blob: 599a3f12f916e3bbd948f21883f56f298749bdd1 [file] [log] [blame]
%module(docstring="hello") autodoc
// special typemap and its docs
%typemap(in) (int c, int d) "$1 = 0; $2 = 0;";
%typemap(doc,name="hello",type="Tuple") (int c, int d) "hello: int tuple[2]";
// testing for different documentation levels
%feature("autodoc","0") A::func0; // names
%feature("autodoc","1") A::func1; // names + types
%feature("autodoc","2") A::func2; // extended
%feature("autodoc","3") A::func3; // extended + types
%feature("autodoc","0") A::func0default; // names
%feature("autodoc","1") A::func1default; // names + types
%feature("autodoc","2") A::func2default; // extended
%feature("autodoc","3") A::func3default; // extended + types
%feature("autodoc","0") A::func0static; // names
%feature("autodoc","1") A::func1static; // names + types
%feature("autodoc","2") A::func2static; // extended
%feature("autodoc","3") A::func3static; // extended + types
%feature("autodoc","0") A::variable_a; // names
%feature("autodoc","1") A::variable_b; // names + types
%feature("autodoc","2") A::variable_c; // extended
%feature("autodoc","3") A::variable_d; // extended + types
%feature("autodoc","just a string") A::funk; // names
%inline {
enum Hola {
hi, hello
struct A {
A(int a, short b, Hola h) {}
int funk(int a) { return a; }
int func0(short, int c, int d) { return c; }
int func1(short, int c, int d) { return c; }
int func2(short, int c, int d) { return c; }
int func3(short, int c, int d) { return c; }
int func0default(A *e, short, int c, int d, double f = 2) { return 0; }
int func1default(A *e, short, int c, int d, double f = 2) { return 0; }
int func2default(A *e, short, int c, int d, double f = 2) { return 0; }
int func3default(A *e, short, int c, int d, double f = 2) { return 0; }
static int func0static(A *e, short, int c, int d, double f = 2) { return 0; }
static int func1static(A *e, short, int c, int d, double f = 2) { return 0; }
static int func2static(A *e, short, int c, int d, double f = 2) { return 0; }
static int func3static(A *e, short, int c, int d, double f = 2) { return 0; }
int variable_a;
int variable_b;
int variable_c;
int variable_d;
// deleting typemaps and docs
%typemap(in) (int c, int d) ;
%typemap(doc) (int c, int d);
// docs for some parameters
%typemap(doc) int a "a: special comment for parameter a";
%typemap(doc) int b "b: another special comment for parameter b";
%feature("autodoc","0") C::C(int a, int b, Hola h); // names
%feature("autodoc","1") D::D(int a, int b, Hola h); // names + types
%feature("autodoc","2") E::E(int a, int b, Hola h); // extended
%feature("autodoc","3") F::F(int a, int b, Hola h); // extended + types
%inline {
struct B {
B(int a, int b, Hola h) {}
int funk(int c, int d) { return c; }
struct C {
C(int a, int b, Hola h) {}
struct D {
D(int a, int b, Hola h) {}
struct E {
E(int a, int b, Hola h) {}
struct F {
F(int a, int b, Hola h) {}
int funk(A *e, short, int c, int d) { return c; }
int funkdefaults(A *e, short, int c, int d, double f = 2) { return c; }
%include <typemaps.i>
%inline %{
int func_input(int *INPUT) {
return 1;
int func_output(int *OUTPUT) {
*OUTPUT = 2;
return 1;
int func_inout(int *INOUT) {
*INOUT += 1;
return 1;
%callback("%(uppercase)s_CALLBACK") func_cb;
%inline {
int func_cb(int c, int d) { return c; }
// Bug 3310528
%feature("autodoc","1") banana; // names + types
%inline %{
typedef struct tagS {
int a;
char b;
} S;
typedef int Integer;
void banana(S *a, const struct tagS *b, int c, Integer d) {}