blob: 99915f1fad8006ee0c00744755b024766b301879 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package dash
import (
// This file contains web UI http handlers.
func init() {
http.Handle("/", handlerWrapper(handleMain))
http.Handle("/bug", handlerWrapper(handleBug))
http.Handle("/text", handlerWrapper(handleText))
type uiMain struct {
Header *uiHeader
Now time.Time
Log []byte
Managers []*uiManager
Jobs []*uiJob
BugGroups []*uiBugGroup
type uiManager struct {
Namespace string
Name string
Link string
CurrentBuild *uiBuild
FailedBuildBugLink string
LastActive time.Time
LastActiveBad bool
CurrentUpTime time.Duration
MaxCorpus int64
MaxCover int64
TotalFuzzingTime time.Duration
TotalCrashes int64
TotalExecs int64
type uiBuild struct {
Time time.Time
SyzkallerCommit string
KernelRepo string
KernelBranch string
KernelCommit string
KernelConfigLink string
type uiBugPage struct {
Header *uiHeader
Now time.Time
Bug *uiBug
DupOf *uiBugGroup
Dups *uiBugGroup
Similar *uiBugGroup
Crashes []*uiCrash
type uiBugGroup struct {
Now time.Time
Caption string
Namespace string
ShowNamespace bool
Bugs []*uiBug
type uiBug struct {
Namespace string
Title string
NumCrashes int64
NumCrashesBad bool
FirstTime time.Time
LastTime time.Time
ReproLevel dashapi.ReproLevel
ReportingIndex int
Status string
Link string
ExternalLink string
Commits string
PatchedOn []string
MissingOn []string
type uiCrash struct {
Manager string
Time time.Time
Maintainers string
LogLink string
ReportLink string
ReproSyzLink string
ReproCLink string
type uiJob struct {
Created time.Time
BugLink string
ExternalLink string
User string
Reporting string
Namespace string
Manager string
BugTitle string
BugID string
KernelRepo string
KernelBranch string
KernelCommit string
PatchLink string
Attempts int
Started time.Time
Finished time.Time
CrashTitle string
CrashLogLink string
CrashReportLink string
ErrorLink string
Reported bool
// handleMain serves main page.
func handleMain(c context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
h, err := commonHeader(c)
if err != nil {
return err
errorLog, err := fetchErrorLogs(c)
if err != nil {
return err
managers, err := loadManagers(c)
if err != nil {
return err
jobs, err := loadRecentJobs(c)
if err != nil {
return err
groups, err := fetchBugs(c)
if err != nil {
return err
data := &uiMain{
Header: h,
Now: timeNow(c),
Log: errorLog,
Managers: managers,
Jobs: jobs,
BugGroups: groups,
return serveTemplate(w, "main.html", data)
// handleBug serves page about a single bug (which is passed in id argument).
func handleBug(c context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
bug := new(Bug)
if id := r.FormValue("id"); id != "" {
bugKey := datastore.NewKey(c, "Bug", id, 0, nil)
if err := datastore.Get(c, bugKey, bug); err != nil {
return err
} else if extID := r.FormValue("extid"); extID != "" {
var err error
bug, _, err = findBugByReportingID(c, extID)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("mandatory parameter id/extid is missing")
h, err := commonHeader(c)
if err != nil {
return err
state, err := loadReportingState(c)
if err != nil {
return err
managers, err := managerList(c, bug.Namespace)
if err != nil {
return err
var dupOf *uiBugGroup
if bug.DupOf != "" {
dup := new(Bug)
if err := datastore.Get(c, datastore.NewKey(c, "Bug", bug.DupOf, 0, nil), dup); err != nil {
return err
dupOf = &uiBugGroup{
Now: timeNow(c),
Caption: "Duplicate of",
Bugs: []*uiBug{createUIBug(c, dup, state, managers)},
uiBug := createUIBug(c, bug, state, managers)
crashes, err := loadCrashesForBug(c, bug)
if err != nil {
return err
dups, err := loadDupsForBug(c, bug, state, managers)
if err != nil {
return err
similar, err := loadSimilarBugs(c, bug, state)
if err != nil {
return err
data := &uiBugPage{
Header: h,
Now: timeNow(c),
Bug: uiBug,
DupOf: dupOf,
Dups: dups,
Similar: similar,
Crashes: crashes,
return serveTemplate(w, "bug.html", data)
// handleText serves plain text blobs (crash logs, reports, reproducers, etc).
func handleText(c context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
id, err := strconv.ParseInt(r.FormValue("id"), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse text id: %v", err)
data, err := getText(c, r.FormValue("tag"), id)
if err != nil {
return err
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8")
return nil
func fetchBugs(c context.Context) ([]*uiBugGroup, error) {
var bugs []*Bug
_, err := datastore.NewQuery("Bug").
Filter("Status=", BugStatusOpen).
GetAll(c, &bugs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
state, err := loadReportingState(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
managers := make(map[string][]string)
for ns := range config.Namespaces {
mgrs, err := managerList(c, ns)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
managers[ns] = mgrs
groups := make(map[string][]*uiBug)
for _, bug := range bugs {
uiBug := createUIBug(c, bug, state, managers[bug.Namespace])
groups[bug.Namespace] = append(groups[bug.Namespace], uiBug)
now := timeNow(c)
var res []*uiBugGroup
for ns, bugs := range groups {
res = append(res, &uiBugGroup{
Now: now,
Caption: fmt.Sprintf("%v (%v)", ns, len(bugs)),
Namespace: ns,
Bugs: bugs,
return res, nil
func loadDupsForBug(c context.Context, bug *Bug, state *ReportingState, managers []string) (
*uiBugGroup, error) {
bugHash := bugKeyHash(bug.Namespace, bug.Title, bug.Seq)
var dups []*Bug
_, err := datastore.NewQuery("Bug").
Filter("Status=", BugStatusDup).
Filter("DupOf=", bugHash).
GetAll(c, &dups)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var results []*uiBug
for _, dup := range dups {
results = append(results, createUIBug(c, dup, state, managers))
group := &uiBugGroup{
Now: timeNow(c),
Caption: "Duplicates",
Bugs: results,
return group, nil
func loadSimilarBugs(c context.Context, bug *Bug, state *ReportingState) (*uiBugGroup, error) {
var similar []*Bug
_, err := datastore.NewQuery("Bug").
Filter("Title=", bug.Title).
GetAll(c, &similar)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
managers := make(map[string][]string)
var results []*uiBug
for _, similar := range similar {
if similar.Namespace == bug.Namespace && similar.Seq == bug.Seq {
if managers[similar.Namespace] == nil {
mgrs, err := managerList(c, similar.Namespace)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
managers[similar.Namespace] = mgrs
results = append(results, createUIBug(c, similar, state, managers[similar.Namespace]))
group := &uiBugGroup{
Now: timeNow(c),
Caption: "Similar Bugs",
ShowNamespace: true,
Bugs: results,
return group, nil
func createUIBug(c context.Context, bug *Bug, state *ReportingState, managers []string) *uiBug {
reportingIdx, status, link := 0, "", ""
var err error
if bug.Status == BugStatusOpen {
_, _, _, reportingIdx, status, link, err = needReport(c, "", state, bug)
if err != nil {
status = err.Error()
if status == "" {
status = "???"
} else {
for i := range bug.Reporting {
bugReporting := &bug.Reporting[i]
if i == len(bug.Reporting)-1 ||
bug.Status == BugStatusInvalid && !bug.Reporting[i].Closed.IsZero() &&
bug.Reporting[i+1].Closed.IsZero() ||
(bug.Status == BugStatusFixed || bug.Status == BugStatusDup) &&
bug.Reporting[i].Closed.IsZero() {
reportingIdx = i
link = bugReporting.Link
switch bug.Status {
case BugStatusInvalid:
status = "invalid"
case BugStatusFixed:
status = "fixed"
case BugStatusDup:
status = "dup"
status = fmt.Sprintf("unknown (%v)", bug.Status)
status = fmt.Sprintf("%v: closed as %v on %v",
bugReporting.Name, status, formatTime(bug.Closed))
id := bugKeyHash(bug.Namespace, bug.Title, bug.Seq)
uiBug := &uiBug{
Namespace: bug.Namespace,
Title: bug.displayTitle(),
NumCrashes: bug.NumCrashes,
NumCrashesBad: bug.NumCrashes >= 10000 && timeNow(c).Sub(bug.LastTime) < 24*time.Hour,
FirstTime: bug.FirstTime,
LastTime: bug.LastTime,
ReproLevel: bug.ReproLevel,
ReportingIndex: reportingIdx,
Status: status,
Link: bugLink(id),
ExternalLink: link,
PatchedOn: bug.PatchedOn,
if len(bug.Commits) != 0 {
uiBug.Commits = fmt.Sprintf("%q", bug.Commits)
for _, mgr := range managers {
found := false
for _, mgr1 := range bug.PatchedOn {
if mgr == mgr1 {
found = true
if !found {
uiBug.MissingOn = append(uiBug.MissingOn, mgr)
return uiBug
func loadCrashesForBug(c context.Context, bug *Bug) ([]*uiCrash, error) {
bugHash := bugKeyHash(bug.Namespace, bug.Title, bug.Seq)
bugKey := datastore.NewKey(c, "Bug", bugHash, 0, nil)
// We can have more than maxCrashes crashes, if we have lots of reproducers.
crashes, _, err := queryCrashesForBug(c, bugKey, maxCrashes+200)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
builds := make(map[string]*Build)
var results []*uiCrash
for _, crash := range crashes {
build := builds[crash.BuildID]
if build == nil {
build, err = loadBuild(c, bug.Namespace, crash.BuildID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
builds[crash.BuildID] = build
ui := &uiCrash{
Manager: crash.Manager,
Time: crash.Time,
Maintainers: fmt.Sprintf("%q", crash.Maintainers),
LogLink: textLink("CrashLog", crash.Log),
ReportLink: textLink("CrashReport", crash.Report),
ReproSyzLink: textLink("ReproSyz", crash.ReproSyz),
ReproCLink: textLink("ReproC", crash.ReproC),
uiBuild: makeUIBuild(build),
results = append(results, ui)
return results, nil
func makeUIBuild(build *Build) *uiBuild {
return &uiBuild{
Time: build.Time,
SyzkallerCommit: build.SyzkallerCommit,
KernelRepo: build.KernelRepo,
KernelBranch: build.KernelBranch,
KernelCommit: build.KernelCommit,
KernelConfigLink: textLink("KernelConfig", build.KernelConfig),
func loadManagers(c context.Context) ([]*uiManager, error) {
now := timeNow(c)
date := timeDate(now)
managers, managerKeys, err := loadAllManagers(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var buildKeys []*datastore.Key
var statsKeys []*datastore.Key
for i, mgr := range managers {
if mgr.CurrentBuild != "" {
buildKeys = append(buildKeys, buildKey(c, mgr.Namespace, mgr.CurrentBuild))
if timeDate(mgr.LastAlive) == date {
statsKeys = append(statsKeys,
datastore.NewKey(c, "ManagerStats", "", int64(date), managerKeys[i]))
builds := make([]*Build, len(buildKeys))
if err := datastore.GetMulti(c, buildKeys, builds); err != nil {
return nil, err
uiBuilds := make(map[string]*uiBuild)
for _, build := range builds {
uiBuilds[build.Namespace+"|"+build.ID] = makeUIBuild(build)
stats := make([]*ManagerStats, len(statsKeys))
if err := datastore.GetMulti(c, statsKeys, stats); err != nil {
return nil, err
var fullStats []*ManagerStats
for _, mgr := range managers {
if timeDate(mgr.LastAlive) != date {
fullStats = append(fullStats, &ManagerStats{})
fullStats = append(fullStats, stats[0])
stats = stats[1:]
var results []*uiManager
for i, mgr := range managers {
stats := fullStats[i]
results = append(results, &uiManager{
Namespace: mgr.Namespace,
Name: mgr.Name,
Link: mgr.Link,
CurrentBuild: uiBuilds[mgr.Namespace+"|"+mgr.CurrentBuild],
FailedBuildBugLink: bugLink(mgr.FailedBuildBug),
LastActive: mgr.LastAlive,
LastActiveBad: now.Sub(mgr.LastAlive) > 12*time.Hour,
CurrentUpTime: mgr.CurrentUpTime,
MaxCorpus: stats.MaxCorpus,
MaxCover: stats.MaxCover,
TotalFuzzingTime: stats.TotalFuzzingTime,
TotalCrashes: stats.TotalCrashes,
TotalExecs: stats.TotalExecs,
return results, nil
func loadRecentJobs(c context.Context) ([]*uiJob, error) {
var jobs []*Job
keys, err := datastore.NewQuery("Job").
GetAll(c, &jobs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var results []*uiJob
for i, job := range jobs {
ui := &uiJob{
Created: job.Created,
BugLink: bugLink(keys[i].Parent().StringID()),
ExternalLink: job.Link,
User: job.User,
Reporting: job.Reporting,
Namespace: job.Namespace,
Manager: job.Manager,
BugTitle: job.BugTitle,
KernelRepo: job.KernelRepo,
KernelBranch: job.KernelBranch,
PatchLink: textLink("Patch", job.Patch),
Attempts: job.Attempts,
Started: job.Started,
Finished: job.Finished,
CrashTitle: job.CrashTitle,
CrashLogLink: textLink("CrashLog", job.CrashLog),
CrashReportLink: textLink("CrashReport", job.CrashReport),
ErrorLink: textLink("Error", job.Error),
results = append(results, ui)
return results, nil
func fetchErrorLogs(c context.Context) ([]byte, error) {
const (
minLogLevel = 2
maxLines = 100
reportPeriod = 7 * 24 * time.Hour
q := &log.Query{
StartTime: time.Now().Add(-reportPeriod),
AppLogs: true,
ApplyMinLevel: true,
MinLevel: minLogLevel,
result := q.Run(c)
var lines []string
for i := 0; i < maxLines; i++ {
rec, err := result.Next()
if rec == nil {
if err != nil {
entry := fmt.Sprintf("ERROR FETCHING LOGS: %v\n", err)
lines = append(lines, entry)
for _, al := range rec.AppLogs {
if al.Level < minLogLevel {
text := strings.Replace(al.Message, "\n", " ", -1)
res := ""
if !strings.Contains(rec.Resource, "method=log_error") {
res = fmt.Sprintf(" (%v)", rec.Resource)
entry := fmt.Sprintf("%v: %v%v\n", formatTime(al.Time), text, res)
lines = append(lines, entry)
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
for i := len(lines) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
return buf.Bytes(), nil
func bugLink(id string) string {
if id == "" {
return ""
return "/bug?id=" + id
type uiManagerSorter []*uiManager
func (a uiManagerSorter) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a uiManagerSorter) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a uiManagerSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
if a[i].Namespace != a[j].Namespace {
return a[i].Namespace < a[j].Namespace
return a[i].Name < a[j].Name
type uiBugSorter []*uiBug
func (a uiBugSorter) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a uiBugSorter) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a uiBugSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
if a[i].Namespace != a[j].Namespace {
return a[i].Namespace < a[j].Namespace
if a[i].ReportingIndex != a[j].ReportingIndex {
return a[i].ReportingIndex > a[j].ReportingIndex
if (a[i].Link != "") != (a[j].Link != "") {
return a[i].Link != ""
if a[i].ReproLevel != a[j].ReproLevel {
return a[i].ReproLevel > a[j].ReproLevel
return a[i].FirstTime.After(a[j].FirstTime)
type uiBugGroupSorter []*uiBugGroup
func (a uiBugGroupSorter) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a uiBugGroupSorter) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a uiBugGroupSorter) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Caption < a[j].Caption }