blob: 9170a7ae00b051f44412beb84cf86f1f442eb755 [file] [log] [blame]
This example tests the %import directive and working with multiple modules.
Use 'ruby runme.rb' to run a test.
The example defines 4 different extension modules--each wrapping
a separate C++ class.
base.i - Base class
foo.i - Foo class derived from Base
bar.i - Bar class derived from Base
spam.i - Spam class derived from Bar
Each module uses %import to refer to another module. For
example, the 'foo.i' module uses '%import base.i' to get
definitions for its base class.
If everything is okay, all of the modules will load properly and
type checking will work correctly. Caveat: Some compilers, for example
gcc-3.2.x, generate broken vtables with the inline methods in this test.
This is not a SWIG problem and can usually be solved with non-inlined
destructors compiled into separate shared objects/DLLs.
- Run make
- Run the test as described above