blob: 32a29d37eeb8164e2e132689118a3ae5eb8e6dc7 [file] [log] [blame]
language: cpp
- compiler: clang
os: linux
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
- os: linux
env: SWIGLANG= SWIG_CC=gcc-5 SWIG_CXX=g++-5 CPP11=1
- os: linux
env: SWIGLANG= SWIG_CC=gcc-5 SWIG_CXX=g++-5 CPP14=1
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=csharp
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=go
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=guile
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=java
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=javascript ENGINE=node
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=javascript ENGINE=jsc
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=javascript ENGINE=v8
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=lua
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=octave SWIGJOBS=-j2 # 3.2
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=octave SWIGJOBS=-j2 VER=3.8
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=octave SWIGJOBS=-j2 VER=4.0
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=perl5
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=php
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=python VER=2.4
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=python VER=2.5
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=python VER=2.6
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=python # 2.7
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=python PY3=3 # 3.2
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=python PY3=3 VER=3.3
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=python PY3=3 VER=3.4
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=python PY3=3 VER=3.5
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=python SWIG_FEATURES=-builtin
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=python SWIG_FEATURES=-builtin PY3=3
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=python SWIG_FEATURES=-builtin PY3=3 VER=3.5
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=python SWIG_FEATURES=-classic
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=ruby
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=scilab
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=tcl
- os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=csharp SWIG_CC=gcc-5 SWIG_CXX=g++-5 CPP11=1
- os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=java SWIG_CC=gcc-5 SWIG_CXX=g++-5 CPP11=1
- os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=python SWIG_CC=gcc-5 SWIG_CXX=g++-5 CPP11=1
- os: osx
env: SWIGLANG= SWIG_CC=gcc-4.2 SWIG_CXX=g++-4.2
- compiler: clang
os: osx
- compiler: clang
os: osx
env: SWIGLANG=csharp
- compiler: clang
os: osx
env: SWIGLANG=go
- compiler: clang
os: osx
env: SWIGLANG=guile
- compiler: clang
os: osx
env: SWIGLANG=java
- compiler: clang
os: osx
env: SWIGLANG=lua
- compiler: clang
os: osx
env: SWIGLANG=perl5
- compiler: clang
os: osx
env: SWIGLANG=php
- compiler: clang
os: osx
env: SWIGLANG=python
- compiler: clang
os: osx
env: SWIGLANG=python PY3=3
- compiler: clang
os: osx
env: SWIGLANG=ruby
- compiler: clang
os: osx
env: SWIGLANG=tcl
# Lots of failing tests currently
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=ocaml
# Occasional gcc internal compiler error
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=octave SWIGJOBS=-j2 VER=3.8
# Occasional gcc internal compiler error
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=octave SWIGJOBS=-j2 VER=4.0
# Not quite working yet
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
env: SWIGLANG=python SWIG_FEATURES=-classic
# Not quite working yet
- compiler: gcc
os: linux
- compiler: clang
os: osx
env: SWIGLANG=go
- date -u
- uname -a
- if test "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "linux"; then lscpu && cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name" && cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal; fi
- if test "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "osx"; then sysctl -a | grep brand_string; fi
# Travis overrides CC environment with compiler predefined values
- if test -n "$SWIG_CC"; then export CC="$SWIG_CC"; fi
- if test -n "$SWIG_CXX"; then export CXX="$SWIG_CXX"; fi
- if test "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "linux"; then source Tools/; fi
- if test "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "osx"; then source Tools/; fi
- if test -n "$CPP11"; then CONFIGOPTS+=(--enable-cpp11-testing --without-maximum-compile-warnings "CXXFLAGS=-std=c++11 -Wall -Wextra" "CFLAGS=-std=c11 -Wall -Wextra") && export CSTD=c11 && export CPPSTD=c++11; fi
- if test -n "$CPP14"; then CONFIGOPTS+=(--enable-cpp11-testing --without-maximum-compile-warnings "CXXFLAGS=-std=c++14 -Wall -Wextra" "CFLAGS=-std=c11 -Wall -Wextra") && export CSTD=c11 && export CPPSTD=c++14; fi
- ls -la $(which $CC)
- ls -la $(which $CXX)
- $CC --version
- $CXX --version
- echo 'Configuring...' && echo -en 'travis_fold:start:script.1\\r'
- if test -n "$SWIGLANG"; then CONFIGOPTS+=(--without-alllang --with-$SWIGLANG$PY3); fi
- echo "${CONFIGOPTS[@]}"
- ./ && mkdir -p build/build && cd build/build && ../../configure "${CONFIGOPTS[@]}"
- echo -en 'travis_fold:end:script.1\\r'
- make -s $SWIGJOBS
- ./swig -version && ./swig -pcreversion
- if test -z "$SWIGLANG"; then make -s $SWIGJOBS check-ccache; fi
- if test -z "$SWIGLANG"; then make -s $SWIGJOBS check-errors-test-suite; fi
- echo 'Installing...' && echo -en 'travis_fold:start:script.2\\r'
- if test -z "$SWIGLANG"; then sudo make -s install && swig -version && ccache-swig -V; fi
- echo -en 'travis_fold:end:script.2\\r'
# Stricter compile flags for examples. Various headers and SWIG generated code prevents full use of -pedantic.
- if test -n "$SWIGLANG"; then cflags=$($TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/Tools/ --language $SWIGLANG --cflags --std=$CSTD --compiler=$CC) && echo $cflags; fi
- if test -n "$SWIGLANG"; then cxxflags=$($TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/Tools/ --language $SWIGLANG --cxxflags --std=$CPPSTD --compiler=$CC) && echo $cxxflags; fi
- if test -n "$SWIGLANG"; then make -s check-$SWIGLANG-version; fi
- if test -n "$SWIGLANG"; then make check-$SWIGLANG-enabled; fi
- if test -n "$SWIGLANG"; then make $SWIGJOBS check-$SWIGLANG-examples CFLAGS="$cflags" CXXFLAGS="$cxxflags"; fi
- if test -n "$SWIGLANG"; then make $SWIGJOBS check-$SWIGLANG-test-suite CFLAGS="$cflags" CXXFLAGS="$cxxflags"; fi
- echo 'Cleaning...' && echo -en 'travis_fold:start:script.3\\r'
- make check-maintainer-clean && ../../configure $CONFIGOPTS
- echo -en 'travis_fold:end:script.3\\r'
- master