blob: 193617574e50143a78a7989a8b7aa842dddaf4c2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package compiler
import (
// typeDesc is arg/field type descriptor.
type typeDesc struct {
Names []string
CanBeArg bool // can be argument of syscall?
CantBeOpt bool // can't be marked as opt?
CantBeRet bool // can't be syscall return (directly or indirectly)?
NeedBase bool // needs base type when used as field?
AllowColon bool // allow colon (int8:2) on fields?
ResourceBase bool // can be resource base type?
OptArgs int // number of optional arguments in Args array
Args []namedArg // type arguments
// Check does custom verification of the type (optional).
Check func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon)
// Varlen returns if the type is variable-length (false if not set).
Varlen func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon) bool
// Gen generates corresponding prog.Type.
Gen func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon) prog.Type
// typeArg describes a type argument.
type typeArg struct {
Names []string
Kind int // int/ident/string
AllowColon bool // allow colon (2:3)?
// Check does custom verification of the arg (optional).
Check func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type)
type namedArg struct {
Name string
Type *typeArg
const (
kindAny = iota
var typeInt = &typeDesc{
Names: []string{"int8", "int16", "int32", "int64", "int16be", "int32be", "int64be", "intptr"},
CanBeArg: true,
AllowColon: true,
ResourceBase: true,
OptArgs: 1,
Args: []namedArg{{"range", typeArgRange}},
Check: func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon) {
typeArgBase.Type.Check(comp, t)
Gen: func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon) prog.Type {
size, be := comp.parseIntType(t.Ident)
kind, rangeBegin, rangeEnd := prog.IntPlain, uint64(0), uint64(0)
if len(args) > 0 {
kind, rangeBegin, rangeEnd = prog.IntRange, args[0].Value, args[0].Value2
base.TypeSize = size
return &prog.IntType{
IntTypeCommon: genIntCommon(base.TypeCommon, t.Value2, be),
Kind: kind,
RangeBegin: rangeBegin,
RangeEnd: rangeEnd,
var typePtr = &typeDesc{
Names: []string{"ptr", "ptr64"},
CanBeArg: true,
Args: []namedArg{{"direction", typeArgDir}, {"type", typeArgType}},
Gen: func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon) prog.Type {
base.ArgDir = prog.DirIn // pointers are always in
base.TypeSize = comp.ptrSize
if t.Ident == "ptr64" {
base.TypeSize = 8
return &prog.PtrType{
TypeCommon: base.TypeCommon,
Type: comp.genType(args[1], "", genDir(args[0]), false),
var typeArray = &typeDesc{
Names: []string{"array"},
CantBeOpt: true,
OptArgs: 1,
Args: []namedArg{{"type", typeArgType}, {"size", typeArgRange}},
Check: func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon) {
if len(args) > 1 && args[1].Value == 0 && args[1].Value2 == 0 {
// This is the only case that can yield 0 static type size.
comp.error(args[1].Pos, "arrays of size 0 are not supported")
Varlen: func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon) bool {
if comp.isVarlen(args[0]) {
return true
if len(args) > 1 {
return args[1].Value != args[1].Value2
return true
Gen: func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon) prog.Type {
elemType := comp.genType(args[0], "", base.ArgDir, false)
kind, begin, end := prog.ArrayRandLen, uint64(0), uint64(0)
if len(args) > 1 {
kind, begin, end = prog.ArrayRangeLen, args[1].Value, args[1].Value2
if it, ok := elemType.(*prog.IntType); ok && it.Kind == prog.IntPlain && it.TypeSize == 1 {
// Special case: buffer is better mutated.
bufKind := prog.BufferBlobRand
base.TypeSize = 0
if kind == prog.ArrayRangeLen {
bufKind = prog.BufferBlobRange
if begin == end {
base.TypeSize = begin * elemType.Size()
return &prog.BufferType{
TypeCommon: base.TypeCommon,
Kind: bufKind,
RangeBegin: begin,
RangeEnd: end,
// TypeSize is assigned later in genStructDescs.
return &prog.ArrayType{
TypeCommon: base.TypeCommon,
Type: elemType,
Kind: kind,
RangeBegin: begin,
RangeEnd: end,
var typeLen = &typeDesc{
Names: []string{"len", "bytesize", "bytesize2", "bytesize4", "bytesize8"},
CanBeArg: true,
CantBeOpt: true,
CantBeRet: true,
NeedBase: true,
Args: []namedArg{{"len target", typeArgLenTarget}},
Gen: func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon) prog.Type {
var byteSize uint64
switch t.Ident {
case "bytesize":
byteSize = 1
case "bytesize2", "bytesize4", "bytesize8":
byteSize, _ = strconv.ParseUint(t.Ident[8:], 10, 8)
return &prog.LenType{
IntTypeCommon: base,
Buf: args[0].Ident,
ByteSize: byteSize,
var typeConst = &typeDesc{
Names: []string{"const"},
CanBeArg: true,
CantBeOpt: true,
NeedBase: true,
Args: []namedArg{{"value", typeArgInt}},
Gen: func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon) prog.Type {
return &prog.ConstType{
IntTypeCommon: base,
Val: args[0].Value,
var typeArgLenTarget = &typeArg{
Kind: kindIdent,
var typeFlags = &typeDesc{
Names: []string{"flags"},
CanBeArg: true,
CantBeOpt: true,
NeedBase: true,
Args: []namedArg{{"flags", typeArgFlags}},
Gen: func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon) prog.Type {
name := args[0].Ident
base.TypeName = name
f := comp.intFlags[name]
if len(f.Values) == 0 {
// We can get this if all values are unsupported consts.
return &prog.IntType{
IntTypeCommon: base,
Kind: prog.IntPlain,
return &prog.FlagsType{
IntTypeCommon: base,
Vals: genIntArray(f.Values),
var typeArgFlags = &typeArg{
Kind: kindIdent,
Check: func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type) {
if comp.intFlags[t.Ident] == nil {
comp.error(t.Pos, "unknown flags %v", t.Ident)
var typeFilename = &typeDesc{
Names: []string{"filename"},
CantBeOpt: true,
Varlen: func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon) bool {
return true
Gen: func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon) prog.Type {
base.TypeSize = 0
return &prog.BufferType{
TypeCommon: base.TypeCommon,
Kind: prog.BufferFilename,
var typeFileoff = &typeDesc{
Names: []string{"fileoff"},
CanBeArg: true,
CantBeOpt: true,
NeedBase: true,
Gen: func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon) prog.Type {
return &prog.IntType{
IntTypeCommon: base,
Kind: prog.IntFileoff,
var typeVMA = &typeDesc{
Names: []string{"vma"},
CanBeArg: true,
OptArgs: 1,
Args: []namedArg{{"size range", typeArgRange}},
Gen: func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon) prog.Type {
begin, end := uint64(0), uint64(0)
if len(args) > 0 {
begin, end = args[0].Value, args[0].Value2
base.TypeSize = comp.ptrSize
return &prog.VmaType{
TypeCommon: base.TypeCommon,
RangeBegin: begin,
RangeEnd: end,
// TODO(dvyukov): perhaps, we need something like typedefs for such types.
// So that users can introduce them as necessary without modifying compiler:
// type signalno int32[0:64]
var typeSignalno = &typeDesc{
Names: []string{"signalno"},
CanBeArg: true,
CantBeOpt: true,
Gen: func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon) prog.Type {
base.TypeSize = 4
return &prog.IntType{
IntTypeCommon: base,
Kind: prog.IntRange,
RangeBegin: 0,
RangeEnd: 65,
var typeCsum = &typeDesc{
Names: []string{"csum"},
NeedBase: true,
CantBeOpt: true,
CantBeRet: true,
OptArgs: 1,
Args: []namedArg{{"csum target", typeArgLenTarget}, {"kind", typeArgCsumType}, {"proto", typeArgInt}},
Check: func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon) {
if len(args) > 2 && genCsumKind(args[1]) != prog.CsumPseudo {
comp.error(args[2].Pos, "only pseudo csum can have proto")
Gen: func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon) prog.Type {
var proto uint64
if len(args) > 2 {
proto = args[2].Value
return &prog.CsumType{
IntTypeCommon: base,
Buf: args[0].Ident,
Kind: genCsumKind(args[1]),
Protocol: proto,
var typeArgCsumType = &typeArg{
Kind: kindIdent,
Names: []string{"inet", "pseudo"},
func genCsumKind(t *ast.Type) prog.CsumKind {
switch t.Ident {
case "inet":
return prog.CsumInet
case "pseudo":
return prog.CsumPseudo
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown csum kind %q", t.Ident))
var typeProc = &typeDesc{
Names: []string{"proc"},
CanBeArg: true,
CantBeOpt: true,
NeedBase: true,
Args: []namedArg{{"range start", typeArgInt}, {"per-proc values", typeArgInt}},
Check: func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon) {
start := args[0].Value
perProc := args[1].Value
if perProc == 0 {
comp.error(args[1].Pos, "proc per-process values must not be 0")
size := base.TypeSize * 8
if size != 64 {
const maxPids = 32 // executor knows about this constant (MAX_PIDS)
if start >= 1<<size {
comp.error(args[0].Pos, "values starting from %v overflow base type", start)
} else if start+maxPids*perProc >= 1<<size {
comp.error(args[0].Pos, "values starting from %v with step %v overflow base type for %v procs",
start, perProc, maxPids)
Gen: func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon) prog.Type {
return &prog.ProcType{
IntTypeCommon: base,
ValuesStart: args[0].Value,
ValuesPerProc: args[1].Value,
var typeText = &typeDesc{
Names: []string{"text"},
CantBeOpt: true,
Args: []namedArg{{"kind", typeArgTextType}},
Varlen: func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon) bool {
return true
Gen: func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon) prog.Type {
base.TypeSize = 0
return &prog.BufferType{
TypeCommon: base.TypeCommon,
Kind: prog.BufferText,
Text: genTextType(args[0]),
var typeArgTextType = &typeArg{
Kind: kindIdent,
Names: []string{"x86_real", "x86_16", "x86_32", "x86_64", "arm64"},
func genTextType(t *ast.Type) prog.TextKind {
switch t.Ident {
case "x86_real":
return prog.Text_x86_real
case "x86_16":
return prog.Text_x86_16
case "x86_32":
return prog.Text_x86_32
case "x86_64":
return prog.Text_x86_64
case "arm64":
return prog.Text_arm64
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown text type %q", t.Ident))
var typeBuffer = &typeDesc{
Names: []string{"buffer"},
CanBeArg: true,
Args: []namedArg{{"direction", typeArgDir}},
Gen: func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon) prog.Type {
base.TypeSize = comp.ptrSize
return &prog.PtrType{
TypeCommon: base.TypeCommon,
Type: &prog.BufferType{
// BufferBlobRand is always varlen.
TypeCommon: genCommon("", "", 0, genDir(args[0]), false),
Kind: prog.BufferBlobRand,
var typeString = &typeDesc{
Names: []string{"string"},
OptArgs: 2,
Args: []namedArg{{"literal or flags", typeArgStringFlags}, {"size", typeArgInt}},
Check: func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon) {
if len(args) > 1 {
size := args[1].Value
vals := []string{args[0].String}
if args[0].Ident != "" {
vals = genStrArray(comp.strFlags[args[0].Ident].Values)
for _, s := range vals {
s += "\x00"
if uint64(len(s)) > size {
comp.error(args[0].Pos, "string value %q exceeds buffer length %v",
s, size)
Varlen: func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon) bool {
return comp.stringSize(args) == 0
Gen: func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon) prog.Type {
subkind := ""
var vals []string
if len(args) > 0 {
if args[0].String != "" {
vals = append(vals, args[0].String)
} else {
subkind = args[0].Ident
vals = genStrArray(comp.strFlags[subkind].Values)
var size uint64
if len(args) > 1 {
size = args[1].Value
for i, s := range vals {
s += "\x00"
for uint64(len(s)) < size {
s += "\x00"
vals[i] = s
base.TypeSize = comp.stringSize(args)
return &prog.BufferType{
TypeCommon: base.TypeCommon,
Kind: prog.BufferString,
SubKind: subkind,
Values: vals,
// stringSize returns static string size, or 0 if it is variable length.
func (comp *compiler) stringSize(args []*ast.Type) uint64 {
switch len(args) {
case 0:
return 0 // a random string
case 1:
if args[0].String != "" {
return uint64(len(args[0].String)) + 1 // string constant
var size uint64
for _, s := range comp.strFlags[args[0].Ident].Values {
s1 := uint64(len(s.Value)) + 1
if size != 0 && size != s1 {
return 0 // strings of different lengths
size = s1
return size // all strings have the same length
case 2:
return args[1].Value // have explicit length
panic("too many string args")
var typeArgStringFlags = &typeArg{
Check: func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type) {
if t.String == "" && t.Ident == "" {
comp.error(t.Pos, "unexpected int %v, string arg must be a string literal or string flags", t.Value)
if t.Ident != "" && comp.strFlags[t.Ident] == nil {
comp.error(t.Pos, "unknown string flags %v", t.Ident)
// typeArgType is used as placeholder for any type (e.g. ptr target type).
var typeArgType = &typeArg{
Check: func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type) {
panic("must not be called")
var typeResource = &typeDesc{
// No Names, but compiler knows how to match it.
CanBeArg: true,
ResourceBase: true,
// Gen is assigned below to avoid initialization loop.
func init() {
typeResource.Gen = func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon) prog.Type {
// Find and generate base type to get its size.
var baseType *ast.Type
for r := comp.resources[t.Ident]; r != nil; {
baseType = r.Base
r = comp.resources[r.Base.Ident]
base.TypeSize = comp.genType(baseType, "", prog.DirIn, false).Size()
return &prog.ResourceType{
TypeCommon: base.TypeCommon,
var typeStruct = &typeDesc{
// No Names, but compiler knows how to match it.
CantBeOpt: true,
// Varlen/Gen are assigned below due to initialization cycle.
func init() {
typeStruct.Varlen = func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon) bool {
return comp.isStructVarlen(t.Ident)
typeStruct.Gen = func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type, args []*ast.Type, base prog.IntTypeCommon) prog.Type {
s := comp.structs[t.Ident]
key := prog.StructKey{t.Ident, base.ArgDir}
desc := comp.structDescs[key]
if desc == nil {
// Need to assign to structDescs before calling genStructDesc to break recursion.
desc = new(prog.StructDesc)
comp.structDescs[key] = desc
comp.genStructDesc(desc, s, base.ArgDir)
if s.IsUnion {
return &prog.UnionType{
Key: key,
FldName: base.FldName,
StructDesc: desc,
} else {
return &prog.StructType{
Key: key,
FldName: base.FldName,
StructDesc: desc,
var typeArgDir = &typeArg{
Kind: kindIdent,
Names: []string{"in", "out", "inout"},
func genDir(t *ast.Type) prog.Dir {
switch t.Ident {
case "in":
return prog.DirIn
case "out":
return prog.DirOut
case "inout":
return prog.DirInOut
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown direction %q", t.Ident))
var typeArgInt = &typeArg{
Kind: kindInt,
var typeArgRange = &typeArg{
Kind: kindInt,
AllowColon: true,
Check: func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type) {
if !t.HasColon {
t.Value2 = t.Value
if t.Value > t.Value2 {
comp.error(t.Pos, "bad int range [%v:%v]", t.Value, t.Value2)
// Base type of const/len/etc. Same as typeInt, but can't have range.
var typeArgBase = namedArg{
Name: "base type",
Type: &typeArg{
Names: []string{"int8", "int16", "int32", "int64", "int16be", "int32be", "int64be", "intptr"},
AllowColon: true,
Check: func(comp *compiler, t *ast.Type) {
if t.HasColon {
if t.Value2 == 0 {
// This was not supported historically
// and does not work the way C bitfields of size 0 work.
// We could allow this, but then we need to make
// this work the way C bitfields work.
comp.error(t.Pos2, "bitfields of size 0 are not supported")
size, _ := comp.parseIntType(t.Ident)
if t.Value2 > size*8 {
comp.error(t.Pos2, "bitfield of size %v is too large for base type of size %v",
t.Value2, size*8)
var (
builtinTypes = make(map[string]*typeDesc)
// To avoid weird cases like ptr[in, in] and ptr[out, opt].
reservedName = map[string]bool{
"opt": true,
"in": true,
"out": true,
"inout": true,
func init() {
builtins := []*typeDesc{
for _, desc := range builtins {
for _, name := range desc.Names {
if builtinTypes[name] != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("duplicate builtin type %q", name))
builtinTypes[name] = desc