blob: 43f55d9182dce51ac87eb4569b0036c1a94457ae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 syzkaller project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by Apache 2 LICENSE that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package report
import (
type linux struct {
vmlinux string
symbols map[string][]symbolizer.Symbol
consoleOutputRe *regexp.Regexp
taskContext *regexp.Regexp
cpuContext *regexp.Regexp
questionableFrame *regexp.Regexp
guiltyFileIgnores []*regexp.Regexp
guiltyLineIgnore *regexp.Regexp
reportStartIgnores []*regexp.Regexp
infoMessagesWithStack [][]byte
eoi []byte
symbolizerCache symbolizer.Cache
func ctorLinux(cfg *config) (reporterImpl, []string, error) {
var symbols map[string][]symbolizer.Symbol
vmlinux := ""
if cfg.kernelObj != "" {
vmlinux = filepath.Join(cfg.kernelObj,
var err error
symb := symbolizer.NewSymbolizer(
symbols, err = symb.ReadTextSymbols(vmlinux)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
ctx := &linux{
config: cfg,
vmlinux: vmlinux,
symbols: symbols,
// nolint: lll
ctx.consoleOutputRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^(?:\*\* [0-9]+ printk messages dropped \*\* )?(?:.* login: )?(?:\<[0-9]+\>)?\[ *[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\](\[ *(?:C|T)[0-9]+\])? `)
ctx.taskContext = regexp.MustCompile(`\[ *T[0-9]+\]`)
ctx.cpuContext = regexp.MustCompile(`\[ *C[0-9]+\]`)
ctx.questionableFrame = regexp.MustCompile(`(\[\<[0-9a-f]+\>\])? \? `)
ctx.eoi = []byte("<EOI>")
ctx.guiltyFileIgnores = []*regexp.Regexp{
regexp.MustCompile(`^trusty/`), // Trusty sources are not in linux kernel tree.
regexp.MustCompile(`^drivers/usb/core/urb.c`), // WARNING in urb.c usually means a bug in a driver
ctx.guiltyLineIgnore = regexp.MustCompile(`(hardirqs|softirqs)\s+last\s+(enabled|disabled)|^Register r\d+ information`)
// These pattern do _not_ start a new report, i.e. can be in a middle of another report.
ctx.reportStartIgnores = []*regexp.Regexp{
compile(`invalid opcode: 0000`),
compile(`Kernel panic - not syncing`),
compile(`unregister_netdevice: waiting for`),
// Double fault can happen during handling of paging faults
// if memory is badly corrupted. Also it usually happens
// synchronously, which means that maybe the report is not corrupted.
// But of course it can come from another CPU as well.
compile(`PANIC: double fault`),
compile(`Internal error:`),
// These pattern math kernel reports which are not bugs in itself but contain stack traces.
// If we see them in the middle of another report, we know that the report is potentially corrupted.
ctx.infoMessagesWithStack = [][]byte{
[]byte("vmalloc: allocation failure:"),
[]byte("FAULT_INJECTION: forcing a failure"),
[]byte("FAULT_FLAG_ALLOW_RETRY missing"),
suppressions := []string{
"panic: failed to start executor binary",
"panic: executor failed: pthread_create failed",
"panic: failed to create temp dir",
"fatal error: unexpected signal during runtime execution", // presubmably OOM turned into SIGBUS
"signal SIGBUS: bus error", // presubmably OOM turned into SIGBUS
"Out of memory: Kill process .* \\(syz-fuzzer\\)",
"Out of memory: Kill process .* \\(sshd\\)",
"Killed process .* \\(syz-fuzzer\\)",
"Killed process .* \\(sshd\\)",
"lowmemorykiller: Killing 'syz-fuzzer'",
"lowmemorykiller: Killing 'sshd'",
"INIT: PANIC: segmentation violation!",
"\\*\\*\\* stack smashing detected \\*\\*\\*: terminated",
return ctx, suppressions, nil
const contextConsole = "console"
func (ctx *linux) ContainsCrash(output []byte) bool {
return containsCrash(output, linuxOopses, ctx.ignores)
func (ctx *linux) Parse(output []byte) *Report {
oops, startPos, context := ctx.findFirstOops(output)
if oops == nil {
return nil
for questionable := false; ; questionable = true {
rep := &Report{
Output: output,
StartPos: startPos,
endPos, reportEnd, report, prefix := ctx.findReport(output, oops, startPos, context, questionable)
rep.EndPos = endPos
title, corrupted, altTitles, format := extractDescription(report[:reportEnd], oops, linuxStackParams)
if title == "" {
prefix = nil
report = output[rep.StartPos:rep.EndPos]
title, corrupted, altTitles, format = extractDescription(report, oops, linuxStackParams)
if title == "" {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("non matching oops for %q context=%q in:\n%s\n",
oops.header, context, report))
rep.Title = title
rep.AltTitles = altTitles
rep.Corrupted = corrupted != ""
rep.CorruptedReason = corrupted
for _, line := range prefix {
rep.Report = append(rep.Report, line...)
rep.Report = append(rep.Report, '\n')
rep.reportPrefixLen = len(rep.Report)
rep.Report = append(rep.Report, report...)
setReportType(rep, oops, format)
if !rep.Corrupted {
rep.Corrupted, rep.CorruptedReason = ctx.isCorrupted(title, report, format)
if rep.CorruptedReason == corruptedNoFrames && context != contextConsole && !questionable {
// We used to look at questionable frame with the following incentive:
// """
// Some crash reports have all frames questionable.
// So if we get a corrupted report because there are no frames,
// try again now looking at questionable frames.
// Only do this if we have a real context (CONFIG_PRINTK_CALLER=y),
// to be on the safer side. Without context it's too easy to use
// a stray frame from a wrong context.
// """
// Most likely reports without proper stack traces were caused by a bug
// in the unwinder and are now fixed in 187b96db5ca7 "x86/unwind/orc:
// Fix unwind_get_return_address_ptr() for inactive tasks".
// Disable trying to use questionable frames for now.
useQuestionableFrames := false
if useQuestionableFrames {
return rep
func (ctx *linux) findFirstOops(output []byte) (oops *oops, startPos int, context string) {
for pos, next := 0, 0; pos < len(output); pos = next + 1 {
next = bytes.IndexByte(output[pos:], '\n')
if next != -1 {
next += pos
} else {
next = len(output)
line := output[pos:next]
for _, oops1 := range linuxOopses {
if matchOops(line, oops1, ctx.ignores) {
oops = oops1
startPos = pos
context = ctx.extractContext(line)
// This method decides if the report prefix is already long enough to be cut on "Kernel panic - not
// syncing: panic_on_kmsan set ...".
func (ctx *linux) reportMinLines(oopsLine []byte) int {
if bytes.Contains(oopsLine, []byte("BUG: KMSAN:")) {
// KMSAN reports do not have the "Call trace" and some of the other lines which are
// present e.g. in KASAN reports. So we use a lower threshold for them.
return 16
return 22
// Yes, it is complex, but all state and logic are tightly coupled. It's unclear how to simplify it.
// nolint: gocyclo, gocognit
func (ctx *linux) findReport(output []byte, oops *oops, startPos int, context string, useQuestionable bool) (
endPos, reportEnd int, report []byte, prefix [][]byte) {
// Prepend 5 lines preceding start of the report,
// they can contain additional info related to the report.
maxPrefix := 5
if ctx.taskContext.MatchString(context) {
// If we have CONFIG_PRINTK_CALLER, we collect more b/c it comes from the same task.
maxPrefix = 50
secondReportPos := 0
textLines := 0
skipText, cpuTraceback := false, false
oopsLine := []byte{}
for pos, next := 0, 0; pos < len(output); pos = next + 1 {
next = bytes.IndexByte(output[pos:], '\n')
if next != -1 {
next += pos
} else {
next = len(output)
line := output[pos:next]
context1 := ctx.extractContext(line)
stripped, questionable := ctx.stripLinePrefix(line, context1, useQuestionable)
if pos < startPos {
if context1 == context && len(stripped) != 0 && !questionable {
prefix = append(prefix, append([]byte{}, stripped...))
if len(prefix) > maxPrefix {
prefix = prefix[1:]
isOopsLine := pos == startPos
if isOopsLine {
oopsLine = line
for _, oops1 := range linuxOopses {
if !matchOops(line, oops1, ctx.ignores) {
if !isOopsLine && secondReportPos == 0 {
for _, pattern := range ctx.infoMessagesWithStack {
if bytes.Contains(line, pattern) {
secondReportPos = pos
endPos = next
if !isOopsLine && secondReportPos == 0 {
if !matchesAny(line, ctx.reportStartIgnores) {
secondReportPos = pos
if !isOopsLine && (questionable ||
context1 != context && (!cpuTraceback || !ctx.cpuContext.MatchString(context1))) {
skipLine := skipText
if bytes.Contains(line, []byte("Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint")) {
skipLine = true
} else if bytes.Contains(line, []byte("Sending NMI from CPU")) {
// If we are doing traceback of all CPUs, then we also need to preserve output
// from other CPUs regardless of what is the current context.
// Otherwise we will throw traceback away because it does not match the oops context.
cpuTraceback = true
} else if (bytes.Contains(line, []byte("Kernel panic - not syncing")) ||
bytes.Contains(line, []byte("WARNING: possible circular locking dependency detected"))) &&
textLines > ctx.reportMinLines(oopsLine) {
// If panic_on_warn set, then we frequently have 2 stacks:
// one for the actual report (or maybe even more than one),
// and then one for panic caused by panic_on_warn. This makes
// reports unnecessary long and the panic (current) stack
// is always present in the actual report. So we strip the
// panic message. However, we check that we have enough lines
// before the panic, because sometimes we have, for example,
// a single WARNING line without a stack and then the panic
// with the stack.
// Oops messages frequently induce possible deadlock reports
// because oops reporting introduces unexpected locking chains.
// So if we have enough of the actual oops, strip the deadlock message.
skipText = true
skipLine = true
if !isOopsLine && skipLine {
report = append(report, stripped...)
report = append(report, '\n')
if secondReportPos == 0 || context != "" && context != contextConsole {
reportEnd = len(report)
func (ctx *linux) stripLinePrefix(line []byte, context string, useQuestionable bool) ([]byte, bool) {
if context == "" {
return line, false
start := bytes.Index(line, []byte("] "))
line = line[start+2:]
if !bytes.Contains(line, ctx.eoi) {
// x86_64 prefix.
if ctx.questionableFrame.Match(line) {
pos := bytes.Index(line, []byte(" ? "))
return line[pos+2:], !useQuestionable
// PowerPC suffix.
if bytes.HasSuffix(line, []byte(" (unreliable)")) {
return line[:len(line)-13], !useQuestionable
return line, false
func (ctx *linux) extractContext(line []byte) string {
match := ctx.consoleOutputRe.FindSubmatchIndex(line)
if match == nil {
return ""
if match[2] == -1 {
return contextConsole
return string(line[match[2]:match[3]])
func (ctx *linux) Symbolize(rep *Report) error {
if ctx.vmlinux != "" {
if err := ctx.symbolize(rep); err != nil {
return err
rep.Report = ctx.decompileOpcodes(rep.Report, rep)
// Skip getting maintainers for Android fuzzing since the kernel source
// directory structure is different.
if ctx.config.vmType == "cuttlefish" || ctx.config.vmType == "proxyapp" {
return nil
// We still do this even if we did not symbolize,
// because tests pass in already symbolized input.
rep.GuiltyFile = ctx.extractGuiltyFile(rep)
if rep.GuiltyFile != "" {
maintainers, err := ctx.getMaintainers(rep.GuiltyFile)
if err != nil {
return err
rep.Recipients = maintainers
return nil
func (ctx *linux) symbolize(rep *Report) error {
symb := symbolizer.NewSymbolizer(
defer symb.Close()
symbFunc := func(bin string, pc uint64) ([]symbolizer.Frame, error) {
return ctx.symbolizerCache.Symbolize(symb.Symbolize, bin, pc)
var symbolized []byte
s := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(rep.Report))
prefix := rep.reportPrefixLen
for s.Scan() {
line := append([]byte{}, s.Bytes()...)
line = append(line, '\n')
newLine := symbolizeLine(symbFunc, ctx.symbols, ctx.vmlinux, ctx.kernelBuildSrc, line)
if prefix > len(symbolized) {
prefix += len(newLine) - len(line)
symbolized = append(symbolized, newLine...)
rep.Report = symbolized
rep.reportPrefixLen = prefix
return nil
func symbolizeLine(symbFunc func(bin string, pc uint64) ([]symbolizer.Frame, error),
symbols map[string][]symbolizer.Symbol, vmlinux, strip string, line []byte) []byte {
match := linuxSymbolizeRe.FindSubmatchIndex(line)
if match == nil {
return line
fn := line[match[2]:match[3]]
off, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(line[match[4]:match[5]]), 16, 64)
if err != nil {
return line
size, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(line[match[6]:match[7]]), 16, 64)
if err != nil {
return line
symb := symbols[string(fn)]
if len(symb) == 0 {
return line
var funcStart uint64
for _, s := range symb {
if funcStart == 0 || int(size) == s.Size {
funcStart = s.Addr
pc := funcStart + off
if !linuxRipFrame.Match(line) {
// Usually we have return PCs, so we need to look at the previous instruction.
// But RIP lines contain the exact faulting PC.
frames, err := symbFunc(vmlinux, pc)
if err != nil || len(frames) == 0 {
return line
var symbolized []byte
for _, frame := range frames {
file := frame.File
file = strings.TrimPrefix(file, strip)
file = strings.TrimLeft(file, "./")
info := fmt.Sprintf(" %v:%v", file, frame.Line)
modified := append([]byte{}, line...)
modified = replace(modified, match[7], match[7], []byte(info))
if frame.Inline {
end := match[7] + len(info)
modified = replace(modified, end, end, []byte(" [inline]"))
modified = replace(modified, match[2], match[7], []byte(frame.Func))
symbolized = append(symbolized, modified...)
return symbolized
type parsedOpcodes struct {
rawBytes []byte
decompileFlags DecompilerFlagMask
offset int
type decompiledOpcodes struct {
opcodes []DecompiledOpcode
trappingOpcodeIdx int
leftBytesCut int
// processOpcodes converts a string representation of opcodes used by the Linux kernel into
// a sequence of the machine instructions, that surround the one that crashed the kernel.
// If the input does not start on a boundary of an instruction, it is attempted to adjust the
// strting position.
// The method returns an error if it did not manage to correctly decompile the opcodes or
// of the decompiled code is not of interest to the reader (e.g. it is a user-space code).
func (ctx *linux) processOpcodes(codeSlice string) (*decompiledOpcodes, error) {
parsed, err := ctx.parseOpcodes(codeSlice)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
decompiled, err := ctx.decompileWithOffset(parsed)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if linuxSkipTrapInstrRe.MatchString(decompiled.opcodes[decompiled.trappingOpcodeIdx].Instruction) {
// For some reports (like WARNINGs) the trapping instruction is an intentionally
// invalid instruction. Decompilation of such code only allows to see the
// mechanism, through which the kernel implements such assertions and does not
// aid in finding the real issue.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("these opcodes are not of interest")
return decompiled, nil
func (ctx *linux) decompileWithOffset(parsed parsedOpcodes) (*decompiledOpcodes, error) {
// It is not guaranteed that the fragment of opcodes starts exactly at the boundary
// of a machine instruction. In order to simplify debugging process, we are trying
// to find the right starting position.
// We iterate over a fixed number of left boundaries. The exact number of iterations
// should strike a balance between the potential usefulness and the extra time needed
// to invoke the decompiler.
const opcodeAdjustmentLimit = 8
var bestResult *decompiledOpcodes
for leftCut := 0; leftCut <= parsed.offset && leftCut < opcodeAdjustmentLimit; leftCut++ {
newBytes := parsed.rawBytes[leftCut:]
newOffset := parsed.offset - leftCut
instructions, err := DecompileOpcodes(newBytes, parsed.decompileFlags,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// We only want to return the response, where there exists a decoded instruction that
// perfectly aligns with the trapping instruction offset.
// At the same time, we'll do out best to find a code listing that does not contain
// unrecognized (bad) instuctions - this serves as an indicator of a valid result.
hasBad := false
trappingIdx := -1
for idx, instruction := range instructions {
if instruction.Offset == newOffset {
trappingIdx = idx
if instruction.Offset >= newOffset {
// Do not take into account instructions after the target offset. Once
// decompiler begins to find the right boundary, we cannot improve them.
hasBad = hasBad || instruction.IsBad
if trappingIdx < 0 {
if !hasBad || bestResult == nil {
bestResult = &decompiledOpcodes{
opcodes: instructions,
trappingOpcodeIdx: trappingIdx,
leftBytesCut: leftCut,
if !hasBad {
// The best offset is already found.
if bestResult == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to align decompiled code and the trapping instruction offset")
return bestResult, nil
func (ctx *linux) parseOpcodes(codeSlice string) (parsedOpcodes, error) {
binaryOps := binary.ByteOrder(binary.BigEndian)
if {
binaryOps = binary.LittleEndian
width := 0
bytes := []byte{}
trapOffset := -1
for _, part := range strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(codeSlice), " ") {
if part == "" || len(part)%2 != 0 {
return parsedOpcodes{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid opcodes string %#v", part)
// Check if this is a marker of a trapping instruction.
if part[0] == '(' || part[0] == '<' {
if trapOffset >= 0 {
return parsedOpcodes{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid opcodes string: multiple trap intructions")
trapOffset = len(bytes)
if len(part) < 3 {
return parsedOpcodes{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid opcodes string: invalid trap opcode")
part = part[1 : len(part)-1]
if width == 0 {
width = len(part) / 2
number, err := strconv.ParseUint(part, 16, 64)
if err != nil {
return parsedOpcodes{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid opcodes string: failed to parse %#v", part)
extraBytes := make([]byte, width)
switch len(extraBytes) {
case 1:
extraBytes[0] = byte(number)
case 2:
binaryOps.PutUint16(extraBytes, uint16(number))
case 4:
binaryOps.PutUint32(extraBytes, uint32(number))
case 8:
binaryOps.PutUint64(extraBytes, number)
return parsedOpcodes{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid opcodes string: invalid width %v", width)
bytes = append(bytes, extraBytes...)
if trapOffset < 0 {
return parsedOpcodes{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid opcodes string: no trapping instructions")
var flags DecompilerFlagMask
if == targets.ARM && width == 2 {
flags |= FlagForceArmThumbMode
return parsedOpcodes{
rawBytes: bytes,
decompileFlags: flags,
offset: trapOffset,
}, nil
// decompileOpcodes detects the most meaningful "Code: " lines from the report, decompiles
// them and appends a human-readable listing to the end of the report.
func (ctx *linux) decompileOpcodes(text []byte, report *Report) []byte {
if report.Type == crash.Hang {
// Even though Hang reports do contain the Code: section, there's no point in
// decompiling that. So just return the text.
return text
// Iterate over all "Code: " lines and pick the first that could be decompiled
// that might be of interest to the user.
var decompiled *decompiledOpcodes
var prevLine []byte
for s := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(text)); s.Scan(); prevLine = append([]byte{}, s.Bytes()...) {
// We want to avoid decompiling code from user-space as it is not of big interest during
// debugging kernel problems.
// For now this check only works for x86/amd64, but Linux on other architectures supported
// by syzkaller does not seem to include user-space code in its oops messages.
if linuxUserSegmentRe.Match(prevLine) {
match := linuxCodeRe.FindSubmatch(s.Bytes())
if match == nil {
decompiledLine, err := ctx.processOpcodes(string(match[1]))
if err != nil {
decompiled = decompiledLine
if decompiled == nil {
return text
skipInfo := ""
if decompiled.leftBytesCut > 0 {
skipInfo = fmt.Sprintf(", %v bytes skipped", decompiled.leftBytesCut)
// The decompiled instructions are intentionally put to the bottom of the report instead
// being inlined below the corresponding "Code:" line. The intent is to continue to keep
// the most important information at the top of the report, so that it is visible from
// the syzbot dashboard without scrolling.
headLine := fmt.Sprintf("----------------\nCode disassembly (best guess)%v:\n", skipInfo)
text = append(text, headLine...)
for idx, opcode := range decompiled.opcodes {
line := opcode.FullDescription
if idx == decompiled.trappingOpcodeIdx {
line = fmt.Sprintf("*%s <-- trapping instruction\n", line[1:])
} else {
line += "\n"
text = append(text, line...)
return text
func (ctx *linux) extractGuiltyFile(rep *Report) string {
return ctx.extractGuiltyFileRaw(rep.Title, rep.Report[rep.reportPrefixLen:])
func (ctx *linux) extractGuiltyFileRaw(title string, report []byte) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(title, "INFO: rcu detected stall") {
// Special case for rcu stalls.
// There are too many frames that we want to skip before actual guilty frames,
// we would need to ignore too many files and that would be fragile.
// So instead we try to extract guilty file starting from the known
// interrupt entry point first.
for _, interruptEnd := range []string{"apic_timer_interrupt+0x",
"el1h_64_irq+0x", "Exception stack"} {
if pos := bytes.Index(report, []byte(interruptEnd)); pos != -1 {
if file := ctx.extractGuiltyFileImpl(report[pos:]); file != "" {
return file
return ctx.extractGuiltyFileImpl(report)
func (ctx *linux) extractGuiltyFileImpl(report []byte) string {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(report))
// Extract the first possible guilty file.
guilty := ""
for scanner.Scan() {
match := filenameRe.FindSubmatch(scanner.Bytes())
if match == nil {
file := match[1]
if guilty == "" {
// Avoid producing no guilty file at all, otherwise we mail the report to nobody.
// It's unclear if it's better to return the first one or the last one.
// So far the only test we have has only one file anyway.
guilty = string(file)
if matchesAny(file, ctx.guiltyFileIgnores) || ctx.guiltyLineIgnore.Match(scanner.Bytes()) {
guilty = filepath.Clean(string(file))
// Search for deeper filepaths in the stack trace below the first possible guilty file.
deepestPath := filepath.Dir(guilty)
for scanner.Scan() {
match := filenameRe.FindSubmatch(scanner.Bytes())
if match == nil {
file := match[1]
if matchesAny(file, ctx.guiltyFileIgnores) || ctx.guiltyLineIgnore.Match(scanner.Bytes()) {
clean := filepath.Clean(string(file))
// Check if the new path has *both* the same directory prefix *and* a deeper suffix.
if strings.HasPrefix(clean, deepestPath) {
suffix := strings.TrimPrefix(clean, deepestPath)
if deeperPathRe.Match([]byte(suffix)) {
guilty = clean
deepestPath = filepath.Dir(guilty)
return guilty
func (ctx *linux) getMaintainers(file string) (vcs.Recipients, error) {
if ctx.kernelSrc == "" {
return nil, nil
return GetLinuxMaintainers(ctx.kernelSrc, file)
func GetLinuxMaintainers(kernelSrc, file string) (vcs.Recipients, error) {
mtrs, err := getMaintainersImpl(kernelSrc, file, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(mtrs) <= 1 {
mtrs, err = getMaintainersImpl(kernelSrc, file, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return mtrs, nil
func getMaintainersImpl(kernelSrc, file string, blame bool) (vcs.Recipients, error) {
// See #1441 re --git-min-percent.
args := []string{"--git-min-percent=15"}
if blame {
args = append(args, "--git-blame")
args = append(args, "-f", file)
script := filepath.FromSlash("scripts/")
output, err := osutil.RunCmd(time.Minute, kernelSrc, script, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return vcs.ParseMaintainersLinux(output), nil
func (ctx *linux) isCorrupted(title string, report []byte, format oopsFormat) (bool, string) {
// Check for common title corruptions.
for _, re := range linuxCorruptedTitles {
if re.MatchString(title) {
return true, "title matches corrupted regexp"
// If the report hasn't matched any of the oops titles, don't mark it as corrupted.
if format.title == nil {
return false, ""
if format.noStackTrace {
return false, ""
// When a report contains 'Call Trace', 'backtrace', 'Allocated' or 'Freed' keywords,
// it must also contain at least a single stack frame after each of them.
hasStackTrace := false
for _, key := range linuxStackParams.stackStartRes {
match := key.FindSubmatchIndex(report)
if match == nil {
frames := bytes.Split(report[match[0]:], []byte{'\n'})
if len(frames) < 4 {
return true, "call trace is missed"
corrupted := true
frames = frames[1:]
// Check that at least one of the next few lines contains a frame.
for i := 0; i < 15 && i < len(frames); i++ {
for _, key1 := range linuxStackParams.stackStartRes {
// Next stack trace starts.
if key1.Match(frames[i]) {
break outer
if bytes.Contains(frames[i], []byte("(stack is not available)")) ||
matchesAny(frames[i], linuxStackParams.frameRes) {
hasStackTrace = true
corrupted = false
if corrupted {
return true, "no frames in a stack trace"
if !hasStackTrace {
return true, "no stack trace in report"
return false, ""
func linuxStallFrameExtractor(frames []string) string {
// During rcu stalls and cpu lockups kernel loops in some part of code,
// usually across several functions. When the stall is detected, traceback
// points to a random stack within the looping code. We generally take
// the top function in the stack (with few exceptions) as the bug identity.
// As the result stalls with the same root would produce multiple reports
// in different functions, which is bad.
// Instead we identify a representative function deeper in the stack.
// For most syscalls it can be the syscall entry function (e.g. SyS_timer_create).
// However, for highly discriminated functions syscalls like ioctl/read/write/connect
// we take the previous function (e.g. for connect the one that points to exact
// protocol, or for ioctl the one that is related to the device).
prev := frames[0]
for _, frame := range frames {
if matchesAny([]byte(frame), linuxStallAnchorFrames) {
if strings.Contains(frame, "smp_call_function") {
// In this case we want this function rather than the previous one
// (there can be several variations on the next one).
prev = "smp_call_function"
return prev
prev = frame
return ""
func linuxHangTaskFrameExtractor(frames []string) string {
// The problem with task hung reports is that they manifest at random victim stacks,
// rather at the root cause stack. E.g. if there is something wrong with RCU subsystem,
// we are getting hangs all over the kernel on all synchronize_* calls.
// So before resotring to the common logic of skipping some common frames,
// we look for 2 common buckets: hangs on synchronize_rcu and hangs on rtnl_lock
// and group these together.
const synchronizeRCU = "synchronize_rcu"
anchorFrames := map[string]string{
"rtnl_lock": "",
"synchronize_rcu": synchronizeRCU,
"synchronize_srcu": synchronizeRCU,
"synchronize_net": synchronizeRCU,
"synchronize_sched": synchronizeRCU,
for _, frame := range frames {
for anchor, replacement := range anchorFrames {
if strings.Contains(frame, anchor) {
if replacement != "" {
frame = replacement
return frame
skip := []string{"sched", "_lock", "_slowlock", "down", "rwsem", "completion", "kthread",
"wait", "synchronize", "context_switch", "__switch_to", "cancel_delayed_work",
for _, frame := range frames {
for _, ignore := range skip {
if strings.Contains(frame, ignore) {
continue nextFrame
return frame
return ""
var linuxStallAnchorFrames = []*regexp.Regexp{
// Various generic functions that dispatch work.
// We also include some of their callers, so that if some names change
// we don't skip whole stacks and proceed parsing the next one.
compile("process_one_work"), // workqueue callback
compile("do_syscall_"), // syscall entry
compile("do_fast_syscall_"), // syscall entry
compile("sysenter_dispatch"), // syscall entry
compile("tracesys_phase2"), // syscall entry
compile("el0_svc_handler"), // syscall entry
compile("invoke_syscall"), // syscall entry
compile("ret_fast_syscall"), // arm syscall entry
compile("netif_receive_skb"), // net receive entry point
// Important discriminated syscalls (file_operations callbacks, etc):
compile("ksys_ioctl"), // vfs_ioctl may be inlined
// Socket operations:
// Page fault entry points:
// exit_to_usermode_loop callbacks:
// nolint: lll
var (
linuxSymbolizeRe = regexp.MustCompile(`(?:\[\<(?:(?:0x)?[0-9a-f]+)\>\])?[ \t]+\(?(?:[0-9]+:)?([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)\+0x([0-9a-f]+)/0x([0-9a-f]+)\)?`)
linuxRipFrame = compile(`(?:IP|NIP|pc |PC is at):? (?:(?:[0-9]+:)?(?:{{PC}} +){0,2}{{FUNC}}|(?:[0-9]+:)?0x[0-9a-f]+|(?:[0-9]+:)?{{PC}} +\[< *\(null\)>\] +\(null\)|[0-9]+: +\(null\))`)
linuxCallTrace = compile(`(?:Call (?:T|t)race:)|(?:Backtrace:)`)
linuxCodeRe = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^\s*Code\:\s+((?:[A-Fa-f0-9\(\)\<\>]{2,8}\s*)*)\s*$`)
linuxSkipTrapInstrRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^ud2|brk\s+#0x800$`)
linuxUserSegmentRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^RIP:\s+0033:`)
var linuxCorruptedTitles = []*regexp.Regexp{
// Sometimes timestamps get merged into the middle of report description.
regexp.MustCompile(`\[ *[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\]`),
var linuxStackParams = &stackParams{
stackStartRes: []*regexp.Regexp{
regexp.MustCompile(`Call (?:T|t)race`),
regexp.MustCompile(`Allocated by task [0-9]+:`),
regexp.MustCompile(`Freed by task [0-9]+:`),
// Match 'backtrace:', but exclude 'stack backtrace:'
regexp.MustCompile(`[^k] backtrace:`),
regexp.MustCompile(`Uninit was stored to memory at`),
frameRes: []*regexp.Regexp{
compile("^ *(?:{{PC}} ){0,2}{{FUNC}}"),
// Arm is totally different.
// Extract both current and next frames. This is needed for the top
// frame which is present only in LR register which we don't parse.
compile(`^ *{{PC}} \(([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)\) from {{PC}} \({{FUNC}}`),
skipPatterns: []string{
"_indirect_thunk_", // retpolines
// arm64 translation exception handling path.
corruptedLines: []*regexp.Regexp{
// Fault injection stacks are frequently intermixed with crash reports.
// Note: the actual symbol can have all kinds of weird suffixes like ".isra.7", ".cold" or ".isra.56.cold.74".
compile(`^( \[\<?(?:0x)?[0-9a-f]+\>?\])? should_fail(slab)?(\.[a-z0-9.]+)?\+0x`),
stripFramePrefixes: []string{
func warningStackFmt(skip ...string) *stackFmt {
return &stackFmt{
// In newer kernels WARNING traps and actual stack starts after invalid_op frame,
// older kernels just print stack.
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
// x86_64 warning stack starts with "RIP:" line,
// while powerpc64 starts with "--- interrupt:".
compile("(?:" + linuxRipFrame.String() + "|--- interrupt: [0-9]+ at {{FUNC}})"),
parts2: []*regexp.Regexp{
skip: skip,
// nolint: lll
var linuxOopses = append([]*oops{
title: compile("BUG: KASAN:"),
report: compile("BUG: KASAN: ([a-z\\-]+) in {{FUNC}}(?:.*\\n)+?.*(Read|Write) (?:of size|at addr) (?:[0-9a-f]+)"),
fmt: "KASAN: %[1]v %[3]v in %[4]v",
alt: []string{"bad-access in %[4]v"},
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
compile("BUG: KASAN: (?:[a-z\\-]+) in {{FUNC}}"),
// These frames are present in KASAN_HW_TAGS reports.
skip: []string{"kernel_fault", "tag_check", "mem_abort", "^el1_", "^el1h_"},
reportType: crash.KASAN,
title: compile("BUG: KASAN:"),
report: compile("BUG: KASAN: (?:double-free or invalid-free|double-free|invalid-free) in {{FUNC}}"),
fmt: "KASAN: invalid-free in %[2]v",
alt: []string{"invalid-free in %[2]v"},
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
compile("BUG: KASAN: (?:double-free or invalid-free|double-free|invalid-free) in {{FUNC}}"),
skip: []string{"slab_", "kfree", "vunmap", "vfree"},
reportType: crash.KASAN,
title: compile("BUG: KASAN: ([a-z\\-]+) on address(?:.*\\n)+?.*(Read|Write) of size ([0-9]+)"),
fmt: "KASAN: %[1]v %[2]v",
reportType: crash.KASAN,
title: compile("BUG: KASAN: (.*)"),
fmt: "KASAN: %[1]v",
corrupted: true,
reportType: crash.KASAN,
title: compile("BUG: KMSAN: kernel-usb-infoleak"),
report: compile("BUG: KMSAN: kernel-usb-infoleak in {{FUNC}}"),
fmt: "KMSAN: kernel-usb-infoleak in %[2]v",
alt: []string{"KMSAN origin in %[3]v"},
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
compile("(Local variable .* created at:|Uninit was created at:)"),
skip: []string{"alloc_skb", "usb_submit_urb", "usb_start_wait_urb", "usb_bulk_msg", "usb_interrupt_msg", "usb_control_msg"},
noStackTrace: true,
title: compile("BUG: KMSAN:"),
report: compile("BUG: KMSAN: ([a-z\\-]+) in {{FUNC}}"),
fmt: "KMSAN: %[1]v in %[3]v",
alt: []string{
"bad-access in %[3]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
compile("(Local variable .* created at:|Uninit was created at:)"),
skip: []string{"alloc_skb", "netlink_ack", "netlink_rcv_skb"},
noStackTrace: true,
title: compile("BUG: KCSAN: data-race"),
report: compile("BUG: KCSAN: (.*)"),
fmt: "KCSAN: %[1]v",
noStackTrace: true,
reportType: crash.DataRace,
title: compile("BUG: KCSAN:"),
report: compile("BUG: KCSAN: (.*)"),
fmt: "KCSAN: %[1]v",
noStackTrace: true,
title: compile("BUG: KFENCE: (use-after-free|out-of-bounds) ([a-z\\-]+) in {{FUNC}}"),
fmt: "KFENCE: %[1]v in %[4]v",
alt: []string{"bad-access in %[4]v"},
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
compile("BUG: KFENCE: (?:[a-z\\- ]+) in {{FUNC}}"),
title: compile("BUG: KFENCE: invalid free in {{FUNC}}"),
fmt: "KFENCE: invalid free in %[2]v",
alt: []string{"invalid-free in %[2]v"},
noStackTrace: true,
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
compile("BUG: KFENCE: (?:[a-z\\- ]+) in {{FUNC}}"),
title: compile("BUG: KFENCE: invalid (read|write) in {{FUNC}}"),
fmt: "KFENCE: invalid %[1]v in %[3]v",
alt: []string{"bad-access in %[3]v"},
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
compile("BUG: KFENCE: (?:[a-z\\- ]+) in {{FUNC}}"),
title: compile("BUG: KFENCE: memory corruption in {{FUNC}}"),
fmt: "KFENCE: memory corruption in %[2]v",
noStackTrace: true,
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
compile("BUG: KFENCE: (?:[a-z\\- ]+) in {{FUNC}}"),
title: compile("BUG: (?:unable to handle kernel paging request|unable to handle page fault for address|Unable to handle kernel data access)"),
fmt: "BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request in %[1]v",
alt: []string{"bad-access in %[1]v"},
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
title: compile("BUG: (?:unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference|kernel NULL pointer dereference|Kernel NULL pointer dereference)"),
fmt: "BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference in %[1]v",
alt: []string{"bad-access in %[1]v"},
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
// Sometimes with such BUG failures, the second part of the header doesn't get printed
// or gets corrupted, because kernel prints it as two separate printk() calls.
title: compile("BUG: (?:unable to handle kernel|Unable to handle kernel)"),
fmt: "BUG: unable to handle kernel",
corrupted: true,
title: compile("BUG: (spinlock|rwlock) (lockup suspected|already unlocked|recursion" +
"|cpu recursion|bad magic|wrong owner|wrong CPU|trylock failure on UP)"),
fmt: "BUG: %[1]v %[2]v in %[3]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
skip: []string{"spin_", "_lock", "_unlock"},
reportType: crash.LockdepBug,
title: compile("BUG: soft lockup"),
fmt: "BUG: soft lockup in %[1]v",
alt: []string{"stall in %[1]v"},
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
extractor: linuxStallFrameExtractor,
reportType: crash.Hang,
title: compile("BUG: .*still has locks held!"),
report: compile("BUG: .*still has locks held!(?:.*\\n)+?.*{{PC}} +{{FUNC}}"),
fmt: "BUG: still has locks held in %[1]v",
reportType: crash.LockdepBug,
title: compile("BUG: scheduling while atomic"),
fmt: "BUG: scheduling while atomic in %[1]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
skip: []string{"schedule"},
reportType: crash.AtomicSleep,
title: compile("BUG: lock held when returning to user space"),
report: compile("BUG: lock held when returning to user space(?:.*\\n)+?.*leaving the kernel with locks still held(?:.*\\n)+?.*at: (?:{{PC}} +)?{{FUNC}}"),
fmt: "BUG: lock held when returning to user space in %[1]v",
noStackTrace: true,
title: compile("BUG: bad unlock balance detected!"),
fmt: "BUG: bad unlock balance in %[1]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
compile("{{PC}} +{{FUNC}}"),
reportType: crash.LockdepBug,
title: compile("BUG: held lock freed!"),
report: compile("BUG: held lock freed!(?:.*\\n)+?.*{{PC}} +{{FUNC}}"),
fmt: "BUG: held lock freed in %[1]v",
reportType: crash.LockdepBug,
title: compile("BUG: Bad rss-counter state"),
fmt: "BUG: Bad rss-counter state",
noStackTrace: true,
title: compile("BUG: non-zero nr_ptes on freeing mm"),
fmt: "BUG: non-zero nr_ptes on freeing mm",
noStackTrace: true,
title: compile("BUG: non-zero nr_pmds on freeing mm"),
fmt: "BUG: non-zero nr_pmds on freeing mm",
noStackTrace: true,
// Kernel includes filesystem type and block device name into the message.
// We used to include them, but block devices are plain harmful (loop0/1/2),
// and filesystem type also leads to duplicates. So now we exclude them.
title: compile("BUG: Dentry .* still in use"),
report: compile("BUG: Dentry .* still in use \\([0-9]+\\) \\[(unmount) of ([^\\]]+)\\]"),
fmt: "BUG: Dentry still in use in %[1]v",
alt: []string{"BUG: Dentry still in use [%[1]v of %[2]v]"},
title: compile("BUG: Bad page state"),
fmt: "BUG: Bad page state",
title: compile("BUG: Bad page map"),
fmt: "BUG: Bad page map",
title: compile("BUG: workqueue lockup"),
fmt: "BUG: workqueue lockup",
noStackTrace: true,
title: compile("BUG: sleeping function called from invalid context at (.*)"),
fmt: "BUG: sleeping function called from invalid context in %[2]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
reportType: crash.AtomicSleep,
title: compile("BUG: using ([a-z_]+)\\(\\) in preemptible"),
fmt: "BUG: using %[1]v() in preemptible code in %[2]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
skip: []string{"dump_stack", "preemption", "preempt", "debug_",
"processor_id", "this_cpu"},
title: compile("BUG: workqueue leaked lock or atomic"),
report: compile("BUG: workqueue leaked lock or atomic(?:.*\\n)+?" +
".*last function: ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\\n"),
fmt: "BUG: workqueue leaked lock or atomic in %[1]v",
noStackTrace: true,
title: compile("BUG: memory leak"),
fmt: "memory leak in %[1]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
skip: []string{"kmemleak", "mmap", "kmem", "slab", "alloc", "create_object",
"idr_get", "list_lru_init", "kasprintf", "kvasprintf",
"pcpu_create", "strdup", "strndup", "memdup"},
reportType: crash.MemoryLeak,
title: compile("BUG: .*stack guard page was hit at"),
fmt: "BUG: stack guard page was hit in %[1]v",
alt: []string{"stack-overflow in %[1]v"},
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
extractor: linuxStallFrameExtractor,
reportType: unspecifiedType, // This is a printk(), not a BUG_ON().
title: compile("BUG: Invalid wait context"),
// Somehow amd64 and arm/arm64 report this bug completely differently.
// This is arm/arm64 format, but we match amd64 title to not duplicate bug reports.
fmt: "WARNING: locking bug in %[1]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
skip: []string{"lock_sock", "release_sock"},
reportType: crash.LockdepBug,
title: compile(`BUG:[[:space:]]*(?:\n|$)`),
fmt: "BUG: corrupted",
corrupted: true,
// Android prints this sometimes during boot.
// Android ART debug output.
// pkg/host output in debug mode.
compile("BUG: no syscalls can create resource"),
title: compile("WARNING: .*lib/debugobjects\\.c.* (?:debug_print|debug_check)"),
fmt: "WARNING: ODEBUG bug in %[1]v",
// Skip all users of ODEBUG as well.
stack: warningStackFmt("debug_", "rcu", "hrtimer_", "timer_",
"work_", "percpu_", "vunmap",
"vfree", "__free_", "debug_check", "kobject_"),
title: compile("WARNING: .*mm/usercopy\\.c.* usercopy_warn"),
fmt: "WARNING: bad usercopy in %[1]v",
stack: warningStackFmt("usercopy", "__check"),
title: compile("WARNING: .*lib/kobject\\.c.* kobject_"),
fmt: "WARNING: kobject bug in %[1]v",
stack: warningStackFmt("kobject_"),
title: compile("WARNING: .*fs/proc/generic\\.c.* proc_register"),
fmt: "WARNING: proc registration bug in %[1]v",
stack: warningStackFmt("proc_"),
title: compile("WARNING: .*lib/refcount\\.c.* refcount_"),
fmt: "WARNING: refcount bug in %[1]v",
stack: warningStackFmt("refcount", "kobject_"),
title: compile("WARNING: .*kernel/locking/lockdep\\.c.*lock_"),
fmt: "WARNING: locking bug in %[1]v",
stack: warningStackFmt("lock_sock", "release_sock"),
reportType: crash.LockdepBug,
title: compile("WARNING: .*still has locks held!"),
report: compile("WARNING: .*still has locks held!(?:.*\\n)+?.*at: {{FUNC}}"),
fmt: "WARNING: still has locks held in %[1]v",
reportType: crash.LockdepBug,
title: compile("WARNING: Nested lock was not taken"),
fmt: "WARNING: nested lock was not taken in %[1]v",
stack: warningStackFmt(),
reportType: crash.LockdepBug,
title: compile("WARNING: lock held when returning to user space"),
report: compile("WARNING: lock held when returning to user space(?:.*\\n)+?.*leaving the kernel with locks still held(?:.*\\n)+?.*at: (?:{{PC}} +)?{{FUNC}}"),
fmt: "WARNING: lock held when returning to user space in %[1]v",
noStackTrace: true,
reportType: crash.LockdepBug,
title: compile("WARNING: .*mm/.*\\.c.* k?.?malloc"),
fmt: "WARNING: kmalloc bug in %[1]v",
stack: warningStackFmt("kmalloc", "krealloc", "slab", "kmem"),
title: compile("WARNING: .*mm/vmalloc.c.*__vmalloc_node"),
fmt: "WARNING: zero-size vmalloc in %[1]v",
stack: warningStackFmt(),
title: compile("WARNING: .* usb_submit_urb"),
fmt: "WARNING in %[1]v/usb_submit_urb",
stack: warningStackFmt("usb_submit_urb", "usb_start_wait_urb", "usb_bulk_msg", "usb_interrupt_msg", "usb_control_msg"),
title: compile("WARNING: .* at {{SRC}} {{FUNC}}"),
fmt: "WARNING in %[3]v",
stack: warningStackFmt(),
title: compile("WARNING: possible circular locking dependency detected"),
report: compile("WARNING: possible circular locking dependency detected(?:.*\\n)+?.*is trying to acquire lock"),
fmt: "possible deadlock in %[1]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
compile("at: (?:{{PC}} +)?{{FUNC}}"),
compile("at: (?:{{PC}} +)?{{FUNC}}"),
// These workqueue functions take locks associated with work items.
// All deadlocks observed in these functions are
// work-item-subsystem-related.
skip: []string{"process_one_work", "flush_workqueue",
"drain_workqueue", "destroy_workqueue"},
reportType: crash.LockdepBug,
title: compile("WARNING: possible irq lock inversion dependency detected"),
report: compile("WARNING: possible irq lock inversion dependency detected(?:.*\\n)+?.*just changed the state of lock(?:.*\\n)+?.*at: (?:{{PC}} +)?{{FUNC}}"),
fmt: "possible deadlock in %[1]v",
reportType: crash.LockdepBug,
title: compile("WARNING: .*-safe -> .*-unsafe lock order detected"),
fmt: "possible deadlock in %[1]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
compile("which became (?:.*) at:"),
reportType: crash.LockdepBug,
title: compile("WARNING: possible recursive locking detected"),
report: compile("WARNING: possible recursive locking detected(?:.*\\n)+?.*is trying to acquire lock(?:.*\\n)+?.*at: (?:{{PC}} +)?{{FUNC}}"),
fmt: "possible deadlock in %[1]v",
reportType: crash.LockdepBug,
title: compile("WARNING: inconsistent lock state"),
report: compile("WARNING: inconsistent lock state(?:.*\\n)+?.*takes(?:.*\\n)+?.*at: (?:{{PC}} +)?{{FUNC}}"),
fmt: "inconsistent lock state in %[2]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
reportType: crash.LockdepBug,
title: compile("WARNING: suspicious RCU usage"),
report: compile("WARNING: suspicious RCU usage(?:.*\n)+?.*?{{SRC}}"),
fmt: "WARNING: suspicious RCU usage in %[2]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
skip: []string{"rcu", "kmem", "slab"},
reportType: crash.LockdepBug,
title: compile("WARNING: kernel stack regs at [0-9a-f]+ in [^ ]* has bad '([^']+)' value"),
fmt: "WARNING: kernel stack regs has bad '%[1]v' value",
noStackTrace: true,
reportType: unspecifiedType, // This is printk().
title: compile("WARNING: kernel stack frame pointer at [0-9a-f]+ in [^ ]* has bad value"),
fmt: "WARNING: kernel stack frame pointer has bad value",
noStackTrace: true,
reportType: unspecifiedType, // This is printk().
title: compile("WARNING: bad unlock balance detected!"),
fmt: "WARNING: bad unlock balance in %[1]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
compile("{{PC}} +{{FUNC}}"),
reportType: crash.LockdepBug,
title: compile("WARNING: held lock freed!"),
report: compile("WARNING: held lock freed!(?:.*\\n)+?.*at:(?: {{PC}})? +{{FUNC}}"),
fmt: "WARNING: held lock freed in %[1]v",
reportType: crash.LockdepBug,
title: compile("WARNING: kernel stack regs .* has bad 'bp' value"),
fmt: "WARNING: kernel stack regs has bad value",
noStackTrace: true,
reportType: unspecifiedType, // This is printk().
title: compile("WARNING: kernel stack frame pointer .* has bad value"),
fmt: "WARNING: kernel stack regs has bad value",
noStackTrace: true,
reportType: unspecifiedType, // This is printk().
title: compile(`WARNING:[[:space:]]*(?:\n|$)`),
fmt: "WARNING: corrupted",
corrupted: true,
reportType: unspecifiedType, // This is printk().
compile("WARNING: /etc/ssh/moduli does not exist, using fixed modulus"), // printed by sshd
compile("WARNING: workqueue cpumask: online intersect > possible intersect"),
compile("WARNING: [Tt]he mand mount option (is being|has been) deprecated"),
compile("WARNING: Unsupported flag value\\(s\\) of 0x%x in DT_FLAGS_1"), // printed when glibc is dumped
compile("WARNING: Unprivileged eBPF is enabled with eIBRS"),
compile(`WARNING: fbcon: Driver '(.*)' missed to adjust virtual screen size (\((?:\d+)x(?:\d+) vs\. (?:\d+)x(?:\d+)\))`),
compile(`WARNING: See https.* for mitigation options.`),
compile(`WARNING: kernel not compiled with CPU_SRSO`),
title: compile("INFO: possible circular locking dependency detected"),
report: compile("INFO: possible circular locking dependency detected \\](?:.*\\n)+?.*is trying to acquire lock(?:.*\\n)+?.*at: {{PC}} +{{FUNC}}"),
fmt: "possible deadlock in %[1]v",
reportType: crash.LockdepBug,
title: compile("INFO: possible irq lock inversion dependency detected"),
report: compile("INFO: possible irq lock inversion dependency detected \\](?:.*\\n)+?.*just changed the state of lock(?:.*\\n)+?.*at: {{PC}} +{{FUNC}}"),
fmt: "possible deadlock in %[1]v",
reportType: crash.LockdepBug,
title: compile("INFO: SOFTIRQ-safe -> SOFTIRQ-unsafe lock order detected"),
report: compile("INFO: SOFTIRQ-safe -> SOFTIRQ-unsafe lock order detected \\](?:.*\\n)+?.*is trying to acquire(?:.*\\n)+?.*at: {{PC}} +{{FUNC}}"),
fmt: "possible deadlock in %[1]v",
reportType: crash.LockdepBug,
title: compile("INFO: possible recursive locking detected"),
report: compile("INFO: possible recursive locking detected \\](?:.*\\n)+?.*is trying to acquire lock(?:.*\\n)+?.*at: {{PC}} +{{FUNC}}"),
fmt: "possible deadlock in %[1]v",
reportType: crash.LockdepBug,
title: compile("INFO: inconsistent lock state"),
report: compile("INFO: inconsistent lock state \\](?:.*\\n)+?.*takes(?:.*\\n)+?.*at: {{PC}} +{{FUNC}}"),
fmt: "inconsistent lock state in %[1]v",
reportType: crash.LockdepBug,
title: compile("INFO: rcu_(?:preempt|sched|bh) (?:self-)?detected(?: expedited)? stall"),
fmt: "INFO: rcu detected stall in %[1]v",
alt: []string{"stall in %[1]v"},
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
parts2: []*regexp.Regexp{
compile("(?:apic_timer_interrupt|Exception stack|el1h_64_irq)"),
skip: []string{"apic_timer_interrupt", "rcu"},
extractor: linuxStallFrameExtractor,
reportType: crash.Hang,
title: compile("INFO: trying to register non-static key"),
fmt: "INFO: trying to register non-static key in %[1]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
skip: []string{"stack", "lock", "IRQ"},
title: compile("INFO: suspicious RCU usage"),
report: compile("INFO: suspicious RCU usage(?:.*\n)+?.*?{{SRC}}"),
fmt: "INFO: suspicious RCU usage in %[2]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
skip: []string{"rcu", "kmem", "slab"},
title: compile("INFO: task .* blocked for more than [0-9]+ seconds"),
fmt: "INFO: task hung in %[1]v",
alt: []string{"hang in %[1]v"},
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
extractor: linuxHangTaskFrameExtractor,
reportType: crash.Hang,
title: compile("INFO: task .* can't die for more than .* seconds"),
fmt: "INFO: task can't die in %[1]v",
alt: []string{"hang in %[1]v"},
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
skip: []string{"schedule"},
reportType: crash.Hang,
// This gets captured for corrupted old-style KASAN reports.
title: compile("INFO: (Freed|Allocated) in (.*)"),
fmt: "INFO: %[1]v in %[2]v",
corrupted: true,
title: compile(`INFO:[[:space:]]*(?:\n|$)`),
fmt: "INFO: corrupted",
corrupted: true,
compile("INFO: lockdep is turned off"),
compile("INFO: Stall ended before state dump start"),
compile("INFO: NMI handler"),
compile("INFO: recovery required on readonly filesystem"),
compile("(handler|interrupt).*took too long"),
compile("_INFO::"), // Android can print this during boot.
compile("INFO: sys_.* is not present in /proc/kallsyms"), // pkg/host output in debug mode
compile("INFO: no syscalls can create resource"), // pkg/host output in debug mode
compile("CAM_INFO:"), // Android prints this.
compile("rmt_storage:INFO:"), // Android prints this.
[]byte("Unable to handle kernel"),
title: compile("Unable to handle kernel (paging request|NULL pointer dereference|access to user memory)"),
fmt: "BUG: unable to handle kernel %[1]v in %[2]v",
alt: []string{"bad-access in %[2]v"},
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
[]byte("general protection fault"),
title: compile("general protection fault.*:"),
fmt: "general protection fault in %[1]v",
alt: []string{"bad-access in %[1]v"},
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
compile(`general protection fault .* error:\d+ in `),
[]byte("stack segment: "),
title: compile("stack segment: "),
fmt: "stack segment fault in %[1]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
[]byte("Kernel panic"),
// Note: for stack corruption reports kernel may fail
// to print function symbol name and/or unwind stack.
title: compile("Kernel panic - not syncing: stack-protector:"),
report: compile("Kernel panic - not syncing: stack-protector: Kernel stack is corrupted in: {{FUNC}}"),
fmt: "kernel panic: stack is corrupted in %[1]v",
noStackTrace: true,
title: compile("Kernel panic - not syncing: stack-protector:"),
report: compile("Kernel panic - not syncing: stack-protector: Kernel stack is corrupted in: [a-f0-9]+"),
fmt: "kernel panic: stack is corrupted in %[1]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
skip: []string{"stack_chk"},
title: compile("Kernel panic - not syncing: corrupted stack end"),
report: compile("Kernel panic - not syncing: corrupted stack end detected inside scheduler"),
fmt: "kernel panic: corrupted stack end in %[1]v",
alt: []string{"stack-overflow in %[1]v"},
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
skip: []string{"schedule", "retint_kernel"},
extractor: linuxStallFrameExtractor,
title: compile("Kernel panic - not syncing: kernel stack overflow"),
fmt: "kernel stack overflow in %[1]v",
alt: []string{"stack-overflow in %[1]v"},
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
skip: []string{"bad_stack"},
extractor: linuxStallFrameExtractor,
title: compile("Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!"),
fmt: "kernel panic: Attempted to kill init!",
title: compile("Kernel panic - not syncing: Couldn't open N_TTY ldisc for [^ ]+ --- error -[0-9]+"),
fmt: "kernel panic: Couldn't open N_TTY ldisc",
// 'kernel panic: Fatal exception' is usually printed after BUG,
// so if we captured it as a report description, that means the
// report got truncated and we missed the actual BUG header.
title: compile("Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception"),
fmt: "kernel panic: Fatal exception",
corrupted: true,
// Same, but for WARNINGs and KASAN reports.
title: compile("Kernel panic - not syncing: panic_on_warn set"),
fmt: "kernel panic: panic_on_warn set",
corrupted: true,
// Same, but for task hung reports.
title: compile("Kernel panic - not syncing: hung_task: blocked tasks"),
fmt: "kernel panic: hung_task: blocked tasks",
corrupted: true,
title: compile("Kernel panic - not syncing: (.*)"),
fmt: "kernel panic: %[1]v",
[]byte("PANIC: double fault"),
title: compile("PANIC: double fault"),
fmt: "PANIC: double fault in %[1]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
[]byte("kernel BUG"),
title: compile("kernel BUG at mm/usercopy.c"),
fmt: "BUG: bad usercopy in %[1]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
skip: []string{"usercopy", "__check"},
title: compile("kernel BUG at lib/list_debug.c"),
fmt: "BUG: corrupted list in %[1]v",
alt: []string{"bad-access in %[1]v"}, // also sometimes due to memory corruption/race
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
title: compile("kernel BUG at (.*)"),
fmt: "kernel BUG in %[2]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
// Lots of skb wrappers contain BUG_ON, but the bug is almost always in the caller.
skip: []string{"^skb_"},
[]byte("Kernel BUG"),
title: compile("Kernel BUG (.*)"),
fmt: "kernel BUG %[1]v",
[]byte("BUG kmalloc-"),
title: compile("BUG kmalloc-.*: Object already free"),
fmt: "BUG: Object already free",
[]byte("divide error:"),
title: compile("divide error: "),
fmt: "divide error in %[1]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
// A misspelling of the above introduced in 9d06c4027f21 ("x86/entry: Convert Divide Error to IDTENTRY").
title: compile("divide_error: "),
fmt: "divide error in %[1]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
[]byte("invalid opcode:"),
title: compile("invalid opcode: "),
fmt: "invalid opcode in %[1]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
title: compile("UBSAN:"),
report: compile("UBSAN: Undefined behaviour in"),
fmt: "UBSAN: undefined-behaviour in %[1]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
skip: []string{"ubsan", "overflow"},
title: compile("UBSAN: array-index-out-of-bounds in"),
fmt: "UBSAN: array-index-out-of-bounds in %[1]v",
alt: []string{"bad-access in %[1]v"},
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
skip: []string{"ubsan", "overflow"},
title: compile("UBSAN:"),
report: compile("UBSAN: (.*?) in"),
fmt: "UBSAN: %[1]v in %[2]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
skip: []string{"ubsan", "overflow"},
[]byte("Booting the kernel."),
title: compile("Booting the kernel."),
fmt: "unexpected kernel reboot",
noStackTrace: true,
reportType: crash.UnexpectedReboot,
// These may appear on the same line when the fuzzer reads from the console the existing
// boot message and then pass it as mount option, kernel then prints it back
// as an invalid mount option and we detect false reboot.
compile("Parsing ELF|Decompressing Linux"),
[]byte("unregister_netdevice: waiting for"),
title: compile("unregister_netdevice: waiting for (?:.*) to become free"),
fmt: "unregister_netdevice: waiting for DEV to become free",
noStackTrace: true,
// Custom vfs error printed by older versions of the kernel, see #3621.
[]byte("VFS: Close: file count is 0"),
title: compile("VFS: Close: file count is 0"),
fmt: "VFS: Close: file count is zero (use-after-free)",
noStackTrace: true,
// Custom vfs error printed by older versions of the kernel, see #3621.
[]byte("VFS: Busy inodes after unmount"),
title: compile("VFS: Busy inodes after unmount"),
fmt: "VFS: Busy inodes after unmount (use-after-free)",
noStackTrace: true,
[]byte("Internal error:"),
title: compile("Internal error:"),
fmt: "Internal error in %[1]v",
// arm64 shows some crashes as "Internal error: synchronous external abort",
// while arm shows the same crash as "Unable to handle kernel paging request",
// so we need to merge them.
alt: []string{"bad-access in %[1]v"},
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
[]byte("Unhandled fault:"),
title: compile("Unhandled fault:"),
fmt: "Unhandled fault in %[1]v",
// x86_64 shows NULL derefs as "general protection fault",
// while arm shows the same crash as "Unhandled fault: page domain fault".
alt: []string{"bad-access in %[1]v"},
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
[]byte("Alignment trap:"),
title: compile("Alignment trap:"),
fmt: "Alignment trap in %[1]v",
stack: &stackFmt{
parts: []*regexp.Regexp{
[]byte("trusty: panic"),
title: compile("trusty: panic.* ASSERT FAILED"),
report: compile("trusty: panic \\(.*?\\):(?: DEBUG)? ASSERT FAILED at \\(.*?\\): (.+)"),
fmt: "trusty: ASSERT FAILED: %[1]v",
noStackTrace: true,
title: compile("trusty: panic.* ASSERT FAILED.*: *(.*)"),
fmt: "trusty: ASSERT FAILED: %[1]v",
corrupted: true,
title: compile("trusty: panic"),
report: compile("trusty: panic \\(.*?\\): (.+)"),
fmt: "trusty: panic: %[1]v",
noStackTrace: true,
}, commonOopses...)