blob: 5c22bdc0e52e2e4af9bc7dce1633d6735fb27d0c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
type RPCServer struct {
mgr RPCManagerView
cfg *mgrconfig.Config
target *prog.Target
server *rpctype.RPCServer
checker *vminfo.Checker
port int
checkDone bool
checkFailures int
checkFeatures *host.Features
targetEnabledSyscalls map[*prog.Syscall]bool
canonicalModules *cover.Canonicalizer
mu sync.Mutex
runners sync.Map // Instead of map[string]*Runner.
// We did not finish these requests because of VM restarts.
// They will be eventually given to other VMs.
rescuedInputs []*fuzzer.Request
statExecs *stats.Val
statExecRetries *stats.Val
statExecutorRestarts *stats.Val
statExecBufferTooSmall *stats.Val
statVMRestarts *stats.Val
statExchangeCalls *stats.Val
statExchangeProgs *stats.Val
statExchangeServerLatency *stats.Val
statExchangeClientLatency *stats.Val
type Runner struct {
name string
injectLog chan<- []byte
injectStop chan bool
machineInfo []byte
instModules *cover.CanonicalizerInstance
// The mutex protects newMaxSignal, dropMaxSignal, and requests.
mu sync.Mutex
newMaxSignal signal.Signal
dropMaxSignal signal.Signal
nextRequestID int64
requests map[int64]Request
type Request struct {
req *fuzzer.Request
try int
procID int
type BugFrames struct {
memoryLeaks []string
dataRaces []string
// RPCManagerView restricts interface between RPCServer and Manager.
type RPCManagerView interface {
currentBugFrames() BugFrames
fuzzerConnect() (map[uint32]uint32, signal.Signal)
machineChecked(features *host.Features, globFiles map[string][]string,
enabledSyscalls map[*prog.Syscall]bool, modules []host.KernelModule)
getFuzzer() *fuzzer.Fuzzer
func startRPCServer(mgr *Manager) (*RPCServer, error) {
serv := &RPCServer{
mgr: mgr,
cfg: mgr.cfg,
checker: vminfo.New(mgr.cfg),
statExecs: mgr.statExecs,
statExecRetries: stats.Create("exec retries",
"Number of times a test program was restarted because the first run failed",
stats.Rate{}, stats.Graph("executor")),
statExecutorRestarts: stats.Create("executor restarts",
"Number of times executor process was restarted", stats.Rate{}, stats.Graph("executor")),
statExecBufferTooSmall: stats.Create("buffer too small",
"Program serialization overflowed exec buffer", stats.NoGraph),
statVMRestarts: stats.Create("vm restarts", "Total number of VM starts",
stats.Rate{}, stats.NoGraph),
statExchangeCalls: stats.Create("exchange calls", "Number of RPC Exchange calls",
statExchangeProgs: stats.Create("exchange progs", "Test programs exchanged per RPC call",
statExchangeServerLatency: stats.Create("exchange manager latency",
"Manager RPC Exchange call latency (us)", stats.Distribution{}),
statExchangeClientLatency: stats.Create("exchange fuzzer latency",
"End-to-end fuzzer RPC Exchange call latency (us)", stats.Distribution{}),
s, err := rpctype.NewRPCServer(mgr.cfg.RPC, "Manager", serv, mgr.netCompression)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Logf(0, "serving rpc on tcp://%v", s.Addr())
serv.port = s.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port
serv.server = s
go s.Serve()
return serv, nil
func (serv *RPCServer) Connect(a *rpctype.ConnectArgs, r *rpctype.ConnectRes) error {
log.Logf(1, "fuzzer %v connected", a.Name)
checkRevisions(a, serv.cfg.Target)
bugFrames := serv.mgr.currentBugFrames()
r.MemoryLeakFrames = bugFrames.memoryLeaks
r.DataRaceFrames = bugFrames.dataRaces
r.EnabledCalls = serv.cfg.Syscalls
r.Features = serv.checkFeatures
r.ReadFiles = serv.checker.RequiredFiles()
if !serv.checkDone {
r.ReadGlobs =
return nil
func checkRevisions(a *rpctype.ConnectArgs, target *prog.Target) {
if target.Arch != a.ExecutorArch {
log.Fatalf("mismatching target/executor arches: %v vs %v", target.Arch, a.ExecutorArch)
if prog.GitRevision != a.GitRevision {
log.Fatalf("mismatching manager/fuzzer git revisions: %v vs %v",
prog.GitRevision, a.GitRevision)
if prog.GitRevision != a.ExecutorGitRevision {
log.Fatalf("mismatching manager/executor git revisions: %v vs %v",
prog.GitRevision, a.ExecutorGitRevision)
if target.Revision != a.SyzRevision {
log.Fatalf("mismatching manager/fuzzer system call descriptions: %v vs %v",
target.Revision, a.SyzRevision)
if target.Revision != a.ExecutorSyzRevision {
log.Fatalf("mismatching manager/executor system call descriptions: %v vs %v",
target.Revision, a.ExecutorSyzRevision)
func (serv *RPCServer) Check(a *rpctype.CheckArgs, r *rpctype.CheckRes) error {
modules, machineInfo, err := serv.checker.MachineInfo(a.Files)
if err != nil {
log.Logf(0, "parsing of machine info failed: %v", err)
if a.Error == "" {
a.Error = err.Error()
if !serv.checkDone {
if err := serv.check(a, modules); err != nil {
return err
serv.checkDone = true
execCoverFilter, maxSignal := serv.mgr.fuzzerConnect()
runner := serv.findRunner(a.Name)
if runner == nil {
// There may be a parallel shutdownInstance() call that removes the runner.
return fmt.Errorf("unknown runner %s", a.Name)
if runner.machineInfo != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("duplicate connection from %s", a.Name)
runner.machineInfo = machineInfo
runner.instModules = serv.canonicalModules.NewInstance(modules)
runner.newMaxSignal = maxSignal
instCoverFilter := runner.instModules.DecanonicalizeFilter(execCoverFilter)
r.CoverFilterBitmap = createCoverageBitmap(serv.cfg.SysTarget, instCoverFilter)
return nil
func (serv *RPCServer) check(a *rpctype.CheckArgs, modules []host.KernelModule) error {
// Note: need to print disbled syscalls before failing due to an error.
// This helps to debug "all system calls are disabled".
enabledCalls := make(map[*prog.Syscall]bool)
for _, call := range a.EnabledCalls[serv.cfg.Sandbox] {
enabledCalls[serv.cfg.Target.Syscalls[call]] = true
disabledCalls := make(map[*prog.Syscall]string)
for _, dc := range a.DisabledCalls[serv.cfg.Sandbox] {
disabledCalls[serv.cfg.Target.Syscalls[dc.ID]] = dc.Reason
enabledCalls, transitivelyDisabled :=
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
if len(serv.cfg.EnabledSyscalls) != 0 || log.V(1) {
if len(disabledCalls) != 0 {
var lines []string
for call, reason := range disabledCalls {
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("%-44v: %v\n", call.Name, reason))
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "disabled the following syscalls:\n%s\n", strings.Join(lines, ""))
if len(transitivelyDisabled) != 0 {
var lines []string
for call, reason := range transitivelyDisabled {
lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("%-44v: %v\n", call.Name, reason))
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "transitively disabled the following syscalls"+
" (missing resource [creating syscalls]):\n%s\n",
strings.Join(lines, ""))
if len(enabledCalls) == 0 && a.Error == "" {
a.Error = "all system calls are disabled"
hasFileErrors := false
for _, file := range a.Files {
if file.Error == "" {
if !hasFileErrors {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "failed to read the following files in the VM:\n")
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%-44v: %v\n", file.Name, file.Error)
hasFileErrors = true
if hasFileErrors {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "\n")
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%-24v: %v/%v\n", "syscalls", len(enabledCalls), len(serv.cfg.Target.Syscalls))
for _, feat := range a.Features.Supported() {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%-24v: %v\n", feat.Name, feat.Reason)
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "\n")
log.Logf(0, "machine check:\n%s", buf.Bytes())
if a.Error != "" {
log.Logf(0, "machine check failed: %v", a.Error)
if serv.checkFailures == 10 {
log.Fatalf("machine check failing")
return fmt.Errorf("machine check failed: %v", a.Error)
serv.targetEnabledSyscalls = enabledCalls
serv.checkFeatures = a.Features
serv.canonicalModules = cover.NewCanonicalizer(modules, serv.cfg.Cover)
serv.mgr.machineChecked(a.Features, a.Globs, serv.targetEnabledSyscalls, modules)
return nil
func (serv *RPCServer) StartExecuting(a *rpctype.ExecutingRequest, r *int) error {
if a.Try != 0 {
runner := serv.findRunner(a.Name)
if runner == nil {
return nil
req, ok := runner.requests[a.ID]
if !ok {
return nil
// RPC handlers are invoked in separate goroutines, so start executing notifications
// can outrun each other and completion notification.
if req.try < a.Try {
req.try = a.Try
req.procID = a.ProcID
runner.requests[a.ID] = req
runner.logProgram(a.ProcID, req.req.Prog)
return nil
func (serv *RPCServer) ExchangeInfo(a *rpctype.ExchangeInfoRequest, r *rpctype.ExchangeInfoReply) error {
start := time.Now()
runner := serv.findRunner(a.Name)
if runner == nil {
return nil
fuzzerObj := serv.mgr.getFuzzer()
if fuzzerObj == nil {
// ExchangeInfo calls follow MachineCheck, so the fuzzer must have been initialized.
panic("exchange info call with nil fuzzer")
appendRequest := func(inp *fuzzer.Request) {
if req, ok := serv.newRequest(runner, inp); ok {
r.Requests = append(r.Requests, req)
} else {
// It's bad if we systematically fail to serialize programs,
// but so far we don't have a better handling than counting this.
// This error is observed a lot on the seeded syz_mount_image calls.
fuzzerObj.Done(inp, &fuzzer.Result{Stop: true})
// Try to collect some of the postponed requests.
if {
for len(serv.rescuedInputs) != 0 && len(r.Requests) < a.NeedProgs {
last := len(serv.rescuedInputs) - 1
inp := serv.rescuedInputs[last]
serv.rescuedInputs[last] = nil
serv.rescuedInputs = serv.rescuedInputs[:last]
// First query new inputs and only then post results.
// It should foster a more even distribution of executions
// across all VMs.
for len(r.Requests) < a.NeedProgs {
for _, result := range a.Results {
serv.doneRequest(runner, result, fuzzerObj)
// Let's transfer new max signal in portions.
const transferMaxSignal = 500000
newSignal := runner.newMaxSignal.Split(transferMaxSignal)
dropSignal := runner.dropMaxSignal.Split(transferMaxSignal)
r.NewMaxSignal = runner.instModules.Decanonicalize(newSignal.ToRaw())
r.DropMaxSignal = runner.instModules.Decanonicalize(dropSignal.ToRaw())
log.Logf(2, "exchange with %s: %d done, %d new requests, %d new max signal, %d drop signal",
a.Name, len(a.Results), len(r.Requests), len(r.NewMaxSignal), len(r.DropMaxSignal))
return nil
func (serv *RPCServer) findRunner(name string) *Runner {
if val, _ := serv.runners.Load(name); val != nil {
return val.(*Runner)
// There might be a parallel shutdownInstance().
// Ignore requests then.
return nil
func (serv *RPCServer) createInstance(name string, injectLog chan<- []byte) {
runner := &Runner{
name: name,
requests: make(map[int64]Request),
injectLog: injectLog,
injectStop: make(chan bool),
if _, loaded := serv.runners.LoadOrStore(name, runner); loaded {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("duplicate instance %s", name))
func (serv *RPCServer) shutdownInstance(name string, crashed bool) []byte {
runnerPtr, _ := serv.runners.LoadAndDelete(name)
runner := runnerPtr.(*Runner)
if runner.requests == nil {
// We are supposed to invoke this code only once.
panic("Runner.requests is already nil")
oldRequests := runner.requests
runner.requests = nil
// The VM likely crashed, so let's tell pkg/fuzzer to abort the affected jobs.
// fuzzerObj may be null, but in that case oldRequests would be empty as well.
fuzzerObj := serv.mgr.getFuzzer()
for _, req := range oldRequests {
if crashed && req.try >= 0 {
fuzzerObj.Done(req.req, &fuzzer.Result{Stop: true})
} else {
// We will resend these inputs to another VM.
serv.rescuedInputs = append(serv.rescuedInputs, req.req)
return runner.machineInfo
func (serv *RPCServer) distributeSignalDelta(plus, minus signal.Signal) {
serv.runners.Range(func(key, value any) bool {
runner := value.(*Runner)
return true
func (serv *RPCServer) doneRequest(runner *Runner, resp rpctype.ExecutionResult, fuzzerObj *fuzzer.Fuzzer) {
info := &resp.Info
if info.Freshness == 0 {
req, ok := runner.requests[resp.ID]
if ok {
delete(runner.requests, resp.ID)
if !ok {
// There may be a concurrent shutdownInstance() call.
// RPC handlers are invoked in separate goroutines, so log the program here
// if completion notification outrun start executing notification.
if req.try < resp.Try {
runner.logProgram(resp.ProcID, req.req.Prog)
if !serv.cfg.Cover {
addFallbackSignal(req.req.Prog, info)
for i := 0; i < len(info.Calls); i++ {
call := &info.Calls[i]
call.Cover = runner.instModules.Canonicalize(call.Cover)
call.Signal = runner.instModules.Canonicalize(call.Signal)
info.Extra.Cover = runner.instModules.Canonicalize(info.Extra.Cover)
info.Extra.Signal = runner.instModules.Canonicalize(info.Extra.Signal)
fuzzerObj.Done(req.req, &fuzzer.Result{Info: info})
func (serv *RPCServer) newRequest(runner *Runner, req *fuzzer.Request) (rpctype.ExecutionRequest, bool) {
progData, err := req.Prog.SerializeForExec()
if err != nil {
return rpctype.ExecutionRequest{}, false
var signalFilter signal.Signal
if req.SignalFilter != nil {
newRawSignal := runner.instModules.Decanonicalize(req.SignalFilter.ToRaw())
// We don't care about specific priorities here.
signalFilter = signal.FromRaw(newRawSignal, 0)
id := runner.nextRequestID
if runner.requests != nil {
runner.requests[id] = Request{
req: req,
try: -1,
return rpctype.ExecutionRequest{
ID: id,
ProgData: progData,
ExecOpts: serv.createExecOpts(req),
NewSignal: req.NeedSignal == fuzzer.NewSignal,
SignalFilter: signalFilter,
SignalFilterCall: req.SignalFilterCall,
}, true
func (serv *RPCServer) createExecOpts(req *fuzzer.Request) ipc.ExecOpts {
env := ipc.FeaturesToFlags(serv.checkFeatures, nil)
if *flagDebug {
env |= ipc.FlagDebug
if serv.cfg.Cover {
env |= ipc.FlagSignal
sandbox, err := ipc.SandboxToFlags(serv.cfg.Sandbox)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to parse sandbox: %v", err))
env |= sandbox
exec := ipc.FlagThreaded
if !serv.cfg.RawCover {
exec |= ipc.FlagDedupCover
if serv.cfg.HasCovFilter() {
exec |= ipc.FlagEnableCoverageFilter
if serv.cfg.Cover {
if req.NeedSignal != fuzzer.NoSignal {
exec |= ipc.FlagCollectSignal
if req.NeedCover {
exec |= ipc.FlagCollectCover
if req.NeedHints {
exec |= ipc.FlagCollectComps
return ipc.ExecOpts{
EnvFlags: env,
ExecFlags: exec,
SandboxArg: serv.cfg.SandboxArg,
func (runner *Runner) logProgram(procID int, p *prog.Prog) {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "executing program %v:\n%s\n", procID, p.Serialize())
select {
case runner.injectLog <- buf.Bytes():
case <-runner.injectStop:
// addFallbackSignal computes simple fallback signal in cases we don't have real coverage signal.
// We use syscall number or-ed with returned errno value as signal.
// At least this gives us all combinations of syscall+errno.
func addFallbackSignal(p *prog.Prog, info *ipc.ProgInfo) {
callInfos := make([]prog.CallInfo, len(info.Calls))
for i, inf := range info.Calls {
if inf.Flags&ipc.CallExecuted != 0 {
callInfos[i].Flags |= prog.CallExecuted
if inf.Flags&ipc.CallFinished != 0 {
callInfos[i].Flags |= prog.CallFinished
if inf.Flags&ipc.CallBlocked != 0 {
callInfos[i].Flags |= prog.CallBlocked
callInfos[i].Errno = inf.Errno
for i, inf := range callInfos {
info.Calls[i].Signal = inf.Signal