blob: b54203d0a1880854a1ddb79a673a3b86fabe9bb6 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
%module doxygen_translate_all_tags
#if defined(SWIGJAVA)
%javamethodmodifiers func02 "@Deprecated\npublic"
%inline %{
* \a Hello
* \addindex SomeLatexIndex
* \addtogroup someGroup "Some title"
* \anchor theAnchor
* \arg some list item
* \attention This is attention!
* You were warned!
* \authors lots of them
* \author Zubr
* \b boldword
* \brief Some brief description,
* extended to many lines.
* \bug Not everything works right now...
* \c codeword
* \callgraph
* \callergraph
* \category someCategory headerFile.h headerName
* \cite citationword
* \class someClass headerFile.h headerName
* \code some test code \endcode
* Code immediately following text. Pydoc translation must add an
* empty line before:
* \code more test code \endcode
void func01(int a)
* Some conditional comment
* \endcond
* \copybrief someClass::someMethod
* \copydetails someClass::someMethod2
* \copydoc someClass::someMethod3
* \copyright some copyright
* \date 1970 - 2012
* \def someDefine
* \defgroup someGroup Some titles
* \deprecated Now use another function
* \details This is very large
* and detailed description of some thing
void func02(int a)
* Comment for \b func03().
* \dir /somePath/someFolder
* \dontinclude someFile.h
* \dot
* digraph example {
* node [shape=record, fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=10];
* b [ label="class B" URL="\ref B"];
* c [ label="class C" URL="\ref C"];
* b -> c [ arrowhead="open", style="dashed" ];
* }
* \enddot
* \dotfile "The caption"
* \e italicword
* \em emphazedWord
* \enum someEnum
* \example someFile.txt
* Some details on using the example
void func03(int a)
* \exception SuperError
* \extends someOtherFunction
* \f$ \sqrt{(x_2-x_1)^2+(y_2-y_1)^2} \f$
* \f[
* \sqrt{(x_2-x_1)^2+(y_2-y_1)^2}
* \f]
* \f{
* \sqrt{(x_2-x_1)^2+(y_2-y_1)^2}
* \f}
* Math immediately following text. Pydoc translation must add an
* empty line before:
* \f[
* \sqrt{(x_2-x_1)^2+(y_2-y_1)^2}
* \f]
* \file file.h
* \fn someFn
* \headerfile someHeader.h "Header name"
* \hideinitializer
* \htmlinclude htmlFile.htm
* \htmlonly
* This will only appear in hmtl
* \endhtmlonly
void func04(int a)
* First part of comment
* Nested condition text
* The third condition text
* \else
* The last text block
* \endif
* \else
* Second part of comment
* Second part extended
* \endif
* \endif
* This is printed if not
* \endif
* \image html testImage.bmp "Hello, world!" asd=10qwe
* \implements someFunction
* \include header.h
* \includelineno header2.h
* \ingroup someGroup anotherGroup
* \internal
* \invariant Some text
* describing invariant.
void func05(int a)
* Comment for \b func06().
* \interface someInterface someHeader.h "Header name"
* \latexonly
* This will only appear in LATeX
* \endlatexonly
* <ul>
* \li Some unordered list
* \li With lots of items
* \li lots of lots of items
* </ul>
* \line example
* \link someMember Some description follows\endlink with text after
* \mainpage Some title
* \manonly
* This will only appear in man
* \endmanonly
* \memberof someThing
* \msc
* Sender,Receiver;
* Sender->Receiver [label="Command()", URL="\ref Receiver::Command()"];
* Sender<-Receiver [label="Ack()", URL="\ref Ack()", ID="1"];
* \endmsc
* \mscfile mscFile.msc "The caption"
* \n \n \n
void func06(int a)
* Comment for \b func07().
* \name someHeader.h
* \namespace someNamespace
* \nosubgrouping
* \note Here
* is the note!
* \overload
* \p someword
* \package superPackage
* \page somePage The title
* \par The paragraph title
* The paragraph text.
* Maybe even multiline
* \paragraph someParagraph Paragraph title
* \param a the first param
* \param[in] b parameter with intent(in)
* \param[out] c parameter with intent(out)
* \param[in,out] d parameter with intent(in,out)
* \post Some description
* \pre Some description
* \private
* \privatesection
* \property someVar
void func07(int a, int b, int c, int d)
* \protected
* \protectedsection
* \anchor someAnchor
* Text after anchor.
* \protocol someProtocol header.h "Header name"
* \public
* \publicsection
* \ref someAnchor "Anchor description"
* \ref someAnchor not quoted text is not part of ref tag
* \ref someAnchor
* \related toSomething
* \relates toSomethingElse
* \relatedalso someName
* \relatesalso someName
* \remark Some remark text
* \remarks Another remarks section
* \result Whatever
* \return it
* \returns may return
* \retval someValue Some description
void func08(int a)
* \rtfonly
* This will only appear in RTF
* \endrtfonly
* \sa someOtherMethod
* \section someSection Some title
* \see function
* \short Same as
* brief description
* \showinitializer
* \since version
* \skip somePattern
* \skipline someLine
* \snippet example.h Some snippet
* \struct someStruct
* \subpage someSubpage "Some description"
* \subsection someSubsection Some title
* \subsubsection someSubsection Some title
* \tableofcontents
* \test Some
* description of the
* test case
* \throw superException
* \throws RuntimeError
void func09(int a)
* \todo Some very important task
* \tparam b B is mentioned again...
* \typedef someTypedef
* \union someUnion
* \until somePattern
* \var someVar
* \verbatim
* very long
* text with tags <sometag>
* \endverbatim
* \verbinclude someFile.h
* \version
* \warning This is senseless!
* \weakgroup someGroup Some title
* \xmlonly
* This will only appear in XML
* \endxmlonly
* \xrefitem todo "Todo" "Todo List"
* Here goes test of symbols:
* \$ \@ \\ \& \~ \< \> \# \% \" \. \::
* And here goes simple text
void func10(int a, float b)