blob: c3ec77fc32e72c5d4c3ca826d604b9e75aeef2c0 [file] [log] [blame]
using inherit_same_name3Namespace;
using System;
public class inherit_same_name3_runme {
public static void Main() {
A c_as_A = (A) new C();
/* C::xyz is a static function and should not override A::xyz */
Assert( == 1);
/* Now the static function is called directly */
Assert( == 2);
E f = (E) new F();
/* E::xyz and F::xyz should be virtual */
Assert( == 3);
H h = new H();
G h_as_G = (G) h;
/* H::xyz should not override G::xyz because it has been renamed from H::xyz2 */
Assert( == 1);
Assert( == 2);
private static void Assert(bool val) {
if (!val)
throw new Exception("assertion failure in test inherit_same_name3");