blob: dfb2e4af4a0c90c136e92fdac7f65edbf587c543 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This file is part of SWIG, which is licensed as a whole under version 3
* (or any later version) of the GNU General Public License. Some additional
* terms also apply to certain portions of SWIG. The full details of the SWIG
* license and copyrights can be found in the LICENSE and COPYRIGHT files
* included with the SWIG source code as distributed by the SWIG developers
* and at
* warn.c
* SWIG warning framework. This was added to warn developers about
* deprecated APIs and other features.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
char cvsroot_warn_c[] = "$Id$";
#include "swig.h"
static Hash *warnings = 0;
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Swig_warn()
* Issue a warning
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Swig_warn(const char *filename, int line, const char *msg) {
String *key;
if (!warnings) {
warnings = NewHash();
key = NewStringf("%s:%d", filename, line);
if (!Getattr(warnings, key)) {
Printf(stderr, "swig-dev warning:%s:%d:%s\n", filename, line, msg);
Setattr(warnings, key, key);