blob: 0c1f87d194089b4f0102ee68a6e895f40d9c40ae [file] [log] [blame]
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This file is part of SWIG, which is licensed as a whole under version 3
* (or any later version) of the GNU General Public License. Some additional
* terms also apply to certain portions of SWIG. The full details of the SWIG
* license and copyrights can be found in the LICENSE and COPYRIGHT files
* included with the SWIG source code as distributed by the SWIG developers
* and at
* utils.cxx
* Various utility functions.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "swigmod.h"
int is_public(Node *n) {
String *access = Getattr(n, "access");
return !access || !Cmp(access, "public");
int is_private(Node *n) {
String *access = Getattr(n, "access");
return access && !Cmp(access, "private");
int is_protected(Node *n) {
String *access = Getattr(n, "access");
return access && !Cmp(access, "protected");
static int is_member_director_helper(Node *parentnode, Node *member) {
int parent_nodirector = GetFlag(parentnode, "feature:nodirector");
if (parent_nodirector)
return 0;
int parent_director = Swig_director_mode() && GetFlag(parentnode, "feature:director");
int cdecl_director = parent_director || GetFlag(member, "feature:director");
int cdecl_nodirector = GetFlag(member, "feature:nodirector");
return cdecl_director && !cdecl_nodirector && !GetFlag(member, "feature:extend");
int is_member_director(Node *parentnode, Node *member) {
if (parentnode && checkAttribute(member, "storage", "virtual")) {
return is_member_director_helper(parentnode, member);
} else {
return 0;
int is_member_director(Node *member) {
return is_member_director(Getattr(member, "parentNode"), member);
// Identifies the additional protected members that are generated when the allprotected option is used.
// This does not include protected virtual methods as they are turned on with the dirprot option.
int is_non_virtual_protected_access(Node *n) {
int result = 0;
if (Swig_director_mode() && Swig_director_protected_mode() && Swig_all_protected_mode() && is_protected(n) && !checkAttribute(n, "storage", "virtual")) {
Node *parentNode = Getattr(n, "parentNode");
// When vtable is empty, the director class does not get emitted, so a check for an empty vtable should be done.
// However, vtable is set in Language and so is not yet set when methods in Typepass call clean_overloaded()
// which calls is_non_virtual_protected_access. So commented out below.
// Moving the director vtable creation into Typepass should solve this problem.
if (is_member_director_helper(parentNode, n) /* && Getattr(parentNode, "vtable")*/)
result = 1;
return result;
/* Clean overloaded list. Removes templates, ignored, and errors */
void clean_overloaded(Node *n) {
Node *nn = Getattr(n, "sym:overloaded");
Node *first = 0;
while (nn) {
String *ntype = nodeType(nn);
if ((GetFlag(nn, "feature:ignore")) ||
(Getattr(nn, "error")) ||
(Strcmp(ntype, "template") == 0) ||
((Strcmp(ntype, "cdecl") == 0) && is_protected(nn) && !is_member_director(nn) && !is_non_virtual_protected_access(n))) {
/* Remove from overloaded list */
Node *ps = Getattr(nn, "sym:previousSibling");
Node *ns = Getattr(nn, "sym:nextSibling");
if (ps) {
Setattr(ps, "sym:nextSibling", ns);
if (ns) {
Setattr(ns, "sym:previousSibling", ps);
Delattr(nn, "sym:previousSibling");
Delattr(nn, "sym:nextSibling");
Delattr(nn, "sym:overloaded");
nn = ns;
} else {
if (!first)
first = nn;
Setattr(nn, "sym:overloaded", first);
nn = Getattr(nn, "sym:nextSibling");
if (!first || (first && !Getattr(first, "sym:nextSibling"))) {
if (Getattr(n, "sym:overloaded"))
Delattr(n, "sym:overloaded");
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Swig_set_max_hash_expand()
* Controls how many Hash objects are displayed when displaying nested Hash objects.
* Makes DohSetMaxHashExpand an externally callable function (for debugger).
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Swig_set_max_hash_expand(int count) {
extern "C" {
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Swig_get_max_hash_expand()
* Returns how many Hash objects are displayed when displaying nested Hash objects.
* Makes DohGetMaxHashExpand an externally callable function (for debugger).
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int Swig_get_max_hash_expand() {
return GetMaxHashExpand();
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Swig_to_doh_string()
* DOH version of Swig_to_string()
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static String *Swig_to_doh_string(DOH *object, int count) {
int old_count = Swig_get_max_hash_expand();
if (count >= 0)
String *debug_string = object ? NewStringf("%s", object) : NewString("NULL");
return debug_string;
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Swig_to_doh_string_with_location()
* DOH version of Swig_to_string_with_location()
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static String *Swig_to_doh_string_with_location(DOH *object, int count) {
int old_count = Swig_get_max_hash_expand();
if (count >= 0)
String *debug_string = Swig_stringify_with_location(object);
return debug_string;
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Swig_to_string()
* Swig debug - return C string representation of any DOH type.
* Nested Hash types expand count is value of Swig_get_max_hash_expand when count<0
* Note: leaks memory.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
const char *Swig_to_string(DOH *object, int count) {
return Char(Swig_to_doh_string(object, count));
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Swig_to_string_with_location()
* Swig debug - return C string representation of any DOH type, within [] brackets
* for Hash and List types, prefixed by line and file information.
* Nested Hash types expand count is value of Swig_get_max_hash_expand when count<0
* Note: leaks memory.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
const char *Swig_to_string_with_location(DOH *object, int count) {
return Char(Swig_to_doh_string_with_location(object, count));
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Swig_print()
* Swig debug - display string representation of any DOH type.
* Nested Hash types expand count is value of Swig_get_max_hash_expand when count<0
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Swig_print(DOH *object, int count) {
String *output = Swig_to_doh_string(object, count);
Printf(stdout, "%s\n", output);
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Swig_to_string_with_location()
* Swig debug - display string representation of any DOH type, within [] brackets
* for Hash and List types, prefixed by line and file information.
* Nested Hash types expand count is value of Swig_get_max_hash_expand when count<0
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Swig_print_with_location(DOH *object, int count) {
String *output = Swig_to_doh_string_with_location(object, count);
Printf(stdout, "%s\n", output);
} // extern "C"