blob: 7a4accf18982feffa2133c934f8f58182d819665 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* std_string.i
* Typemaps for std::string and const std::string&
* These are mapped to a D char[] and are passed around by value.
* To use non-const std::string references, use the following %apply. Note
* that they are passed by value.
* %apply const std::string & {std::string &};
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <string>
namespace std {
%naturalvar string;
class string;
// string
%typemap(ctype) string, const string & "char *"
%typemap(imtype) string, const string & #DW_STRING_TYPE
%typemap(dtype) string, const string & #DP_STRING_TYPE
%typemap(in, canthrow=1) string, const string &
%{ if (!$input) {
SWIG_DSetPendingException(SWIG_DIllegalArgumentException, "null string");
return $null;
$1.assign($input); %}
%typemap(in, canthrow=1) const string &
%{ if (!$input) {
SWIG_DSetPendingException(SWIG_DIllegalArgumentException, "null string");
return $null;
std::string $1_str($input);
$1 = &$1_str; %}
%typemap(out) string %{ $result = SWIG_d_string_callback($1.c_str()); %}
%typemap(out) const string & %{ $result = SWIG_d_string_callback($1->c_str()); %}
%typemap(din) string, const string & "($dinput ? TO_STRINGZ($dinput) : null)"
%typemap(dout, excode=SWIGEXCODE) string, const string & {
DP_STRING_TYPE ret = FROM_STRINGZ($imcall);$excode
return ret;
%typemap(directorin) string, const string & %{ $input = SWIG_d_string_callback($1.c_str()); %}
%typemap(directorout, canthrow=1) string
%{ if (!$input) {
SWIG_DSetPendingException(SWIG_DIllegalArgumentException, "null string");
return $null;
$result.assign($input); %}
%typemap(directorout, canthrow=1, warning=SWIGWARN_TYPEMAP_THREAD_UNSAFE_MSG) const string &
%{ if (!$input) {
SWIG_DSetPendingException(SWIG_DIllegalArgumentException, "null string");
return $null;
/* possible thread/reentrant code problem */
static std::string $1_str;
$1_str = $input;
$result = &$1_str; %}
%typemap(ddirectorin) string, const string & "FROM_STRINGZ($winput)"
%typemap(ddirectorout) string, const string & "TO_STRINGZ($dcall)"
%typemap(throws, canthrow=1) string, const string &
%{ SWIG_DSetPendingException(SWIG_DException, $1.c_str());
return $null; %}
%typemap(typecheck) string, const string & = char *;
// We need to have the \0-terminated string conversion functions available in
// the D proxy modules.
#if (SWIG_D_VERSION == 1)
// Could be easily extended to support Phobos as well.
SWIGD_STD_STRING_TYPEMAPS(char*, char[], tango.stdc.stringz.fromStringz, tango.stdc.stringz.toStringz)
%pragma(d) globalproxyimports = "static import tango.stdc.stringz;";
SWIGD_STD_STRING_TYPEMAPS(const(char)*, string,!string, std.string.toStringz)
%pragma(d) globalproxyimports = %{
static import std.conv;
static import std.string;
} // namespace std