blob: 3455c03bf65338c9a4b3feeb3ca83877ac878fb4 [file] [log] [blame]
%module name_warnings
This test should produce no warnings at all.
It just show the cases where swig was showing unintended warnings
Right now the test includes some cases for python, java and csharp.
/* activate all the name warnings */
#ifdef max
#undef max
class string; // csharp keyword
namespace std
template <class T>
class complex;
class complex; // python built-in
typedef complex None; // python built-in
struct A
typedef complex None;
#ifndef SWIGPHP // clone() *is* an invalid method name in PHP.
A* clone(int) { return NULL; }
virtual ~A() {}
#ifndef SWIGGO // func is a keyword in Go.
virtual int func() = 0;
typedef complex False;
template <class T>
T max (T a, T b) { // python 'max' built-in
return a > b ? a : b;
struct B : A
B() {}
%template(max_i) max<int>;
%inline {
/* silently rename the parameter names in csharp/java */
#ifdef SWIGR
double foo(double inparam, double out) { return 1.0; }
double foo(double abstract, double out) { return 1.0; }
double bar(double native, bool boolean) { return 1.0; }