blob: 9028d02d945ddc878ebee270c4f6c902dd7170d9 [file] [log] [blame]
import example
# Create the Circle object
r = 2;
print " Creating circle (radium: %d) :" % r
c = example.Circle(r)
# Set the location of the object
c.x = 20
c.y = 30
print " Here is its current position:"
print " Circle = (%f, %f)" % (c.x,c.y)
# ----- Call some methods -----
print "\n Here are some properties of the Circle:"
print " area = ", c.area()
print " perimeter = ", c.perimeter()
dx = 1;
dy = 1;
print " Moving with (%d, %d)..." % (dx, dy)
c.move(dx, dy)
del c
print "==================================="
# test construction */
r = -1;
print " Creating circle (radium: %d) :" % r
c = example.Circle(r)