blob: e6107116717f91cca2bb8545a67331e5dd939a77 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This file is part of SWIG, which is licensed as a whole under version 3
* (or any later version) of the GNU General Public License. Some additional
* terms also apply to certain portions of SWIG. The full details of the SWIG
* license and copyrights can be found in the LICENSE and COPYRIGHT files
* included with the SWIG source code as distributed by the SWIG developers
* and at
* tcl8.cxx
* Tcl8 language module for SWIG.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "swigmod.h"
#include "cparse.h"
static int treduce = SWIG_cparse_template_reduce(0);
static const char *usage = (char *) "\
Tcl 8 Options (available with -tcl)\n\
-itcl - Enable ITcl support\n\
-nosafe - Leave out SafeInit module function.\n\
-prefix <name> - Set a prefix <name> to be prepended to all names\n\
-namespace - Build module into a Tcl 8 namespace\n\
-pkgversion - Set package version\n\n";
static String *cmd_tab = 0; /* Table of command names */
static String *var_tab = 0; /* Table of global variables */
static String *const_tab = 0; /* Constant table */
static String *methods_tab = 0; /* Methods table */
static String *attr_tab = 0; /* Attribute table */
static String *prefix = 0;
static String *module = 0;
static int namespace_option = 0;
static String *init_name = 0;
static String *ns_name = 0;
static int have_constructor;
static String *constructor_name;
static int have_destructor;
static int have_base_classes;
static String *destructor_action = 0;
static String *version = (String *) "0.0";
static String *class_name = 0;
static int have_attributes;
static int have_methods;
static int nosafe = 0;
static File *f_header = 0;
static File *f_wrappers = 0;
static File *f_init = 0;
static File *f_begin = 0;
static File *f_runtime = 0;
// Itcl support
static int itcl = 0;
static File *f_shadow = 0;
static File *f_shadow_stubs = 0;
static String *constructor = 0;
static String *destructor = 0;
static String *base_classes = 0;
static String *base_class_init = 0;
static String *methods = 0;
static String *imethods = 0;
static String *attributes = 0;
static String *attribute_traces = 0;
static String *iattribute_traces = 0;
class TCL8:public Language {
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
* TCL8::main()
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
virtual void main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int cppcast = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
if (argv[i]) {
if (strcmp(argv[i], "-prefix") == 0) {
if (argv[i + 1]) {
prefix = NewString(argv[i + 1]);
Swig_mark_arg(i + 1);
} else
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-pkgversion") == 0) {
if (argv[i + 1]) {
version = NewString(argv[i + 1]);
Swig_mark_arg(i + 1);
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-namespace") == 0) {
namespace_option = 1;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-itcl") == 0) {
itcl = 1;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-nosafe") == 0) {
nosafe = 1;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-cppcast") == 0) {
cppcast = 1;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-nocppcast") == 0) {
cppcast = 0;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-help") == 0) {
fputs(usage, stdout);
if (cppcast) {
Preprocessor_define((DOH *) "SWIG_CPLUSPLUS_CAST", 0);
Preprocessor_define("SWIGTCL 1", 0);
// SWIGTCL8 is deprecated, and no longer documented.
Preprocessor_define("SWIGTCL8 1", 0);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
* top()
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
virtual int top(Node *n) {
/* Initialize all of the output files */
String *outfile = Getattr(n, "outfile");
f_begin = NewFile(outfile, "w", SWIG_output_files());
if (!f_begin) {
f_runtime = NewString("");
f_init = NewString("");
f_header = NewString("");
f_wrappers = NewString("");
/* Register file targets with the SWIG file handler */
Swig_register_filebyname("header", f_header);
Swig_register_filebyname("wrapper", f_wrappers);
Swig_register_filebyname("begin", f_begin);
Swig_register_filebyname("runtime", f_runtime);
Swig_register_filebyname("init", f_init);
/* Initialize some variables for the object interface */
cmd_tab = NewString("");
var_tab = NewString("");
methods_tab = NewString("");
const_tab = NewString("");
Printf(f_runtime, "\n");
Printf(f_runtime, "#define SWIGTCL\n");
Printf(f_runtime, "\n");
/* Set the module name, namespace, and prefix */
module = NewStringf("%(lower)s", Getattr(n, "name"));
init_name = NewStringf("%(title)s_Init", module);
ns_name = prefix ? Copy(prefix) : Copy(module);
if (prefix)
Append(prefix, "_");
/* If shadow classing is enabled, we're going to change the module name to "_module" */
if (itcl) {
String *filen;
filen = NewStringf("%s%s.itcl", SWIG_output_directory(), module);
Insert(module, 0, "_");
if ((f_shadow = NewFile(filen, "w", SWIG_output_files())) == 0) {
f_shadow_stubs = NewString("");
Swig_register_filebyname("shadow", f_shadow);
Swig_register_filebyname("itcl", f_shadow);
Swig_banner_target_lang(f_shadow, "#");
Printv(f_shadow, "\npackage require Itcl\n\n", NIL);
/* Generate some macros used throughout code generation */
Printf(f_header, "#define SWIG_init %s\n", init_name);
Printf(f_header, "#define SWIG_name \"%s\"\n", module);
if (namespace_option) {
Printf(f_header, "#define SWIG_prefix \"%s::\"\n", ns_name);
Printf(f_header, "#define SWIG_namespace \"%s\"\n\n", ns_name);
} else {
Printf(f_header, "#define SWIG_prefix \"%s\"\n", prefix);
Printf(f_header, "#define SWIG_version \"%s\"\n", version);
Printf(cmd_tab, "\nstatic swig_command_info swig_commands[] = {\n");
Printf(var_tab, "\nstatic swig_var_info swig_variables[] = {\n");
Printf(const_tab, "\nstatic swig_const_info swig_constants[] = {\n");
Printf(f_wrappers, "#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif\n");
/* Start emitting code */
/* Done. Close up the module */
Printv(cmd_tab, tab4, "{0, 0, 0}\n", "};\n", NIL);
Printv(var_tab, tab4, "{0,0,0,0}\n", "};\n", NIL);
Printv(const_tab, tab4, "{0,0,0,0,0,0}\n", "};\n", NIL);
Printv(f_wrappers, cmd_tab, var_tab, const_tab, NIL);
/* Dump the pointer equivalency table */
SwigType_emit_type_table(f_runtime, f_wrappers);
Printf(f_wrappers, "#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n#endif\n");
/* Close the init function and quit */
Printf(f_init, "return TCL_OK;\n}\n");
if (!nosafe) {
Printf(f_init, "SWIGEXPORT int %(title)s_SafeInit(Tcl_Interp *interp) {\n", module);
Printf(f_init, " return SWIG_init(interp);\n");
Printf(f_init, "}\n");
if (itcl) {
Printv(f_shadow, f_shadow_stubs, "\n", NIL);
/* Close all of the files */
Dump(f_runtime, f_begin);
Printv(f_begin, f_header, f_wrappers, NIL);
Wrapper_pretty_print(f_init, f_begin);
return SWIG_OK;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
* functionWrapper()
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
virtual int functionWrapper(Node *n) {
String *name = Getattr(n, "name"); /* Like to get rid of this */
String *iname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
SwigType *type = Getattr(n, "type");
ParmList *parms = Getattr(n, "parms");
String *overname = 0;
Parm *p;
int i;
String *tm;
Wrapper *f;
String *incode, *cleanup, *outarg, *argstr, *args;
int num_arguments = 0;
int num_required = 0;
int varargs = 0;
char source[64];
if (Getattr(n, "sym:overloaded")) {
overname = Getattr(n, "sym:overname");
} else {
if (!addSymbol(iname, n))
return SWIG_ERROR;
incode = NewString("");
cleanup = NewString("");
outarg = NewString("");
argstr = NewString("\"");
args = NewString("");
f = NewWrapper();
Wrapper_add_local(f, "resultobj", "Tcl_Obj *resultobj = NULL");
String *wname = Swig_name_wrapper(iname);
if (overname) {
Append(wname, overname);
Setattr(n, "wrap:name", wname);
Printv(f->def, "SWIGINTERN int\n ", wname, "(ClientData clientData SWIGUNUSED, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]) {", NIL);
// Emit all of the local variables for holding arguments.
emit_parameter_variables(parms, f);
/* Attach standard typemaps */
emit_attach_parmmaps(parms, f);
Setattr(n, "wrap:parms", parms);
/* Get number of require and total arguments */
num_arguments = emit_num_arguments(parms);
num_required = emit_num_required(parms);
varargs = emit_isvarargs(parms);
/* Unmarshal parameters */
for (i = 0, p = parms; i < num_arguments; i++) {
/* Skip ignored arguments */
while (checkAttribute(p, "tmap:in:numinputs", "0")) {
p = Getattr(p, "tmap:in:next");
SwigType *pt = Getattr(p, "type");
String *ln = Getattr(p, "lname");
/* Produce string representations of the source and target arguments */
sprintf(source, "objv[%d]", i + 1);
if (i == num_required)
Putc('|', argstr);
if ((tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:in"))) {
String *parse = Getattr(p, "tmap:in:parse");
if (!parse) {
Replaceall(tm, "$target", ln);
Replaceall(tm, "$source", source);
Replaceall(tm, "$input", source);
Setattr(p, "emit:input", source);
if (Getattr(p, "wrap:disown") || (Getattr(p, "tmap:in:disown"))) {
Replaceall(tm, "$disown", "SWIG_POINTER_DISOWN");
} else {
Replaceall(tm, "$disown", "0");
Putc('o', argstr);
Printf(args, ",(void *)0");
if (i >= num_required) {
Printf(incode, "if (objc > %d) {\n", i + 1);
Printf(incode, "%s\n", tm);
if (i >= num_required) {
Printf(incode, "}\n");
} else {
Printf(argstr, "%s", parse);
Printf(args, ",&%s", ln);
if (Strcmp(parse, "p") == 0) {
SwigType *lt = SwigType_ltype(pt);
if (Cmp(lt, "p.void") == 0) {
Printf(args, ",(void *)0");
} else {
Printf(args, ",SWIGTYPE%s", SwigType_manglestr(pt));
p = Getattr(p, "tmap:in:next");
} else {
Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_IN_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "Unable to use type %s as a function argument.\n", SwigType_str(pt, 0));
p = nextSibling(p);
if (!varargs) {
Putc(':', argstr);
} else {
Putc(';', argstr);
/* If variable length arguments we need to emit the in typemap here */
if (p && (tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:in"))) {
sprintf(source, "objv[%d]", i + 1);
Printf(incode, "if (objc > %d) {\n", i);
Replaceall(tm, "$input", source);
Printv(incode, tm, "\n", NIL);
Printf(incode, "}\n");
Printf(argstr, "%s\"", usage_string(Char(iname), type, parms));
Printv(f->code, "if (SWIG_GetArgs(interp, objc, objv,", argstr, args, ") == TCL_ERROR) SWIG_fail;\n", NIL);
Printv(f->code, incode, NIL);
/* Insert constraint checking code */
for (p = parms; p;) {
if ((tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:check"))) {
Replaceall(tm, "$target", Getattr(p, "lname"));
Printv(f->code, tm, "\n", NIL);
p = Getattr(p, "tmap:check:next");
} else {
p = nextSibling(p);
/* Insert cleanup code */
for (i = 0, p = parms; p; i++) {
if (!checkAttribute(p, "tmap:in:numinputs", "0")
&& !Getattr(p, "tmap:in:parse") && (tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:freearg"))) {
if (Len(tm) != 0) {
Replaceall(tm, "$source", Getattr(p, "lname"));
Printv(cleanup, tm, "\n", NIL);
p = Getattr(p, "tmap:freearg:next");
} else {
p = nextSibling(p);
/* Insert argument output code */
for (i = 0, p = parms; p; i++) {
if ((tm = Getattr(p, "tmap:argout"))) {
Replaceall(tm, "$source", Getattr(p, "lname"));
Replaceall(tm, "$target", "resultobj");
Replaceall(tm, "$result", "resultobj");
Replaceall(tm, "$target", "(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp))");
Replaceall(tm, "$result", "(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp))");
Replaceall(tm, "$arg", Getattr(p, "emit:input"));
Replaceall(tm, "$input", Getattr(p, "emit:input"));
Printv(outarg, tm, "\n", NIL);
p = Getattr(p, "tmap:argout:next");
} else {
p = nextSibling(p);
/* Now write code to make the function call */
String *actioncode = emit_action(n);
/* Need to redo all of this code (eventually) */
/* Return value if necessary */
if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup_out("out", n, Swig_cresult_name(), f, actioncode))) {
Replaceall(tm, "$source", Swig_cresult_name());
Replaceall(tm, "$target", "resultobj");
Replaceall(tm, "$result", "resultobj");
Replaceall(tm, "$target", "(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp))");
Replaceall(tm, "$result", "(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp))");
if (GetFlag(n, "feature:new")) {
Replaceall(tm, "$owner", "SWIG_POINTER_OWN");
} else {
Replaceall(tm, "$owner", "0");
Printf(f->code, "%s\n", tm);
} else {
Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_OUT_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "Unable to use return type %s in function %s.\n", SwigType_str(type, 0), name);
emit_return_variable(n, type, f);
/* Dump output argument code */
Printv(f->code, outarg, NIL);
/* Dump the argument cleanup code */
Printv(f->code, cleanup, NIL);
/* Look for any remaining cleanup */
if (GetFlag(n, "feature:new")) {
if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("newfree", n, Swig_cresult_name(), 0))) {
Replaceall(tm, "$source", Swig_cresult_name());
Printf(f->code, "%s\n", tm);
if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("ret", n, Swig_cresult_name(), 0))) {
Replaceall(tm, "$source", Swig_cresult_name());
Printf(f->code, "%s\n", tm);
Printv(f->code, "if (resultobj) Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, resultobj);\n", NIL);
Printv(f->code, "return TCL_OK;\n", NIL);
Printv(f->code, "fail:\n", cleanup, "return TCL_ERROR;\n", NIL);
Printv(f->code, "}\n", NIL);
/* Substitute the cleanup code */
Replaceall(f->code, "$cleanup", cleanup);
Replaceall(f->code, "$symname", iname);
/* Dump out the function */
Wrapper_print(f, f_wrappers);
if (!Getattr(n, "sym:overloaded")) {
/* Register the function with Tcl */
Printv(cmd_tab, tab4, "{ SWIG_prefix \"", iname, "\", (swig_wrapper_func) ", Swig_name_wrapper(iname), ", NULL},\n", NIL);
} else {
if (!Getattr(n, "sym:nextSibling")) {
/* Emit overloading dispatch function */
int maxargs;
String *dispatch = Swig_overload_dispatch(n, "return %s(clientData, interp, objc, argv - 1);", &maxargs);
/* Generate a dispatch wrapper for all overloaded functions */
Wrapper *df = NewWrapper();
String *dname = Swig_name_wrapper(iname);
Printv(df->def, "SWIGINTERN int\n", dname, "(ClientData clientData SWIGUNUSED, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]) {", NIL);
Printf(df->code, "Tcl_Obj *CONST *argv = objv+1;\n");
Printf(df->code, "int argc = objc-1;\n");
Printv(df->code, dispatch, "\n", NIL);
Node *sibl = n;
while (Getattr(sibl, "sym:previousSibling"))
sibl = Getattr(sibl, "sym:previousSibling"); // go all the way up
String *protoTypes = NewString("");
do {
String *fulldecl = Swig_name_decl(sibl);
Printf(protoTypes, "\n\" %s\\n\"", fulldecl);
} while ((sibl = Getattr(sibl, "sym:nextSibling")));
Printf(df->code, "Tcl_SetResult(interp,(char *) "
"\"Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function '%s'.\\n\""
"\n\" Possible C/C++ prototypes are:\\n\"%s, TCL_STATIC);\n", iname, protoTypes);
Printf(df->code, "return TCL_ERROR;\n");
Printv(df->code, "}\n", NIL);
Wrapper_print(df, f_wrappers);
Printv(cmd_tab, tab4, "{ SWIG_prefix \"", iname, "\", (swig_wrapper_func) ", dname, ", NULL},\n", NIL);
return SWIG_OK;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
* variableWrapper()
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
virtual int variableWrapper(Node *n) {
String *name = Getattr(n, "name");
String *iname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
SwigType *t = Getattr(n, "type");
String *setname = 0;
String *setfname = 0;
Wrapper *setf = 0, *getf = 0;
int readonly = 0;
String *tm;
if (!addSymbol(iname, n))
return SWIG_ERROR;
/* Create a function for getting a variable */
int addfail = 0;
getf = NewWrapper();
String *getname = Swig_name_get(NSPACE_TODO, iname);
String *getfname = Swig_name_wrapper(getname);
Setattr(n, "wrap:name", getfname);
Printv(getf->def, "SWIGINTERN const char *", getfname, "(ClientData clientData SWIGUNUSED, Tcl_Interp *interp, char *name1, char *name2, int flags) {", NIL);
Wrapper_add_local(getf, "value", "Tcl_Obj *value = 0");
if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("varout", n, name, 0))) {
Replaceall(tm, "$source", name);
Replaceall(tm, "$target", "value");
Replaceall(tm, "$result", "value");
/* Printf(getf->code, "%s\n",tm); */
addfail = emit_action_code(n, getf->code, tm);
Printf(getf->code, "if (value) {\n");
Printf(getf->code, "Tcl_SetVar2(interp,name1,name2,Tcl_GetStringFromObj(value,NULL), flags);\n");
Printf(getf->code, "Tcl_DecrRefCount(value);\n");
Printf(getf->code, "}\n");
Printf(getf->code, "return NULL;\n");
if (addfail) {
Append(getf->code, "fail:\n");
Printf(getf->code, "return \"%s\";\n", iname);
Printf(getf->code, "}\n");
Wrapper_print(getf, f_wrappers);
} else {
Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_VAROUT_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "Unable to read variable of type %s\n", SwigType_str(t, 0));
/* Try to create a function setting a variable */
if (is_assignable(n)) {
setf = NewWrapper();
setname = Swig_name_set(NSPACE_TODO, iname);
setfname = Swig_name_wrapper(setname);
Setattr(n, "wrap:name", setfname);
if (setf) {
Printv(setf->def, "SWIGINTERN const char *", setfname,
"(ClientData clientData SWIGUNUSED, Tcl_Interp *interp, char *name1, char *name2 SWIGUNUSED, int flags) {", NIL);
Wrapper_add_local(setf, "value", "Tcl_Obj *value = 0");
Wrapper_add_local(setf, "name1o", "Tcl_Obj *name1o = 0");
if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("varin", n, name, 0))) {
Replaceall(tm, "$source", "value");
Replaceall(tm, "$target", name);
Replaceall(tm, "$input", "value");
Printf(setf->code, "name1o = Tcl_NewStringObj(name1,-1);\n");
Printf(setf->code, "value = Tcl_ObjGetVar2(interp, name1o, 0, flags);\n");
Printf(setf->code, "Tcl_DecrRefCount(name1o);\n");
Printf(setf->code, "if (!value) SWIG_fail;\n");
/* Printf(setf->code,"%s\n", tm); */
emit_action_code(n, setf->code, tm);
Printf(setf->code, "return NULL;\n");
Printf(setf->code, "fail:\n");
Printf(setf->code, "return \"%s\";\n", iname);
Printf(setf->code, "}\n");
Wrapper_print(setf, f_wrappers);
} else {
Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_VARIN_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "Unable to set variable of type %s.\n", SwigType_str(t, 0));
readonly = 1;
} else {
readonly = 1;
Printv(var_tab, tab4, "{ SWIG_prefix \"", iname, "\", 0, (swig_variable_func) ", getfname, ",", NIL);
if (readonly) {
static int readonlywrap = 0;
if (!readonlywrap) {
Wrapper *ro = NewWrapper();
"SWIGINTERN const char *swig_readonly(ClientData clientData SWIGUNUSED, Tcl_Interp *interp SWIGUNUSED, char *name1 SWIGUNUSED, char *name2 SWIGUNUSED, int flags SWIGUNUSED) {");
Printv(ro->code, "return \"Variable is read-only\";\n", "}\n", NIL);
Wrapper_print(ro, f_wrappers);
readonlywrap = 1;
Printf(var_tab, "(swig_variable_func) swig_readonly},\n");
} else {
Printv(var_tab, "(swig_variable_func) ", setfname, "},\n", NIL);
return SWIG_OK;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
* constantWrapper()
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
virtual int constantWrapper(Node *n) {
String *name = Getattr(n, "name");
String *iname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
String *nsname = !namespace_option ? Copy(iname) : NewStringf("%s::%s", ns_name, iname);
SwigType *type = Getattr(n, "type");
String *rawval = Getattr(n, "rawval");
String *value = rawval ? rawval : Getattr(n, "value");
String *tm;
if (!addSymbol(iname, n))
return SWIG_ERROR;
if (namespace_option)
Setattr(n, "sym:name", nsname);
/* Special hook for member pointer */
if (SwigType_type(type) == T_MPOINTER) {
String *wname = Swig_name_wrapper(iname);
Printf(f_wrappers, "static %s = %s;\n", SwigType_str(type, wname), value);
value = Char(wname);
if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("consttab", n, name, 0))) {
Replaceall(tm, "$source", value);
Replaceall(tm, "$target", name);
Replaceall(tm, "$value", value);
Replaceall(tm, "$nsname", nsname);
Printf(const_tab, "%s,\n", tm);
} else if ((tm = Swig_typemap_lookup("constcode", n, name, 0))) {
Replaceall(tm, "$source", value);
Replaceall(tm, "$target", name);
Replaceall(tm, "$value", value);
Replaceall(tm, "$nsname", nsname);
Printf(f_init, "%s\n", tm);
} else {
Swig_warning(WARN_TYPEMAP_CONST_UNDEF, input_file, line_number, "Unsupported constant value.\n");
return SWIG_OK;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
* nativeWrapper()
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
virtual int nativeWrapper(Node *n) {
String *name = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
String *funcname = Getattr(n, "wrap:name");
if (!addSymbol(funcname, n))
return SWIG_ERROR;
Printf(f_init, "\t Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, SWIG_prefix \"%s\", (swig_wrapper_func) %s, (ClientData) NULL, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *) NULL);\n", name,
return SWIG_OK;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
* classHandler()
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
virtual int classHandler(Node *n) {
static Hash *emitted = NewHash();
String *mangled_classname = 0;
String *real_classname = 0;
have_constructor = 0;
have_destructor = 0;
destructor_action = 0;
constructor_name = 0;
if (itcl) {
constructor = NewString("");
destructor = NewString("");
base_classes = NewString("");
base_class_init = NewString("");
methods = NewString("");
imethods = NewString("");
attributes = NewString("");
attribute_traces = NewString("");
iattribute_traces = NewString("");
have_base_classes = 0;
have_methods = 0;
have_attributes = 0;
class_name = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
if (!addSymbol(class_name, n))
return SWIG_ERROR;
real_classname = Getattr(n, "name");
mangled_classname = Swig_name_mangle(real_classname);
if (Getattr(emitted, mangled_classname))
Setattr(emitted, mangled_classname, "1");
attr_tab = NewString("");
Printf(attr_tab, "static swig_attribute swig_");
Printv(attr_tab, mangled_classname, "_attributes[] = {\n", NIL);
methods_tab = NewStringf("");
Printf(methods_tab, "static swig_method swig_");
Printv(methods_tab, mangled_classname, "_methods[] = {\n", NIL);
/* Generate normal wrappers */
SwigType *t = Copy(Getattr(n, "name"));
// Catch all: eg. a class with only static functions and/or variables will not have 'remembered'
// SwigType_remember(t);
String *wrap_class = NewStringf("&_wrap_class_%s", mangled_classname);
SwigType_remember_clientdata(t, wrap_class);
String *rt = Copy(getClassType());
// Register the class structure with the type checker
/* Printf(f_init,"SWIG_TypeClientData(SWIGTYPE%s, (void *) &_wrap_class_%s);\n", SwigType_manglestr(t), mangled_classname); */
if (have_destructor) {
Printv(f_wrappers, "SWIGINTERN void swig_delete_", class_name, "(void *obj) {\n", NIL);
if (destructor_action) {
Printv(f_wrappers, SwigType_str(rt, "arg1"), " = (", SwigType_str(rt, 0), ") obj;\n", NIL);
Printv(f_wrappers, destructor_action, "\n", NIL);
} else {
if (CPlusPlus) {
Printv(f_wrappers, " delete (", SwigType_str(rt, 0), ") obj;\n", NIL);
} else {
Printv(f_wrappers, " free((char *) obj);\n", NIL);
Printf(f_wrappers, "}\n");
Printf(methods_tab, " {0,0}\n};\n");
Printv(f_wrappers, methods_tab, NIL);
Printf(attr_tab, " {0,0,0}\n};\n");
Printv(f_wrappers, attr_tab, NIL);
/* Handle inheritance */
String *base_class = NewString("");
String *base_class_names = NewString("");
if (itcl) {
base_classes = NewString("");
List *baselist = Getattr(n, "bases");
if (baselist && Len(baselist)) {
Iterator b;
int index = 0;
b = First(baselist);
while (b.item) {
String *bname = Getattr(b.item, "name");
if ((!bname) || GetFlag(b.item, "feature:ignore") || (!Getattr(b.item, "module"))) {
b = Next(b);
if (itcl) {
have_base_classes = 1;
Printv(base_classes, bname, " ", NIL);
Printv(base_class_init, " ", bname, "Ptr::constructor $ptr\n", NIL);
String *bmangle = Swig_name_mangle(bname);
// Printv(f_wrappers,"extern swig_class _wrap_class_", bmangle, ";\n", NIL);
// Printf(base_class,"&_wrap_class_%s",bmangle);
Printf(base_class, "0");
Printf(base_class_names, "\"%s *\",", SwigType_namestr(bname));
/* Put code to register base classes in init function */
//Printf(f_init,"/* Register base : %s */\n", bmangle);
//Printf(f_init,"swig_%s_bases[%d] = (swig_class *) SWIG_TypeQuery(\"%s *\")->clientdata;\n", mangled_classname, index, SwigType_namestr(bname));
b = Next(b);
Putc(',', base_class);
if (itcl) {
String *ptrclass = NewString("");
// First, build the pointer base class
Printv(ptrclass, "itcl::class ", class_name, "Ptr {\n", NIL);
if (have_base_classes)
Printv(ptrclass, " inherit ", base_classes, "\n", NIL);
// Define protected variables for SWIG object pointer
Printv(ptrclass, " protected variable swigobj\n", " protected variable thisown\n", NIL);
// Define public variables
if (have_attributes) {
Printv(ptrclass, attributes, NIL);
// base class swig_getset was being called for complex inheritance trees
if (namespace_option) {
Printv(ptrclass, " protected method ", class_name, "_swig_getset {var name1 name2 op} {\n", NIL);
" switch -exact -- $op {\n",
" r {set $var [", ns_name, "::", class_name, "_[set var]_get $swigobj]}\n",
" w {", ns_name, "::", class_name, "_${var}_set $swigobj [set $var]}\n", " }\n", " }\n", NIL);
} else {
" protected method ", class_name, "_swig_getset {var name1 name2 op} {\n",
" switch -exact -- $op {\n",
" r {set $var [", class_name, "_[set var]_get $swigobj]}\n",
" w {", class_name, "_${var}_set $swigobj [set $var]}\n", " }\n", " }\n", NIL);
// Add the constructor, which may include
// calls to base class class constructors
Printv(ptrclass, " constructor { ptr } {\n", NIL);
if (have_base_classes) {
Printv(ptrclass, base_class_init, NIL);
Printv(ptrclass, " } {\n", NIL);
Printv(ptrclass, " set swigobj $ptr\n", " set thisown 0\n", NIL);
if (have_attributes) {
Printv(ptrclass, attribute_traces, NIL);
Printv(ptrclass, " }\n", NIL);
// Add destructor
Printv(ptrclass, " destructor {\n",
" set d_func delete_", class_name, "\n",
" if { $thisown && ([info command $d_func] != \"\") } {\n" " $d_func $swigobj\n", " }\n", " }\n", NIL);
// Add methods
if (have_methods) {
Printv(ptrclass, imethods, NIL);
// Close out the pointer class
Printv(ptrclass, "}\n\n", NIL);
Printv(f_shadow, ptrclass, NIL);
// pointer class end
// Create the "real" class.
Printv(f_shadow, "itcl::class ", class_name, " {\n", NIL);
Printv(f_shadow, " inherit ", class_name, "Ptr\n", NIL);
// If we have a constructor, then use it.
// If not, then we must have an abstract class without
// any constructor. So we create a class constructor
// which will fail for this class (but not for inherited
// classes). Note that the constructor must fail before
// calling the ptrclass constructor.
if (have_constructor) {
Printv(f_shadow, constructor, NIL);
} else {
Printv(f_shadow, " constructor { } {\n", NIL);
Printv(f_shadow, " # This constructor will fail if called directly\n", NIL);
Printv(f_shadow, " if { [info class] == \"::", class_name, "\" } {\n", NIL);
Printv(f_shadow, " error \"No constructor for class ", class_name, (Getattr(n, "abstracts") ? " - class is abstract" : ""), "\"\n", NIL);
Printv(f_shadow, " }\n", NIL);
Printv(f_shadow, " }\n", NIL);
Printv(f_shadow, "}\n\n", NIL);
Printv(f_wrappers, "static swig_class *swig_", mangled_classname, "_bases[] = {", base_class, "0};\n", NIL);
Printv(f_wrappers, "static const char * swig_", mangled_classname, "_base_names[] = {", base_class_names, "0};\n", NIL);
Printv(f_wrappers, "static swig_class _wrap_class_", mangled_classname, " = { \"", class_name, "\", &SWIGTYPE", SwigType_manglestr(t), ",", NIL);
if (have_constructor) {
Printf(f_wrappers, "%s", Swig_name_wrapper(Swig_name_construct(NSPACE_TODO, constructor_name)));
constructor_name = 0;
} else {
Printf(f_wrappers, "0");
if (have_destructor) {
Printv(f_wrappers, ", swig_delete_", class_name, NIL);
} else {
Printf(f_wrappers, ",0");
Printv(f_wrappers, ", swig_", mangled_classname, "_methods, swig_", mangled_classname, "_attributes, swig_", mangled_classname, "_bases,",
"swig_", mangled_classname, "_base_names, &swig_module };\n", NIL);
if (!itcl) {
Printv(cmd_tab, tab4, "{ SWIG_prefix \"", class_name, "\", (swig_wrapper_func) SWIG_ObjectConstructor, (ClientData)&_wrap_class_", mangled_classname,
"},\n", NIL);
return SWIG_OK;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
* memberfunctionHandler()
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
virtual int memberfunctionHandler(Node *n) {
String *name = Getattr(n, "name");
String *iname = GetChar(n, "sym:name");
String *realname, *rname;
realname = iname ? iname : name;
rname = Swig_name_wrapper(Swig_name_member(NSPACE_TODO, class_name, realname));
if (!Getattr(n, "sym:nextSibling")) {
Printv(methods_tab, tab4, "{\"", realname, "\", ", rname, "}, \n", NIL);
if (itcl) {
ParmList *l = Getattr(n, "parms");
Parm *p = 0;
String *pname = NewString("");
// Add this member to our class handler function
Printv(imethods, tab2, "method ", realname, " [list ", NIL);
int pnum = 0;
for (p = l; p; p = nextSibling(p)) {
String *pn = Getattr(p, "name");
String *dv = Getattr(p, "value");
SwigType *pt = Getattr(p, "type");
Printv(pname, ",(", pt, ")", NIL);
/* Only print an argument if not void */
if (Cmp(pt, "void") != 0) {
if (Len(pn) > 0) {
Printv(pname, pn, NIL);
} else {
Printf(pname, "p%d", pnum);
if (Len(dv) > 0) {
String *defval = NewString(dv);
if (namespace_option) {
Insert(defval, 0, "::");
Insert(defval, 0, ns_name);
if (Strncmp(dv, "(", 1) == 0) {
Insert(defval, 0, "$");
Replaceall(defval, "(", "");
Replaceall(defval, ")", "");
Printv(imethods, "[list ", pname, " ", defval, "] ", NIL);
} else {
Printv(imethods, pname, " ", NIL);
Printv(imethods, "] ", NIL);
if (namespace_option) {
Printv(imethods, "{ ", ns_name, "::", class_name, "_", realname, " $swigobj", NIL);
} else {
Printv(imethods, "{ ", class_name, "_", realname, " $swigobj", NIL);
pnum = 0;
for (p = l; p; p = nextSibling(p)) {
String *pn = Getattr(p, "name");
SwigType *pt = Getattr(p, "type");
/* Only print an argument if not void */
if (Cmp(pt, "void") != 0) {
if (Len(pn) > 0) {
Printv(pname, pn, NIL);
} else {
Printf(pname, "p%d", pnum);
Printv(imethods, " $", pname, NIL);
Printv(imethods, " }\n", NIL);
have_methods = 1;
return SWIG_OK;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
* membervariableHandler()
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
virtual int membervariableHandler(Node *n) {
String *symname = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
String *rname;
Printv(attr_tab, tab4, "{ \"-", symname, "\",", NIL);
rname = Swig_name_wrapper(Swig_name_get(NSPACE_TODO, Swig_name_member(NSPACE_TODO, class_name, symname)));
Printv(attr_tab, rname, ", ", NIL);
if (!GetFlag(n, "feature:immutable")) {
rname = Swig_name_wrapper(Swig_name_set(NSPACE_TODO, Swig_name_member(NSPACE_TODO, class_name, symname)));
Printv(attr_tab, rname, "},\n", NIL);
} else {
Printf(attr_tab, "0 },\n");
if (itcl) {
Printv(attributes, " public variable ", symname, "\n", NIL);
Printv(attribute_traces, " trace variable ", symname, " rw [list ", class_name, "_swig_getset ", symname, "]\n", NIL);
Printv(attribute_traces, " set ", symname, "\n", NIL);
have_attributes = 1;
return SWIG_OK;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
* constructorHandler()
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
virtual int constructorHandler(Node *n) {
if (itcl) {
String *name = Getattr(n, "name");
String *iname = GetChar(n, "sym:name");
String *realname;
ParmList *l = Getattr(n, "parms");
Parm *p = 0;
String *pname = NewString("");
realname = iname ? iname : name;
if (!have_constructor) {
// Add this member to our class handler function
Printf(constructor, " constructor { ");
// Add parameter list
int pnum = 0;
for (p = l; p; p = nextSibling(p)) {
SwigType *pt = Getattr(p, "type");
String *pn = Getattr(p, "name");
String *dv = Getattr(p, "value");
/* Only print an argument if not void */
if (Cmp(pt, "void") != 0) {
if (Len(pn) > 0) {
Printv(pname, pn, NIL);
} else {
Printf(pname, "p%d", pnum);
if (Len(dv) > 0) {
Printv(constructor, "{", pname, " {", dv, "} } ", NIL);
} else {
Printv(constructor, pname, " ", NIL);
Printf(constructor, "} { \n");
// [BRE] 08/17/00 Added test to see if we are instantiating this object
// type, or, if this constructor is being called as part of the itcl
// inheritance hierarchy.
// In the former case, we need to call the C++ constructor, in the
// latter we don't, or we end up with two C++ objects.
// Check to see if we are instantiating a 'realname' or something
// derived from it.
Printv(constructor, " if { [string equal -nocase \"", realname, "\" \"[namespace tail [info class]]\" ] } {\n", NIL);
// Call to constructor wrapper and parent Ptr class
// [BRE] add -namespace/-prefix support
if (namespace_option) {
Printv(constructor, " ", realname, "Ptr::constructor [", ns_name, "::new_", realname, NIL);
} else {
Printv(constructor, " ", realname, "Ptr::constructor [new_", realname, NIL);
pnum = 0;
for (p = l; p; p = nextSibling(p)) {
SwigType *pt = Getattr(p, "type");
String *pn = Getattr(p, "name");
/* Only print an argument if not void */
if (Cmp(pt, "void") != 0) {
if (Len(pn) > 0) {
Printv(pname, pn, NIL);
} else {
Printf(pname, "p%d", pnum);
Printv(constructor, " $", pname, NIL);
Printv(constructor, "]\n", " }\n", " } {\n", " set thisown 1\n", " }\n", NIL);
if (!have_constructor)
constructor_name = NewString(Getattr(n, "sym:name"));
have_constructor = 1;
return SWIG_OK;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
* destructorHandler()
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
virtual int destructorHandler(Node *n) {
have_destructor = 1;
destructor_action = Getattr(n, "wrap:action");
return SWIG_OK;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
* validIdentifier()
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
virtual int validIdentifier(String *s) {
if (Strchr(s, ' '))
return 0;
return 1;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
* usage_string()
* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
char *usage_string(char *iname, SwigType *, ParmList *l) {
static String *temp = 0;
Parm *p;
int i, numopt, pcount;
if (!temp)
temp = NewString("");
if (namespace_option) {
Printf(temp, "%s::%s ", ns_name, iname);
} else {
Printf(temp, "%s ", iname);
/* Now go through and print parameters */
i = 0;
pcount = emit_num_arguments(l);
numopt = pcount - emit_num_required(l);
for (p = l; p; p = nextSibling(p)) {
SwigType *pt = Getattr(p, "type");
String *pn = Getattr(p, "name");
/* Only print an argument if not ignored */
if (!checkAttribute(p, "tmap:in:numinputs", "0")) {
if (i >= (pcount - numopt))
Putc('?', temp);
if (Len(pn) > 0) {
Printf(temp, "%s", pn);
} else {
Printf(temp, "%s", SwigType_str(pt, 0));
if (i >= (pcount - numopt))
Putc('?', temp);
Putc(' ', temp);
return Char(temp);
String *runtimeCode() {
String *s = NewString("");
String *serrors = Swig_include_sys("tclerrors.swg");
if (!serrors) {
Printf(stderr, "*** Unable to open 'tclerrors.swg'\n");
} else {
Append(s, serrors);
String *sapi = Swig_include_sys("tclapi.swg");
if (!sapi) {
Printf(stderr, "*** Unable to open 'tclapi.swg'\n");
} else {
Append(s, sapi);
String *srun = Swig_include_sys("tclrun.swg");
if (!srun) {
Printf(stderr, "*** Unable to open 'tclrun.swg'\n");
} else {
Append(s, srun);
return s;
String *defaultExternalRuntimeFilename() {
return NewString("swigtclrun.h");
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* swig_tcl() - Instantiate module
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static Language *new_swig_tcl() {
return new TCL8();
extern "C" Language *swig_tcl(void) {
return new_swig_tcl();