blob: fda88f63d8a5b07bb8155f8e0b45204ec82c4fec [file] [log] [blame]
// Lots of tests for methods with default parameters / default arguments
%module default_args
%warnfilter(SWIGWARN_PARSE_KEYWORD) val;
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(disable: 4146) // unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned
// throw is invalid in C++17 and later, only SWIG to use it
#define TESTCASE_THROW1(T1) throw(T1)
#define TESTCASE_THROW2(T1, T2) throw(T1, T2)
#define TESTCASE_THROW2(T1, T2)
#include <string.h>
%include <std_string.i>
%inline %{
#include <string>
// All kinds of numbers: hex, octal (which pose special problems to Python), negative...
class TrickyInPython {
int value_m1(int first, int pos = -1) { return pos; }
unsigned value_0xabcdef(int first, unsigned rgb = 0xabcdef) { return rgb; }
int value_0644(int first, int mode = 0644) { return mode; }
int value_perm(int first, int mode = 0640 | 0004) { return mode; }
int value_m01(int first, int val = -01) { return val; }
bool booltest2(bool x = 0 | 1) { return x; }
int max_32bit_int1(int a = 0x7FFFFFFF) { return a; }
int max_32bit_int2(int a = 2147483647) { return a; }
int min_32bit_int1(int a = -0x80000000) { return a; }
long long too_big_32bit_int1(long long a = 0x80000000) { return a; }
long long too_big_32bit_int2(long long a = 2147483648LL) { return a; }
long long too_small_32bit_int1(long long a = -0x80000001) { return a; }
long long too_small_32bit_int2(long long a = -2147483649LL) { return a; }
void doublevalue1(int first, double num = 0.0e-1) {}
void doublevalue2(int first, double num = -0.0E2) {}
void seek(long long offset = 0LL) {}
void seek2(unsigned long long offset = 0ULL) {}
void seek3(long offset = 0L) {}
void seek4(unsigned long offset = 0UL) {}
void seek5(unsigned long offset = 0U) {}
void seek6(unsigned long offset = 02U) {}
void seek7(unsigned long offset = 00U) {}
void seek8(unsigned long offset = 1U) {}
void seek9(long offset = 1L) {}
void seekA(long long offset = 1LL) {}
void seekB(unsigned long long offset = 1ULL) {}
// Anonymous arguments
int anonymous(int = 7771);
int anonymous(int x) { return x; }
// Bug [548272] Default arguments
bool booltest(bool x = true) { return x; }
// scoped enums
enum flavor { BITTER, SWEET };
class EnumClass {
enum speed { FAST, SLOW };
// Note: default values should be EnumClass::FAST and SWEET
bool blah(speed s = FAST, flavor f = SWEET) { return (s == FAST && f == SWEET); };
// using base class enum in a derived class
class DerivedEnumClass : public EnumClass {
void accelerate(speed s = SLOW) { }
// casts
const char * casts1(const char *m = (const char *) NULL) {
char *ret = NULL;
if (m) {
ret = new char[strlen(m)+1];
strcpy(ret, m);
return ret;
const char * casts2(const char *m = (const char *) "Hello") {
char *ret = NULL;
if (m) {
ret = new char[strlen(m)+1];
strcpy(ret, m);
return ret;
// char
char chartest1(char c = 'x') { return c; }
char chartest2(char c = '\0') { return c; }
char chartest3(char c = '\1') { return c; }
char chartest4(char c = '\n') { return c; }
char chartest5(char c = '\102') { return c; } // 'B'
char chartest6(char c = '\x43') { return c; } // 'C'
// namespaces
namespace AType {
enum AType { NoType };
void dummy(AType::AType aType = AType::NoType) {}
namespace A {
namespace B {
int CONST_NUM = 10;
int afunction(int i = B::CONST_NUM) { return i; }
// references
int reftest1(const int &x = 42) { return x; }
std::string reftest2(const std::string &x = "hello") { return x; }
// enum scope
class Tree {
enum types {Oak, Fir, Cedar};
void chops(enum types type) {}
void test(int x = Oak + Fir + Cedar) {}
enum Tree::types chops(enum Tree::types type) { return type; }
// Rename a class member
%rename(bar2) Foo::bar;
%rename(newname) Foo::oldname(int x = 1234);
%ignore Foo::Foo(int x, int y = 0, int z = 0);
%ignore Foo::meth(int x, int y = 0, int z = 0);
%rename(renamed3arg) Foo::renameme(int x, double d) const;
%rename(renamed2arg) Foo::renameme(int x) const;
%rename(renamed1arg) Foo::renameme() const;
%typemap(default) double* null_by_default "$1=0;"
%inline %{
typedef void* MyHandle;
// Define a class
class Foo {
static int bar;
static int spam;
Foo(int x, int y = 0, int z = 0){}
void meth(int x, int y = 0, int z = 0){}
// Use a renamed member as a default argument. SWIG has to resolve
// bar to Foo::bar and not Foo::spam. SWIG-1.3.11 got this wrong.
// (Different default parameter wrapping in SWIG-1.3.23 ensures SWIG doesn't have to resolve these symbols).
void method1(int x = bar) {}
// Use unrenamed member as default
void method2(int x = spam) {}
// test the method itself being renamed
void oldname(int x = 1234) {}
void renameme(int x = 1234, double d=123.4) const {}
// test default values for pointer arguments
int double_if_void_ptr_is_null(int n, void* p = NULL) { return p ? n : 2*n; }
int double_if_handle_is_null(int n, MyHandle h = 0) { return h ? n : 2*n; }
int double_if_dbl_ptr_is_null(int n, double* null_by_default)
{ return null_by_default ? n : 2*n; }
void defaulted1(unsigned offset = -1U) {} // minus unsigned!
void defaulted2(int offset = -1U) {} // minus unsigned!
int Foo::bar = 1;
int Foo::spam = 2;
// tests valuewrapper
%feature("compactdefaultargs") MyClass2::set;
%inline %{
enum MyType { Val1, Val2 };
class MyClass1
MyClass1(MyType myType) {}
class MyClass2
public :
void set(MyClass1 cl1 = Val1) {}
// This could have been written : set(MyClass1 cl1 = MyClass1(Val1))
// But it works in C++ since there is a "conversion" constructor in MyClass1.
void set2(MyClass1 cl1 = Val1) {}
// Default parameters with exception specifications
%inline %{
void exceptionspec(int a = -1) TESTCASE_THROW2(int, const char*) {
if (a == -1)
throw "ciao";
throw a;
struct Except {
Except(bool throwException, int a = -1) TESTCASE_THROW1(int) {
if (throwException)
throw a;
void exspec(int a = 0) TESTCASE_THROW2(int, const char*) {
// Default parameters in static class methods
%rename(staticMethod) staticmethod;
%inline %{
namespace SpaceName {
struct Statics {
static int staticmethod(int a=10, int b=20, int c=30) { return a+b+c; }
// Tests which could never be wrapped prior to changes in default argument wrapping implemented in SWIG-1.3.23:
%inline %{
class Tricky {
static int getDefault() { return 500; }
enum { privatevalue = 200 };
static const char charvalue;
int privatedefault(int val = privatevalue) { return val; }
int protectedint(int val = intvalue) { return val; }
double protecteddouble(double val = doublevalue) { return val; }
int functiondefault(int val = Tricky::getDefault()) { return val; }
char contrived(const char *c = &charvalue) { return *c; }
static const int intvalue = 2000;
static const double doublevalue;
const char Tricky::charvalue = 'X';
const double Tricky::doublevalue = 987.654;
// tests default argument which is a constructor call within namespace
// also tests default constructor (from defaulted parameter)
namespace Space {
struct Klass {
int val;
Klass(int val = -1) : val(val) {}
static Klass inc(int n = 1, const Klass& k = Klass()) { return Klass(k.val + n); }
Klass constructorcall(const Klass& k = Klass()) { return k; }
struct ConstMethods {
int coo(double d = 0.0) { return 10; }
int coo(double d = 0.0) const { return 20; }
// const methods
// runtime test needed to check that the const method is called
struct ConstMethods {
int coo(double d = 0.0) const;
// Default args with C linkage
extern "C" double cfunc1(double x,double p = 1) {
extern "C" {
double cfunc2(double x,double p = 2) {
double cfunc3(double x,double p = 3) {
typedef struct Pointf {
double x,y;
} Pointf;
// Default arguments after ignored ones.
%typemap(in, numinputs=0) int square_error { $1 = 2; };
%typemap(default, noblock=1) int def17 { $1 = 17; };
// Enabling autodoc feature has a side effect of disabling the generation of
// aliases for functions that can hide problems with default arguments at
// Python level.
%feature("autodoc","0") slightly_off_square;
%inline %{
inline int slightly_off_square(int square_error, int def17) { return def17*def17 + square_error; }
// Python C default args
%feature("python:cdefaultargs") CDA::cdefaultargs_test1;
%inline %{
struct CDA {
int cdefaultargs_test1(int a = 1) { return a; }
int cdefaultargs_test2(int a = 1) { return a; }