blob: 846644f09bd79de9c7675bd825783aa421e8c37a [file] [log] [blame]
using System;
using System.Threading;
using csharp_typemapsNamespace;
public class runme
static void Main()
// Test the C# types customisation by modifying the default char * typemaps to return a single char
Things things = new Things();
System.Text.StringBuilder initialLetters = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
char myChar = things.start("boo");
myChar = Things.stop("hiss");
myChar = csharp_typemaps.partyon("off");
if (initialLetters.ToString() != "bho")
throw new Exception("initial letters failed");
// $csinput expansion
csharp_typemaps.myInt = 1;
try {
csharp_typemaps.myInt = -1;
throw new Exception("oops");
} catch (ApplicationException) {
// Eager garbage collector test
const int NUM_THREADS = 8;
Thread[] threads = new Thread[NUM_THREADS];
TestThread[] testThreads = new TestThread[NUM_THREADS];
// invoke the threads
for (int i=0; i<NUM_THREADS; i++) {
testThreads[i] = new TestThread(i);
threads[i] = new Thread(new ThreadStart(testThreads[i].Run));
// wait for the threads to finish
for (int i=0; i<NUM_THREADS; i++) {
for (int i=0; i<NUM_THREADS; i++) {
if (testThreads[i].Failed) throw new Exception("Test Failed");
public class TestThread {
private int threadId;
public bool Failed;
public TestThread(int id) {
threadId = id;
public void Run() {
Failed = false;
try {
// Older versions of SWIG used IntPtr instead of HandleRef to hold the underlying
// C++ pointer, so this test would (usually) fail as the garbage collector would
// sometimes collect the Number class while it was being used in unmanaged code
for (int i=0; i<5000; i++) { // run test for a few seconds
Obj obj = new Obj();
Number n = new Number(i);
Number triple = obj.triple(n);
if (triple.Value != i*3)
throw new ApplicationException("triple failed: " + triple.Value);
Obj obj = new Obj();
Number n = new Number(i);
Number times6 = obj.times6(n);
if (times6.Value != i*6)
throw new ApplicationException("times6 failed: " + times6.Value);
Obj obj = new Obj();
Number n = new Number(i);
Number times9 = obj.times9(n);
if (times9.Value != i*9)
throw new ApplicationException("times9 failed: " + times9.Value);
Number n = new Number(i);
Number quadruple = csharp_typemaps.quadruple(n);
if (quadruple.Value != i*4)
throw new ApplicationException("quadruple failed: " + quadruple.Value);
Number n = new Number(i);
Number times8 = csharp_typemaps.times8(n);
if (times8.Value != i*8)
throw new ApplicationException("times8 failed: " + times8.Value);
Number n = new Number(i);
Number times12 = csharp_typemaps.times12(n);
if (times12.Value != i*12)
throw new ApplicationException("times12 failed: " + times12.Value);
} catch (Exception e) {
Console.Error.WriteLine("Test failed (thread " + threadId + "): " + e.Message);
Failed = true;