blob: 83097f663b21c191f423d7d290bf2eba405c53e4 [file] [log] [blame]
%module csharp_typemaps
// Test the C# types customisation by modifying the default char * typemaps to return a single char
%typemap(ctype, out="char /*ctype out override*/") char * "char *"
%typemap(imtype, out="char /*imtype out override*/") char * "string"
%typemap(cstype, out="char /*cstype out override*/") char * "string"
%typemap(out) char * %{
// return the 0th element rather than the whole string
$result = SWIG_csharp_string_callback($1)[0];
%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) char * {
char ret = $imcall;$excode
return ret;
%typemap(csvarout, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) char * %{
get {
char ret = $imcall;$excode
return ret;
} %}
%inline %{
namespace Space {
class Things {
char* start(char *val) { return val; }
static char* stop(char *val) { return val; }
char* partyon(char *val) { return val; }
// Test variables when ref is used in the cstype typemap - the variable name should come from the out attribute if specified
%typemap(cstype) MKVector, const MKVector& "MKVector"
%typemap(cstype, out="MKVector") MKVector &, MKVector * "ref MKVector"
%inline %{
struct MKVector {
struct MKRenderGameVector {
MKVector memberValue;
static MKVector staticValue;
MKVector MKRenderGameVector::staticValue;
MKVector globalValue;
// Number and Obj are for the eager garbage collector runtime test
%inline %{
struct Number {
Number(double value) : Value(value) {}
double Value;
class Obj {
Number triple(Number n) {
n.Value *= 3;
return n;
Number times6(const Number& num) {
Number n(num);
n.Value *= 6;
return n;
Number times9(const Number* num) {
Number n(*num);
n.Value *= 9;
return n;
Number quadruple(Number n) {
n.Value *= 4;
return n;
Number times8(const Number& num) {
Number n(num);
n.Value *= 8;
return n;
Number times12(const Number* num) {
Number n(*num);
n.Value *= 12;
return n;
// Test $csinput expansion
%typemap(csvarin, excode=SWIGEXCODE2) int %{
set {
if ($csinput < 0)
throw new ApplicationException("number too small!");
} %}
%inline %{
int myInt = 0;
// Illegal special variable crash
%typemap(cstype) WasCrashing "$csclassname /*cstype $*csclassname*/" // $*csclassname was causing crash
%inline %{
struct WasCrashing {};
void hoop(WasCrashing was) {}
// Enum underlying type
%typemap(csbase) BigNumbers "uint"
%inline %{
enum BigNumbers { big=0x80000000, bigger };
// Member variable qualification
%typemap(cstype) bool "badtype1"
%typemap(cstype) bool mvar "badtype2"
%typemap(cstype) bool svar "badtype4"
%typemap(cstype) bool gvar "badtype5"
%typemap(cstype) bool MVar::mvar "bool"
%typemap(cstype) bool MVar::svar "bool"
%typemap(cstype) bool Glob::gvar "bool"
%inline %{
struct MVar {
bool mvar;
static bool svar;
namespace Glob {
bool gvar;
bool MVar::svar = false;