blob: c290af54db7e203da364d989d2f021896e1eb7ec [file] [log] [blame]
;;; Plot a 3D function
(declare (uses gifplot))
;; Here is the function to plot
(define (func x y)
(* 5
(cos (* 2 (sqrt (+ (* x x) (* y y)))))
(exp (* -0.3 (sqrt (+ (* x x) (* y y)))))))
;; Here are some plotting parameters
(define xmin -5.0)
(define xmax 5.0)
(define ymin -5.0)
(define ymax 5.0)
(define zmin -5.0)
(define zmax 5.0)
;; Grid resolution
(define nxpoints 60)
(define nypoints 60)
(define cmap (gifplot:new-ColorMap "cmap"))
(define frame (gifplot:new-FrameBuffer 500 500))
(gifplot:FrameBuffer-clear frame (gifplot:BLACK))
(define p3 (gifplot:new-Plot3D frame xmin ymin zmin xmax ymax zmax))
(gifplot:Plot3D-lookat p3 (* 2 (- zmax zmin)))
(gifplot:Plot3D-autoperspective p3 40.0)
(gifplot:Plot3D-rotu p3 60.0)
(gifplot:Plot3D-rotr p3 30.0)
(gifplot:Plot3D-rotd p3 10.0)
(define (drawsolid)
(gifplot:Plot3D-clear p3 (gifplot:BLACK))
(gifplot:Plot3D-start p3)
(let ((dx (/ (- xmax xmin) nxpoints))
(dy (/ (- ymax ymin) nypoints))
(cscale (/ 240 (- zmax zmin))))
(let x-loop ((x xmin) (i 0))
((< i nxpoints)
(let y-loop ((y ymin) (j 0))
((< j nypoints)
(let* ((z1 (func x y))
(z2 (func (+ x dx) y))
(z3 (func (+ x dx) (+ y dy)))
(z4 (func x (+ y dy)))
(c1 (* cscale (- z1 zmin)))
(c2 (* cscale (- z2 zmin)))
(c3 (* cscale (- z3 zmin)))
(c4 (* cscale (- z4 zmin)))
(cc (/ (+ c1 c2 c3 c4) 4))
(c (inexact->exact (round (max (min cc 239) 0)))))
(gifplot:Plot3D-solidquad p3 x y z1 (+ x dx) y z2 (+ x dx) (+ y dy)
z3 x (+ y dy) z4
(gifplot:int->Pixel (+ c 16))))
(y-loop (+ y dy) (+ j 1)))))
(x-loop (+ x dx) (+ i 1)))))))
(display "Making a nice 3D plot...\n")
(gifplot:FrameBuffer-writeGIF frame cmap "image.gif")
(display "Wrote image.gif\n")