blob: f333042848e1fc9ee066a975e5ebc4748cd0bdd6 [file] [log] [blame]
%module inctest
// This test fails if swig is not able to include
// the following two files:
// 'testdir/subdir1/hello.i'
// 'testdir/subdir2/hello.i'
// since they have the same basename 'hello', swig is only
// including one. This is not right, it must include both,
// as the well known compilers do.
// Also repeats the test for the import directive in subdirectories
%include "testdir/test.i"
// Bug #1162194
%inline %{
typedef struct {
#include "inctest.h"
typedef struct {
#include "inctest.h"
typedef struct {
%include "inctest.h"