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<H2>Simple Go Example</H2>
This example illustrates how you can hook Go to a very simple C program containing
a function and a global variable.
<h2>The C Code</h2>
Suppose you have the following C code:
/* File : example.c */
/* A global variable */
double Foo = 3.0;
/* Compute the greatest common divisor of positive integers */
int gcd(int x, int y) {
int g;
g = y;
while (x &gt; 0) {
g = x;
x = y % x;
y = g;
return g;
<h2>The SWIG interface</h2>
Here is a simple SWIG interface file:
/* File: example.i */
%module example
extern int gcd(int x, int y);
extern double Foo;
These are the instructions if you are using <tt>6g</tt>/<tt>8g</tt>
rather than <tt>gccgo</tt>.
<li>Run <tt>swig -go <a href="example.i">example.i</a></tt>. This
will create the three
files <tt>example.go</tt>, <tt>example_gc.c</tt>,
and <tt>example_wrap.c</tt>.
<li>Compile <tt><a href="example.go">example.go</a></tt>
using <tt>6g</tt> or <tt>8g</tt>; e.g., <tt>6g example.go</tt>.
<li>Compile <tt><a href="example_gc.c">example_gc.c</a></tt>
using <tt>6c</tt> or <tt>8c</tt>; e.g., <tt>6c example_gc.c</tt>.
<li>Put the two object files together into an archive
named <tt>example.a</tt>; e.g., <tt>gopack grc example.a example.6
<li>Compile the <tt><a href="example_wrap.c">example_wrap.c</a></tt>
file using your standard C compiler with the <tt>-fpic</tt> option;
e.g., <tt>gcc -c -O -fpic example_wrap.c</tt>.
<li>Also compile the actual code, not generated by SWIG; e.g., <tt>gcc
-c -O -fpic example.c</tt>.
<li>Put the gcc compiled object files into a shared library;
e.g., <tt>gcc -shared -o example_wrap.o example.o</tt>.
<li>Compile the program which demonstrates how to use the library;
e.g., <tt>6g runme.go</tt>.
<li>Link the program; e.g., <tt>6l -o runme runme.6</tt>.
<li>Now you should have a program <tt>runme</tt>.
<h2>Using the extension</h2>
The Go program which demonstrates calling the C functions from Go
is <a href="runme.go">runme.go</a>.
<h2>Key points</h2>
<li>Use the <tt>import</tt> statement to load your extension module from Go. For example:
import "example"
<li>C functions work just like Go functions. However, the function
names are automatically capitalized in order to make the names
visible from other Go packages. For example:
g := example.Gcd(42,105)
(If there are name conflicts, you can use the <tt>%rename</tt>
directive in the .i file or the <tt>-rename</tt> option to Go to
rename one or the other symbol).
<li>C global variables are accessed using getter and setter
functions. The getter function is named <tt>Get</tt> followed by
the capitalized name of the C variable. The Setter function
uses <tt>Set</tt> instead of <tt>Get</tt>.
a = example.GetFoo()