blob: 68a301d68294c4fa88248bb95543980d8663a88c [file] [log] [blame]
Below are the changes for the current release.
See the CHANGES file for changes in older releases.
See the RELEASENOTES file for a summary of changes in each release.
Version 3.0.8 (31 Dec 2015)
2015-12-30: wsfulton
The pdf documentation is now generated by wkhtmltopdf and has colour
for the code snippets just like the html documentation!
2015-12-23: ahnolds
[Python] Fixes for conversion of signed and unsigned integer types:
No longer check for PyInt objects in Python3. Because PyInt_Check
and friends are #defined to the corresponding PyLong methods, this
had caused errors in Python3 where values greater than what could be
stored in a long were incorrectly interpreted as the value -1 with
the Python error indicator set to OverflowError. This applies to
both the conversions PyLong->long and PyLong->double.
Conversion from PyLong to long, unsigned long, long long, and
unsigned long long now raise OverflowError instead of TypeError in
both Python2 and Python3 for PyLong values outside the range
expressible by the corresponding C type. This matches the existing
behavior for other integral types (signed and unsigned ints, shorts,
and chars), as well as the conversion for PyInt to all numeric
types. This also indirectly applies to the size_t and ptrdiff_t
types, which depend on the conversions for unsigned long and long.
2015-12-19: wsfulton
[Python] Python 2 Unicode UTF-8 strings can be used as inputs to char * or
std::string types if the generated C/C++ code has SWIG_PYTHON_2_UNICODE defined.
2015-12-17: wsfulton
Issues #286, #128
Remove ccache-swig.1 man page - please use the CCache.html docs instead.
The yodl2man and yodl2html tools are no longer used and so SWIG no
longer has a dependency on these packages which were required when
building from git.
2015-12-16: zturner/coleb
[Python] Fix Python3.5 interpreter assertions when objects are being
deleted due to an existing exception. Most notably in generators
which terminate using a StopIteration exception. Fixes #559 #560 #573.
If a further exception is raised during an object destruction,
PyErr_WriteUnraisable is used on this second exception and the
original exception bubbles through.
2015-12-14: ahnolds/wsfulton
[Python] Add in missing initializers for tp_finalize,
nb_matrix_multiply, nb_inplace_matrix_multiply, ht_qualname
ht_cached_keys and tp_prev.
2015-12-12: wsfulton
Fix STL wrappers to not generate <: digraphs.
For example std::vector<::X::Y> was sometimes generated, now
corrected to std::vector< ::X::Y >.
2015-11-25: wsfulton
[Ruby] STL ranges and slices fixes.
Ruby STL container setting slices fixes:
Setting an STL container wrapper slice better matches the way Ruby
arrays work. The behaviour is now the same as Ruby arrays. The only
exception is the default value used when expanding a container
cannot be nil as this is not a valid type/value for C++ container
Obtaining a Ruby STL container ranges and slices fixes:
Access via ranges and slices now behave identically to Ruby arrays.
The fixes are mostly for out of range indices and lengths.
- Zero length slice requests return an empty container instead of nil.
- Slices which request a length greater than the size of the container
no longer chop off the last element.
- Ranges which used to return nil now return an empty array when the
the start element is a valid index.
Ruby STL container negative indexing support improved.
Using negative indexes to set values works the same as Ruby arrays, eg
%template(IntVector) std::vector<int>;
iv =[1,2,3,4])
iv[-4] = 9 # => [1,2,3,9]
iv[-5] = 9 # => IndexError
2015-11-21: wsfulton
[Ruby, Python] Add std::array container wrappers.
These work much like any of the other STL containers except Python/Ruby slicing
is somewhat limited because the array is a fixed size. Only slices of
the full size are supported.
2015-10-10: wsfulton
[Python] #539 - Support Python 3.5 and -builtin. PyAsyncMethods is a new
member in PyHeapTypeObject.
2015-10-06: ianlancetaylor
[Go] Don't emit a constructor function for a director
class with an abstract method, since the function will
always panic.
2015-10-01: wsfulton
Fix %shared_ptr support for private and protected inheritance.
- Remove unnecessary Warning 520: Derived class 'Derived' of 'Base'
is not similarly marked as a smart pointer
- Do not generate code that attempts to cast up the inheritance chain in the
type system runtime in such cases as it doesn't compile and can't be used.
Remove unnecessary warning 520 for %shared_ptr when the base class is ignored.
2015-10-01: vkalinin
Fix #508: Fix segfault parsing anonymous typedef nested classes.
2015-09-26: wsfulton
[Ruby] Add shared_ptr support
2015-09-13: kkaempf
[Ruby] Resolve tracking bug - issue #225.
The bug is that the tracking code uses a ruby hash and thus may
allocate objects (Bignum) while running the GC. This was tolerated in
1.8 but is invalid (raises an exception) in 1.9.
The patch uses a C hash (also used by ruby) instead.
2015-09-09: lyze
[CFFI] Extend the "export" feature in the CFFI module to support
exporting to a specified package.
2015-09-04: olly
[Python] Fix docstrings for %callback functions.
2015-09-03: demi-rluddy
[Go] Removed golang stringing for signed/unsigned char
Changed default handling of signed char* and unsigned char* to be
opaque pointers rather than strings, similarly to how other
languages work.
Any existing code relying on treating signed char* or unsigned
char* as a string can restore the old behavior with typemaps.i by
using %apply to copy the [unchanged] char* behavior.
2015-08-07: talby
[Perl] tidy -Wtautological-constant-out-of-range-compare warnings when building generated code under clang
2015-08-07: xantares
[Python] pep257 & numpydoc conforming docstrings:
- Mono-line module docsstring
- Rewrite autodoc parameters section in numpydoc style:
- One line summary should end with "."
- Adds a blank line after class docstring
2015-08-05: vadz
[Java] Make (char* STRING, size_t LENGTH) typemaps usable for
strings of other types, e.g. "unsigned char*".