blob: 23023bb2ac100faaccc167c7c4c68de2fcba77f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build aetest
package dash
import (
func reportAllBugs(c *Ctx, expect int) []*dashapi.BugReport {
pr := &dashapi.PollRequest{
Type: "test",
resp := new(dashapi.PollResponse)
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "reporting_poll", pr, resp))
if len(resp.Reports) != expect {
c.t.Fatalf("\n%v: want %v reports, got %v", caller(0), expect, len(resp.Reports))
for _, rep := range resp.Reports {
reproLevel := dashapi.ReproLevelNone
if len(rep.ReproC) != 0 {
reproLevel = dashapi.ReproLevelC
} else if len(rep.ReproSyz) != 0 {
reproLevel = dashapi.ReproLevelSyz
cmd := &dashapi.BugUpdate{
ID: rep.ID,
Status: dashapi.BugStatusOpen,
ReproLevel: reproLevel,
reply := new(dashapi.BugUpdateReply)
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "reporting_update", cmd, reply))
c.expectEQ(reply.Error, false)
c.expectEQ(reply.OK, true)
return resp.Reports
// Basic scenario of marking a bug as fixed by a particular commit,
// discovering this commit on builder and marking the bug as ultimately fixed.
func TestFixBasic(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
build1 := testBuild(1)
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "upload_build", build1, nil))
crash1 := testCrash(build1, 1)
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "report_crash", crash1, nil))
builderPollReq := &dashapi.BuilderPollReq{build1.Manager}
builderPollResp := new(dashapi.BuilderPollResp)
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "builder_poll", builderPollReq, builderPollResp))
c.expectEQ(len(builderPollResp.PendingCommits), 0)
cid := testCrashID(crash1)
needReproResp := new(dashapi.NeedReproResp)
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "need_repro", cid, needReproResp))
c.expectEQ(needReproResp.NeedRepro, true)
reports := reportAllBugs(c, 1)
rep := reports[0]
// Specify fixing commit for the bug.
cmd := &dashapi.BugUpdate{
ID: rep.ID,
Status: dashapi.BugStatusOpen,
FixCommits: []string{"foo: fix the crash"},
reply := new(dashapi.BugUpdateReply)
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "reporting_update", cmd, reply))
c.expectEQ(reply.OK, true)
// Don't need repro once there are fixing commits.
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "need_repro", cid, needReproResp))
c.expectEQ(needReproResp.NeedRepro, false)
// Check that the commit is now passed to builders.
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "builder_poll", builderPollReq, builderPollResp))
c.expectEQ(len(builderPollResp.PendingCommits), 1)
c.expectEQ(builderPollResp.PendingCommits[0], "foo: fix the crash")
// Patches must not be reset on other actions.
cmd = &dashapi.BugUpdate{
ID: rep.ID,
Status: dashapi.BugStatusOpen,
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "reporting_update", cmd, reply))
c.expectEQ(reply.OK, true)
// Upstream commands must fail if patches are already present.
// Right course of action is unclear in this situation,
// so this test merely documents the current behavior.
cmd = &dashapi.BugUpdate{
ID: rep.ID,
Status: dashapi.BugStatusUpstream,
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "reporting_update", cmd, reply))
c.expectEQ(reply.OK, false)
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "report_crash", crash1, nil))
reportAllBugs(c, 0)
// Upload another build with the commit present.
build2 := testBuild(2)
build2.Manager = build1.Manager
build2.Commits = []string{"foo: fix the crash"}
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "upload_build", build2, nil))
// Check that the commit is now not passed to this builder.
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "builder_poll", builderPollReq, builderPollResp))
c.expectEQ(len(builderPollResp.PendingCommits), 0)
// Ensure that a new crash creates a new bug (the old one must be marked as fixed).
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "report_crash", crash1, nil))
reports = reportAllBugs(c, 1)
c.expectEQ(reports[0].Title, "title1 (2)")
// Regression test: previously upstreamming failed because the new bug had fixing commits.
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "report_crash", crash1, nil))
cmd = &dashapi.BugUpdate{
ID: reports[0].ID,
Status: dashapi.BugStatusUpstream,
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "reporting_update", cmd, reply))
c.expectEQ(reply.OK, true)
// Test bug that is fixed by 2 commits.
func TestFixedByTwoCommits(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
build1 := testBuild(1)
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "upload_build", build1, nil))
crash1 := testCrash(build1, 1)
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "report_crash", crash1, nil))
builderPollReq := &dashapi.BuilderPollReq{build1.Manager}
builderPollResp := new(dashapi.BuilderPollResp)
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "builder_poll", builderPollReq, builderPollResp))
c.expectEQ(len(builderPollResp.PendingCommits), 0)
reports := reportAllBugs(c, 1)
rep := reports[0]
// Specify fixing commit for the bug.
cmd := &dashapi.BugUpdate{
ID: rep.ID,
Status: dashapi.BugStatusOpen,
FixCommits: []string{"bar: prepare for fixing", "\"foo: fix the crash\""},
reply := new(dashapi.BugUpdateReply)
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "reporting_update", cmd, reply))
c.expectEQ(reply.OK, true)
// Check that the commit is now passed to builders.
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "builder_poll", builderPollReq, builderPollResp))
c.expectEQ(len(builderPollResp.PendingCommits), 2)
c.expectEQ(builderPollResp.PendingCommits[0], "bar: prepare for fixing")
c.expectEQ(builderPollResp.PendingCommits[1], "foo: fix the crash")
// Upload another build with only one of the commits.
build2 := testBuild(2)
build2.Manager = build1.Manager
build2.Commits = []string{"bar: prepare for fixing"}
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "upload_build", build2, nil))
// Check that it has not fixed the bug.
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "builder_poll", builderPollReq, builderPollResp))
c.expectEQ(len(builderPollResp.PendingCommits), 2)
c.expectEQ(builderPollResp.PendingCommits[0], "bar: prepare for fixing")
c.expectEQ(builderPollResp.PendingCommits[1], "foo: fix the crash")
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "report_crash", crash1, nil))
reportAllBugs(c, 0)
// Now upload build with both commits.
build3 := testBuild(3)
build3.Manager = build1.Manager
build3.Commits = []string{"foo: fix the crash", "bar: prepare for fixing"}
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "upload_build", build3, nil))
// Check that the commit is now not passed to this builder.
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "builder_poll", builderPollReq, builderPollResp))
c.expectEQ(len(builderPollResp.PendingCommits), 0)
// Ensure that a new crash creates a new bug (the old one must be marked as fixed).
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "report_crash", crash1, nil))
reports = reportAllBugs(c, 1)
c.expectEQ(reports[0].Title, "title1 (2)")
// A bug is marked as fixed by one commit and then remarked as fixed by another.
func TestReFixed(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
build1 := testBuild(1)
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "upload_build", build1, nil))
crash1 := testCrash(build1, 1)
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "report_crash", crash1, nil))
builderPollReq := &dashapi.BuilderPollReq{build1.Manager}
builderPollResp := new(dashapi.BuilderPollResp)
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "builder_poll", builderPollReq, builderPollResp))
c.expectEQ(len(builderPollResp.PendingCommits), 0)
reports := reportAllBugs(c, 1)
rep := reports[0]
// Specify fixing commit for the bug.
cmd := &dashapi.BugUpdate{
ID: rep.ID,
Status: dashapi.BugStatusOpen,
FixCommits: []string{"a wrong one"},
reply := new(dashapi.BugUpdateReply)
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "reporting_update", cmd, reply))
c.expectEQ(reply.OK, true)
cmd = &dashapi.BugUpdate{
ID: rep.ID,
Status: dashapi.BugStatusOpen,
FixCommits: []string{"the right one"},
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "reporting_update", cmd, reply))
c.expectEQ(reply.OK, true)
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "builder_poll", builderPollReq, builderPollResp))
c.expectEQ(len(builderPollResp.PendingCommits), 1)
c.expectEQ(builderPollResp.PendingCommits[0], "the right one")
// Upload another build with the wrong commit.
build2 := testBuild(2)
build2.Manager = build1.Manager
build2.Commits = []string{"a wrong one"}
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "upload_build", build2, nil))
// Check that it has not fixed the bug.
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "builder_poll", builderPollReq, builderPollResp))
c.expectEQ(len(builderPollResp.PendingCommits), 1)
c.expectEQ(builderPollResp.PendingCommits[0], "the right one")
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "report_crash", crash1, nil))
reportAllBugs(c, 0)
// Now upload build with the right commit.
build3 := testBuild(3)
build3.Manager = build1.Manager
build3.Commits = []string{"the right one"}
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "upload_build", build3, nil))
// Check that the commit is now not passed to this builder.
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "builder_poll", builderPollReq, builderPollResp))
c.expectEQ(len(builderPollResp.PendingCommits), 0)
// Fixing commit is present on one manager, but missing on another.
func TestFixTwoManagers(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
build1 := testBuild(1)
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "upload_build", build1, nil))
crash1 := testCrash(build1, 1)
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "report_crash", crash1, nil))
builderPollReq := &dashapi.BuilderPollReq{build1.Manager}
builderPollResp := new(dashapi.BuilderPollResp)
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "builder_poll", builderPollReq, builderPollResp))
c.expectEQ(len(builderPollResp.PendingCommits), 0)
reports := reportAllBugs(c, 1)
rep := reports[0]
// Specify fixing commit for the bug.
cmd := &dashapi.BugUpdate{
ID: rep.ID,
Status: dashapi.BugStatusOpen,
FixCommits: []string{"foo: fix the crash"},
reply := new(dashapi.BugUpdateReply)
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "reporting_update", cmd, reply))
c.expectEQ(reply.OK, true)
// Now the second manager appears.
build2 := testBuild(2)
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "upload_build", build2, nil))
// Check that the commit is now passed to builders.
builderPollReq = &dashapi.BuilderPollReq{build1.Manager}
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "builder_poll", builderPollReq, builderPollResp))
c.expectEQ(len(builderPollResp.PendingCommits), 1)
c.expectEQ(builderPollResp.PendingCommits[0], "foo: fix the crash")
builderPollReq = &dashapi.BuilderPollReq{build2.Manager}
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "builder_poll", builderPollReq, builderPollResp))
c.expectEQ(len(builderPollResp.PendingCommits), 1)
c.expectEQ(builderPollResp.PendingCommits[0], "foo: fix the crash")
// Now first manager picks up the commit.
build3 := testBuild(3)
build3.Manager = build1.Manager
build3.Commits = []string{"foo: fix the crash"}
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "upload_build", build3, nil))
// Check that the commit is now not passed to this builder.
builderPollReq = &dashapi.BuilderPollReq{build1.Manager}
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "builder_poll", builderPollReq, builderPollResp))
c.expectEQ(len(builderPollResp.PendingCommits), 0)
// But still passed to another.
builderPollReq = &dashapi.BuilderPollReq{build2.Manager}
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "builder_poll", builderPollReq, builderPollResp))
c.expectEQ(len(builderPollResp.PendingCommits), 1)
c.expectEQ(builderPollResp.PendingCommits[0], "foo: fix the crash")
// Check that the bug is still open.
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "report_crash", crash1, nil))
reportAllBugs(c, 0)
// Now the second manager picks up the commit.
build4 := testBuild(4)
build4.Manager = build2.Manager
build4.Commits = []string{"foo: fix the crash"}
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "upload_build", build4, nil))
// Now the bug must be fixed.
builderPollReq = &dashapi.BuilderPollReq{build2.Manager}
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "builder_poll", builderPollReq, builderPollResp))
c.expectEQ(len(builderPollResp.PendingCommits), 0)
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "report_crash", crash1, nil))
reports = reportAllBugs(c, 1)
c.expectEQ(reports[0].Title, "title1 (2)")
func TestReFixedTwoManagers(t *testing.T) {
c := NewCtx(t)
defer c.Close()
build1 := testBuild(1)
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "upload_build", build1, nil))
crash1 := testCrash(build1, 1)
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "report_crash", crash1, nil))
builderPollReq := &dashapi.BuilderPollReq{build1.Manager}
builderPollResp := new(dashapi.BuilderPollResp)
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "builder_poll", builderPollReq, builderPollResp))
c.expectEQ(len(builderPollResp.PendingCommits), 0)
reports := reportAllBugs(c, 1)
rep := reports[0]
// Specify fixing commit for the bug.
cmd := &dashapi.BugUpdate{
ID: rep.ID,
Status: dashapi.BugStatusOpen,
FixCommits: []string{"foo: fix the crash"},
reply := new(dashapi.BugUpdateReply)
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "reporting_update", cmd, reply))
c.expectEQ(reply.OK, true)
// Now the second manager appears.
build2 := testBuild(2)
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "upload_build", build2, nil))
// Now first manager picks up the commit.
build3 := testBuild(3)
build3.Manager = build1.Manager
build3.Commits = []string{"foo: fix the crash"}
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "upload_build", build3, nil))
builderPollReq = &dashapi.BuilderPollReq{build1.Manager}
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "builder_poll", builderPollReq, builderPollResp))
c.expectEQ(len(builderPollResp.PendingCommits), 0)
// Now we change the fixing commit.
cmd = &dashapi.BugUpdate{
ID: rep.ID,
Status: dashapi.BugStatusOpen,
FixCommits: []string{"the right one"},
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "reporting_update", cmd, reply))
c.expectEQ(reply.OK, true)
// Now it must again appear on both managers.
builderPollReq = &dashapi.BuilderPollReq{build1.Manager}
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "builder_poll", builderPollReq, builderPollResp))
c.expectEQ(len(builderPollResp.PendingCommits), 1)
c.expectEQ(builderPollResp.PendingCommits[0], "the right one")
builderPollReq = &dashapi.BuilderPollReq{build2.Manager}
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "builder_poll", builderPollReq, builderPollResp))
c.expectEQ(len(builderPollResp.PendingCommits), 1)
c.expectEQ(builderPollResp.PendingCommits[0], "the right one")
// Now the second manager picks up the second commit.
build4 := testBuild(4)
build4.Manager = build2.Manager
build4.Commits = []string{"the right one"}
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "upload_build", build4, nil))
// The bug must be still open.
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "report_crash", crash1, nil))
reportAllBugs(c, 0)
// Specify fixing commit again, but it's the same one as before, so nothing changed.
cmd = &dashapi.BugUpdate{
ID: rep.ID,
Status: dashapi.BugStatusOpen,
FixCommits: []string{"the right one"},
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "reporting_update", cmd, reply))
c.expectEQ(reply.OK, true)
// Now the first manager picks up the second commit.
build5 := testBuild(5)
build5.Manager = build1.Manager
build5.Commits = []string{"the right one"}
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "upload_build", build5, nil))
// Now the bug must be fixed.
builderPollReq = &dashapi.BuilderPollReq{build1.Manager}
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "builder_poll", builderPollReq, builderPollResp))
c.expectEQ(len(builderPollResp.PendingCommits), 0)
c.expectOK(c.API(client1, key1, "report_crash", crash1, nil))
reports = reportAllBugs(c, 1)
c.expectEQ(reports[0].Title, "title1 (2)")