blob: 5e7b1f26c8806050f6ea73ba0f7174fdbaa7b486 [file] [log] [blame]
(* file:
This file illustrates the proxy class C++ interface generated
by SWIG. *)
open Swig
open Example
let repr o =
Printf.sprintf "<%s at %#x>" (o -> ":classof" () as string) (o -> "&" () as int)
(* ----- Object creation ----- *)
let _ = print_endline "Creating some objects:"
let c = new_Circle '(10)
let _ = Printf.printf " Created circle %s\n" (repr c)
let s = new_Square '(10)
let _ = Printf.printf " Created square %s\n" (repr s)
(* ----- Access a static member ----- *)
let _ = Printf.printf "\nA total of %d shapes were created\n" (_Shape_nshapes '() as int)
(* ----- Member data access ----- *)
(* Set the location of the object *)
let _ = c -> "[x]" (20)
let _ = c -> "[y]" (30)
(* Temp var to work around a swigp4 bug (it doesn't properly handle "-" in some cases). *)
let arg = (-10. to float)
let _ = s -> "[x]" (arg)
let _ = s -> "[y]" (5)
let _ = print_endline "\nHere is their current position:"
let _ = Printf.printf " Circle = (%f, %f)\n" (c -> "[x]" () as float) (c -> "[y]" () as float)
let _ = Printf.printf " Square = (%f, %f)\n" (s -> "[x]" () as float) (s -> "[y]" () as float)
(* ----- Call some methods ----- *)
let _ = print_endline "\nHere are some properties of the shapes:"
let _ = List.iter (fun o ->
Printf.printf " %s\n" (repr o);
Printf.printf " area = %f\n" (o -> area () as float);
Printf.printf " perimeter = %f\n" (o -> perimeter () as float)
) [c; s]
let _ = print_endline "\nGuess I'll clean up now"
(* Note: this invokes the virtual destructor *)
let _ = c -> "~" ()
let _ = s -> "~" ()
let _ = Printf.printf "%d shapes remain\n" (_Shape_nshapes '() as int)
let _ = print_endline "Goodbye"