blob: bc91637c42505e63ab232af388c0dc3b43dcc371 [file] [log] [blame]
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 17;
BEGIN { use_ok('cpp17_string_view') }
use Devel::Peek;
# Checking expected use of %typemap(in) std::string_view {}
# Checking expected result of %typemap(out) std::string_view {}
is(cpp17_string_view::test_value("Fi"), "Fi", "Test 1");
# Verify type-checking for %typemap(in) std::string_view {}
eval { cpp17_string_view::test_value(undef) };
like($@, qr/\bTypeError\b/, "Test 2");
# Checking expected use of %typemap(in) const std::string_view & {}
# Checking expected result of %typemap(out) const std::string_view& {}
is(cpp17_string_view::test_const_reference("Fum"), "Fum", "Test 3");
# Verify type-checking for %typemap(in) const std::string_view & {}
eval { cpp17_string_view::test_const_reference(undef) };
like($@, qr/\bValueError\b/, "Test 4");
# Input and output typemaps for pointers and non-const references to
# std::string_view are *not* supported; the following tests confirm
# that none of these cases are slipping through.
my $stringPtr = undef;
$stringPtr = cpp17_string_view::test_pointer_out();
$stringPtr = cpp17_string_view::test_const_pointer_out();
$stringPtr = cpp17_string_view::test_reference_out();
# Check throw exception specification
eval { cpp17_string_view::test_throw() };
like($@, qr/^test_throw message/, "Test 5");
{ local $TODO = "why is the error not a Perl string?";
eval { cpp17_string_view::test_const_reference_throw() };
is($@, "<some kind of string>", "Test 6");
# Global variables
is($cpp17_string_view::ConstGlobalString, "const global string", "ConstGlobalString test");
# Member variables
my $myStructure = new cpp17_string_view::Structure();
is($myStructure->{ConstMemberString}, "const member string", "ConstMemberString test");
is($cpp17_string_view::Structure::ConstStaticMemberString, "const static member string", "ConstStaticMemberString test");
is(cpp17_string_view::stdstringview_empty(), "", "stdstringview_empty");
is(cpp17_string_view::c_empty(), "", "c_empty");
is(cpp17_string_view::c_null(), undef, "c_null");
is(cpp17_string_view::get_null(cpp17_string_view::c_null()), undef, "get_null c_null");
is(cpp17_string_view::get_null(cpp17_string_view::c_empty()), "non-null", "get_null c_empty");
is(cpp17_string_view::get_null(cpp17_string_view::stdstringview_empty()), "non-null", "get_null stdstringview_empty");