blob: 9426fb37962c10b6df3a3e3167b51c9e68c9c5f8 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* See the LICENSE file for information on copyright, usage and redistribution
* of SWIG, and the README file for authors -
* directors.cxx
* Director support functions.
* Not all of these may be necessary, and some may duplicate existing functionality
* in SWIG. --MR
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
char cvsroot_directors_cxx[] = "$Id";
#include "swigmod.h"
/* Swig_csuperclass_call()
* Generates a fully qualified method call, including the full parameter list.
* e.g. "base::method(i, j)"
String *Swig_csuperclass_call(String *base, String *method, ParmList *l) {
String *call = NewString("");
int arg_idx = 0;
Parm *p;
if (base) {
Printf(call, "%s::", base);
Printf(call, "%s(", method);
for (p = l; p; p = nextSibling(p)) {
String *pname = Getattr(p, "name");
if (!pname && Cmp(Getattr(p, "type"), "void")) {
pname = NewString("");
Printf(pname, "arg%d", arg_idx++);
if (p != l)
Printf(call, ", ");
Printv(call, pname, NIL);
Printf(call, ")");
return call;
/* Swig_class_declaration()
* Generate the start of a class/struct declaration.
* e.g. "class myclass"
String *Swig_class_declaration(Node *n, String *name) {
if (!name) {
name = Getattr(n, "sym:name");
String *result = NewString("");
String *kind = Getattr(n, "kind");
Printf(result, "%s %s", kind, name);
return result;
String *Swig_class_name(Node *n) {
String *name;
name = Copy(Getattr(n, "sym:name"));
return name;
/* Swig_director_declaration()
* Generate the full director class declaration, complete with base classes.
* e.g. "class SwigDirector_myclass : public myclass, public Swig::Director {"
String *Swig_director_declaration(Node *n) {
String *classname = Swig_class_name(n);
String *directorname = NewStringf("SwigDirector_%s", classname);
String *base = Getattr(n, "classtype");
String *declaration = Swig_class_declaration(n, directorname);
Printf(declaration, " : public %s, public Swig::Director {\n", base);
return declaration;
String *Swig_method_call(String_or_char *name, ParmList *parms) {
String *func;
int i = 0;
int comma = 0;
Parm *p = parms;
SwigType *pt;
String *nname;
func = NewString("");
nname = SwigType_namestr(name);
Printf(func, "%s(", nname);
while (p) {
String *pname;
pt = Getattr(p, "type");
if ((SwigType_type(pt) != T_VOID)) {
if (comma)
Printf(func, ",");
pname = Getattr(p, "name");
Printf(func, "%s", pname);
comma = 1;
p = nextSibling(p);
Printf(func, ")");
return func;
/* Swig_method_decl
* Misnamed and misappropriated! Taken from SWIG's type string manipulation utilities
* and modified to generate full (or partial) type qualifiers for method declarations,
* local variable declarations, and return value casting. More importantly, it merges
* parameter type information with actual parameter names to produce a complete method
* declaration that fully mirrors the original method declaration.
* There is almost certainly a saner way to do this.
* This function needs to be cleaned up and possibly split into several smaller
* functions. For instance, attaching default names to parameters should be done in a
* separate function.
String *Swig_method_decl(SwigType *returntype, SwigType *decl, const String_or_char *id, List *args, int strip, int values) {
String *result;
List *elements;
String *element = 0, *nextelement;
int is_const = 0;
int nelements, i;
int is_func = 0;
int arg_idx = 0;
if (id) {
result = NewString(Char(id));
} else {
result = NewString("");
elements = SwigType_split(decl);
nelements = Len(elements);
if (nelements > 0) {
element = Getitem(elements, 0);
for (i = 0; i < nelements; i++) {
if (i < (nelements - 1)) {
nextelement = Getitem(elements, i + 1);
} else {
nextelement = 0;
if (SwigType_isqualifier(element)) {
int skip = 0;
DOH *q = 0;
if (!strip) {
q = SwigType_parm(element);
if (!Cmp(q, "const")) {
is_const = 1;
is_func = SwigType_isfunction(nextelement);
if (is_func)
skip = 1;
skip = 1;
if (!skip) {
Insert(result, 0, " ");
Insert(result, 0, q);
} else if (SwigType_isfunction(element)) {
Parm *parm;
String *p;
Append(result, "(");
parm = args;
while (parm != 0) {
String *type = Getattr(parm, "type");
String *name = Getattr(parm, "name");
if (!name && Cmp(type, "void")) {
name = NewString("");
Printf(name, "arg%d", arg_idx++);
Setattr(parm, "name", name);
if (!name) {
name = NewString("");
p = SwigType_str(type, name);
Append(result, p);
String *value = Getattr(parm, "value");
if (values && (value != 0)) {
Printf(result, " = %s", value);
parm = nextSibling(parm);
if (parm != 0)
Append(result, ", ");
Append(result, ")");
} else if (returntype) { // This check is intended for conversion operators to a pointer/reference which needs the pointer/reference ignoring in the declaration
if (SwigType_ispointer(element)) {
Insert(result, 0, "*");
if ((nextelement) && ((SwigType_isfunction(nextelement) || (SwigType_isarray(nextelement))))) {
Insert(result, 0, "(");
Append(result, ")");
} else if (SwigType_ismemberpointer(element)) {
String *q;
q = SwigType_parm(element);
Insert(result, 0, "::*");
Insert(result, 0, q);
if ((nextelement) && ((SwigType_isfunction(nextelement) || (SwigType_isarray(nextelement))))) {
Insert(result, 0, "(");
Append(result, ")");
} else if (SwigType_isreference(element)) {
Insert(result, 0, "&");
} else if (SwigType_isarray(element)) {
DOH *size;
Append(result, "[");
size = SwigType_parm(element);
Append(result, size);
Append(result, "]");
} else {
if (Strcmp(element, "v(...)") == 0) {
Insert(result, 0, "...");
} else {
String *bs = SwigType_namestr(element);
Insert(result, 0, " ");
Insert(result, 0, bs);
element = nextelement;
if (is_const) {
if (is_func) {
Append(result, " ");
Append(result, "const");
} else {
Insert(result, 0, "const ");
if (returntype) {
Insert(result, 0, " ");
String *rtype = SwigType_str(returntype, 0);
Insert(result, 0, rtype);
return result;