blob: b25d938dafdff0c260a7c44b9fbfac223d6358a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
crash_pkg ""
var (
flagConfig = flag.String("config", "", "configuration file")
flagDebug = flag.Bool("debug", false, "dump all VM output to console")
flagBench = flag.String("bench", "", "write execution statistics into this file periodically")
type Manager struct {
cfg *mgrconfig.Config
vmPool *vm.Pool
target *prog.Target
sysTarget *targets.Target
reporter *report.Reporter
crashdir string
serv *RPCServer
corpus *corpus.Corpus
corpusDB *db.DB
corpusDBMu sync.Mutex // for concurrent operations on corpusDB
corpusPreloaded chan bool
firstConnect atomic.Int64 // unix time, or 0 if not connected
crashTypes map[string]bool
vmStop chan bool
checkFeatures *host.Features
fresh bool
netCompression bool
expertMode bool
nextInstanceID atomic.Uint64
dash *dashapi.Dashboard
mu sync.Mutex
fuzzer atomic.Pointer[fuzzer.Fuzzer]
phase int
targetEnabledSyscalls map[*prog.Syscall]bool
disabledHashes map[string]struct{}
seeds [][]byte
newRepros [][]byte
lastMinCorpus int
memoryLeakFrames map[string]bool
dataRaceFrames map[string]bool
saturatedCalls map[string]bool
needMoreRepros chan chan bool
externalReproQueue chan *Crash
reproRequest chan chan map[string]bool
// For checking that files that we are using are not changing under us.
// Maps file name to modification time.
usedFiles map[string]time.Time
modules []host.KernelModule
coverFilter map[uint32]uint32
execCoverFilter map[uint32]uint32
assetStorage *asset.Storage
bootTime stats.AverageValue[time.Duration]
const (
// Just started, nothing done yet.
phaseInit = iota
// Corpus is loaded and machine is checked.
// Triaged all inputs from corpus.
// This is when we start querying hub and minimizing persistent corpus.
// Done the first request to hub.
// Triaged all new inputs from hub.
// This is when we start reproducing crashes.
const currentDBVersion = 4
type Crash struct {
instanceName string
fromHub bool // this crash was created based on a repro from syz-hub
fromDashboard bool // .. or from dashboard
machineInfo []byte
func main() {
if prog.GitRevision == "" {
log.Fatalf("bad syz-manager build: build with make, run bin/syz-manager")
log.EnableLogCaching(1000, 1<<20)
cfg, err := mgrconfig.LoadFile(*flagConfig)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("%v", err)
if cfg.DashboardAddr != "" {
// This lets better distinguish logs of individual syz-manager instances.
func RunManager(cfg *mgrconfig.Config) {
var vmPool *vm.Pool
// Type "none" is a special case for debugging/development when manager
// does not start any VMs, but instead you start them manually
// and start syz-fuzzer there.
if cfg.Type != "none" {
var err error
vmPool, err = vm.Create(cfg, *flagDebug)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("%v", err)
crashdir := filepath.Join(cfg.Workdir, "crashes")
reporter, err := report.NewReporter(cfg)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("%v", err)
corpusUpdates := make(chan corpus.NewItemEvent, 32)
mgr := &Manager{
cfg: cfg,
vmPool: vmPool,
corpus: corpus.NewMonitoredCorpus(context.Background(), corpusUpdates),
corpusPreloaded: make(chan bool),
target: cfg.Target,
sysTarget: cfg.SysTarget,
reporter: reporter,
crashdir: crashdir,
crashTypes: make(map[string]bool),
disabledHashes: make(map[string]struct{}),
memoryLeakFrames: make(map[string]bool),
dataRaceFrames: make(map[string]bool),
fresh: true,
netCompression: vm.UseNetCompression(cfg.Type),
vmStop: make(chan bool),
externalReproQueue: make(chan *Crash, 10),
needMoreRepros: make(chan chan bool),
reproRequest: make(chan chan map[string]bool),
usedFiles: make(map[string]time.Time),
saturatedCalls: make(map[string]bool),
go mgr.preloadCorpus()
mgr.initHTTP() // Creates HTTP server.
go mgr.corpusInputHandler(corpusUpdates)
// Create RPC server for fuzzers.
mgr.serv, err = startRPCServer(mgr)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to create rpc server: %v", err)
if cfg.DashboardAddr != "" {
mgr.dash, err = dashapi.New(cfg.DashboardClient, cfg.DashboardAddr, cfg.DashboardKey)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to create dashapi connection: %v", err)
if !cfg.AssetStorage.IsEmpty() {
mgr.assetStorage, err = asset.StorageFromConfig(cfg.AssetStorage, mgr.dash)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to init asset storage: %v", err)
if *flagBench != "" {
go mgr.heartbeatLoop()
if mgr.vmPool == nil {
log.Logf(0, "no VMs started (type=none)")
log.Logf(0, "you are supposed to start syz-fuzzer manually as:")
log.Logf(0, "syz-fuzzer -manager=manager.ip:%v [other flags as necessary]", mgr.serv.port)
func (mgr *Manager) heartbeatLoop() {
lastTime := time.Now()
for now := range time.NewTicker(10 * time.Second).C {
diff := int(now.Sub(lastTime))
lastTime = now
if mgr.firstConnect.Load() == 0 {
mgr.statFuzzingTime.Add(diff * mgr.statNumFuzzing.Val())
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
for _, stat := range stats.Collect(stats.Console) {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%v=%v ", stat.Name, stat.Value)
log.Logf(0, "%s", buf.String())
func (mgr *Manager) initBench() {
f, err := os.OpenFile(*flagBench, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_EXCL, osutil.DefaultFilePerm)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to open bench file: %v", err)
go func() {
for range time.NewTicker(time.Minute).C {
vals := make(map[string]int)
for _, stat := range stats.Collect(stats.All) {
vals[stat.Name] = stat.V
data, err := json.MarshalIndent(vals, "", " ")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to serialize bench data")
if _, err := f.Write(append(data, '\n')); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to write bench data")
type RunResult struct {
idx int
crash *Crash
err error
type ReproResult struct {
instances []int
report0 *report.Report // the original report we started reproducing
repro *repro.Result
strace *repro.StraceResult
stats *repro.Stats
err error
fromHub bool
fromDashboard bool
originalTitle string // crash title before we started bug reproduction
// Manager needs to be refactored (#605).
// nolint: gocyclo, gocognit, funlen
func (mgr *Manager) vmLoop() {
log.Logf(0, "booting test machines...")
log.Logf(0, "wait for the connection from test machine...")
instancesPerRepro := 3
vmCount := mgr.vmPool.Count()
maxReproVMs := vmCount - mgr.cfg.FuzzingVMs
if instancesPerRepro > maxReproVMs && maxReproVMs > 0 {
instancesPerRepro = maxReproVMs
instances := SequentialResourcePool(vmCount, 10*time.Second*mgr.cfg.Timeouts.Scale)
runDone := make(chan *RunResult, 1)
pendingRepro := make(map[*Crash]bool)
reproducing := make(map[string]bool)
var reproQueue []*Crash
reproDone := make(chan *ReproResult, 1)
stopPending := false
shutdown := vm.Shutdown
for shutdown != nil || instances.Len() != vmCount {
phase := mgr.phase
for crash := range pendingRepro {
if reproducing[crash.Title] {
delete(pendingRepro, crash)
if !mgr.needRepro(crash) {
log.Logf(1, "loop: add to repro queue '%v'", crash.Title)
reproducing[crash.Title] = true
reproQueue = append(reproQueue, crash)
log.Logf(1, "loop: phase=%v shutdown=%v instances=%v/%v %+v repro: pending=%v reproducing=%v queued=%v",
phase, shutdown == nil, instances.Len(), vmCount, instances.Snapshot(),
len(pendingRepro), len(reproducing), len(reproQueue))
canRepro := func() bool {
return phase >= phaseTriagedHub && len(reproQueue) != 0 &&
(mgr.statNumReproducing.Val()+1)*instancesPerRepro <= maxReproVMs
if shutdown != nil {
for canRepro() {
vmIndexes := instances.Take(instancesPerRepro)
if vmIndexes == nil {
last := len(reproQueue) - 1
crash := reproQueue[last]
reproQueue[last] = nil
reproQueue = reproQueue[:last]
log.Logf(0, "loop: starting repro of '%v' on instances %+v", crash.Title, vmIndexes)
go func() {
reproDone <- mgr.runRepro(crash, vmIndexes, instances.Put)
for !canRepro() {
idx := instances.TakeOne()
if idx == nil {
log.Logf(1, "loop: starting instance %v", *idx)
go func() {
crash, err := mgr.runInstance(*idx)
runDone <- &RunResult{*idx, crash, err}
var stopRequest chan bool
if !stopPending && canRepro() {
stopRequest = mgr.vmStop
select {
case <-instances.Freed:
// An instance has been released.
case stopRequest <- true:
log.Logf(1, "loop: issued stop request")
stopPending = true
case res := <-runDone:
log.Logf(1, "loop: instance %v finished, crash=%v", res.idx, res.crash != nil)
if res.err != nil && shutdown != nil {
log.Logf(0, "%v", res.err)
stopPending = false
// On shutdown qemu crashes with "qemu: terminating on signal 2",
// which we detect as "lost connection". Don't save that as crash.
if shutdown != nil && res.crash != nil {
needRepro := mgr.saveCrash(res.crash)
if needRepro {
log.Logf(1, "loop: add pending repro for '%v'", res.crash.Title)
pendingRepro[res.crash] = true
case res := <-reproDone:
crepro := false
title := ""
if res.repro != nil {
crepro = res.repro.CRepro
title = res.repro.Report.Title
log.Logf(0, "loop: repro on %+v finished '%v', repro=%v crepro=%v desc='%v'"+
" hub=%v from_dashboard=%v",
res.instances, res.report0.Title, res.repro != nil, crepro, title,
res.fromHub, res.fromDashboard,
if res.err != nil {
delete(reproducing, res.report0.Title)
if res.repro == nil {
if res.fromHub {
log.Logf(1, "repro '%v' came from syz-hub, not reporting the failure",
} else {
log.Logf(1, "report repro failure of '%v'", res.report0.Title)
mgr.saveFailedRepro(res.report0, res.stats)
} else {
case <-shutdown:
log.Logf(1, "loop: shutting down...")
shutdown = nil
case crash := <-mgr.externalReproQueue:
log.Logf(1, "loop: got repro request")
pendingRepro[crash] = true
case reply := <-mgr.needMoreRepros:
reply <- phase >= phaseTriagedHub &&
len(reproQueue)+len(pendingRepro)+len(reproducing) == 0
goto wait
case reply := <-mgr.reproRequest:
repros := make(map[string]bool)
for title := range reproducing {
repros[title] = true
reply <- repros
goto wait
func reportReproError(err error) {
shutdown := false
select {
case <-vm.Shutdown:
shutdown = true
switch err {
case repro.ErrNoPrograms:
// This is not extraordinary as programs are collected via SSH.
log.Logf(0, "repro failed: %v", err)
case repro.ErrNoVMs:
// This error is to be expected if we're shutting down.
if shutdown {
// Report everything else as errors.
log.Errorf("repro failed: %v", err)
func (mgr *Manager) runRepro(crash *Crash, vmIndexes []int, putInstances func( *ReproResult {
res, stats, err := repro.Run(crash.Output, mgr.cfg, mgr.checkFeatures, mgr.reporter, mgr.vmPool, vmIndexes)
ret := &ReproResult{
instances: vmIndexes,
report0: crash.Report,
repro: res,
stats: stats,
err: err,
fromHub: crash.fromHub,
fromDashboard: crash.fromDashboard,
originalTitle: crash.Title,
if err == nil && res != nil && mgr.cfg.StraceBin != "" {
// We need only one instance to get strace output, release the rest.
defer putInstances(vmIndexes[0])
const straceAttempts = 2
for i := 1; i <= straceAttempts; i++ {
strace := repro.RunStrace(res, mgr.cfg, mgr.reporter, mgr.vmPool, vmIndexes[0])
sameBug := strace.IsSameBug(res)
log.Logf(0, "strace run attempt %d/%d for '%s': same bug %v, error %v",
i, straceAttempts, res.Report.Title, sameBug, strace.Error)
// We only want to save strace output if it resulted in the same bug.
// Otherwise, it will be hard to reproduce on syzbot and will confuse users.
if sameBug {
ret.strace = strace
} else {
return ret
type ResourcePool struct {
ids []int
mu sync.RWMutex
Freed chan interface{}
func SequentialResourcePool(count int, delay time.Duration) *ResourcePool {
ret := &ResourcePool{Freed: make(chan interface{}, 1)}
go func() {
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
return ret
func (pool *ResourcePool) Put(ids {
pool.ids = append(pool.ids, ids...)
// Notify the listener.
select {
case pool.Freed <- true:
func (pool *ResourcePool) Len() int {
return len(pool.ids)
func (pool *ResourcePool) Snapshot() []int {
return append([]int{}, pool.ids...)
func (pool *ResourcePool) Take(cnt int) []int {
totalItems := len(pool.ids)
if totalItems < cnt {
return nil
ret := append([]int{}, pool.ids[totalItems-cnt:]...)
pool.ids = pool.ids[:totalItems-cnt]
return ret
func (pool *ResourcePool) TakeOne() *int {
ret := pool.Take(1)
if ret == nil {
return nil
return &ret[0]
func (mgr *Manager) preloadCorpus() {
corpusDB, err := db.Open(filepath.Join(mgr.cfg.Workdir, "corpus.db"), true)
if err != nil {
if corpusDB == nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to open corpus database: %v", err)
log.Errorf("read %v inputs from corpus and got error: %v", len(corpusDB.Records), err)
mgr.corpusDB = corpusDB
if seedDir := filepath.Join(mgr.cfg.Syzkaller, "sys", mgr.cfg.TargetOS, "test"); osutil.IsExist(seedDir) {
seeds, err := os.ReadDir(seedDir)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to read seeds dir: %v", err)
for _, seed := range seeds {
data, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(seedDir, seed.Name()))
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to read seed %v: %v", seed.Name(), err)
mgr.seeds = append(mgr.seeds, data)
func (mgr *Manager) loadCorpus() {
// By default we don't re-minimize/re-smash programs from corpus,
// it takes lots of time on start and is unnecessary.
// However, on version bumps we can selectively re-minimize/re-smash.
minimized, smashed := true, true
switch mgr.corpusDB.Version {
case 0:
// Version 0 had broken minimization, so we need to re-minimize.
minimized = false
case 1:
// Version 1->2: memory is preallocated so lots of mmaps become unnecessary.
minimized = false
case 2:
// Version 2->3: big-endian hints.
smashed = false
case 3:
// Version 3->4: to shake things up.
minimized = false
case currentDBVersion:
var candidates []fuzzer.Candidate
broken := 0
for key, rec := range mgr.corpusDB.Records {
drop, item := mgr.loadProg(rec.Val, minimized, smashed)
if drop {
if item != nil {
candidates = append(candidates, *item)
mgr.fresh = len(mgr.corpusDB.Records) == 0
seeds := 0
for _, seed := range mgr.seeds {
_, item := mgr.loadProg(seed, true, false)
if item != nil {
candidates = append(candidates, *item)
log.Logf(0, "%-24v: %v (%v broken, %v seeds)", "corpus", len(candidates), broken, seeds)
mgr.seeds = nil
// We duplicate all inputs in the corpus and shuffle the second part.
// This solves the following problem. A fuzzer can crash while triaging candidates,
// in such case it will also lost all cached candidates. Or, the input can be somewhat flaky
// and doesn't give the coverage on first try. So we give each input the second chance.
// Shuffling should alleviate deterministically losing the same inputs on fuzzer crashing.
candidates = append(candidates, candidates...)
shuffle := candidates[len(candidates)/2:]
rand.Shuffle(len(shuffle), func(i, j int) {
shuffle[i], shuffle[j] = shuffle[j], shuffle[i]
if mgr.phase != phaseInit {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("loadCorpus: bad phase %v", mgr.phase))
mgr.phase = phaseLoadedCorpus
// Returns (delete item from the corpus, a fuzzer.Candidate object).
func (mgr *Manager) loadProg(data []byte, minimized, smashed bool) (drop bool, candidate *fuzzer.Candidate) {
p, disabled, bad := parseProgram(, mgr.targetEnabledSyscalls, data)
if bad != nil {
return true, nil
if disabled {
if mgr.cfg.PreserveCorpus {
// This program contains a disabled syscall.
// We won't execute it, but remember its hash so
// it is not deleted during minimization.
mgr.disabledHashes[hash.String(data)] = struct{}{}
} else {
// We cut out the disabled syscalls and let syz-fuzzer retriage and
// minimize what remains from the prog. The original prog will be
// deleted from the corpus.
leftover := programLeftover(, mgr.targetEnabledSyscalls, data)
if leftover != nil {
candidate = &fuzzer.Candidate{
Prog: leftover,
Minimized: false,
Smashed: smashed,
return false, candidate
return false, &fuzzer.Candidate{
Prog: p,
Minimized: minimized,
Smashed: smashed,
func programLeftover(target *prog.Target, enabled map[*prog.Syscall]bool, data []byte) *prog.Prog {
p, err := target.Deserialize(data, prog.NonStrict)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("subsequent deserialization failed: %s", data))
for i := 0; i < len(p.Calls); {
c := p.Calls[i]
if !enabled[c.Meta] {
return p
func parseProgram(target *prog.Target, enabled map[*prog.Syscall]bool, data []byte) (
p *prog.Prog, disabled bool, err error) {
p, err = target.Deserialize(data, prog.NonStrict)
if err != nil {
if len(p.Calls) > prog.MaxCalls {
return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("longer than %d calls", prog.MaxCalls)
// For some yet unknown reasons, programs with fail_nth > 0 may sneak in. Ignore them.
for _, call := range p.Calls {
if call.Props.FailNth > 0 {
return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("input has fail_nth > 0")
for _, c := range p.Calls {
if !enabled[c.Meta] {
return p, true, nil
return p, false, nil
func (mgr *Manager) runInstance(index int) (*Crash, error) {
// Use unique instance names to keep name collisions in case of untimely RPC messages.
instanceName := fmt.Sprintf("vm-%d", mgr.nextInstanceID.Add(1))
injectLog := make(chan []byte, 10)
mgr.serv.createInstance(instanceName, injectLog)
rep, vmInfo, err := mgr.runInstanceInner(index, instanceName, injectLog)
machineInfo := mgr.serv.shutdownInstance(instanceName, rep != nil)
if len(vmInfo) != 0 {
machineInfo = append(append(vmInfo, '\n'), machineInfo...)
// Error that is not a VM crash.
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// No crash.
if rep == nil {
return nil, nil
crash := &Crash{
instanceName: instanceName,
Report: rep,
machineInfo: machineInfo,
return crash, nil
func (mgr *Manager) runInstanceInner(index int, instanceName string, injectLog <-chan []byte) (
*report.Report, []byte, error) {
start := time.Now()
inst, err := mgr.vmPool.Create(index)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create instance: %w", err)
defer inst.Close()
fwdAddr, err := inst.Forward(mgr.serv.port)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to setup port forwarding: %w", err)
fuzzerBin, err := inst.Copy(mgr.cfg.FuzzerBin)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to copy binary: %w", err)
// If ExecutorBin is provided, it means that syz-executor is already in the image,
// so no need to copy it.
executorBin := mgr.sysTarget.ExecutorBin
if executorBin == "" {
executorBin, err = inst.Copy(mgr.cfg.ExecutorBin)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to copy binary: %w", err)
fuzzerV := 0
procs := mgr.cfg.Procs
if *flagDebug {
fuzzerV = 100
procs = 1
// Run the fuzzer binary.
start = time.Now()
defer mgr.statNumFuzzing.Add(-1)
args := &instance.FuzzerCmdArgs{
Fuzzer: fuzzerBin,
Executor: executorBin,
Name: instanceName,
OS: mgr.cfg.TargetOS,
Arch: mgr.cfg.TargetArch,
FwdAddr: fwdAddr,
Sandbox: mgr.cfg.Sandbox,
Procs: procs,
Verbosity: fuzzerV,
Cover: mgr.cfg.Cover,
Debug: *flagDebug,
Test: false,
Runtest: false,
Optional: &instance.OptionalFuzzerArgs{
Slowdown: mgr.cfg.Timeouts.Slowdown,
SandboxArg: mgr.cfg.SandboxArg,
PprofPort: inst.PprofPort(),
ResetAccState: mgr.cfg.Experimental.ResetAccState,
NetCompression: mgr.netCompression,
cmd := instance.FuzzerCmd(args)
_, rep, err := inst.Run(mgr.cfg.Timeouts.VMRunningTime, mgr.reporter, cmd,
vm.ExitTimeout, vm.StopChan(mgr.vmStop), vm.InjectOutput(injectLog))
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to run fuzzer: %w", err)
if rep == nil {
// This is the only "OK" outcome.
log.Logf(0, "%s: running for %v, restarting", instanceName, time.Since(start))
return nil, nil, nil
vmInfo, err := inst.Info()
if err != nil {
vmInfo = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("error getting VM info: %v\n", err))
return rep, vmInfo, nil
func (mgr *Manager) emailCrash(crash *Crash) {
if len(mgr.cfg.EmailAddrs) == 0 {
args := []string{"-s", "syzkaller: " + crash.Title}
args = append(args, mgr.cfg.EmailAddrs...)
log.Logf(0, "sending email to %v", mgr.cfg.EmailAddrs)
cmd := exec.Command("mailx", args...)
cmd.Stdin = bytes.NewReader(crash.Report.Report)
if _, err := osutil.Run(10*time.Minute, cmd); err != nil {
log.Logf(0, "failed to send email: %v", err)
func (mgr *Manager) saveCrash(crash *Crash) bool {
if err := mgr.reporter.Symbolize(crash.Report); err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to symbolize report: %v", err)
if crash.Type == crash_pkg.MemoryLeak {
mgr.memoryLeakFrames[crash.Frame] = true
if crash.Type == crash_pkg.DataRace {
mgr.dataRaceFrames[crash.Frame] = true
flags := ""
if crash.Corrupted {
flags += " [corrupted]"
if crash.Suppressed {
flags += " [suppressed]"
log.Logf(0, "%s: crash: %v%v", crash.instanceName, crash.Title, flags)
if crash.Suppressed {
// Collect all of them into a single bucket so that it's possible to control and assess them,
// e.g. if there are some spikes in suppressed reports.
crash.Title = "suppressed report"
if !mgr.crashTypes[crash.Title] {
mgr.crashTypes[crash.Title] = true
if mgr.dash != nil {
if crash.Type == crash_pkg.MemoryLeak {
return true
dc := &dashapi.Crash{
BuildID: mgr.cfg.Tag,
Title: crash.Title,
AltTitles: crash.AltTitles,
Corrupted: crash.Corrupted,
Suppressed: crash.Suppressed,
Recipients: crash.Recipients.ToDash(),
Log: crash.Output,
Report: crash.Report.Report,
MachineInfo: crash.machineInfo,
setGuiltyFiles(dc, crash.Report)
resp, err := mgr.dash.ReportCrash(dc)
if err != nil {
log.Logf(0, "failed to report crash to dashboard: %v", err)
} else {
// Don't store the crash locally, if we've successfully
// uploaded it to the dashboard. These will just eat disk space.
return resp.NeedRepro
sig := hash.Hash([]byte(crash.Title))
id := sig.String()
dir := filepath.Join(mgr.crashdir, id)
if err := osutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir, "description"), []byte(crash.Title+"\n")); err != nil {
log.Logf(0, "failed to write crash: %v", err)
// Save up to mgr.cfg.MaxCrashLogs reports, overwrite the oldest once we've reached that number.
// Newer reports are generally more useful. Overwriting is also needed
// to be able to understand if a particular bug still happens or already fixed.
oldestI := 0
var oldestTime time.Time
for i := 0; i < mgr.cfg.MaxCrashLogs; i++ {
info, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(dir, fmt.Sprintf("log%v", i)))
if err != nil {
oldestI = i
if i == 0 {
go mgr.emailCrash(crash)
if oldestTime.IsZero() || info.ModTime().Before(oldestTime) {
oldestI = i
oldestTime = info.ModTime()
writeOrRemove := func(name string, data []byte) {
filename := filepath.Join(dir, name+fmt.Sprint(oldestI))
if len(data) == 0 {
osutil.WriteFile(filename, data)
writeOrRemove("log", crash.Output)
writeOrRemove("tag", []byte(mgr.cfg.Tag))
writeOrRemove("report", crash.Report.Report)
writeOrRemove("machineInfo", crash.machineInfo)
return mgr.needLocalRepro(crash)
const maxReproAttempts = 3
func (mgr *Manager) needLocalRepro(crash *Crash) bool {
if !mgr.cfg.Reproduce || crash.Corrupted || crash.Suppressed {
return false
sig := hash.Hash([]byte(crash.Title))
dir := filepath.Join(mgr.crashdir, sig.String())
if osutil.IsExist(filepath.Join(dir, "repro.prog")) {
return false
for i := 0; i < maxReproAttempts; i++ {
if !osutil.IsExist(filepath.Join(dir, fmt.Sprintf("repro%v", i))) {
return true
return false
func (mgr *Manager) needRepro(crash *Crash) bool {
if crash.fromHub || crash.fromDashboard {
return true
if mgr.checkFeatures == nil || (mgr.checkFeatures[host.FeatureLeak].Enabled &&
crash.Type != crash_pkg.MemoryLeak) {
// Leak checking is very slow, don't bother reproducing other crashes on leak instance.
return false
if mgr.dash == nil {
return mgr.needLocalRepro(crash)
cid := &dashapi.CrashID{
BuildID: mgr.cfg.Tag,
Title: crash.Title,
Corrupted: crash.Corrupted,
Suppressed: crash.Suppressed,
MayBeMissing: crash.Type == crash_pkg.MemoryLeak, // we did not send the original crash w/o repro
needRepro, err := mgr.dash.NeedRepro(cid)
if err != nil {
log.Logf(0, "dashboard.NeedRepro failed: %v", err)
return needRepro
func truncateReproLog(log []byte) []byte {
// Repro logs can get quite large and we have trouble sending large API requests (see #4495).
// Let's truncate the log to a 512KB prefix and 512KB suffix.
return report.Truncate(log, 512000, 512000)
func (mgr *Manager) saveFailedRepro(rep *report.Report, stats *repro.Stats) {
reproLog := fullReproLog(stats)
if mgr.dash != nil {
if rep.Type == crash_pkg.MemoryLeak {
// Don't send failed leak repro attempts to dashboard
// as we did not send the crash itself.
log.Logf(1, "failed repro of '%v': not sending because of the memleak type", rep.Title)
cid := &dashapi.CrashID{
BuildID: mgr.cfg.Tag,
Title: rep.Title,
Corrupted: rep.Corrupted,
Suppressed: rep.Suppressed,
MayBeMissing: rep.Type == crash_pkg.MemoryLeak,
ReproLog: truncateReproLog(reproLog),
if err := mgr.dash.ReportFailedRepro(cid); err != nil {
log.Logf(0, "failed to report failed repro to dashboard (log size %d): %v",
len(reproLog), err)
} else {
dir := filepath.Join(mgr.crashdir, hash.String([]byte(rep.Title)))
for i := 0; i < maxReproAttempts; i++ {
name := filepath.Join(dir, fmt.Sprintf("repro%v", i))
if !osutil.IsExist(name) && len(reproLog) > 0 {
osutil.WriteFile(name, reproLog)
func (mgr *Manager) saveRepro(res *ReproResult) {
repro := res.repro
opts := fmt.Sprintf("# %+v\n", repro.Opts)
progText := repro.Prog.Serialize()
// Append this repro to repro list to send to hub if it didn't come from hub originally.
if !res.fromHub {
progForHub := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("# %+v\n# %v\n# %v\n%s",
repro.Opts, repro.Report.Title, mgr.cfg.Tag, progText))
mgr.newRepros = append(mgr.newRepros, progForHub)
var cprogText []byte
if repro.CRepro {
cprog, err := csource.Write(repro.Prog, repro.Opts)
if err == nil {
formatted, err := csource.Format(cprog)
if err == nil {
cprog = formatted
cprogText = cprog
} else {
log.Logf(0, "failed to write C source: %v", err)
if mgr.dash != nil {
// Note: we intentionally don't set Corrupted for reproducers:
// 1. This is reproducible so can be debugged even with corrupted report.
// 2. Repro re-tried 3 times and still got corrupted report at the end,
// so maybe corrupted report detection is broken.
// 3. Reproduction is expensive so it's good to persist the result.
report := repro.Report
output := report.Output
var crashFlags dashapi.CrashFlags
if res.strace != nil {
// If syzkaller managed to successfully run the repro with strace, send
// the report and the output generated under strace.
report = res.strace.Report
output = res.strace.Output
crashFlags = dashapi.CrashUnderStrace
dc := &dashapi.Crash{
BuildID: mgr.cfg.Tag,
Title: report.Title,
AltTitles: report.AltTitles,
Suppressed: report.Suppressed,
Recipients: report.Recipients.ToDash(),
Log: output,
Flags: crashFlags,
Report: report.Report,
ReproOpts: repro.Opts.Serialize(),
ReproSyz: progText,
ReproC: cprogText,
ReproLog: truncateReproLog(fullReproLog(res.stats)),
Assets: mgr.uploadReproAssets(repro),
OriginalTitle: res.originalTitle,
setGuiltyFiles(dc, report)
if _, err := mgr.dash.ReportCrash(dc); err != nil {
log.Logf(0, "failed to report repro to dashboard: %v", err)
} else {
// Don't store the crash locally, if we've successfully
// uploaded it to the dashboard. These will just eat disk space.
rep := repro.Report
dir := filepath.Join(mgr.crashdir, hash.String([]byte(rep.Title)))
if err := osutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir, "description"), []byte(rep.Title+"\n")); err != nil {
log.Logf(0, "failed to write crash: %v", err)
osutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir, "repro.prog"), append([]byte(opts), progText...))
if mgr.cfg.Tag != "" {
osutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir, "repro.tag"), []byte(mgr.cfg.Tag))
if len(rep.Output) > 0 {
osutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir, "repro.log"), rep.Output)
if len(rep.Report) > 0 {
osutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir, ""), rep.Report)
if len(cprogText) > 0 {
osutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir, "repro.cprog"), cprogText)
repro.Prog.ForEachAsset(func(name string, typ prog.AssetType, r io.Reader) {
fileName := filepath.Join(dir, name+".gz")
if err := osutil.WriteGzipStream(fileName, r); err != nil {
log.Logf(0, "failed to write crash asset: type %d, write error %v", typ, err)
if res.strace != nil {
// Unlike dashboard reporting, we save strace output separately from the original log.
if res.strace.Error != nil {
osutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir, "strace.error"),
[]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%v", res.strace.Error)))
if len(res.strace.Output) > 0 {
osutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir, "strace.log"), res.strace.Output)
if reproLog := fullReproLog(res.stats); len(reproLog) > 0 {
osutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir, "repro.stats"), reproLog)
func (mgr *Manager) uploadReproAssets(repro *repro.Result) []dashapi.NewAsset {
if mgr.assetStorage == nil {
return nil
ret := []dashapi.NewAsset{}
repro.Prog.ForEachAsset(func(name string, typ prog.AssetType, r io.Reader) {
dashTyp, ok := map[prog.AssetType]dashapi.AssetType{
prog.MountInRepro: dashapi.MountInRepro,
if !ok {
panic("unknown extracted prog asset")
asset, err := mgr.assetStorage.UploadCrashAsset(r, name, dashTyp, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Logf(1, "processing of the asset %v (%v) failed: %v", name, typ, err)
ret = append(ret, asset)
return ret
func fullReproLog(stats *repro.Stats) []byte {
if stats == nil {
return nil
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("Extracting prog: %v\nMinimizing prog: %v\n"+
"Simplifying prog options: %v\nExtracting C: %v\nSimplifying C: %v\n\n\n%s",
stats.ExtractProgTime, stats.MinimizeProgTime,
stats.SimplifyProgTime, stats.ExtractCTime, stats.SimplifyCTime, stats.Log))
func (mgr *Manager) corpusInputHandler(updates <-chan corpus.NewItemEvent) {
for update := range updates {
if len(update.NewCover) != 0 && mgr.coverFilter != nil {
if rg, _ := getReportGenerator(mgr.cfg, mgr.modules); rg != nil {
filtered := 0
for _, pc := range update.NewCover {
if mgr.coverFilter[uint32(rg.RestorePC(pc))] != 0 {
if update.Exists {
// We only save new progs into the corpus.db file.
mgr.corpusDB.Save(update.Sig, update.ProgData, 0)
if err := mgr.corpusDB.Flush(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to save corpus database: %v", err)
func (mgr *Manager) getMinimizedCorpus() (corpus, repros [][]byte) {
items := mgr.corpus.Items()
corpus = make([][]byte, 0, len(items))
for _, inp := range items {
corpus = append(corpus, inp.ProgData)
repros = mgr.newRepros
mgr.newRepros = nil
func (mgr *Manager) addNewCandidates(candidates []fuzzer.Candidate) {
if mgr.cfg.Experimental.ResetAccState {
// Don't accept new candidates -- the execution is already very slow,
// syz-hub will just overwhelm us.
if mgr.phase == phaseTriagedCorpus {
mgr.phase = phaseQueriedHub
func (mgr *Manager) minimizeCorpusLocked() {
currSize := mgr.corpus.StatProgs.Val()
if currSize <= mgr.lastMinCorpus*103/100 {
newSize := mgr.corpus.StatProgs.Val()
log.Logf(1, "minimized corpus: %v -> %v", currSize, newSize)
mgr.lastMinCorpus = newSize
// From time to time we get corpus explosion due to different reason:
// generic bugs, per-OS bugs, problems with fallback coverage, kcov bugs, etc.
// This has bad effect on the instance and especially on instances
// connected via hub. Do some per-syscall sanity checking to prevent this.
for call, info := range mgr.corpus.CallCover() {
if mgr.cfg.Cover {
// If we have less than 1K inputs per this call,
// accept all new inputs unconditionally.
if info.Count < 1000 {
// If we have more than 3K already, don't accept any more.
// Between 1K and 3K look at amount of coverage we are getting from these programs.
// Empirically, real coverage for the most saturated syscalls is ~30-60
// per program (even when we have a thousand of them). For explosion
// case coverage tend to be much lower (~0.3-5 per program).
if info.Count < 3000 && len(info.Cover)/info.Count >= 10 {
} else {
// If we don't have real coverage, signal is weak.
// If we have more than several hundreds, there is something wrong.
if info.Count < 300 {
if mgr.saturatedCalls[call] {
mgr.saturatedCalls[call] = true
log.Logf(0, "coverage for %v has saturated, not accepting more inputs", call)
// Don't minimize persistent corpus until fuzzers have triaged all inputs from it.
if mgr.phase < phaseTriagedCorpus {
defer mgr.corpusDBMu.Unlock()
for key := range mgr.corpusDB.Records {
ok1 := mgr.corpus.Item(key) != nil
_, ok2 := mgr.disabledHashes[key]
if !ok1 && !ok2 {
func setGuiltyFiles(crash *dashapi.Crash, report *report.Report) {
if report.GuiltyFile != "" {
crash.GuiltyFiles = []string{report.GuiltyFile}
func (mgr *Manager) collectSyscallInfo() map[string]*corpus.CallCov {
enabledSyscalls := mgr.targetEnabledSyscalls
if enabledSyscalls == nil {
return nil
calls := mgr.corpus.CallCover()
// Add enabled, but not yet covered calls.
for call := range enabledSyscalls {
if calls[call.Name] == nil {
calls[call.Name] = new(corpus.CallCov)
return calls
func (mgr *Manager) currentBugFrames() BugFrames {
frames := BugFrames{
memoryLeaks: make([]string, 0, len(mgr.memoryLeakFrames)),
dataRaces: make([]string, 0, len(mgr.dataRaceFrames)),
for frame := range mgr.memoryLeakFrames {
frames.memoryLeaks = append(frames.memoryLeaks, frame)
for frame := range mgr.dataRaceFrames {
frames.dataRaces = append(frames.dataRaces, frame)
return frames
func (mgr *Manager) fuzzerConnect() (map[uint32]uint32, signal.Signal) {
maxSignal := mgr.fuzzer.Load().Cover.CopyMaxSignal()
return mgr.execCoverFilter, maxSignal
func (mgr *Manager) machineChecked(features *host.Features, globFiles map[string][]string,
enabledSyscalls map[*prog.Syscall]bool, modules []host.KernelModule) {
if mgr.checkFeatures != nil {
panic("machineChecked() called twice")
mgr.modules = modules
mgr.checkFeatures = features
mgr.targetEnabledSyscalls = enabledSyscalls
statSyscalls := stats.Create("syscalls", "Number of enabled syscalls",
stats.Simple, stats.NoGraph, stats.Link("/syscalls"))
var err error
mgr.execCoverFilter, mgr.coverFilter, err = mgr.createCoverageFilter()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to init coverage filter: %v", err)
rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
fuzzerObj := fuzzer.NewFuzzer(context.Background(), &fuzzer.Config{
Corpus: mgr.corpus,
Coverage: mgr.cfg.Cover,
FaultInjection: features[host.FeatureFault].Enabled,
Comparisons: features[host.FeatureComparisons].Enabled,
Collide: true,
EnabledCalls: enabledSyscalls,
NoMutateCalls: mgr.cfg.NoMutateCalls,
FetchRawCover: mgr.cfg.RawCover,
Logf: func(level int, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
if level != 0 {
log.Logf(level, msg, args...)
NewInputFilter: func(call string) bool {
return !mgr.saturatedCalls[call]
}, rnd,
go mgr.corpusMinimization()
go mgr.fuzzerLoop(fuzzerObj)
if mgr.dash != nil {
go mgr.dashboardReporter()
if mgr.cfg.Reproduce {
go mgr.dashboardReproTasks()
func (mgr *Manager) corpusMinimization() {
for range time.NewTicker(time.Minute).C {
// We need this method since we're not supposed to access Manager fields from RPCServer.
func (mgr *Manager) getFuzzer() *fuzzer.Fuzzer {
return mgr.fuzzer.Load()
func (mgr *Manager) fuzzerSignalRotation() {
const (
rotateSignals = 1000
timeBetweenRotates = 15 * time.Minute
// Every X dropped signals may in the worst case lead up to 3 * X
// additional triage executions, which is in this case constitutes
// 3000/60000 = 5%.
execsBetweenRotates = 60000
lastExecTotal := 0
lastRotation := time.Now()
for range time.NewTicker(5 * time.Minute).C {
if mgr.statExecs.Val()-lastExecTotal < execsBetweenRotates {
if time.Since(lastRotation) < timeBetweenRotates {
lastRotation = time.Now()
lastExecTotal = mgr.statExecs.Val()
func (mgr *Manager) fuzzerLoop(fuzzer *fuzzer.Fuzzer) {
for ; ; time.Sleep(time.Second / 2) {
// Distribute new max signal over all instances.
newSignal, dropSignal := fuzzer.Cover.GrabSignalDelta()
log.Logf(2, "distributing %d new signal, %d dropped signal",
len(newSignal), len(dropSignal))
mgr.serv.distributeSignalDelta(newSignal, dropSignal)
// Update the state machine.
if fuzzer.StatCandidates.Val() == 0 {
if mgr.phase == phaseLoadedCorpus {
go mgr.fuzzerSignalRotation()
if mgr.cfg.HubClient != "" {
mgr.phase = phaseTriagedCorpus
go mgr.hubSyncLoop(pickGetter(mgr.cfg.HubKey))
} else {
mgr.phase = phaseTriagedHub
} else if mgr.phase == phaseQueriedHub {
mgr.phase = phaseTriagedHub
func (mgr *Manager) hubIsUnreachable() {
var dash *dashapi.Dashboard
if mgr.phase == phaseTriagedCorpus {
dash = mgr.dash
mgr.phase = phaseTriagedHub
log.Errorf("did not manage to connect to syz-hub; moving forward")
if dash != nil {
mgr.dash.LogError(mgr.cfg.Name, "did not manage to connect to syz-hub")
func (mgr *Manager) collectUsedFiles() {
if mgr.vmPool == nil {
addUsedFile := func(f string) {
if f == "" {
stat, err := os.Stat(f)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to stat %v: %v", f, err)
mgr.usedFiles[f] = stat.ModTime()
cfg := mgr.cfg
if vmlinux := filepath.Join(cfg.KernelObj, mgr.sysTarget.KernelObject); osutil.IsExist(vmlinux) {
if cfg.Image != "9p" {
func (mgr *Manager) checkUsedFiles() {
for f, mod := range mgr.usedFiles {
stat, err := os.Stat(f)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to stat %v: %v", f, err)
if mod != stat.ModTime() {
log.Fatalf("file %v that syz-manager uses has been modified by an external program\n"+
"this can lead to arbitrary syz-manager misbehavior\n"+
"modification time has changed: %v -> %v\n"+
"don't modify files that syz-manager uses. exiting to prevent harm",
f, mod, stat.ModTime())
func (mgr *Manager) dashboardReporter() {
webAddr := publicWebAddr(mgr.cfg.HTTP)
triageInfoSent := false
var lastFuzzingTime time.Duration
var lastCrashes, lastSuppressedCrashes, lastExecs uint64
for range time.NewTicker(time.Minute).C {
req := &dashapi.ManagerStatsReq{
Name: mgr.cfg.Name,
Addr: webAddr,
UpTime: time.Duration(mgr.statUptime.Val()) * time.Second,
Corpus: uint64(mgr.corpus.StatProgs.Val()),
PCs: uint64(mgr.corpus.StatCover.Val()),
Cover: uint64(mgr.corpus.StatSignal.Val()),
CrashTypes: uint64(mgr.statCrashTypes.Val()),
FuzzingTime: time.Duration(mgr.statFuzzingTime.Val()) - lastFuzzingTime,
Crashes: uint64(mgr.statCrashes.Val()) - lastCrashes,
SuppressedCrashes: uint64(mgr.statSuppressed.Val()) - lastSuppressedCrashes,
Execs: uint64(mgr.statExecs.Val()) - lastExecs,
if mgr.phase >= phaseTriagedCorpus && !triageInfoSent {
triageInfoSent = true
req.TriagedCoverage = uint64(mgr.corpus.StatSignal.Val())
req.TriagedPCs = uint64(mgr.corpus.StatCover.Val())
if err := mgr.dash.UploadManagerStats(req); err != nil {
log.Logf(0, "failed to upload dashboard stats: %v", err)
lastFuzzingTime += req.FuzzingTime
lastCrashes += req.Crashes
lastSuppressedCrashes += req.SuppressedCrashes
lastExecs += req.Execs
func (mgr *Manager) dashboardReproTasks() {
for range time.NewTicker(20 * time.Minute).C {
needReproReply := make(chan bool)
mgr.needMoreRepros <- needReproReply
if !<-needReproReply {
// We don't need reproducers at the moment.
resp, err := mgr.dash.LogToRepro(&dashapi.LogToReproReq{BuildID: mgr.cfg.Tag})
if err != nil {
log.Logf(0, "failed to query logs to reproduce: %v", err)
if len(resp.CrashLog) > 0 {
mgr.externalReproQueue <- &Crash{
fromDashboard: true,
Report: &report.Report{
Title: resp.Title,
Output: resp.CrashLog,
func publicWebAddr(addr string) string {
_, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(addr)
if err == nil && port != "" {
if host, err := os.Hostname(); err == nil {
addr = net.JoinHostPort(host, port)
if GCE, err := gce.NewContext(""); err == nil {
addr = net.JoinHostPort(GCE.ExternalIP, port)
return "http://" + addr