blob: 8ead78c6c09f263d6dde2732aecee7d9779589fb [file] [log] [blame]
// This tests SWIG's handling of typemaps and namespaces
%module namespace_typemap
namespace test {
/* A minimalistic string class */
class string_class {
char *data;
string_class() {
data = 0;
string_class(const char *s) {
data = new char[strlen(s)+1];
~string_class() {
if (data) delete [] data;
char *c_str() {
return data;
/* A minimalistic test_complex class */
class test_complex {
double re;
double im;
test_complex(double r = 0, double i = 0) {
re = r;
im = i;
double real() {
return re;
double imag() {
return im;
/* SWIG interface tests */
%typemap(in) test::test_complex * {
if (PyComplex_Check($input)) {
$1 = new test_complex(PyComplex_RealAsDouble($input),
} else {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"Expected test_complex.\n");
return NULL;
%typemap(freearg) test::test_complex * {
delete $1;
%typemap(in) test::test_complex * {
if ($input.is_complex_scalar()) {
$1 = new test_complex($input.complex_value().real(),
} else {
error("Expected test_complex.");
%typemap(freearg) test::test_complex * {
delete $1;
#ifdef SWIGGO
%typemap(gotype) test::test_complex * "complex128"
%typemap(in) test::test_complex * {
$1 = new test_complex(__real__ $input, __imag__ $input);
%typemap(freearg) test::test_complex * {
delete $1;
namespace test {
class string_class;
%typemap(in) string_class * {
$1 = new string_class(SWIG_Python_str_AsChar($input));
%typemap(freearg) string_class * {
delete $1;
%typemap(in) string_class * {
$1 = new string_class($input.string_value().c_str());
%typemap(freearg) string_class * {
delete $1;
%typemap(in) string_class * {
$1 = new string_class(StringValuePtr($input));
%typemap(freearg) string_class * {
delete $1;
#ifdef SWIGGO
%typemap(gotype) string_class * "string"
%typemap(in) string_class * {
$1 = new string_class($input.p);
%typemap(freearg) string_class * {
delete $1;
%inline %{
namespace test {
class string_class;
class test_complex;
/* Functions in the namespace itself */
char *stest1(string_class *s) {
return s->c_str();
double ctest1(test_complex *c) {
return c->real();
namespace test2 {
using test::string_class;
using test::test_complex;
/* Functions in another namespace */
char *stest2(string_class *s) {
return s->c_str();
double ctest2(test_complex *c) {
return c->real();
namespace test3 {
using namespace test;
char *stest3(string_class *s) {
return s->c_str();
double ctest3(test_complex *c) {
return c->real();
namespace test4 {
using namespace test2;
char *stest4(string_class *s) {
return s->c_str();
double ctest4(test_complex *c) {
return c->real();
namespace test5 {
using namespace test3;
char *stest5(string_class *s) {
return s->c_str();
double ctest5(test_complex *c) {
return c->real();
char *stest6(test::string_class *s) {
return s->c_str();
double ctest6(test::test_complex *c) {
return c->real();
char *stest7(test2::string_class *s) {
return s->c_str();
double ctest7(test2::test_complex *c) {
return c->real();
char *stest8(test3::string_class *s) {
return s->c_str();
double ctest8(test3::test_complex *c) {
return c->real();
char *stest9(test4::string_class *s) {
return s->c_str();
double ctest9(test4::test_complex *c) {
return c->real();
char *stest10(test5::string_class *s) {
return s->c_str();
double ctest10(test5::test_complex *c) {
return c->real();
namespace test11 = test;
char *stest11(test11::string_class *s) {
return s->c_str();
double ctest11(test11::test_complex *c) {
return c->real();
using namespace test2;
using test::test_complex;
char *stest12(string_class *s) {
return s->c_str();
double ctest12(test_complex *c) {
return c->real();
namespace Split {
%typemap(in) PosInteger {
$1 = PyInt_AsLong($input);
if ($1 < 0) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,"domain error\n");
return NULL;
%typemap(in) PosInteger {
$1 = $input.long_value();
if ($1 < 0) {
error("domain error");
%typemap(in) PosInteger {
$1 = NUM2INT($input);
if ($1 < 0) {
rb_raise(rb_eRangeError, "domain error");
#ifdef SWIGGO
%typemap(in) PosInteger {
$1 = $input;
if ($1 < 0) {
_swig_gopanic("domain error");
%inline %{
namespace Split {
typedef int PosInteger;
PosInteger ttest1(PosInteger x) {
return x;