blob: 714c195cd0e055d8e9dd6d03499b7ef3626be8b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// syz-check does best-effort static correctness checking of the syscall descriptions in sys/os/*.txt.
// Use:
// $ go install ./tools/syz-check
// $ syz-check -obj-amd64 /linux_amd64/vmlinux -obj-arm64 /linux_arm64/vmlinux \
// -obj-386 /linux_386/vmlinux -obj-arm /linux_arm/vmlinux
// The vmlinux files should include debug info, enable all relevant configs (since we parse dwarf),
// and be compiled with -gdwarf-3 -fno-eliminate-unused-debug-types -fno-eliminate-unused-debug-symbols flags.
// -gdwarf-3 is required because version 4 changes the way bitfields are encoded and Go before 1.18
// does not support then new encoding and at least earlier versions mis-handle it, see:
// Use the following configs for kernels (x86_64 config for i386 as well):
// upstream-apparmor-kasan.config, upstream-arm-full.config, upstream-arm64-full.config
// You may check only one arch as well (but then don't commit changes to warn files):
// $ syz-check -obj-amd64 /linux_amd64/vmlinux
// You may also disable dwarf or netlink checks with the corresponding flags.
// E.g. -dwarf=0 greatly speeds up checking if you are only interested in netlink warnings
// (but then again don't commit changes).
// The results are produced in sys/os/*.warn files.
// On implementation level syz-check parses vmlinux dwarf, extracts struct descriptions
// and compares them with what we have (size, fields, alignment, etc). Netlink checking extracts policy symbols
// from the object files and parses them.
package main
import (
func main() {
var (
flagOS = flag.String("os", runtime.GOOS, "OS")
flagDWARF = flag.Bool("dwarf", true, "do checking based on DWARF")
flagNetlink = flag.Bool("netlink", true, "do checking of netlink policies")
arches := make(map[string]*string)
for arch := range targets.List[targets.Linux] {
arches[arch] = flag.String("obj-"+arch, "", arch+" kernel object file")
defer tool.Init()()
var warnings []Warn
for arch, obj := range arches {
if *obj == "" {
delete(arches, arch)
warnings1, err := check(*flagOS, arch, *obj, *flagDWARF, *flagNetlink)
if err != nil {
warnings = append(warnings, warnings1...)
if len(arches) == 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "specify at least one -obj-arch flag\n")
if err := writeWarnings(*flagOS, len(arches), warnings); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
func check(OS, arch, obj string, dwarf, netlink bool) ([]Warn, error) {
var warnings []Warn
if obj == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no object file in -obj-%v flag", arch)
structTypes, locs, warnings1, err := parseDescriptions(OS, arch)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
warnings = append(warnings, warnings1...)
if dwarf {
structs, err := parseKernelObject(obj)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
warnings2, err := checkImpl(structs, structTypes, locs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
warnings = append(warnings, warnings2...)
if netlink {
warnings3, err := checkNetlink(OS, arch, obj, structTypes, locs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
warnings = append(warnings, warnings3...)
for i := range warnings {
warnings[i].arch = arch
return warnings, nil
const (
WarnCompiler = "compiler"
WarnNoSuchStruct = "no-such-struct"
WarnBadStructSize = "bad-struct-size"
WarnBadFieldNumber = "bad-field-number"
WarnBadFieldSize = "bad-field-size"
WarnBadFieldOffset = "bad-field-offset"
WarnBadBitfield = "bad-bitfield"
WarnNoNetlinkPolicy = "no-such-netlink-policy"
WarnNetlinkBadSize = "bad-kernel-netlink-policy-size"
WarnNetlinkBadAttrType = "bad-netlink-attr-type"
WarnNetlinkBadAttr = "bad-netlink-attr"
type Warn struct {
pos ast.Pos
arch string
typ string
msg string
func writeWarnings(OS string, narches int, warnings []Warn) error {
allFiles, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join("sys", OS, "*.warn"))
if err != nil {
return err
toRemove := make(map[string]bool)
for _, file := range allFiles {
toRemove[file] = true
byFile := make(map[string][]Warn)
for _, warn := range warnings {
byFile[warn.pos.File] = append(byFile[warn.pos.File], warn)
for file, warns := range byFile {
sort.Slice(warns, func(i, j int) bool {
w1, w2 := warns[i], warns[j]
if w1.pos.Line != w2.pos.Line {
return w1.pos.Line < w2.pos.Line
if w1.typ != w2.typ {
return w1.typ < w2.typ
if w1.msg != w2.msg {
return w1.msg < w2.msg
return w1.arch < w2.arch
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
for i := 0; i < len(warns); i++ {
warn := warns[i]
arch := warn.arch
arches := []string{warn.arch}
for i < len(warns)-1 && warn.msg == warns[i+1].msg {
if arch != warns[i+1].arch {
arch = warns[i+1].arch
arches = append(arches, arch)
archStr := ""
// We do netlink checking only on amd64, so don't add arch.
if len(arches) < narches && !strings.Contains(warn.typ, "netlink") {
archStr = fmt.Sprintf(" [%v]", strings.Join(arches, ","))
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "%v: %v%v\n", warn.typ, warn.msg, archStr)
warnFile := file + ".warn"
if err := osutil.WriteFile(warnFile, buf.Bytes()); err != nil {
return err
delete(toRemove, warnFile)
for file := range toRemove {
return nil
func checkImpl(structs map[string]*dwarf.StructType, structTypes []prog.Type,
locs map[string]*ast.Struct) ([]Warn, error) {
var warnings []Warn
for _, typ := range structTypes {
name := typ.TemplateName()
astStruct := locs[name]
if astStruct == nil {
if _, ok := isNetlinkPolicy(typ); ok {
continue // netlink policies are not structs even if we describe them as structs
// In some cases we split a single struct into multiple ones
// (more precise description), so try to match our foo$bar with kernel foo.
kernelStruct := structs[name]
if delim := strings.LastIndexByte(name, '$'); kernelStruct == nil && delim != -1 {
kernelStruct = structs[name[:delim]]
warns, err := checkStruct(typ, astStruct, kernelStruct)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
warnings = append(warnings, warns...)
return warnings, nil
func checkStruct(typ prog.Type, astStruct *ast.Struct, str *dwarf.StructType) ([]Warn, error) {
var warnings []Warn
warn := func(pos ast.Pos, typ, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
warnings = append(warnings, Warn{pos: pos, typ: typ, msg: fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...)})
name := typ.TemplateName()
if str == nil {
// Varlen structs are frequently not described in kernel (not possible in C).
if !typ.Varlen() {
warn(astStruct.Pos, WarnNoSuchStruct, "%v", name)
return warnings, nil
if !typ.Varlen() && typ.Size() != uint64(str.ByteSize) {
warn(astStruct.Pos, WarnBadStructSize, "%v: syz=%v kernel=%v", name, typ.Size(), str.ByteSize)
// TODO: handle unions, currently we should report some false errors.
if _, ok := typ.(*prog.UnionType); ok || str.Kind == "union" {
return warnings, nil
// Ignore structs with out_overlay attribute.
// They are never described in the kernel as a simple struct.
// We could only match and check fields based on some common conventions,
// but since we have very few of them it's unclear what are these conventions
// and implementing something complex will have low RoI.
if typ.(*prog.StructType).OverlayField != 0 {
return warnings, nil
// TODO: we could also check enums (elements match corresponding flags in syzkaller).
// TODO: we could also check values of literal constants (dwarf should have that, right?).
// TODO: handle nested structs/unions, e.g.:
// struct foo {
// union {
// ...
// } bar;
// };
// should be matched with:
// foo_bar [
// ...
// ]
// TODO: consider making guesses about semantic types of fields,
// e.g. if a name contains filedes/uid/pid/gid that may be the corresponding resource.
ai := 0
offset := uint64(0)
for _, field := range typ.(*prog.StructType).Fields {
if field.Type.Varlen() {
ai = len(str.Field)
if prog.IsPad(field.Type) {
offset += field.Type.Size()
if ai < len(str.Field) {
fld := str.Field[ai]
pos := astStruct.Fields[ai].Pos
desc := fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v", name, field.Name)
if field.Name != fld.Name {
desc += "/" + fld.Name
if field.Type.UnitSize() != uint64(fld.Type.Size()) {
warn(pos, WarnBadFieldSize, "%v: syz=%v kernel=%v",
desc, field.Type.UnitSize(), fld.Type.Size())
byteOffset := offset - field.Type.UnitOffset()
if byteOffset != uint64(fld.ByteOffset) {
warn(pos, WarnBadFieldOffset, "%v: syz=%v kernel=%v",
desc, byteOffset, fld.ByteOffset)
// How would you define bitfield offset?
// Offset of the beginning of the field from the beginning of the memory location, right?
// No, DWARF defines it as offset of the end of the field from the end of the memory location.
bitOffset := fld.Type.Size()*8 - fld.BitOffset - fld.BitSize
if fld.BitSize == 0 {
// And to make things even more interesting this calculation
// does not work for normal variables.
bitOffset = 0
if field.Type.BitfieldLength() != uint64(fld.BitSize) ||
field.Type.BitfieldOffset() != uint64(bitOffset) {
warn(pos, WarnBadBitfield, "%v: size/offset: syz=%v/%v kernel=%v/%v",
desc, field.Type.BitfieldLength(), field.Type.BitfieldOffset(),
fld.BitSize, bitOffset)
offset += field.Size()
if ai != len(str.Field) {
warn(astStruct.Pos, WarnBadFieldNumber, "%v: syz=%v kernel=%v", name, ai, len(str.Field))
return warnings, nil
func parseDescriptions(OS, arch string) ([]prog.Type, map[string]*ast.Struct, []Warn, error) {
errorBuf := new(bytes.Buffer)
var warnings []Warn
eh := func(pos ast.Pos, msg string) {
warnings = append(warnings, Warn{pos: pos, typ: WarnCompiler, msg: msg})
fmt.Fprintf(errorBuf, "%v: %v\n", pos, msg)
top := ast.ParseGlob(filepath.Join("sys", OS, "*.txt"), eh)
if top == nil {
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse txt files:\n%s", errorBuf.Bytes())
consts := compiler.DeserializeConstFile(filepath.Join("sys", OS, "*.const"), eh).Arch(arch)
if consts == nil {
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse const files:\n%s", errorBuf.Bytes())
prg := compiler.Compile(top, consts, targets.Get(OS, arch), eh)
if prg == nil {
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to compile descriptions:\n%s", errorBuf.Bytes())
prog.RestoreLinks(prg.Syscalls, prg.Resources, prg.Types)
locs := make(map[string]*ast.Struct)
for _, decl := range top.Nodes {
switch n := decl.(type) {
case *ast.Struct:
locs[n.Name.Name] = n
case *ast.TypeDef:
if n.Struct != nil {
locs[n.Name.Name] = n.Struct
var structs []prog.Type
for _, typ := range prg.Types {
switch typ.(type) {
case *prog.StructType, *prog.UnionType:
structs = append(structs, typ)
return structs, locs, warnings, nil
// Overall idea of netlink checking.
// Currnetly we check netlink policies for common detectable mistakes.
// First, we detect what looks like a netlink policy in our descriptions
// (these are structs/unions only with nlattr/nlnext/nlnetw fields).
// Then we find corresponding symbols (offset/size) in vmlinux using nm.
// Then we read elf headers and locate where these symbols are in the rodata section.
// Then read in the symbol data, which is an array of nla_policy structs.
// These structs allow to easily figure out type/size of attributes.
// Finally we compare our descriptions with the kernel policy description.
func checkNetlink(OS, arch, obj string, structTypes []prog.Type,
locs map[string]*ast.Struct) ([]Warn, error) {
if arch != targets.AMD64 {
// Netlink policies are arch-independent (?),
// so no need to check all arches.
// Also our definition of nlaPolicy below is 64-bit specific.
return nil, nil
ef, err := elf.Open(obj)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rodata := ef.Section(".rodata")
if rodata == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("object file %v does not contain .rodata section", obj)
symb := symbolizer.NewSymbolizer(targets.Get(OS, arch))
symbols, err := symb.ReadRodataSymbols(obj)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var warnings []Warn
structMap := make(map[string]prog.Type)
for _, typ := range structTypes {
structMap[typ.Name()] = typ
checkedAttrs := make(map[string]*checkAttr)
for _, typ := range structTypes {
warnings1, err := checkNetlinkStruct(locs, symbols, rodata, structMap, checkedAttrs, typ)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
warnings = append(warnings, warnings1...)
warnings = append(warnings, checkMissingAttrs(checkedAttrs)...)
return warnings, nil
func checkNetlinkStruct(locs map[string]*ast.Struct, symbols map[string][]symbolizer.Symbol, rodata *elf.Section,
structMap map[string]prog.Type, checkedAttrs map[string]*checkAttr, typ prog.Type) ([]Warn, error) {
name := typ.TemplateName()
astStruct := locs[name]
if astStruct == nil {
return nil, nil
fields, ok := isNetlinkPolicy(typ)
if !ok {
return nil, nil
// In some cases we split a single policy into multiple ones (more precise description),
// so try to match our foo$bar with kernel foo as well.
kernelName, ss := name, symbols[name]
if delim := strings.LastIndexByte(name, '$'); len(ss) == 0 && delim != -1 {
kernelName = name[:delim]
ss = symbols[kernelName]
if len(ss) == 0 {
return []Warn{{pos: astStruct.Pos, typ: WarnNoNetlinkPolicy, msg: name}}, nil
var warnings []Warn
var warnings1 *[]Warn
var policy1 []nlaPolicy
var attrs1 map[int]bool
// We may have several symbols with the same name (they frequently have internal linking),
// in such case we choose the one that produces fewer warnings.
for _, symb := range ss {
if symb.Size == 0 || symb.Size%int(unsafe.Sizeof(nlaPolicy{})) != 0 {
warnings = append(warnings, Warn{pos: astStruct.Pos, typ: WarnNetlinkBadSize,
msg: fmt.Sprintf("%v (%v), size %v", kernelName, name, ss[0].Size)})
binary := make([]byte, symb.Size)
addr := symb.Addr - rodata.Addr
if _, err := rodata.ReadAt(binary, int64(addr)); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read policy %v (%v) at %v: %v",
kernelName, name, symb.Addr, err)
policy := (*[1e6]nlaPolicy)(unsafe.Pointer(&binary[0]))[:symb.Size/int(unsafe.Sizeof(nlaPolicy{}))]
warnings2, attrs2, err := checkNetlinkPolicy(structMap, typ, fields, astStruct, policy)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if warnings1 == nil || len(*warnings1) > len(warnings2) {
warnings1 = &warnings2
policy1 = policy
attrs1 = attrs2
if warnings1 != nil {
warnings = append(warnings, *warnings1...)
ca := checkedAttrs[kernelName]
if ca == nil {
ca = &checkAttr{
pos: astStruct.Pos,
name: name,
policy: policy1,
attrs: make(map[int]bool),
checkedAttrs[kernelName] = ca
for attr := range attrs1 {
ca.attrs[attr] = true
return warnings, nil
type checkAttr struct {
pos ast.Pos
name string
policy []nlaPolicy
attrs map[int]bool
func checkMissingAttrs(checkedAttrs map[string]*checkAttr) []Warn {
// Missing attribute checking is a bit tricky because we may split a single
// kernel policy into several policies for better precision.
// They have different names, but map to the same kernel policy.
// We want to report a missing attribute iff it's missing in all copies of the policy.
var warnings []Warn
for _, ca := range checkedAttrs {
var missing []int
for i, pol := range ca.policy {
// Ignore attributes that are not described in the policy
// (some of them are unused at all, however there are cases where
// they are not described but used as inputs, and these are actually
// the worst ones).
if !ca.attrs[i] && (pol.typ != NLA_UNSPEC && pol.typ != NLA_REJECT || pol.len != 0) {
missing = append(missing, i)
// If we miss too many, there is probably something else going on.
if len(missing) != 0 && len(missing) <= 5 {
warnings = append(warnings, Warn{
pos: ca.pos,
typ: WarnNetlinkBadAttr,
msg: fmt.Sprintf("%v: missing attributes: %v",, missing),
return warnings
func isNetlinkPolicy(typ prog.Type) ([]prog.Field, bool) {
var fields []prog.Field
switch t := typ.(type) {
case *prog.StructType:
fields = t.Fields
case *prog.UnionType:
fields = t.Fields
return nil, false
haveAttr := false
for _, fld := range fields {
field := fld.Type
if prog.IsPad(field) {
if isNlattr(field) {
haveAttr = true
if arr, ok := field.(*prog.ArrayType); ok {
field = arr.Elem
if _, ok := isNetlinkPolicy(field); ok {
return nil, false
return fields, haveAttr
const (
nlattrT = "nlattr_t"
nlattrTT = "nlattr_tt"
func isNlattr(typ prog.Type) bool {
name := typ.TemplateName()
return name == nlattrT || name == nlattrTT
func checkNetlinkPolicy(structMap map[string]prog.Type, typ prog.Type, fields []prog.Field,
astStruct *ast.Struct, policy []nlaPolicy) ([]Warn, map[int]bool, error) {
var warnings []Warn
warn := func(pos ast.Pos, typ, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
warnings = append(warnings, Warn{pos: pos, typ: typ, msg: fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...)})
checked := make(map[int]bool)
ai := 0
for _, field := range fields {
if prog.IsPad(field.Type) {
fld := astStruct.Fields[ai]
if !isNlattr(field.Type) {
ft := field.Type.(*prog.StructType)
attr := int(ft.Fields[1].Type.(*prog.ConstType).Val)
if attr >= len(policy) {
warn(fld.Pos, WarnNetlinkBadAttrType, "%v.%v: type %v, kernel policy size %v",
typ.TemplateName(), field.Name, attr, len(policy))
if checked[attr] {
warn(fld.Pos, WarnNetlinkBadAttr, "%v.%v: duplicate attribute",
typ.TemplateName(), field.Name)
checked[attr] = true
w := checkNetlinkAttr(ft, policy[attr])
if w != "" {
warn(fld.Pos, WarnNetlinkBadAttr, "%v.%v: %v",
typ.TemplateName(), field.Name, w)
return warnings, checked, nil
func checkNetlinkAttr(typ *prog.StructType, policy nlaPolicy) string {
payload := typ.Fields[2].Type
if typ.TemplateName() == nlattrTT {
payload = typ.Fields[4].Type
if warn := checkAttrType(typ, payload, policy); warn != "" {
return warn
size, minSize, maxSize := attrSize(policy)
payloadSize := minTypeSize(payload)
if size != -1 && size != payloadSize {
return fmt.Sprintf("bad size %v, expect %v", payloadSize, size)
if minSize != -1 && minSize > payloadSize {
return fmt.Sprintf("bad size %v, expect min %v", payloadSize, minSize)
if maxSize != -1 && maxSize < payloadSize {
return fmt.Sprintf("bad size %v, expect max %v", payloadSize, maxSize)
valMin, valMax, haveVal := typeMinMaxValue(payload)
if haveVal {
if policy.validation == NLA_VALIDATE_RANGE || policy.validation == NLA_VALIDATE_MIN {
if int64(valMin) < int64(policy.minVal) {
// This is a common case that occurs several times: limit on min value of 1.
// Not worth fixing (at least not in initial batch), it just crosses out a
// single value of 0, which we shuold test anyway.
if !(policy.validation == NLA_VALIDATE_MIN && policy.minVal == 1) {
return fmt.Sprintf("bad min value %v, expect %v",
int64(valMin), policy.minVal)
if policy.validation == NLA_VALIDATE_RANGE || policy.validation == NLA_VALIDATE_MAX {
if int64(valMax) > int64(policy.maxVal) {
return fmt.Sprintf("bad max value %v, expect %v",
int64(valMax), policy.maxVal)
return ""
func minTypeSize(t prog.Type) int {
if !t.Varlen() {
return int(t.Size())
switch typ := t.(type) {
case *prog.StructType:
if typ.OverlayField != 0 {
// Overlayed structs are not supported here
// (and should not be used in netlink).
// Make this always produce a warning.
return -1
// Some struct args has trailing arrays, but are only checked for min size.
// Try to get some estimation for min size of this struct.
size := 0
for _, field := range typ.Fields {
if !field.Varlen() {
size += int(field.Size())
return size
case *prog.ArrayType:
if typ.Kind == prog.ArrayRangeLen && !typ.Elem.Varlen() {
return int(typ.RangeBegin * typ.Elem.Size())
case *prog.UnionType:
size := 0
for _, field := range typ.Fields {
if size1 := minTypeSize(field.Type); size1 != -1 && size > size1 || size == 0 {
size = size1
return size
return -1
func checkAttrType(typ *prog.StructType, payload prog.Type, policy nlaPolicy) string {
switch policy.typ {
if _, ok := payload.(*prog.BufferType); !ok {
return "expect string"
if typ.TemplateName() != nlattrTT || typ.Fields[3].Type.(*prog.ConstType).Val != 1 {
return "should be nlnest"
if typ.TemplateName() != nlattrT || payload.TemplateName() != "nla_bitfield32" {
return "should be nlattr[nla_bitfield32]"
if _, ok := payload.(*prog.ArrayType); !ok {
return "expect array"
return "NLA_REJECT attribute will always be rejected"
return ""
func attrSize(policy nlaPolicy) (int, int, int) {
switch policy.typ {
if policy.len != 0 {
return -1, int(policy.len), -1
return -1, int(policy.len), -1
return int(policy.len), -1, -1
case NLA_U8, NLA_S8:
return 1, -1, -1
case NLA_U16, NLA_S16:
return 2, -1, -1
case NLA_U32, NLA_S32:
return 4, -1, -1
case NLA_U64, NLA_S64, NLA_MSECS:
return 8, -1, -1
case NLA_FLAG:
return 0, -1, -1
if policy.len != 0 {
return -1, -1, int(policy.len)
return -1, -1, -1
func typeMinMaxValue(payload prog.Type) (min, max uint64, ok bool) {
switch typ := payload.(type) {
case *prog.ConstType:
return typ.Val, typ.Val, true
case *prog.IntType:
if typ.Kind == prog.IntRange {
return typ.RangeBegin, typ.RangeEnd, true
return 0, ^uint64(0), true
case *prog.FlagsType:
min, max := ^uint64(0), uint64(0)
for _, v := range typ.Vals {
if min > v {
min = v
if max < v {
max = v
return min, max, true
return 0, 0, false
type nlaPolicy struct {
typ uint8
validation uint8
len uint16
_ uint32
minVal int16
maxVal int16
_ int32
// nolint
const (
// nolint
const (
_ = iota