blob: 36e8bf7587ed24c434b607049fde6aae6acf9ae3 [file] [log] [blame]
Below are the changes for the current release.
See the CHANGES file for changes in older releases.
See the RELEASENOTES file for a summary of changes in each release.
Version 3.0.6 (5 Jul 2015)
2015-07-02: wsfulton
Fix syntax error when the template keyword is used in types, eg:
std::template vector<int> v;
2015-07-02: ngladitz
[Lua] Push characters as unformatted 1-character strings to avoid
unprintable characters such as (char)127 being converted to
"<\127>" with Lua 5.3 and later. (github PR #452)
2015-06-29: olly
[Python] Improve handling of whitespace in %pythoncode.
Previously SWIG looked at the indentation of the first line and
removed that many characters from each subsequent line, regardless
of what those characters were. This was made worse because SWIG's
preprocessor removes any whitespace before a '#'. Fixes github
issue #379, reported by Joe Orton.
2015-06-12: wsfulton
[R] Fix #430 - call to SWIG_createNewRef in copyToC was incorrectly named.
2015-06-11: sghirate
[C#] Patch #427 adds in new command line option -outfile to combine all the
generated C# code into a single file.
2015-06-09: wsfulton
Fix seg fault processing C++11 type aliasing. Issue #424.
2015-05-28: wsfulton
[Python] Add new feature "python:cdefaultargs" to control default argument
code generation. By default, SWIG attempts to convert C/C++ default argument values
into Python values and generates code into the Python layer with these values.
Recent versions of SWIG are able to convert more of these values, however, the
new behaviour can be circumvented if desired via this new feature, such that
the default argument values are obtained from the C layer and not the Python layer.
For example:
struct CDA {
int fff(int a = 1, bool b = false);
The default code generation in the Python layer is:
class CDA(_object):
def fff(self, a=1, b=False):
return _default_args.CDA_fff(self, a, b)
Adding the feature:
%feature("python:cdefaultargs") CDA::fff;
Results in:
class CDA(_object):
def fff(self, *args):
return _default_args.CDA_fff(self, *args)
Some code generation modes, eg -builtin and -fastproxy, are unaffected by this as
the default values are always obtained from the C layer.
2015-05-27: wsfulton
[Python] Deal with an integer as the default value of a typedef to bool
parameter in the C++ prototype. See #327. Regression from 3.0.0 onwards.
2015-05-19: olly
[Python] Fix warning when compiling generated code with MSVC.
(Fixes reported by
Mateusz Szymański).
2015-05-14: wsfulton
Fix seg fault wrapping shared_ptr of classes with private constructors and destructors.
This also fixes the "unref" feature when used on classes with private destructors.
2015-05-10: wsfulton
[Java] Fix multi-argument typemaps (char *STRING, size_t LENGTH)
so that they can be applied to a wider range of types. Fixes #385.
2015-05-07: olly
[Python] Deal with an integer as the default value of a bool
parameter in the C++ prototype. Fixes github #327, reported by
Greg Allen.
2015-05-07: LindleyF
[Java] Allow feature("director") and feature("ref") to be used
together. Github PR#403.
2015-05-05: olly
Suppress warning 325 "Nested class not currently supported (Foo
ignored)" when Foo has already been explicitly ignored with "%ignore".
2015-05-04: wsfulton
Add support for friend templates, including operator overloading - fixes #196. Considering
the example below, previously the operator gave a syntax error and friendfunc incorrectly
warned with:
"Warning 503: Can't wrap 'friendfunc<(Type)>' unless renamed to a valid identifier."
template <class Type> class MyClass {
friend int friendfunc <Type>(double is, MyClass <Type> & x);
friend int operator<< <Type>(double un, const MyClass <Type> &x);
The following also previously incorrectly warned with:
"Warning 302: Identifier 'template_friend' redefined (ignored),"
template<typename T> T template_friend(T);
struct MyTemplate {
template<typename T> friend T template_friend(T);
2015-05-01: wsfulton
Fix handling of conversion operators where the operator is split over multiple
lines or has comments within the operator type. Fixes #401.
Also fix similar problem with normal operators which gave a syntax error if split over
multiple lines or had a comment within the operator declaration.
2015-04-30: olly
Ignore unknown preprocessor directives which are inside an inactive
conditional (github issue #394, reported by Dan Wilcox).
Regression introduced in 3.0.3.
2015-04-27: vadz
[Python] Fix "default" typemap used after an argument with "numinputs=0" (#377).
2015-04-24: wsfulton
[Python] Fix #256. Code generated with '-builtin -modernargs' segfaults for any
method taking zero arguments.
Also fixes: "SystemError: error return without exception set" during error checking
when using just -builtin and the incorrect number of arguments is passed to a class
method expecting zero arguments.
2015-04-23: wsfulton
[Java] Bug #386 - Memory leak fix in (char *STRING, size_t LENGTH) typemaps.
2015-04-23: vadz
[Python] Make "default" typemap work again (#330, #377).
2015-04-23: vadz
[Python] Fix the use of default values for the pointer types (#365, #376).
2015-04-23: wsfulton
Fix 'make check-ccache' which is part of 'make check' when one of the CCACHE_
environment variables, for example CCACHE_DISABLE, is set.
2015-04-14: wsfulton
Clearer warning message for badly constructed typecheck typemaps. For example, was:
example.i:3: Warning 467: Overloaded foo(int) not supported (no type checking
rule for 'int').
example.i:3: Warning 467: Overloaded foo(int) not supported (incomplete type checking
rule - no precedence level in typecheck typemap for 'int').
2015-04-11: wsfulton
[Java] Fix #353 - Linker multiple definition of 'ExceptionMatches' when
using directors and multiple modules.
2015-04-11: wsfulton
Merge #320 - Make __dict__ accessible for Python builtin classes.
2015-04-07: wsfulton
Fix #375 - parsing of extern "C" and typedef for example:
extern "C" typedef void (*Hook2_t)(int, const char *);
extern "C" typedef int Integer;
2015-03-12: olly
-DSWIG_DIRECTOR_STATIC is now supported for all languages with
director support, not only Python and PHP.
2015-03-02: ianlancetaylor
[Go] Add -cgo option, required for Go versions 1.5 and
2015-02-26: olly
Fix segmentation fault when top==NULL, introduced by nested class
handling (reported in issue#346 by Paweł Tomulik).
2015-02-09: wsfulton
[Guile] Fix generated code for static const char member variables when
defined and declared inline.
2015-02-09: mishas
[Go] Fix %import of files in sub directories.
2015-02-05: ianlancetaylor
[Go] Ignore Go specific type maps (goin, goout, etc.) if they are empty.
2015-02-05: ianlancetaylor
[Go] Generated Go code no longer calls _swig_goallocate or
_swig_makegostring, as they will no longer work as of Go 1.5.