blob: 0bfcde2f53b4de1e7dff4b1b093665202a87db4d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
'''A script with better SWIG support. To use it, either
rename it to and have it pe processed by your configure
script (you will need to define @PYTHON@), or replace the @*@ strings
by hand.
Copyright 2001, Anthony Joseph Seward'''
from distutils.core import setup, Extension
## Start of better Swig support
from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext
import os
import string
class build_swig_ext(build_ext):
'''Better swig support for Distutils'''
## __ Tell Distutils about the options
user_options = build_ext.user_options
boolean_options = build_ext.boolean_options
('swig-doc=', None,
'what type of documentation should SWIG produce (default: none)')
('swig-inc=', None,
'a list of directories to add to the SWIG include path'
+ "(separated by ':')(default: SWIG)")
('swig-shadow', None,
'have SWIG create shadow classes'
+ ' (also adds docstrings to the shadow classes')
def initialize_options(self):
'''Initialize the new options after the inherited ones'''
self.swig_doc = 'none'
self.swig_inc = 'SWIG'
self.swig_shadow = None
def swig_sources(self, sources):
"""Override the definition of 'swig_sources' in build_ext. This
is essentially the same function but with better swig support.
I will now quote the original docstring:
Walk the list of source files in 'sources', looking for SWIG
interface (.i) files. Run SWIG on all that are found, and
return a modified 'sources' list with SWIG source files replaced
by the generated C (or C++) files.
new_sources = []
swig_sources = []
swig_targets = {}
# XXX this drops generated C/C++ files into the source tree, which
# is fine for developers who want to distribute the generated
# source -- but there should be an option to put SWIG output in
# the temp dir.
if self.swig_cpp:
target_ext = '.cpp'
target_ext = '.c'
for source in sources:
(base, ext) = os.path.splitext(source)
if ext == ".i": # SWIG interface file
new_sources.append(base + target_ext)
swig_targets[source] = new_sources[-1]
if not swig_sources:
return new_sources
includes = self.swig_inc
if type(includes) is type(''):
includes = string.split(includes, ':')
includes = map(lambda x: '-I'+x, includes)
includes = string.join(includes)
swig = self.find_swig()
## swig_cmd = [swig, "-python", "-d%s" % self.swig_doc, includes]
swig_cmd = [swig, '-v', '-python', '-d%s' % self.swig_doc, includes]
if self.swig_cpp:
if self.swig_shadow:
## swig1.1 swig_cmd.append('-docstring')
for source in swig_sources:
target = swig_targets[source]
self.announce('swigging %s to %s' % (source, target))
self.spawn(swig_cmd + ['-o', target, source])
return new_sources
# swig_sources ()
## End of improved swig support
package = '@PACKAGE@'
version = '@VERSION@'
include_dirs = ['@top_srcdir@']
lib_dirs = ['@top_srcdir@/@PACKAGE@']
libraries = ['@PACKAGE@', 'stdc++']
setup(name = package,
version = version,
description = '',
author = '',
author_email = '',
url = 'http://',
cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_swig_ext},
ext_modules = [Extension(package+'cmodule',
options = {'build_ext':
{'swig_doc': 'html',
'swig_cpp': not None,
'swig_shadow': not None}