blob: edcb056418f5a3f46b8d4be062f2ad8c2c388482 [file] [log] [blame]
* @file li_std_map.i
* @author gga
* @date Mon Apr 30 15:03:58 2007
* @brief a test of map containers.
* Languages should define swig::LANGUAGE_OBJ to be
* an entity of their native pointer type which can be
* included in a STL container.
* For example:
* swig::LANGUAGE_OBJ is GC_VALUE in Ruby
* swig::LANGUAGE_OBJ is PyObject_ptr in python
%module("templatereduce") li_std_map
%include std_pair.i
%include std_map.i
%include std_multimap.i
%inline %{
struct A{
int val;
A(int v = 0): val(v)
namespace std
%template(pairii) pair<int, int>;
%template(pairAA) pair<int, A>;
%template(pairA) pair<int, A*>;
%template(mapA) map<int, A*>;
%template(mmapA) multimap<int, A*>;
%template(paircA1) pair<const int, A*>;
%template(paircA2) pair<const int, const A*>;
%template(pairiiA) pair<int,pair<int, A*> >;
%template(pairiiAc) pair<int,const pair<int, A*> >;
%template() pair< swig::LANGUAGE_OBJ, swig::LANGUAGE_OBJ >;
%template(LanguageMap) map< swig::LANGUAGE_OBJ, swig::LANGUAGE_OBJ >;
std::pair<int, A*>
p_identa(std::pair<int, A*> p) {
return p;
std::map<int,A*> m_identa(const std::map<int,A*>& v)
return v;
namespace std
%template(mapii) map<int,int>;