blob: 9f9d53349862718eeb3b5e5d348c926e420378b3 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* swig.swg
* Common macro definitions for various SWIG directives. This file is always
* included at the top of each input file.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* User Directives
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Deprecated SWIG-1.1 directives */
#define %disabledoc %warn "104:%disabledoc is deprecated"
#define %enabledoc %warn "105:%enabledoc is deprecated"
#define %doconly %warn "106:%doconly is deprecated"
#define %style %warn "107:%style is deprecated" /##/
#define %localstyle %warn "108:%localstyle is deprecated" /##/
#define %title %warn "109:%title is deprecated" /##/
#define %section %warn "110:%section is deprecated" /##/
#define %subsection %warn "111:%subsection is deprecated" /##/
#define %subsubsection %warn "112:%subsubsection is deprecated" /##/
#define %new %warn "117:%new is deprecated. Use %newobject"
#define %text %insert("null")
/* Code insertion directives such as %wrapper %{ ... %} */
#define %begin %insert("begin")
#define %runtime %insert("runtime")
#define %header %insert("header")
#define %wrapper %insert("wrapper")
#define %init %insert("init")
/* Class extension */
#define %addmethods %warn "113:%addmethods is now %extend" %extend
/* %ignore directive */
#define %ignore %rename($ignore)
#define %ignorewarn(x) %rename("$ignore:" x)
/* Access control directives */
#define %readonly %warn "114:%readonly is deprecated. Use %immutable; " %feature("immutable");
#define %readwrite %warn "115:%readwrite is deprecated. Use %mutable; " %feature("immutable","");
#define %immutable %feature("immutable")
#define %noimmutable %feature("immutable","0")
#define %clearimmutable %feature("immutable","")
#define %mutable %clearimmutable
/* Generation of default constructors/destructors (old form, don't use) */
#define %nodefault %feature("nodefault","1")
#define %default %feature("nodefault","0")
#define %clearnodefault %feature("nodefault","")
#define %makedefault %clearnodefault
/* Disable the generation of implicit default constructor */
#define %nodefaultctor %feature("nodefaultctor","1")
#define %defaultctor %feature("nodefaultctor","0")
#define %clearnodefaultctor %feature("nodefaultctor","")
/* Disable the generation of implicit default destructor (dangerous) */
#define %nodefaultdtor %feature("nodefaultdtor","1")
#define %defaultdtor %feature("nodefaultdtor","0")
#define %clearnodefaultdtor %feature("nodefaultdtor","")
/* Enable the generation of copy constructor */
#define %copyctor %feature("copyctor","1")
#define %nocopyctor %feature("copyctor","0")
#define %clearcopyctor %feature("copyctor","")
/* Force the old nodefault behavior, ie disable both constructor and destructor */
#define %oldnodefault %feature("oldnodefault","1")
#define %nooldnodefault %feature("oldnodefault","0")
#define %clearoldnodefault %feature("oldnodefault","")
/* the %exception directive */
#if defined(SWIGCSHARP) || defined(SWIGD)
#define %exception %feature("except", canthrow=1)
#define %exception %feature("except")
#define %noexception %feature("except","0")
#define %clearexception %feature("except","")
/* the %allowexception directive allows the %exception feature to
be applied to set/get variable methods */
#define %allowexception %feature("allowexcept")
#define %noallowexception %feature("allowexcept","0")
#define %clearallowexception %feature("allowexcept","")
/* the %exceptionvar directive, as %exception but it is only applied
to set/get variable methods. You don't need to use the
%allowexception directive when using %exceptionvar.
#if defined(SWIGCSHARP) || defined(SWIGD)
#define %exceptionvar %feature("exceptvar", canthrow=1)
#define %exceptionvar %feature("exceptvar")
#define %noexceptionvar %feature("exceptvar","0")
#define %clearexceptionvar %feature("exceptvar","")
/* the %catches directive */
#define %catches(tlist...) %feature("catches","("`tlist`")")
#define %clearcatches %feature("catches","")
/* the %exceptionclass directive */
#define %exceptionclass %feature("exceptionclass")
#define %noexceptionclass %feature("exceptionclass","0")
#define %clearexceptionclass %feature("exceptionclass","")
/* the %newobject directive */
#define %newobject %feature("new")
#define %nonewobject %feature("new","0")
#define %clearnewobject %feature("new","")
/* the %delobject directive */
#define %delobject %feature("del")
#define %nodelobject %feature("del","0")
#define %cleardelobject %feature("del","")
/* the %refobject/%unrefobject directives */
#define %refobject %feature("ref")
#define %norefobject %feature("ref","0")
#define %clearrefobject %feature("ref","")
#define %unrefobject %feature("unref")
#define %nounrefobject %feature("unref","0")
#define %clearunrefobject %feature("unref","")
/* Directives for callback functions (experimental) */
#define %callback(x) %feature("callback",`x`)
#define %nocallback %feature("callback","0")
#define %clearcallback %feature("callback","")
/* the %nestedworkaround directive (deprecated) */
#define %nestedworkaround %feature("nestedworkaround")
#define %nonestedworkaround %feature("nestedworkaround","0")
#define %clearnestedworkaround %feature("nestedworkaround","")
/* the %flatnested directive */
#define %flatnested %feature("flatnested")
#define %noflatnested %feature("flatnested","0")
#define %clearflatnested %feature("flatnested","")
/* the %fastdispatch directive */
#define %fastdispatch %feature("fastdispatch")
#define %nofastdispatch %feature("fastdispatch","0")
#define %clearfastdispatch %feature("fastdispatch","")
/* directors directives */
#define %director %feature("director")
#define %nodirector %feature("director","0")
#define %cleardirector %feature("director","")
/* naturalvar directives */
#define %naturalvar %feature("naturalvar")
#define %nonaturalvar %feature("naturalvar","0")
#define %clearnaturalvar %feature("naturalvar","")
/* nspace directives */
#define %nspace %feature("nspace")
#define %nonspace %feature("nspace","0")
#define %clearnspace %feature("nspace","")
/* valuewrapper directives */
#define %valuewrapper %feature("valuewrapper")
#define %clearvaluewrapper %feature("valuewrapper","")
#define %novaluewrapper %feature("novaluewrapper")
#define %clearnovaluewrapper %feature("novaluewrapper","")
/* Contract support - Experimental */
#define %contract %feature("contract")
#define %nocontract %feature("contract","0")
#define %clearcontract %feature("contract","")
/* Macro for setting a dynamic cast function */
%define DYNAMIC_CAST(mangle,func)
%init %{
mangle->dcast = (swig_dycast_func) func;
/* aggregation support */
This macro performs constant aggregation. Basically the idea of
constant aggregation is that you can group a collection of constants
together. For example, suppose you have some code like this:
#define UP 1
#define DOWN 2
#define LEFT 3
#define RIGHT 4
Now, suppose you had a function like this:
int move(int direction)
In this case, you might want to restrict the direction argument to
one of the supplied constant names. To do this, you could write some
typemap code by hand. Alternatively, you can use the
%aggregate_check macro defined here to create a simple check
function for you. Here is an example:
%aggregate_check(int, check_direction, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT);
Now, using a typemap
%typemap(check) int direction {
if (!check_direction($1)) SWIG_exception(SWIG_ValueError,"Bad direction.");
or a contract (better)
%contract move(int x) {
%define %aggregate_check(TYPE, NAME, FIRST, ...)
%wrapper %{
static int NAME(TYPE x) {
static TYPE values[] = { FIRST, ##__VA_ARGS__ };
static int size = sizeof(values);
int i,j;
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < size; i+=sizeof(TYPE),j++) {
if (x == values[j]) return 1;
return 0;
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* %rename predicates
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Predicates to be used with %rename, for example:
- to rename all the functions:
%rename("%(utitle)s", %$isfunction) "";
- to rename only the member methods:
%rename("m_%(utitle)s", %$isfunction, %$ismember) "";
- to rename only the global functions:
%rename("m_%(utitle)s", %$isfunction, %$not %$ismember) "";
%rename("g_%(utitle)s", %$isfunction, %$isglobal) "";
- to ignore the enumitems in a given class:
%rename("$ignore", %$isenumitem, %$classname="MyClass") "";
we use the prefix '%$' to avoid clashes with other swig
/* Note that when %$not is used with another macro, say %enum as follows: %$not %$enum, the result is "notmatch=enum" */
%define %$not "not" %enddef
%define %$isenum "match"="enum" %enddef
%define %$isenumitem "match"="enumitem" %enddef
%define %$isaccess "match"="access" %enddef
%define %$isclass "match"="class","notmatch$template$templatetype"="class" %enddef
%define %$isextend "match"="extend" %enddef
%define %$isconstructor "match"="constructor" %enddef
%define %$isdestructor "match"="destructor" %enddef
%define %$isnamespace "match"="namespace" %enddef
%define %$istemplate "match"="template" %enddef
%define %$isconstant "match"="constant" %enddef /* %constant definition */
%define %$isusing "match"="using" %enddef
%define %$isunion "match$kind"="union" %enddef
%define %$isfunction "match$kind"="function" %enddef
%define %$isvariable "match$kind"="variable" %enddef
%define %$isimmutable "match$feature:immutable"="1" %enddef
%define %$hasconsttype "match$hasconsttype"="1" %enddef
%define %$hasvalue "match$hasvalue"="1" %enddef
%define %$isextension "match$isextension"="1" %enddef
%define %$isstatic "match$storage"="static" %enddef
%define %$isfriend "match$storage"="friend" %enddef
%define %$istypedef "match$storage"="typedef" %enddef
%define %$isvirtual "match$storage"="virtual" %enddef
%define %$isexplicit "match$storage"="explicit" %enddef
%define %$isextern "match$storage"="extern" %enddef
%define %$ismember "match$ismember"="1" %enddef
%define %$isglobal %$not %$ismember %enddef
%define %$isextendmember "match$isextendmember"="1" %enddef
%define %$innamespace "match$parentNode$nodeType"="namespace" %enddef
%define %$ispublic "match$access"="public" %enddef
%define %$isprotected "match$access"="protected" %enddef
%define %$isprivate "match$access"="private" %enddef
%define %$ismemberget "match$memberget"="1" %enddef
%define %$ismemberset "match$memberset"="1" %enddef
%define %$classname %$ismember,"match$parentNode$name" %enddef
%define %$isnested "match$nested"="1" %enddef
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Common includes for warning labels, macros, fragments etc
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
%include <swigwarnings.swg>
%include <swigfragments.swg>
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Overloading support
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Function/method overloading support. This is done through typemaps,
* but also involves a precedence level.
/* Macro for overload resolution */
%define %typecheck(_x...) %typemap(typecheck, precedence=_x) %enddef
/* Macros for precedence levels */
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_POINTER 0 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_VOIDPTR 10 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_BOOL 15 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_UINT8 20 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT8 25 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_UINT16 30 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT16 35 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_UINT32 40 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT32 45 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_SIZE 47 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_PTRDIFF 48 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_UINT64 50 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT64 55 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_UINT128 60 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT128 65 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INTEGER 70 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_FLOAT 80 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_DOUBLE 90 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_CPLXFLT 95 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_CPLXDBL 100 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_COMPLEX 105 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_UNICHAR 110 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_UNISTRING 120 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_CHAR 130 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_STDSTRING 135 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_STRING 140 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_PAIR 150 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_STDARRAY 155 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_VECTOR 160 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_DEQUE 170 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_LIST 180 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_SET 190 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_MULTISET 200 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_MAP 210 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_MULTIMAP 220 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_STACK 230 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_QUEUE 240 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_BOOL_ARRAY 1015 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT8_ARRAY 1025 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT16_ARRAY 1035 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT32_ARRAY 1045 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT64_ARRAY 1055 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT128_ARRAY 1065 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_FLOAT_ARRAY 1080 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_DOUBLE_ARRAY 1090 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_CHAR_ARRAY 1130 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_STRING_ARRAY 1140 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_OBJECT_ARRAY 1150 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_BOOL_PTR 2015 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_UINT8_PTR 2020 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT8_PTR 2025 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_UINT16_PTR 2030 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT16_PTR 2035 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_UINT32_PTR 2040 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT32_PTR 2045 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_UINT64_PTR 2050 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_INT64_PTR 2055 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_FLOAT_PTR 2080 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_DOUBLE_PTR 2090 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_CHAR_PTR 2130 %enddef
%define SWIG_TYPECHECK_SWIGOBJECT 5000 %enddef
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Default handling of certain overloaded operators
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifdef __cplusplus
%ignoreoperator(NEW) operator new;
%ignoreoperator(DELETE) operator delete;
%ignoreoperator(NEWARR) operator new[];
%ignoreoperator(DELARR) operator delete[];
/* add C++ operator aliases */
%rename("operator &&") operator and; // `and' `&&'
%rename("operator ||") operator or; // `or' `||'
%rename("operator !") operator not; // `not' `!'
%rename("operator &=") operator and_eq; // `and_eq' `&='
%rename("operator &") operator bitand; // `bitand' `&'
%rename("operator |") operator bitor; // `bitor' `|'
%rename("operator ~") operator compl; // `compl' `~'
%rename("operator !=") operator not_eq; // `not_eq' `!='
%rename("operator |=") operator or_eq; // `or_eq' `|='
%rename("operator ^") operator xor; // `xor' `^'
%rename("operator ^=") operator xor_eq; // `xor_eq' `^='
/* Smart pointer handling */
%rename(__deref__) *::operator->;
%rename(__ref__) *::operator*();
%rename(__ref__) *::operator*() const;
/* Define std namespace */
namespace std {
/* Warn about std::initializer_list usage. The constructor/method where used should probably be ignored. See docs. */
template<typename T> class initializer_list {};
%typemap(in, warning=SWIGWARN_TYPEMAP_INITIALIZER_LIST_MSG) initializer_list<T> ""
%typemap(typecheck, precedence=SWIG_TYPECHECK_POINTER) initializer_list<T> ""
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Default char * and C array typemaps
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Set up the typemap for handling new return strings */
#ifdef __cplusplus
%typemap(newfree) char * "delete [] $1;"
%typemap(newfree) char * "free($1);"
/* Default typemap for handling char * members */
#ifdef __cplusplus
%typemap(memberin,fragment="<string.h>") char * {
delete [] $1;
if ($input) {
$1 = ($1_type) (new char[strlen((const char *)$input)+1]);
strcpy((char *)$1, (const char *)$input);
} else {
$1 = 0;
%typemap(memberin,warning=SWIGWARN_TYPEMAP_CHARLEAK_MSG,fragment="<string.h>") const char * {
if ($input) {
$1 = ($1_type) (new char[strlen((const char *)$input)+1]);
strcpy((char *)$1, (const char *)$input);
} else {
$1 = 0;
%typemap(globalin,fragment="<string.h>") char * {
delete [] $1;
if ($input) {
$1 = ($1_type) (new char[strlen((const char *)$input)+1]);
strcpy((char *)$1, (const char *)$input);
} else {
$1 = 0;
%typemap(globalin,warning=SWIGWARN_TYPEMAP_CHARLEAK_MSG,fragment="<string.h>") const char * {
if ($input) {
$1 = ($1_type) (new char[strlen((const char *)$input)+1]);
strcpy((char *)$1, (const char *)$input);
} else {
$1 = 0;
%typemap(memberin,fragment="<string.h>") char * {
if ($input) {
$1 = ($1_type) malloc(strlen((const char *)$input)+1);
strcpy((char *)$1, (const char *)$input);
} else {
$1 = 0;
%typemap(memberin,warning=SWIGWARN_TYPEMAP_CHARLEAK_MSG,fragment="<string.h>") const char * {
if ($input) {
$1 = ($1_type) malloc(strlen((const char *)$input)+1);
strcpy((char *)$1, (const char *)$input);
} else {
$1 = 0;
%typemap(globalin,fragment="<string.h>") char * {
if ($input) {
$1 = ($1_type) malloc(strlen((const char *)$input)+1);
strcpy((char *)$1, (const char *)$input);
} else {
$1 = 0;
%typemap(globalin,warning=SWIGWARN_TYPEMAP_CHARLEAK_MSG,fragment="<string.h>") const char * {
if ($input) {
$1 = ($1_type) malloc(strlen((const char *)$input)+1);
strcpy((char *)$1, (const char *)$input);
} else {
$1 = 0;
/* Character array handling */
%typemap(memberin,fragment="<string.h>") char [ANY] {
if($input) {
strncpy((char*)$1, (const char *)$input, $1_dim0-1);
$1[$1_dim0-1] = 0;
} else {
$1[0] = 0;
%typemap(globalin,fragment="<string.h>") char [ANY] {
if($input) {
strncpy((char*)$1, (const char *)$input, $1_dim0-1);
$1[$1_dim0-1] = 0;
} else {
$1[0] = 0;
%typemap(memberin,fragment="<string.h>") char [] {
if ($input) strcpy((char *)$1, (const char *)$input);
else $1[0] = 0;
%typemap(globalin,fragment="<string.h>") char [] {
if ($input) strcpy((char *)$1, (const char *)$input);
else $1[0] = 0;
/* memberin/globalin typemap for arrays. */
%typemap(memberin,fragment="<string.h>") SWIGTYPE [ANY] {
size_t ii;
$1_basetype *b = ($1_basetype *) $1;
for (ii = 0; ii < (size_t)$1_size; ii++) b[ii] = *(($1_basetype *) $input + ii);
%typemap(globalin,fragment="<string.h>") SWIGTYPE [ANY] {
size_t ii;
$1_basetype *b = ($1_basetype *) $1;
for (ii = 0; ii < (size_t)$1_size; ii++) b[ii] = *(($1_basetype *) $input + ii);
/* memberin/globalin typemap for double arrays. */
%typemap(memberin,fragment="<string.h>") SWIGTYPE [ANY][ANY] {
$basetype (*inp)[$1_dim1] = ($basetype (*)[$1_dim1])($input);
$basetype (*dest)[$1_dim1] = ($basetype (*)[$1_dim1])($1);
size_t ii = 0;
for (; ii < $1_dim0; ++ii) {
$basetype *ip = inp[ii];
$basetype *dp = dest[ii];
size_t jj = 0;
for (; jj < $1_dim1; ++jj) dp[jj] = ip[jj];
%typemap(globalin,fragment="<string.h>") SWIGTYPE [ANY][ANY] {
$basetype (*inp)[$1_dim1] = ($basetype (*)[$1_dim1])($input);
$basetype (*dest)[$1_dim1] = ($basetype (*)[$1_dim1])($1);
size_t ii = 0;
for (; ii < $1_dim0; ++ii) {
$basetype *ip = inp[ii];
$basetype *dp = dest[ii];
size_t jj = 0;
for (; jj < $1_dim1; ++jj) dp[jj] = ip[jj];
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Runtime code
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
%insert("runtime") "swiglabels.swg"
/* The SwigValueWrapper class */
* This template wrapper is used to handle C++ objects that are passed or
* returned by value. This is necessary to handle objects that define
* no default-constructor (making it difficult for SWIG to properly declare
* local variables).
* The wrapper is used as follows. First consider a function like this:
* Vector cross_product(Vector a, Vector b)
* Now, if Vector is defined as a C++ class with no default constructor,
* code is generated as follows:
* Vector *wrap_cross_product(Vector *inarg1, Vector *inarg2) {
* SwigValueWrapper<Vector> arg1;
* SwigValueWrapper<Vector> arg2;
* SwigValueWrapper<Vector> result;
* arg1 = *inarg1;
* arg2 = *inarg2;
* ...
* result = cross_product(arg1,arg2);
* ...
* return new Vector(result);
* }
* In the wrappers, the template SwigValueWrapper simply provides a thin
* layer around a Vector *. However, it does this in a way that allows
* the object to be bound after the variable declaration (which is not possible
* with the bare object when it lacks a default constructor).
* An observant reader will notice that the code after the variable declarations
* is *identical* to the code used for classes that do define default constructors.
* Thus, this neat trick allows us to fix this special case without having to
* make massive changes to typemaps and other parts of the SWIG code generator.
* Note: this code is not included when SWIG runs in C-mode, when classes
* define default constructors, or when pointers and references are used.
* SWIG tries to avoid doing this except in very special circumstances.
* Note: This solution suffers from making a large number of copies
* of the underlying object. However, this is needed in the interest of
* safety and in order to cover all of the possible ways in which a value
* might be assigned. For example:
* arg1 = *inarg1; // Assignment from a pointer
* arg1 = Vector(1,2,3); // Assignment from a value
* SwigValueWrapper is a drop in replacement to modify normal value semantics by
* using the heap instead of the stack to copy/move the underlying object it is
* managing. Smart pointers also manage an underlying object on the heap, so
* SwigValueWrapper has characteristics of a smart pointer. The reset function
* is specific smart pointer functionality, but cannot be a non-static member as
* when SWIG modifies typemap code it assumes non-static member function calls
* are routed to the underlying object, changing for example $1.f() to (&x)->f().
* The reset function was added as an optimisation to avoid some copying/moving
* and to take ownership of an object already created on the heap.
* The class offers a strong guarantee of exception safety.
* With regards to the implementation, the private SwigSmartPointer nested class is
* a simple smart pointer providing exception safety, much like std::auto_ptr.
* This wrapping technique was suggested by William Fulton and is henceforth
* known as the "Fulton Transform" :-).
#ifdef __cplusplus
// Placed in the header section to ensure the language specific header files are
// the first included headers and not <utility>
%insert("header") %{
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <utility>
/* SwigValueWrapper is described in swig.swg */
template<typename T> class SwigValueWrapper {
struct SwigSmartPointer {
T *ptr;
SwigSmartPointer(T *p) : ptr(p) { }
~SwigSmartPointer() { delete ptr; }
SwigSmartPointer& operator=(SwigSmartPointer& rhs) { T* oldptr = ptr; ptr = 0; delete oldptr; ptr = rhs.ptr; rhs.ptr = 0; return *this; }
void reset(T *p) { T* oldptr = ptr; ptr = 0; delete oldptr; ptr = p; }
} pointer;
SwigValueWrapper& operator=(const SwigValueWrapper<T>& rhs);
SwigValueWrapper(const SwigValueWrapper<T>& rhs);
SwigValueWrapper() : pointer(0) { }
SwigValueWrapper& operator=(const T& t) { SwigSmartPointer tmp(new T(t)); pointer = tmp; return *this; }
#if __cplusplus >=201103L
SwigValueWrapper& operator=(T&& t) { SwigSmartPointer tmp(new T(std::move(t))); pointer = tmp; return *this; }
operator T&&() const { return std::move(*pointer.ptr); }
operator T&() const { return *pointer.ptr; }
T *operator&() const { return pointer.ptr; }
static void reset(SwigValueWrapper& t, T *p) { t.pointer.reset(p); }
* SwigValueInit() is a generic initialisation solution as the following approach:
* T c_result = T();
* doesn't compile for all types for example:
* unsigned int c_result = unsigned int();
template <typename T> T SwigValueInit() {
return T();
#if __cplusplus >=201103L
# define SWIG_STD_MOVE(OBJ) std::move(OBJ)