {
keyData := NewHMACKeyData(commonpb.HashType_SHA256, tagSize)
return NewTestKeyset(keyData, primaryOutputPrefixType)
// NewTestAESGCMHKDFKeyset creates a new Keyset containing an AESGCMHKDFKey.
func NewTestAESGCMHKDFKeyset() *tinkpb.Keyset {
const (
keySize = 16
derivedKeySize = 16
ciphertextSegmentSize = 4096
keyData := NewAESGCMHKDFKeyData(keySize, derivedKeySize, commonpb.HashType_SHA256, ciphertextSegmentSize)
return NewTestKeyset(keyData, tinkpb.OutputPrefixType_RAW)
// NewTestKeyset creates a new test Keyset.
func NewTestKeyset(keyData *tinkpb.KeyData,
primaryOutputPrefixType tinkpb.OutputPrefixType) *tinkpb.Keyset {
primaryKey := NewKey(keyData, tinkpb.KeyStatusType_ENABLED, 42, primaryOutputPrefixType)
rawKey := NewKey(keyData, tinkpb.KeyStatusType_ENABLED, 43, tinkpb.OutputPrefixType_RAW)
legacyKey := NewKey(keyData, tinkpb.KeyStatusType_ENABLED, 44, tinkpb.OutputPrefixType_LEGACY)
tinkKey := NewKey(keyData, tinkpb.KeyStatusType_ENABLED, 45, tinkpb.OutputPrefixType_TINK)
crunchyKey := NewKey(keyData, tinkpb.KeyStatusType_ENABLED, 46, tinkpb.OutputPrefixType_CRUNCHY)
keys := []*tinkpb.Keyset_Key{primaryKey, rawKey, legacyKey, tinkKey, crunchyKey}
return NewKeyset(primaryKey.KeyId, keys)
// NewDummyKey returns a dummy key that doesn't contain actual key material.
func NewDummyKey(keyID int, status tinkpb.KeyStatusType, outputPrefixType tinkpb.OutputPrefixType) *tinkpb.Keyset_Key {
return &tinkpb.Keyset_Key{
KeyData: new(tinkpb.KeyData),
Status: status,
KeyId: uint32(keyID),
OutputPrefixType: outputPrefixType,
// NewECDSAParams creates a ECDSAParams with the specified parameters.
func NewECDSAParams(hashType commonpb.HashType,
curve commonpb.EllipticCurveType,
encoding ecdsapb.EcdsaSignatureEncoding) *ecdsapb.EcdsaParams {
return &ecdsapb.EcdsaParams{
HashType: hashType,
Curve: curve,
Encoding: encoding,
// NewECDSAKeyFormat creates a ECDSAKeyFormat with the specified parameters.
func NewECDSAKeyFormat(params *ecdsapb.EcdsaParams) *ecdsapb.EcdsaKeyFormat {
return &ecdsapb.EcdsaKeyFormat{Params: params}
// NewECDSAPrivateKey creates a ECDSAPrivateKey with the specified paramaters.
func NewECDSAPrivateKey(version uint32,
publicKey *ecdsapb.EcdsaPublicKey,
keyValue []byte) *ecdsapb.EcdsaPrivateKey {
return &ecdsapb.EcdsaPrivateKey{
Version: version,
PublicKey: publicKey,
KeyValue: keyValue,
// NewECDSAPublicKey creates a ECDSAPublicKey with the specified paramaters.
func NewECDSAPublicKey(version uint32,
params *ecdsapb.EcdsaParams,
x []byte, y []byte) *ecdsapb.EcdsaPublicKey {
return &ecdsapb.EcdsaPublicKey{
Version: version,
Params: params,
X: x,
Y: y,
// NewRandomECDSAPrivateKey creates an ECDSAPrivateKey with randomly generated key material.
func NewRandomECDSAPrivateKey(hashType commonpb.HashType, curve commonpb.EllipticCurveType) *ecdsapb.EcdsaPrivateKey {
curveName := commonpb.EllipticCurveType_name[int32(curve)]
priv, _ := ecdsa.GenerateKey(subtle.GetCurve(curveName), rand.Reader)
params := NewECDSAParams(hashType, curve, ecdsapb.EcdsaSignatureEncoding_DER)
publicKey := NewECDSAPublicKey(ECDSAVerifierKeyVersion, params, priv.X.Bytes(), priv.Y.Bytes())
return NewECDSAPrivateKey(ECDSASignerKeyVersion, publicKey, priv.D.Bytes())
// NewRandomECDSAPublicKey creates an ECDSAPublicKey with randomly generated key material.
func NewRandomECDSAPublicKey(hashType commonpb.HashType, curve commonpb.EllipticCurveType) *ecdsapb.EcdsaPublicKey {
return NewRandomECDSAPrivateKey(hashType, curve).PublicKey
// GetECDSAParamNames returns the string representations of each parameter in
// the given ECDSAParams.
func GetECDSAParamNames(params *ecdsapb.EcdsaParams) (string, string, string) {
hashName := commonpb.HashType_name[int32(params.HashType)]
curveName := commonpb.EllipticCurveType_name[int32(params.Curve)]
encodingName := ecdsapb.EcdsaSignatureEncoding_name[int32(params.Encoding)]
return hashName, curveName, encodingName
// NewED25519PrivateKey creates an ED25519PrivateKey with randomly generated key material.
func NewED25519PrivateKey() *ed25519pb.Ed25519PrivateKey {
public, private, _ := ed25519.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)
publicProto := &ed25519pb.Ed25519PublicKey{
Version: ED25519SignerKeyVersion,
KeyValue: public,
return &ed25519pb.Ed25519PrivateKey{
Version: ED25519SignerKeyVersion,
PublicKey: publicProto,
KeyValue: private.Seed(),
// NewED25519PublicKey creates an ED25519PublicKey with randomly generated key material.
func NewED25519PublicKey() *ed25519pb.Ed25519PublicKey {
return NewED25519PrivateKey().PublicKey
// NewAESGCMKey creates a randomly generated AESGCMKey.
func NewAESGCMKey(keyVersion uint32, keySize uint32) *gcmpb.AesGcmKey {
keyValue := random.GetRandomBytes(keySize)
return &gcmpb.AesGcmKey{
Version: keyVersion,
KeyValue: keyValue,
// NewAESGCMKeyData creates a KeyData containing a randomly generated AESGCMKey.
func NewAESGCMKeyData(keySize uint32) *tinkpb.KeyData {
serializedKey, err := proto.Marshal(NewAESGCMKey(AESGCMKeyVersion, keySize))
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed serializing proto: %v", err)
return NewKeyData(AESGCMTypeURL, serializedKey, tinkpb.KeyData_SYMMETRIC)
// NewAESGCMKeyFormat returns a new AESGCMKeyFormat.
func NewAESGCMKeyFormat(keySize uint32) *gcmpb.AesGcmKeyFormat {
return &gcmpb.AesGcmKeyFormat{
KeySize: keySize,
// NewAESGCMSIVKey creates a randomly generated AESGCMSIVKey.
func NewAESGCMSIVKey(keyVersion uint32, keySize uint32) *gcmsivpb.AesGcmSivKey {
keyValue := random.GetRandomBytes(keySize)
return &gcmsivpb.AesGcmSivKey{
Version: keyVersion,
KeyValue: keyValue,
// NewAESGCMSIVKeyData creates a KeyData containing a randomly generated AESGCMSIVKey.
func NewAESGCMSIVKeyData(keySize uint32) *tinkpb.KeyData {
serializedKey, err := proto.Marshal(NewAESGCMSIVKey(AESGCMKeyVersion, keySize))
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("NewAESGCMSIVKeyData(keySize=%d): Failed serializing proto; err=%v", keySize, err)
return NewKeyData(AESGCMTypeURL, serializedKey, tinkpb.KeyData_SYMMETRIC)
// NewAESGCMSIVKeyFormat returns a new AESGCMKeyFormat.
func NewAESGCMSIVKeyFormat(keySize uint32) *gcmsivpb.AesGcmSivKeyFormat {
return &gcmsivpb.AesGcmSivKeyFormat{
KeySize: keySize,
// NewAESGCMHKDFKey creates a randomly generated AESGCMHKDFKey.
keyVersion uint32,
keySize uint32,
derivedKeySize uint32,
hkdfHashType commonpb.HashType,
ciphertextSegmentSize uint32,
) *gcmhkdfpb.AesGcmHkdfStreamingKey {
keyValue := random.GetRandomBytes(keySize)
return &gcmhkdfpb.AesGcmHkdfStreamingKey{
Version: keyVersion,
KeyValue: keyValue,
Params: &gcmhkdfpb.AesGcmHkdfStreamingParams{
CiphertextSegmentSize: ciphertextSegmentSize,
DerivedKeySize: derivedKeySize,
HkdfHashType: hkdfHashType,
// NewAESGCMHKDFKeyData creates a KeyData containing a randomly generated AESGCMHKDFKey.
func NewAESGCMHKDFKeyData(
keySize uint32,
derivedKeySize uint32,
hkdfHashType commonpb.HashType,
ciphertextSegmentSize uint32,
) *tinkpb.KeyData {
serializedKey, err := proto.Marshal(NewAESGCMHKDFKey(AESGCMHKDFKeyVersion, keySize, derivedKeySize, hkdfHashType, ciphertextSegmentSize))
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed serializing proto: %v", err)
return NewKeyData(AESGCMHKDFTypeURL, serializedKey, tinkpb.KeyData_SYMMETRIC)
// NewAESGCMHKDFKeyFormat returns a new AESGCMHKDFKeyFormat.
func NewAESGCMHKDFKeyFormat(
keySize uint32,
derivedKeySize uint32,
hkdfHashType commonpb.HashType,
ciphertextSegmentSize uint32,
) *gcmhkdfpb.AesGcmHkdfStreamingKeyFormat {
return &gcmhkdfpb.AesGcmHkdfStreamingKeyFormat{
KeySize: keySize,
Params: &gcmhkdfpb.AesGcmHkdfStreamingParams{
CiphertextSegmentSize: ciphertextSegmentSize,
DerivedKeySize: derivedKeySize,
HkdfHashType: hkdfHashType,
// NewAESCTRHMACKey creates a randomly generated AESCTRHMACKey.
keyVersion uint32,
keySize uint32,
hkdfHashType commonpb.HashType,
derivedKeySize uint32,
hashType commonpb.HashType,
tagSize uint32,
ciphertextSegmentSize uint32,
) *ctrhmacpb.AesCtrHmacStreamingKey {
keyValue := random.GetRandomBytes(keySize)
return &ctrhmacpb.AesCtrHmacStreamingKey{
Version: keyVersion,
KeyValue: keyValue,
Params: &ctrhmacpb.AesCtrHmacStreamingParams{
CiphertextSegmentSize: ciphertextSegmentSize,
DerivedKeySize: derivedKeySize,
HkdfHashType: hkdfHashType,
HmacParams: &hmacpb.HmacParams{
Hash: hashType,
TagSize: tagSize,
// NewAESCTRHMACKeyFormat returns a new AESCTRHMACKeyFormat.
func NewAESCTRHMACKeyFormat(
keySize uint32,
hkdfHashType commonpb.HashType,
derivedKeySize uint32,
hashType commonpb.HashType,
tagSize uint32,
ciphertextSegmentSize uint32,
) *ctrhmacpb.AesCtrHmacStreamingKeyFormat {
return &ctrhmacpb.AesCtrHmacStreamingKeyFormat{
KeySize: keySize,
Params: &ctrhmacpb.AesCtrHmacStreamingParams{
CiphertextSegmentSize: ciphertextSegmentSize,
DerivedKeySize: derivedKeySize,
HkdfHashType: hkdfHashType,
HmacParams: &hmacpb.HmacParams{
Hash: hashType,
TagSize: tagSize,
// NewHMACParams returns a new HMACParams.
func NewHMACParams(hashType commonpb.HashType, tagSize uint32) *hmacpb.HmacParams {
return &hmacpb.HmacParams{
Hash: hashType,
TagSize: tagSize,
// NewHMACKey creates a new HMACKey with the specified parameters.
func NewHMACKey(hashType commonpb.HashType, tagSize uint32) *hmacpb.HmacKey {
params := NewHMACParams(hashType, tagSize)
keyValue := random.GetRandomBytes(20)
return &hmacpb.HmacKey{
Version: HMACKeyVersion,
Params: params,
KeyValue: keyValue,
// NewHMACKeyFormat creates a new HMACKeyFormat with the specified parameters.
func NewHMACKeyFormat(hashType commonpb.HashType, tagSize uint32) *hmacpb.HmacKeyFormat {
params := NewHMACParams(hashType, tagSize)
keySize := uint32(20)
return &hmacpb.HmacKeyFormat{
Params: params,
KeySize: keySize,
// NewAESCMACParams returns a new AESCMACParams.
func NewAESCMACParams(tagSize uint32) *cmacpb.AesCmacParams {
return &cmacpb.AesCmacParams{
TagSize: tagSize,
// NewAESCMACKey creates a new AESCMACKey with the specified parameters.
func NewAESCMACKey(tagSize uint32) *cmacpb.AesCmacKey {
params := NewAESCMACParams(tagSize)
keyValue := random.GetRandomBytes(32)
return &cmacpb.AesCmacKey{
Version: AESCMACKeyVersion,
Params: params,
KeyValue: keyValue,
// NewAESCMACKeyFormat creates a new AESCMACKeyFormat with the specified parameters.
func NewAESCMACKeyFormat(tagSize uint32) *cmacpb.AesCmacKeyFormat {
params := NewAESCMACParams(tagSize)
keySize := uint32(32)
return &cmacpb.AesCmacKeyFormat{
Params: params,
KeySize: keySize,
// NewHMACKeysetManager returns a new KeysetManager that contains a HMACKey.
func NewHMACKeysetManager() *keyset.Manager {
ksm := keyset.NewManager()
kt := mac.HMACSHA256Tag128KeyTemplate()
err := ksm.Rotate(kt)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot rotate keyset manager: %s", err))
return ksm
// NewHMACKeyData returns a new KeyData that contains a HMACKey.
func NewHMACKeyData(hashType commonpb.HashType, tagSize uint32) *tinkpb.KeyData {
key := NewHMACKey(hashType, tagSize)
serializedKey, err := proto.Marshal(key)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed serializing proto: %v", err)
return &tinkpb.KeyData{
TypeUrl: HMACTypeURL,
Value: serializedKey,
KeyMaterialType: tinkpb.KeyData_SYMMETRIC,
// NewHMACPRFParams returns a new HMACPRFParams.
func NewHMACPRFParams(hashType commonpb.HashType) *hmacprfpb.HmacPrfParams {
return &hmacprfpb.HmacPrfParams{
Hash: hashType,
// NewHMACPRFKey creates a new HMACPRFKey with the specified parameters.
func NewHMACPRFKey(hashType commonpb.HashType) *hmacprfpb.HmacPrfKey {
params := NewHMACPRFParams(hashType)
keyValue := random.GetRandomBytes(32)
return &hmacprfpb.HmacPrfKey{
Version: HMACPRFKeyVersion,
Params: params,
KeyValue: keyValue,
// NewHMACPRFKeyFormat creates a new HMACPRFKeyFormat with the specified parameters.
func NewHMACPRFKeyFormat(hashType commonpb.HashType) *hmacprfpb.HmacPrfKeyFormat {
params := NewHMACPRFParams(hashType)
keySize := uint32(32)
return &hmacprfpb.HmacPrfKeyFormat{
Params: params,
KeySize: keySize,
// NewHKDFPRFParams returns a new HKDFPRFParams.
func NewHKDFPRFParams(hashType commonpb.HashType, salt []byte) *hkdfprfpb.HkdfPrfParams {
return &hkdfprfpb.HkdfPrfParams{
Hash: hashType,
Salt: salt,
// NewHKDFPRFKey creates a new HKDFPRFKey with the specified parameters.
func NewHKDFPRFKey(hashType commonpb.HashType, salt []byte) *hkdfprfpb.HkdfPrfKey {
params := NewHKDFPRFParams(hashType, salt)
keyValue := random.GetRandomBytes(32)
return &hkdfprfpb.HkdfPrfKey{
Version: HKDFPRFKeyVersion,
Params: params,
KeyValue: keyValue,
// NewHKDFPRFKeyFormat creates a new HKDFPRFKeyFormat with the specified parameters.
func NewHKDFPRFKeyFormat(hashType commonpb.HashType, salt []byte) *hkdfprfpb.HkdfPrfKeyFormat {
params := NewHKDFPRFParams(hashType, salt)
keySize := uint32(32)
return &hkdfprfpb.HkdfPrfKeyFormat{
Params: params,
KeySize: keySize,
// NewAESCMACPRFKey creates a new AESCMACPRFKey with the specified parameters.
func NewAESCMACPRFKey() *aescmacprfpb.AesCmacPrfKey {
keyValue := random.GetRandomBytes(32)
return &aescmacprfpb.AesCmacPrfKey{
Version: AESCMACPRFKeyVersion,
KeyValue: keyValue,
// NewAESCMACPRFKeyFormat creates a new AESCMACPRFKeyFormat with the specified parameters.
func NewAESCMACPRFKeyFormat() *aescmacprfpb.AesCmacPrfKeyFormat {
keySize := uint32(32)
return &aescmacprfpb.AesCmacPrfKeyFormat{
KeySize: keySize,
// NewKeyData creates a new KeyData with the specified parameters.
func NewKeyData(typeURL string,
value []byte,
materialType tinkpb.KeyData_KeyMaterialType) *tinkpb.KeyData {
return &tinkpb.KeyData{
TypeUrl: typeURL,
Value: value,
KeyMaterialType: materialType,
// NewKey creates a new Key with the specified parameters.
func NewKey(keyData *tinkpb.KeyData,
status tinkpb.KeyStatusType,
keyID uint32,
prefixType tinkpb.OutputPrefixType) *tinkpb.Keyset_Key {
return &tinkpb.Keyset_Key{
KeyData: keyData,
Status: status,
KeyId: keyID,
OutputPrefixType: prefixType,
// NewKeyset creates a new Keyset with the specified parameters.
func NewKeyset(primaryKeyID uint32,
keys []*tinkpb.Keyset_Key) *tinkpb.Keyset {
return &tinkpb.Keyset{
PrimaryKeyId: primaryKeyID,
Key: keys,
// GenerateMutations generates different byte mutations for a given byte array.
func GenerateMutations(src []byte) (all [][]byte) {
// Flip bits
for i := 0; i < len(src); i++ {
for j := 0; j < 8; j++ {
n := make([]byte, len(src))
copy(n, src)
n[i] = n[i] ^ (1 << uint8(j))
all = append(all, n)
//truncate bytes
for i := 1; i < len(src); i++ {
n := make([]byte, len(src[i:]))
copy(n, src[i:])
all = append(all, n)
//append extra byte
m := make([]byte, len(src)+1)
copy(m, src)
all = append(all, m)
// ZTestUniformString uses a z test on the given byte string, expecting all
// bits to be uniformly set with probability 1/2. Returns non ok status if the
// z test fails by more than 10 standard deviations.
// With less statistics jargon: This counts the number of bits set and expects
// the number to be roughly half of the length of the string. The law of large
// numbers suggests that we can assume that the longer the string is, the more
// accurate that estimate becomes for a random string. This test is useful to
// detect things like strings that are entirely zero.
// Note: By itself, this is a very weak test for randomness.
func ZTestUniformString(bytes []byte) error {
expected := float64(len(bytes)) * 8.0 / 2.0
stddev := math.Sqrt(float64(len(bytes)) * 8.0 / 4.0)
numSetBits := int64(0)
for _, b := range bytes {
// Counting the number of bits set in byte:
for b != 0 {
b = b & (b - 1)
// Check that the number of bits is within 10 stddevs.
if math.Abs(float64(numSetBits)-expected) < 10.0*stddev {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("Z test for uniformly distributed variable out of bounds; "+
"Actual number of set bits was %d expected was %0.00f, 10 * standard deviation is 10 * %0.00f = %0.00f",
numSetBits, expected, stddev, 10.0*stddev)
func rotate(bytes []byte) []byte {
result := make([]byte, len(bytes))
for i := 0; i < len(bytes); i++ {
prev := i
if i == 0 {
prev = len(bytes)
result[i] = (bytes[i] >> 1) |
(bytes[prev-1] << 7)
return result
// ZTestCrosscorrelationUniformStrings tests that the crosscorrelation of two
// strings of equal length points to independent and uniformly distributed
// strings. Returns non ok status if the z test fails by more than 10 standard
// deviations.
// With less statistics jargon: This xors two strings and then performs the
// ZTestUniformString on the result. If the two strings are independent and
// uniformly distributed, the xor'ed string is as well. A cross correlation test
// will find whether two strings overlap more or less than it would be expected.
// Note: Having a correlation of zero is only a necessary but not sufficient
// condition for independence.
func ZTestCrosscorrelationUniformStrings(bytes1,
bytes2 []byte) error {
if len(bytes1) != len(bytes2) {
return fmt.Errorf(
"Strings are not of equal length")
crossed := make([]byte, len(bytes1))
for i := 0; i < len(bytes1); i++ {
crossed[i] = bytes1[i] ^ bytes2[i]
return ZTestUniformString(crossed)
// ZTestAutocorrelationUniformString tests that the autocorrelation of a string
// points to the bits being independent and uniformly distributed.
// Rotates the string in a cyclic fashion. Returns non ok status if the z test
// fails by more than 10 standard deviations.
// With less statistics jargon: This rotates the string bit by bit and performs
// ZTestCrosscorrelationUniformStrings on each of the rotated strings and the
// original. This will find self similarity of the input string, especially
// periodic self similarity. For example, it is a decent test to find English
// text (needs about 180 characters with the current settings).
// Note: Having a correlation of zero is only a necessary but not sufficient
// condition for independence.
func ZTestAutocorrelationUniformString(bytes []byte) error {
rotated := make([]byte, len(bytes))
copy(rotated, bytes)
violations := []string{}
for i := 1; i < len(bytes)*8; i++ {
rotated = rotate(rotated)
err := ZTestCrosscorrelationUniformStrings(bytes, rotated)
if err != nil {
violations = append(violations, strconv.Itoa(i))
if len(violations) == 0 {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("Autocorrelation exceeded 10 standard deviation at %d indices: %s", len(violations), strings.Join(violations, ", "))
// eciesAEADHKDFPublicKey returns a EciesAeadHkdfPublicKey with specified parameters.
func eciesAEADHKDFPublicKey(c commonpb.EllipticCurveType, ht commonpb.HashType, ptfmt commonpb.EcPointFormat, dekT *tinkpb.KeyTemplate, x, y, salt []byte) *eciespb.EciesAeadHkdfPublicKey {
return &eciespb.EciesAeadHkdfPublicKey{
Version: 0,
Params: &eciespb.EciesAeadHkdfParams{
KemParams: &eciespb.EciesHkdfKemParams{
CurveType: c,
HkdfHashType: ht,
HkdfSalt: salt,
DemParams: &eciespb.EciesAeadDemParams{
AeadDem: dekT,
EcPointFormat: ptfmt,
X: x,
Y: y,
// eciesAEADHKDFPrivateKey returns a EciesAeadHkdfPrivateKey with specified parameters
func eciesAEADHKDFPrivateKey(p *eciespb.EciesAeadHkdfPublicKey, d []byte) *eciespb.EciesAeadHkdfPrivateKey {
return &eciespb.EciesAeadHkdfPrivateKey{
Version: 0,
PublicKey: p,
KeyValue: d,
// GenerateECIESAEADHKDFPrivateKey generates a new EC key pair and returns the private key proto.
func GenerateECIESAEADHKDFPrivateKey(c commonpb.EllipticCurveType, ht commonpb.HashType, ptfmt commonpb.EcPointFormat, dekT *tinkpb.KeyTemplate, salt []byte) (*eciespb.EciesAeadHkdfPrivateKey, error) {
curve, err := subtlehybrid.GetCurve(c.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pvt, err := subtlehybrid.GenerateECDHKeyPair(curve)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pubKey := eciesAEADHKDFPublicKey(c, ht, ptfmt, dekT, pvt.PublicKey.Point.X.Bytes(), pvt.PublicKey.Point.Y.Bytes(), salt)
return eciesAEADHKDFPrivateKey(pubKey, pvt.D.Bytes()), nil