blob: b422655a42b9361ddd0e29e4ad8ddd5bb4639be9 [file] [log] [blame]
import li_std_vector.*;
public class li_std_vector_runme {
static {
try {
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
System.err.println("Native code library failed to load. See the chapter on Dynamic Linking Problems in the SWIG Java documentation for help.\n" + e);
public static void main(String argv[]) throws Throwable
IntVector v1 = li_std_vector.vecintptr(new IntVector());
IntPtrVector v2 = li_std_vector.vecintptr(new IntPtrVector());
IntConstPtrVector v3 = li_std_vector.vecintconstptr(new IntConstPtrVector());
if (v1.get(0) != 123) throw new RuntimeException("v1 test failed");
StructVector v4 = li_std_vector.vecstruct(new StructVector());
StructPtrVector v5 = li_std_vector.vecstructptr(new StructPtrVector());
StructConstPtrVector v6 = li_std_vector.vecstructconstptr(new StructConstPtrVector());
v4.add(new Struct(12));
v5.add(new Struct(34));
v6.add(new Struct(56));
Struct s = null;
if (v4.get(0).getNum() != 12) throw new RuntimeException("v4 test failed");
if (v5.get(0).getNum() != 34) throw new RuntimeException("v5 test failed");
if (v6.get(0).getNum() != 56) throw new RuntimeException("v6 test failed");